blob: 4187e29259030be2cb67f4c5ac33510283f338bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/sync/syncable/entry.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/sync/syncable/directory.h"
#include "components/sync/syncable/syncable_base_transaction.h"
namespace syncer {
namespace syncable {
Entry::Entry(BaseTransaction* trans, GetById, const Id& id)
: basetrans_(trans) {
kernel_ = trans->directory()->GetEntryById(id);
Entry::Entry(BaseTransaction* trans, GetByClientTag, const std::string& tag)
: basetrans_(trans) {
kernel_ = trans->directory()->GetEntryByClientTag(tag);
Entry::Entry(BaseTransaction* trans, GetTypeRoot, ModelType type)
: basetrans_(trans) {
const std::string& tag = ModelTypeToRootTag(type);
kernel_ = trans->directory()->GetEntryByServerTag(tag);
Entry::Entry(BaseTransaction* trans, GetByHandle, int64_t metahandle)
: basetrans_(trans) {
kernel_ = trans->directory()->GetEntryByHandle(metahandle);
Entry::Entry(BaseTransaction* trans, GetByServerTag, const std::string& tag)
: basetrans_(trans) {
kernel_ = trans->directory()->GetEntryByServerTag(tag);
Directory* Entry::dir() const {
return basetrans_->directory();
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> Entry::ToValue(
const Cryptographer* cryptographer) const {
auto entry_info = std::make_unique<base::DictionaryValue>();
entry_info->SetBoolean("good", good());
if (good()) {
entry_info->Set("kernel", kernel_->ToValue(cryptographer));
entry_info->Set("modelType", ModelTypeToValue(GetModelType()));
entry_info->SetBoolean("isRoot", IsRoot());
return entry_info;
bool Entry::GetSyncing() const {
return kernel_->ref(SYNCING);
bool Entry::GetDirtySync() const {
return kernel_->ref(DIRTY_SYNC);
ModelType Entry::GetServerModelType() const {
ModelType specifics_type = kernel_->GetServerModelType();
if (specifics_type != UNSPECIFIED)
return specifics_type;
// Otherwise, we don't have a server type yet. That should only happen
// if the item is an uncommitted locally created item.
// It's possible we'll need to relax these checks in the future; they're
// just here for now as a safety measure.
DCHECK_EQ(GetServerVersion(), 0);
// Note: can't enforce !GetId().ServerKnows() here because that could
// actually happen if we hit AttemptReuniteLostCommitResponses.
ModelType Entry::GetModelType() const {
ModelType specifics_type = GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(GetSpecifics());
if (specifics_type != UNSPECIFIED)
return specifics_type;
if (IsRoot())
// Loose check for server-created top-level folders that aren't
// bound to a particular model type.
if (!GetUniqueServerTag().empty() && GetIsDir())
Id Entry::GetPredecessorId() const {
return dir()->GetPredecessorId(kernel_);
Id Entry::GetSuccessorId() const {
return dir()->GetSuccessorId(kernel_);
Id Entry::GetFirstChildId() const {
return dir()->GetFirstChildId(basetrans_, kernel_);
void Entry::GetChildHandles(std::vector<int64_t>* result) const {
dir()->GetChildHandlesById(basetrans_, GetId(), result);
int Entry::GetTotalNodeCount() const {
return dir()->GetTotalNodeCount(basetrans_, kernel_);
int Entry::GetPositionIndex() const {
return dir()->GetPositionIndex(basetrans_, kernel_);
bool Entry::ShouldMaintainPosition() const {
return kernel_->ShouldMaintainPosition();
bool Entry::ShouldMaintainHierarchy() const {
return kernel_->ShouldMaintainHierarchy();
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Entry& entry) {
os << *(entry.kernel_);
return os;
} // namespace syncable
} // namespace syncer