blob: c5c69388cf7105ec3d4dbd5d33eb4566142ea6eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace content {
class ServiceWorkerContextWrapper;
class ServiceWorkerNavigationHandleCore;
// This class is used to manage the lifetime of ServiceWorkerProviderHosts
// created during navigation. This is a UI thread class, with a pendant class
// on the IO thread, the ServiceWorkerNavigationHandleCore.
// The lifetime of the ServiceWorkerNavigationHandle, the
// ServiceWorkerNavigationHandleCore and the ServiceWorkerProviderHost are the
// following :
// 1) We create a ServiceWorkerNavigationHandle on the UI thread with a
// service worker provider id of -1. This also leads to the creation of a
// ServiceWorkerNavigationHandleCore with an id of -1.
// 2) When the navigation request is sent to the IO thread, we include a
// pointer to the ServiceWorkerNavigationHandleCore.
// 3) If we pre-create a ServiceWorkerProviderHost for this navigation, its
// ownershipped is passed to the ServiceWorkerNavigationHandleCore. The
// ServiceWorkerNavigationHandleCore id is updated.
// 4) The ServiceWorkerNavigationHandleCore informs the
// ServiceWorkerNavigationHandle on the UI that the service worker provider
// id was updated.
// 5) When the navigation is ready to commit, the NavigationRequest will
// update the RequestNavigationParams based on the id from the
// ServiceWorkerNavigationHandle.
// 6) If the commit leads to the creation of a ServiceWorkerNetworkProvider
// in the renderer, a ServiceWorkerHostMsg_ProviderCreated will be received
// in the browser. The ServiceWorkerDispatcherHost will retrieve the
// ServiceWorkerProviderHost from the ServiceWorkerNavigationHandleCore and
// put it in the ServiceWorkerContextCore map of ServiceWorkerProviderHosts.
// 7) When the navigation finishes, the ServiceWorkerNavigationHandle is
// destroyed. The destructor of the ServiceWorkerNavigationHandle posts a
// task to destroy the ServiceWorkerNavigationHandleCore on the IO thread.
// This in turn leads to the destruction of an unclaimed
// ServiceWorkerProviderHost.
class ServiceWorkerNavigationHandle {
explicit ServiceWorkerNavigationHandle(
ServiceWorkerContextWrapper* context_wrapper);
int service_worker_provider_host_id() const {
return service_worker_provider_host_id_;
ServiceWorkerNavigationHandleCore* core() const { return core_; }
// Called after a ServiceWorkerProviderHost with id
// |service_worker_provider_host_id| was pre-created for the navigation on the
// IO thread.
void DidCreateServiceWorkerProviderHost(int service_worker_provider_host_id);
int service_worker_provider_host_id_;
ServiceWorkerNavigationHandleCore* core_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ServiceWorkerNavigationHandle> weak_factory_;
} // namespace content