blob: f951bd4f7fa533b72dd88a7ec01243c31cf6d38f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/external_estimate_provider.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
#include "net/base/socket_performance_watcher.h"
#include "net/base/socket_performance_watcher_factory.h"
namespace net {
class URLRequest;
// NetworkQualityEstimator provides network quality estimates (quality of the
// full paths to all origins that have been connected to).
// The estimates are based on the observed organic traffic.
// A NetworkQualityEstimator instance is attached to URLRequestContexts and
// observes the traffic of URLRequests spawned from the URLRequestContexts.
// A single instance of NQE can be attached to multiple URLRequestContexts,
// thereby increasing the single NQE instance's accuracy by providing more
// observed traffic characteristics.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE NetworkQualityEstimator
: public NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionTypeObserver,
public ExternalEstimateProvider::UpdatedEstimateDelegate,
public SocketPerformanceWatcherFactory {
// Creates a new NetworkQualityEstimator.
// |variation_params| is the map containing all field trial parameters
// related to NetworkQualityEstimator field trial.
// |external_estimates_provider| may be NULL.
scoped_ptr<ExternalEstimateProvider> external_estimates_provider,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& variation_params);
~NetworkQualityEstimator() override;
// Returns true if RTT is available and sets |rtt| to estimated RTT.
// Virtualized for testing. |rtt| should not be null.
virtual bool GetRTTEstimate(base::TimeDelta* rtt) const;
// Returns true if downlink throughput is available and sets |kbps| to
// estimated downlink throughput (in Kilobits per second).
// Virtualized for testing. |kbps| should not be null.
virtual bool GetDownlinkThroughputKbpsEstimate(int32_t* kbps) const;
// Notifies NetworkQualityEstimator that the response header of |request| has
// been received.
void NotifyHeadersReceived(const URLRequest& request);
// Notifies NetworkQualityEstimator that the response body of |request| has
// been received.
void NotifyRequestCompleted(const URLRequest& request);
// Returns true if median RTT is available and sets |rtt| to the median of
// RTT observations since |begin_timestamp|.
// Virtualized for testing. |rtt| should not be null.
virtual bool GetRecentMedianRTT(const base::TimeTicks& begin_timestamp,
base::TimeDelta* rtt) const;
// Returns true if median downstream throughput is available and sets |kbps|
// to the median of downstream Kbps observations since |begin_timestamp|.
// Virtualized for testing. |kbps| should not be null.
virtual bool GetRecentMedianDownlinkThroughputKbps(
const base::TimeTicks& begin_timestamp,
int32_t* kbps) const;
// SocketPerformanceWatcherFactory implementation:
scoped_ptr<SocketPerformanceWatcher> CreateTCPSocketPerformanceWatcher()
const override;
scoped_ptr<SocketPerformanceWatcher> CreateUDPSocketPerformanceWatcher()
const override;
// NetworkID is used to uniquely identify a network.
// For the purpose of network quality estimation and caching, a network is
// uniquely identified by a combination of |type| and
// |id|. This approach is unable to distinguish networks with
// same name (e.g., different Wi-Fi networks with same SSID).
// This is a protected member to expose it to tests.
NetworkID(NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType type, const std::string& id)
: type(type), id(id) {}
NetworkID(const NetworkID& other) : type(other.type), id( {}
~NetworkID() {}
NetworkID& operator=(const NetworkID& other) {
type = other.type;
id =;
return *this;
// Overloaded because NetworkID is used as key in a map.
bool operator<(const NetworkID& other) const {
return type < other.type || (type == other.type && id <;
// Connection type of the network.
NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType type;
// Name of this network. This is set to:
// - Wi-Fi SSID if the device is connected to a Wi-Fi access point and the
// SSID name is available, or
// - MCC/MNC code of the cellular carrier if the device is connected to a
// cellular network, or
// - "Ethernet" in case the device is connected to ethernet.
// - An empty string in all other cases or if the network name is not
// exposed by platform APIs.
std::string id;
// Construct a NetworkQualityEstimator instance allowing for test
// configuration. Registers for network type change notifications so estimates
// can be kept network specific.
// |external_estimates_provider| may be NULL.
// |variation_params| is the map containing all field trial parameters for the
// network quality estimator field trial.
// |allow_local_host_requests_for_tests| should only be true when testing
// against local HTTP server and allows the requests to local host to be
// used for network quality estimation.
// |allow_smaller_responses_for_tests| should only be true when testing.
