gpu: Workaround for NV12 dynamic textures used for software video frames

Map usage STAGING texture along with copy to usage DEFAULT texture to
workaround crashes when mapping usage DYNAMIC textures.  Restrict
workaround to Intel driver versions < 24 based on crash data.

Also add a few trace events for swap buffers, texture upload, blit, etc.

Bug: 890227
Change-Id: I1cc9bae3fc0ddf6303375c99054113a9a995806c
Reviewed-by: Zhenyao Mo <>
Commit-Queue: Sunny Sachanandani <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#652734}
diff --git a/gpu/config/gpu_driver_bug_list.json b/gpu/config/gpu_driver_bug_list.json
index dca1dab..8bc78fe3 100644
--- a/gpu/config/gpu_driver_bug_list.json
+++ b/gpu/config/gpu_driver_bug_list.json
@@ -3294,6 +3294,22 @@
       "features": [
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 303,
+      "cr_bugs": [890227],
+      "description": "Dynamic texture map crashes on Intel drivers less than version 24",
+      "os": {
+        "type" : "win"
+      },
+      "vendor_id": "0x8086",
+      "driver_version": {
+        "op": "<",
+        "value": "24"
+      },
+      "features": [
+        "disable_nv12_dynamic_textures"
+      ]
diff --git a/gpu/config/gpu_workaround_list.txt b/gpu/config/gpu_workaround_list.txt
index 6a7ccdb..5532d22 100644
--- a/gpu/config/gpu_workaround_list.txt
+++ b/gpu/config/gpu_workaround_list.txt
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
diff --git a/gpu/ipc/service/ b/gpu/ipc/service/
index 280f581..daa25f68 100644
--- a/gpu/ipc/service/
+++ b/gpu/ipc/service/
@@ -218,6 +218,8 @@
 gfx::SwapResult DirectCompositionChildSurfaceWin::SwapBuffers(
     PresentationCallback callback) {
+  TRACE_EVENT1("gpu", "DirectCompositionChildSurfaceWin::SwapBuffers", "size",
+               size_.ToString());
   // PresentationCallback is handled by DirectCompositionSurfaceWin. The child
   // surface doesn't need provide presentation feedback.
diff --git a/gpu/ipc/service/ b/gpu/ipc/service/
index e867e82..78f254b 100644
--- a/gpu/ipc/service/
+++ b/gpu/ipc/service/
@@ -512,10 +512,11 @@
     kMaxValue = kIncompatibleTransform,
-  // Upload given YUV buffers to NV12 |staging_texture_|.  Returns true on
-  // success.
-  bool UploadVideoImages(gl::GLImageMemory* y_image_memory,
-                         gl::GLImageMemory* uv_image_memory);
+  // Upload given YUV buffers to an NV12 texture that can be used to create
+  // video processor input view.  Returns nullptr on failure.
+  Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> UploadVideoImages(
+      gl::GLImageMemory* y_image_memory,
+      gl::GLImageMemory* uv_image_memory);
   // Releases resources that might hold indirect references to the swap chain.
   void ReleaseSwapChainResources();
@@ -624,8 +625,10 @@
   scoped_refptr<gl::GLImage> last_uv_image_;
   // NV12 staging texture used for software decoded YUV buffers.  Mapped to CPU
-  // for copying from YUV buffers.
+  // for copying from YUV buffers.  Texture usage is DYNAMIC or STAGING.
   Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> staging_texture_;
+  // Used to copy from staging texture with usage STAGING for workarounds.
+  Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> copy_texture_;
   gfx::Size staging_texture_size_;
   Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Device> d3d11_device_;
@@ -700,6 +703,8 @@
   if (video_processor_ && SizeContains(video_input_size_, input_size) &&
       SizeContains(video_output_size_, output_size))
     return true;
+  TRACE_EVENT2("gpu", "DCLayerTree::InitializeVideoProcessor", "input_size",
+               input_size.ToString(), "output_size", output_size.ToString());
   video_input_size_ = input_size;
   video_output_size_ = output_size;
@@ -793,7 +798,8 @@
-bool DCLayerTree::SwapChainPresenter::UploadVideoImages(
     gl::GLImageMemory* y_image_memory,
     gl::GLImageMemory* uv_image_memory) {
   gfx::Size texture_size = y_image_memory->GetSize();
@@ -803,9 +809,12 @@
       y_image_memory->format() != gfx::BufferFormat::R_8 ||
       uv_image_memory->format() != gfx::BufferFormat::RG_88) {
     DLOG(ERROR) << "Invalid NV12 GLImageMemory properties.";
-    return false;
+    return nullptr;
+  TRACE_EVENT1("gpu", "SwapChainPresenter::UploadVideoImages", "size",
+               texture_size.ToString());
   static crash_reporter::CrashKeyString<32> texture_size_key(
@@ -815,30 +824,33 @@
   bool first_use = !staging_texture_ || (staging_texture_size_ != texture_size);
   first_use_key.Set(first_use ? "1" : "0");
+  bool use_dynamic_texture =
+      !layer_tree_->workarounds().disable_nv12_dynamic_textures;
+  D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc = {};
+  desc.Width = texture_size.width();
+  desc.Height = texture_size.height();
+  desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_NV12;
+  desc.MipLevels = 1;
+  desc.ArraySize = 1;
+  desc.Usage = use_dynamic_texture ? D3D11_USAGE_DYNAMIC : D3D11_USAGE_STAGING;
+  // This isn't actually bound to a decoder, but dynamic textures need
+  // BindFlags to be nonzero and D3D11_BIND_DECODER also works when creating
+  // a VideoProcessorInputView.
