blob: bdf2c4026ba5cd98a0ab9e729c91335ca9017eeb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "content/browser/service_worker/service_worker_version.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/service_worker/service_worker_types.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace content {
class ServiceWorkerVersion;
struct ServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo;
// Represents the core of a service worker registration object. Other
// registration derivatives (WebServiceWorkerRegistration etc) ultimately refer
// to this class. This is refcounted via ServiceWorkerRegistrationHandle to
// facilitate multiple controllees being associated with the same registration.
class CONTENT_EXPORT ServiceWorkerRegistration
: public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(base::RefCounted<ServiceWorkerRegistration>),
public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(ServiceWorkerVersion::Listener) {
typedef base::Callback<void(ServiceWorkerStatusCode status)> StatusCallback;
class Listener {
virtual void OnVersionAttributesChanged(
ServiceWorkerRegistration* registration,
ChangedVersionAttributesMask changed_mask,
const ServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo& info) {}
virtual void OnRegistrationFailed(
ServiceWorkerRegistration* registration) {}
virtual void OnRegistrationFinishedUninstalling(
ServiceWorkerRegistration* registration) {}
virtual void OnUpdateFound(
ServiceWorkerRegistration* registration) {}
virtual void OnSkippedWaiting(ServiceWorkerRegistration* registation) {}
ServiceWorkerRegistration(const GURL& pattern,
int64_t registration_id,
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerContextCore> context);
int64_t id() const { return registration_id_; }
const GURL& pattern() const { return pattern_; }
bool is_deleted() const { return is_deleted_; }
void set_is_deleted(bool deleted) { is_deleted_ = deleted; }
bool is_uninstalling() const { return is_uninstalling_; }
void set_is_uninstalled(bool uninstalled) { is_uninstalled_ = uninstalled; }
bool is_uninstalled() const { return is_uninstalled_; }
int64_t resources_total_size_bytes() const {
return resources_total_size_bytes_;
void set_resources_total_size_bytes(int64_t resources_total_size_bytes) {
resources_total_size_bytes_ = resources_total_size_bytes;
// Returns the active version. This version may be in ACTIVATING or ACTIVATED
// state. If you require an ACTIVATED version, use
// ServiceWorkerContextWrapper::FindReadyRegistration* to get a registration
// with such a version. Alternatively, use
// ServiceWorkerVersion::Listener::OnVersionStateChanged to wait for the
// ACTIVATING version to become ACTIVATED.
ServiceWorkerVersion* active_version() const {
return active_version_.get();
ServiceWorkerVersion* waiting_version() const {
return waiting_version_.get();
ServiceWorkerVersion* installing_version() const {
return installing_version_.get();
bool has_installed_version() const {
return active_version() || waiting_version();
const NavigationPreloadState& navigation_preload_state() const {
return navigation_preload_state_;
ServiceWorkerVersion* GetNewestVersion() const;
void AddListener(Listener* listener);
void RemoveListener(Listener* listener);
void NotifyRegistrationFailed();
void NotifyUpdateFound();
void NotifyVersionAttributesChanged(ChangedVersionAttributesMask mask);
ServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo GetInfo();
// Sets the corresposding version attribute and resets the position
// (if any) left vacant (ie. by a waiting version being promoted).
// Also notifies listeners via OnVersionAttributesChanged.
void SetActiveVersion(const scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerVersion>& version);
void SetWaitingVersion(const scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerVersion>& version);
void SetInstallingVersion(const scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerVersion>& version);
// If version is the installing, waiting, active version of this
// registation, the method will reset that field to NULL, and notify
// listeners via OnVersionAttributesChanged.
void UnsetVersion(ServiceWorkerVersion* version);
// Triggers the [[Activate]] algorithm when the currently active version
// has no controllees. If there are no controllees at the time the method
// is called or when version's skip waiting flag is set, activation is
// initiated immediately.
void ActivateWaitingVersionWhenReady();
// Takes over control of provider hosts which are currently not controlled or
// controlled by other registrations.
void ClaimClients();
// Triggers the [[ClearRegistration]] algorithm when the currently
// active version has no controllees. Deletes this registration
// from storage immediately.
void ClearWhenReady();
// Restores this registration in storage and cancels the pending
// [[ClearRegistration]] algorithm.
void AbortPendingClear(const StatusCallback& callback);
// The time of the most recent update check.
base::Time last_update_check() const { return last_update_check_; }
void set_last_update_check(base::Time last) { last_update_check_ = last; }
// Unsets the version and deletes its resources. Also deletes this
// registration from storage if there is no longer a stored version.
void DeleteVersion(const scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerVersion>& version);
void RegisterRegistrationFinishedCallback(const base::Closure& callback);
void NotifyRegistrationFinished();
void SetTaskRunnerForTest(
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner);
void EnableNavigationPreload(bool enable);
void SetNavigationPreloadHeader(const std::string& value);
friend class base::RefCounted<ServiceWorkerRegistration>;
~ServiceWorkerRegistration() override;
void UnsetVersionInternal(
ServiceWorkerVersion* version,
ChangedVersionAttributesMask* mask);
// ServiceWorkerVersion::Listener override.
void OnNoControllees(ServiceWorkerVersion* version) override;
void OnNoWork(ServiceWorkerVersion* version) override;
bool IsReadyToActivate() const;
// Promotes the waiting version to active version. If |delay| is true, waits
// a short time before attempting to start and dispatch the activate event
// to the version.
void ActivateWaitingVersion(bool delay);
void ContinueActivation(
scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerVersion> activating_version);
void DispatchActivateEvent(
scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerVersion> activating_version);
void OnActivateEventFinished(
scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerVersion> activating_version,
ServiceWorkerStatusCode status);
void OnDeleteFinished(ServiceWorkerStatusCode status);
// This method corresponds to the [[ClearRegistration]] algorithm.
void Clear();
void OnRestoreFinished(const StatusCallback& callback,
scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerVersion> version,
ServiceWorkerStatusCode status);
const GURL pattern_;
const int64_t registration_id_;
bool is_deleted_;
bool is_uninstalling_;
bool is_uninstalled_;
bool should_activate_when_ready_;
NavigationPreloadState navigation_preload_state_;
base::Time last_update_check_;
int64_t resources_total_size_bytes_;
// This registration is the primary owner of these versions.
scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerVersion> active_version_;
scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerVersion> waiting_version_;
scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerVersion> installing_version_;
base::ObserverList<Listener> listeners_;
std::vector<base::Closure> registration_finished_callbacks_;
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerContextCore> context_;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner_;
} // namespace content