blob: 21b0e2b5c0d045ba2dcf37f08d664251243297d7 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
# Add third_party directory to the Python import path
import jinja2
# Oldest version of this directory that works for serving. Used to limit git
# history searches.
FIRST_REVISION = '08a37e09f110ab9cb2af3180f054f26a2fd274d6'
TEST_SUBDIR = 'webxr-samples'
INDEX_TEMPLATE = 'bucket_index.html'
# Google Cloud storage bucket destination.
BUCKET = 'gs://chromium-webxr-test'
# URL templates used for creating the index page.
CR_POSITION_RE = re.compile(r'^Cr-Commit-Position:.*\#(\d+)')
BUCKET_COPY_RE = re.compile(r'^r(\d+)')
g_flags = None
def run_command(*args):
"""Runs a shell command and returns output."""
logging.debug('Executing: %s', args)
return subprocess.check_output(args)
def run_readonly(*args):
"""Runs command expected to have no side effects, safe for dry runs."""
return run_command(*args)
def run_modify(*args):
"""Runs command with side effects, skipped for dry runs."""
if g_flags.dry_run:
print('Dry-Run:', *args)
return run_command(*args)
def get_cr_positions():
"""Retrieves list of Cr-Commit-Position entries for local commits"""
revs = run_readonly('git', 'log', '--format=%H', FIRST_REVISION+'^..', '--',
cr_positions = []
for rev in revs.splitlines():
cr_position = None
msg = run_readonly('git', 'show', '-s', '--format=%B', rev)
for line in msg.splitlines():
m = CR_POSITION_RE.match(line)
if m:
cr_position =
return cr_positions
def get_bucket_copies():
"""Retrieves list of test subdirectories from Cloud Storage"""
copies = []
dirs = run_readonly('gsutil', 'ls', '-d', BUCKET)
strip_len = len(BUCKET) + 1
for rev in dirs.splitlines():
pos = rev[strip_len:]
m =
if m:
return copies
def is_working_dir_clean():
"""Checks if the git working directory has unsaved changes"""
status = run_readonly('git', 'status', '--porcelain', '--untracked-files=no')
return status.strip() == ''
def write_to_bucket(cr_position):
"""Copies the test directory to Cloud Storage"""
destination = BUCKET + '/r' + cr_position
run_modify('gsutil', '-m', 'rsync', '-x', 'media', '-r', './' + TEST_SUBDIR,
def write_index():
"""Updates Cloud Storage index.html based on available test copies"""
cr_positions = get_bucket_copies()
cr_positions.sort(key=int, reverse=True)
logging.debug('Index: %s', cr_positions)
items = []
for pos in cr_positions:
rev = 'r' + pos
links = []
links.append({'href': '%s/index.html' % rev,
'anchor': 'index.html'})
links.append({'href': LINK_CRREV % pos,
'anchor': '[crrev]'})
links.append({'href': LINK_OMAHAPROXY % rev,
'anchor': '[find in releases]'})
items.append({'text': rev, 'links': links})
template = jinja2.Template(open(INDEX_TEMPLATE).read())
content = template.render({'items': items})
logging.debug('index.html content:\n%s', content)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.html') as temp:
run_modify('gsutil', 'cp',, BUCKET + '/index.html')
def update_test_copies():
"""Uploads a new test copy if available"""
if not is_working_dir_clean() and not g_flags.ignore_unclean_status:
raise Exception('Working directory is not clean, check "git status"')
cr_positions = get_cr_positions()
logging.debug('Found git commit positions: %s', cr_positions)
if not cr_positions:
raise Exception('No commit positions found')
latest_cr_position = cr_positions[0]
if latest_cr_position is None and not g_flags.force_destination_cr_position:
raise Exception('Top commit has no Cr-Commit-Position. Sync to master?')
existing_copies = get_bucket_copies()
logging.debug('Found bucket copies: %s', existing_copies)
out_cr_position = g_flags.force_destination_cr_position or latest_cr_position
need_index_update = False
if out_cr_position in existing_copies:'Destination "r%s" already exists, skipping write',
need_index_update = True
return need_index_update
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""
Copies the current '%s' content to a Google Cloud Storage bucket
subdirectory named after the Cr-Commit-Position, and writes an index.html file
linking to the known test directories.""" % TEST_SUBDIR)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true",
help="Print debugging info")
parser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', action="store_true",
help="Don't run state-changing commands")
parser.add_argument('--update-index-only', action="store_true",
help=("Generate a new index.html file based on already "
"existing directories, ignoring local changes"))
parser.add_argument('--ignore-unclean-status', action="store_true",
help=("Proceed with copy even if there are uncommitted "
"local changes in the git working directory"))
help=("Force writing current content to the specified "
"destination CR position instead of determining "
"the name based on local git history, bypassing "
"history sanity checks"))
parser.add_argument('--bucket', default=BUCKET,
help=("Destination Cloud Storage location, including "
"'gs://' prefix"))
global g_flags
g_flags = parser.parse_args()
if g_flags.verbose:
if not os.path.isdir(TEST_SUBDIR):
raise Exception('Must be run from webxr_test_pages directory')
need_index_update = False
if g_flags.update_index_only:
need_index_update = True
need_index_update = update_test_copies()
# Create an index.html file covering all found test copies.
if need_index_update:
else:'No changes, skipping index update.')
if __name__ == '__main__':