+  desc.BindFlags = use_dynamic_texture ? D3D11_BIND_DECODER : 0;
+  desc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE;
+  desc.MiscFlags = 0;
+  desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
   if (!staging_texture_ || (staging_texture_size_ != texture_size)) {
-    D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc = {};
-    desc.Width = texture_size.width();
-    desc.Height = texture_size.height();
-    desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_NV12;
-    desc.MipLevels = 1;
-    desc.ArraySize = 1;
-    desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DYNAMIC;
-    // This isn't actually bound to a decoder, but dynamic textures need
-    // BindFlags to be nonzero and D3D11_BIND_DECODER also works when creating
-    // a VideoProcessorInputView.
-    desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_DECODER;
-    desc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE;
-    desc.MiscFlags = 0;
-    desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
-    Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> texture;
+    copy_texture_.Reset();
     HRESULT hr =
         d3d11_device_->CreateTexture2D(&desc, nullptr, &staging_texture_);
     if (FAILED(hr)) {
-      DLOG(ERROR) << "Creating D3D11 video upload texture failed: " << std::hex
+      DLOG(ERROR) << "Creating D3D11 video staging texture failed: " << std::hex
                   << hr;
-      return false;
+      return nullptr;
     staging_texture_size_ = texture_size;
@@ -848,13 +860,15 @@
+  D3D11_MAP map_type =
+      use_dynamic_texture ? D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD : D3D11_MAP_WRITE;
   D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mapped_resource;
-  HRESULT hr = context->Map(staging_texture_.Get(), 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD,
-                            0, &mapped_resource);
+  HRESULT hr =
+      context->Map(staging_texture_.Get(), 0, map_type, 0, &mapped_resource);
   if (FAILED(hr)) {
-    DLOG(ERROR) << "Mapping D3D11 video upload texture failed: " << std::hex
+    DLOG(ERROR) << "Mapping D3D11 video staging texture failed: " << std::hex
                 << hr;
-    return false;
+    return nullptr;
   size_t dest_stride = mapped_resource.RowPitch;
@@ -876,7 +890,25 @@
     memcpy(dest, uv_source, texture_size.width());
   context->Unmap(staging_texture_.Get(), 0);
-  return true;
+  if (use_dynamic_texture)
+    return staging_texture_;
+  if (!copy_texture_) {
+    desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
+    desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_DECODER;
+    desc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
+    HRESULT hr = d3d11_device_->CreateTexture2D(&desc, nullptr, &copy_texture_);
+    if (FAILED(hr)) {
+      DLOG(ERROR) << "Creating D3D11 video upload texture failed: " << std::hex
+                  << hr;
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+    DCHECK(copy_texture_);
+  }
+  TRACE_EVENT0("gpu", "SwapChainPresenter::UploadVideoImages::CopyResource");
+  context->CopyResource(copy_texture_.Get(), staging_texture_.Get());
+  return copy_texture_;
 gfx::Size DCLayerTree::SwapChainPresenter::CalculateSwapChainSize(
@@ -1101,11 +1133,18 @@
     const gfx::Size& swap_chain_size) {
+  TRACE_EVENT2("gpu", "SwapChainPresenter::PresentToDecodeSwapChain",
+               "content_rect", content_rect.ToString(), "swap_chain_size",
+               swap_chain_size.ToString());
   Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGIResource> decode_resource;
   if (!decode_swap_chain_ || decode_resource_ != decode_resource) {
+        "gpu",
+        "SwapChainPresenter::PresentToDecodeSwapChain::CreateDecodeSwapChain");
     decode_resource_ = decode_resource;
@@ -1232,6 +1271,11 @@
   gfx::Size swap_chain_size = CalculateSwapChainSize(params);
+  TRACE_EVENT2("gpu", "SwapChainPresenter::PresentToSwapChain",
+               "hardware_frame", !!image_dxgi, "swap_chain_size",
+               swap_chain_size.ToString());
   // Do not create a swap chain if swap chain size will be empty.