// Allows the responses smaller than |kMinTransferSizeInBytes| or shorter than
// |kMinRequestDurationMicroseconds| to be used for network quality
// estimation.
scoped_ptr<ExternalEstimateProvider> external_estimates_provider,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& variation_params,
bool allow_local_host_requests_for_tests,
bool allow_smaller_responses_for_tests);
// Returns true if the cached network quality estimate was successfully read.
bool ReadCachedNetworkQualityEstimate();
// NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionTypeObserver implementation:
void OnConnectionTypeChanged(
NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType type) override;
// ExternalEstimateProvider::UpdatedEstimateObserver implementation.
void OnUpdatedEstimateAvailable() override;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NetworkQualityEstimatorTest, StoreObservations);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NetworkQualityEstimatorTest, TestKbpsRTTUpdates);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NetworkQualityEstimatorTest, TestAddObservation);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NetworkQualityEstimatorTest, ObtainOperatingParams);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NetworkQualityEstimatorTest, HalfLifeParam);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(URLRequestTestHTTP, NetworkQualityEstimator);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NetworkQualityEstimatorTest, ComputedPercentiles);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NetworkQualityEstimatorTest, TestCaching);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NetworkQualityEstimatorTest, TestGetMedianRTTSince);
// NetworkQuality is used to cache the quality of a network connection.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE NetworkQuality {
// |rtt| is the estimate of the round trip time.
// |downstream_throughput_kbps| is the estimate of the downstream
// throughput.
NetworkQuality(const base::TimeDelta& rtt,
int32_t downstream_throughput_kbps);
NetworkQuality(const NetworkQuality& other);
NetworkQuality& operator=(const NetworkQuality& other);
// Returns the estimate of the round trip time.
const base::TimeDelta& rtt() const { return rtt_; }
// Returns the estimate of the downstream throughput in Kbps (Kilo bits per
// second).
int32_t downstream_throughput_kbps() const {
return downstream_throughput_kbps_;
// Estimated round trip time.
base::TimeDelta rtt_;
// Estimated downstream throughput in Kbps.
int32_t downstream_throughput_kbps_;
// CachedNetworkQuality stores the quality of a previously seen network.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE CachedNetworkQuality {
explicit CachedNetworkQuality(const NetworkQuality& network_quality);
CachedNetworkQuality(const CachedNetworkQuality& other);
// Returns the network quality associated with this cached entry.
const NetworkQuality& network_quality() const { return network_quality_; }
// Returns true if this cache entry was updated before
// |cached_network_quality|.
bool OlderThan(const CachedNetworkQuality& cached_network_quality) const;
// Time when this cache entry was last updated.
const base::TimeTicks last_update_time_;
// Quality of this cached network.
const NetworkQuality network_quality_;
// Records the round trip time or throughput observation, along with the time
// the observation was made.
struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE Observation {
Observation(int32_t value, base::TimeTicks timestamp);
// Value of the observation.
const int32_t value;
// Time when the observation was taken.
const base::TimeTicks timestamp;
// Holds an observation and its weight.
struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE WeightedObservation {
WeightedObservation(int32_t value, double weight)
: value(value), weight(weight) {}
WeightedObservation(const WeightedObservation& other)
: WeightedObservation(other.value, other.weight) {}
WeightedObservation& operator=(const WeightedObservation& other) {
value = other.value;
weight = other.weight;
return *this;
// Required for sorting the samples in the ascending order of values.
bool operator<(const WeightedObservation& other) const {
return (value < other.value);
// Value of the sample.
int32_t value;
// Weight of the sample. This is computed based on how much time has passed
// since the sample was taken.
double weight;
// Stores observations sorted by time.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE ObservationBuffer {
explicit ObservationBuffer(double weight_multiplier_per_second);
// Adds |observation| to the buffer. The oldest observation in the buffer
// will be evicted to make room if the buffer is already full.
void AddObservation(const Observation& observation);
// Returns the number of observations in this buffer.
size_t Size() const;
// Clears the observations stored in this buffer.
void Clear();
// Returns true iff the |percentile| value of the observations in this
// buffer is available. Sets |result| to the computed |percentile|
// value among all observations since |begin_timestamp|. If the value is
// unavailable, false is returned and |result| is not modified. Percentile
// value is unavailable if all the values in observation buffer are older
// than |begin_timestamp|.
// |result| must not be null.
bool GetPercentile(const base::TimeTicks& begin_timestamp,
int32_t* result,
int percentile) const;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NetworkQualityEstimatorTest, StoreObservations);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NetworkQualityEstimatorTest, HalfLifeParam);
// Computes the weighted observations and stores them in
// |weighted_observations| sorted by ascending |WeightedObservation.value|.
// Only the observations with timestamp later than |begin_timestamp| are
// considered. Also, sets |total_weight| to the total weight of all
// observations. Should be called only when there is at least one
// observation in the buffer.
void ComputeWeightedObservations(
const base::TimeTicks& begin_timestamp,
std::vector<WeightedObservation>& weighted_observations,
double* total_weight) const;
// Holds observations sorted by time, with the oldest observation at the
// front of the queue.
std::deque<Observation> observations_;
// The factor by which the weight of an observation reduces every second.
// For example, if an observation is 6 seconds old, its weight would be:
// weight_multiplier_per_second_ ^ 6
// Calculated from |kHalfLifeSeconds| by solving the following equation:
// weight_multiplier_per_second_ ^ kHalfLifeSeconds = 0.5
const double weight_multiplier_per_second_;
// This does not use a unordered_map or hash_map for code simplicity (key just
// implements operator<, rather than hash and equality) and because the map is
// tiny.
typedef std::map<NetworkID, CachedNetworkQuality> CachedNetworkQualities;
// Throughput is set to |kInvalidThroughput| if a valid value is
// unavailable. Readers should discard throughput value if it is set to
// |kInvalidThroughput|.
static const int32_t kInvalidThroughput;
// Tiny transfer sizes may give inaccurate throughput results.