   if (swap_chain_size.IsEmpty()) {
     swap_chain_size_ = swap_chain_size;
@@ -1282,23 +1326,22 @@
   if (image_dxgi) {
     input_texture = image_dxgi->texture();
     input_level = (UINT)image_dxgi->level();
-    if (!input_texture) {
-      DLOG(ERROR) << "Video image has no texture";
-      return false;
-    }
     // Keyed mutex may not exist.
     keyed_mutex = image_dxgi->keyed_mutex();
+    copy_texture_.Reset();
   } else {
-    if (!UploadVideoImages(y_image_memory, uv_image_memory))
-      return false;
-    DCHECK(staging_texture_);
-    input_texture = staging_texture_;
+    input_texture = UploadVideoImages(y_image_memory, uv_image_memory);
     input_level = 0;
+  if (!input_texture) {
+    DLOG(ERROR) << "Video image has no texture";
+    return false;
+  }
   // TODO(sunnyps): Use correct color space for uploaded video frames.
   gfx::ColorSpace src_color_space = gfx::ColorSpace::CreateREC709();
   if (image_dxgi && image_dxgi->color_space().IsValid())
@@ -1424,6 +1467,9 @@
     Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGIKeyedMutex> keyed_mutex,
     const gfx::Rect& content_rect,
     const gfx::ColorSpace& src_color_space) {
+  TRACE_EVENT2("gpu", "SwapChainPresenter::VideoProcessorBlt", "content_rect",
+               content_rect.ToString(), "swap_chain_size",
+               swap_chain_size_.ToString());
   if (!layer_tree_->InitializeVideoProcessor(content_rect.size(),
                                              swap_chain_size_)) {
     return false;
@@ -1569,8 +1615,8 @@
     bool use_yuv_swap_chain,
     ui::ProtectedVideoType protected_video_type,
     bool z_order) {
-  TRACE_EVENT2("gpu", "DCLayerTree::SwapChainPresenter::ReallocateSwapChain",
-               "size", swap_chain_size.ToString(), "yuv", use_yuv_swap_chain);
+  TRACE_EVENT2("gpu", "SwapChainPresenter::ReallocateSwapChain", "size",
+               swap_chain_size.ToString(), "yuv", use_yuv_swap_chain);
   swap_chain_size_ = swap_chain_size;
@@ -1647,6 +1693,8 @@
   if (use_yuv_swap_chain) {
+    TRACE_EVENT1("gpu", "SwapChainPresenter::ReallocateSwapChain::YUV",
+                 "format", OverlayFormatToString(g_overlay_format_used));
     HRESULT hr = media_factory->CreateSwapChainForCompositionSurfaceHandle(
         d3d11_device_.Get(), swap_chain_handle_.Get(), &desc, nullptr,
@@ -1669,6 +1717,7 @@
   if (!is_yuv_swapchain_) {
+    TRACE_EVENT0("gpu", "SwapChainPresenter::ReallocateSwapChain::BGRA");
     desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM;
     desc.Flags = 0;
     if (IsProtectedVideo(protected_video_type))
@@ -1702,6 +1751,8 @@
 bool DCLayerTree::CommitAndClearPendingOverlays(
     DirectCompositionChildSurfaceWin* root_surface) {
+  TRACE_EVENT1("gpu", "DCLayerTree::CommitAndClearPendingOverlays",
+               "num_pending_overlays", pending_overlays_.size());
   // Check if root surface visual needs a commit first.
   if (!root_surface_visual_) {
@@ -1760,6 +1811,7 @@
   // Rebuild visual tree and commit if any visual changed.
   if (needs_commit_) {
+    TRACE_EVENT0("gpu", "DCLayerTree::CommitAndClearPendingOverlays::Commit");
     needs_commit_ = false;
@@ -2037,6 +2089,7 @@
 gfx::SwapResult DirectCompositionSurfaceWin::SwapBuffers(
     PresentationCallback callback) {
+  TRACE_EVENT0("gpu", "DirectCompositionSurfaceWin::SwapBuffers");
   gl::GLSurfacePresentationHelper::ScopedSwapBuffers scoped_swap_buffers(
       presentation_helper_.get(), std::move(callback));