// Minimum size of the transfer over which the throughput is computed.
static const int kMinTransferSizeInBytes = 10000;
// Minimum duration (in microseconds) of the transfer over which the
// throughput is computed.
static const int kMinRequestDurationMicroseconds = 1000;
// Minimum valid value of the variation parameter that holds RTT (in
// milliseconds) values.
static const int kMinimumRTTVariationParameterMsec = 1;
// Minimum valid value of the variation parameter that holds throughput (in
// kbps) values.
static const int kMinimumThroughputVariationParameterKbps = 1;
// Maximum size of the cache that holds network quality estimates.
// Smaller size may reduce the cache hit rate due to frequent evictions.
// Larger size may affect performance.
static const size_t kMaximumNetworkQualityCacheSize = 10;
// Maximum number of observations that can be held in the ObservationBuffer.
static const size_t kMaximumObservationsBufferSize = 300;
// Time duration (in milliseconds) after which the estimate provided by
// external estimate provider is considered stale.
static const int kExternalEstimateProviderFreshnessDurationMsec =
5 * 60 * 1000;
// Returns the RTT value to be used when the valid RTT is unavailable. Readers
// should discard RTT if it is set to the value returned by |InvalidRTT()|.
static const base::TimeDelta InvalidRTT();
// Queries the external estimate provider for the latest network quality
// estimates, and adds those estimates to the current observation buffer.
void QueryExternalEstimateProvider();
// Obtains operating parameters from the field trial parameters.
void ObtainOperatingParams(
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& variation_params);
// Adds the default median RTT and downstream throughput estimate for the
// current connection type to the observation buffer.
void AddDefaultEstimates();
// Returns an estimate of network quality at the specified |percentile|.
// Only the observations later than |begin_timestamp| are taken into account.
// |percentile| must be between 0 and 100 (both inclusive) with higher
// percentiles indicating less performant networks. For example, if
// |percentile| is 90, then the network is expected to be faster than the
// returned estimate with 0.9 probability. Similarly, network is expected to
// be slower than the returned estimate with 0.1 probability.
base::TimeDelta GetRTTEstimateInternal(const base::TimeTicks& begin_timestamp,
int percentile) const;
int32_t GetDownlinkThroughputKbpsEstimateInternal(
const base::TimeTicks& begin_timestamp,
int percentile) const;
// Returns the current network ID checking by calling the platform APIs.
// Virtualized for testing.
virtual NetworkID GetCurrentNetworkID() const;
// Writes the estimated quality of the current network to the cache.
void CacheNetworkQualityEstimate();
// Records the UMA related to RTT.
void RecordRTTUMA(int32_t estimated_value_msec,
int32_t actual_value_msec) const;
// Returns true only if |request| can be used for network quality estimation.
// Only the requests that go over network are considered to provide useful
// observations.
bool RequestProvidesUsefulObservations(const URLRequest& request) const;
// Values of external estimate provider status. This enum must remain
// synchronized with the enum of the same name in
// metrics/histograms/histograms.xml.
enum NQEExternalEstimateProviderStatus {
// Records the metrics related to external estimate provider.
void RecordExternalEstimateProviderMetrics(
NQEExternalEstimateProviderStatus status) const;
// Determines if the requests to local host can be used in estimating the
// network quality. Set to true only for tests.
const bool allow_localhost_requests_;
// Determines if the responses smaller than |kMinTransferSizeInBytes|
// or shorter than |kMinTransferSizeInBytes| can be used in estimating the
// network quality. Set to true only for tests.
const bool allow_small_responses_;
// Time when last connection change was observed.
base::TimeTicks last_connection_change_;
// ID of the current network.
NetworkID current_network_id_;
// Peak network quality (fastest round-trip-time (RTT) and highest
// downstream throughput) measured since last connectivity change. RTT is
// measured from time the request is sent until the first byte received.
// The accuracy is decreased by ignoring these factors:
// 1) Multiple URLRequests can occur concurrently.
// 2) Includes server processing time.
NetworkQuality peak_network_quality_;
// Cache that stores quality of previously seen networks.
CachedNetworkQualities cached_network_qualities_;
// Buffer that holds Kbps observations sorted by timestamp.
ObservationBuffer downstream_throughput_kbps_observations_;
// Buffer that holds RTT (in milliseconds) observations sorted by timestamp.
ObservationBuffer rtt_msec_observations_;
// Default network quality observations obtained from the network quality
// estimator field trial parameters. The observations are indexed by
// ConnectionType.
default_observations_[NetworkChangeNotifier::CONNECTION_LAST + 1];
// Estimated network quality. Updated on mainframe requests.
NetworkQuality estimated_median_network_quality_;
// ExternalEstimateProvider that provides network quality using operating
// system APIs. May be NULL.
const scoped_ptr<ExternalEstimateProvider> external_estimate_provider_;
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
} // namespace net