blob: 20a8f6b256b8f9245e69481b36a90dd0c42ae585 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include "chrome/browser/child_process_launcher.h"
#include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/resource_dispatcher_host.h"
#include "chrome/common/child_process_host.h"
// Plugins/workers and other child processes that live on the IO thread should
// derive from this class.
// [Browser]RenderProcessHost is the main exception that doesn't derive from
// this class. That project lives on the UI thread.
class BrowserChildProcessHost : public ResourceDispatcherHost::Receiver,
public ChildProcessHost,
public ChildProcessLauncher::Client {
virtual ~BrowserChildProcessHost();
// Prepares command_line for crash reporting as appropriate. On Linux and
// Mac, a command-line flag to enable crash reporting in the child process
// will be appended if needed, because the child process may not have access
// to the data that determines the status of crash reporting in the
// currently-executing process. This function is a no-op on Windows.
static void SetCrashReporterCommandLine(CommandLine* command_line);
// Terminates all child processes and deletes each ChildProcessHost instance.
static void TerminateAll();
// ResourceDispatcherHost::Receiver implementation:
virtual bool Send(IPC::Message* msg);
// The Iterator class allows iteration through either all child processes, or
// ones of a specific type, depending on which constructor is used. Note that
// this should be done from the IO thread and that the iterator should not be
// kept around as it may be invalidated on subsequent event processing in the
// event loop.
class Iterator {
explicit Iterator(ProcessType type);
BrowserChildProcessHost* operator->() { return *iterator_; }
BrowserChildProcessHost* operator*() { return *iterator_; }
BrowserChildProcessHost* operator++();
bool Done();
bool all_;
ProcessType type_;
std::list<BrowserChildProcessHost*>::iterator iterator_;
// The resource_dispatcher_host may be NULL to indicate none is needed for
// this process type.
BrowserChildProcessHost(ProcessType type,
ResourceDispatcherHost* resource_dispatcher_host);
// Derived classes call this to launch the child process asynchronously.
void Launch(
#if defined(OS_WIN)
const FilePath& exposed_dir,
#elif defined(OS_POSIX)
bool use_zygote,
const base::environment_vector& environ,
CommandLine* cmd_line);
// ChildProcessLauncher::Client implementation.
virtual void OnProcessLaunched() { }
// Derived classes can override this to know if the process crashed.
virtual void OnProcessCrashed() {}
virtual bool DidChildCrash();
// Overrides from ChildProcessHost
virtual void OnChildDied();
virtual bool InterceptMessageFromChild(const IPC::Message& msg);
virtual void Notify(NotificationType type);
// Extends the base class implementation and removes this host from
// the host list. Calls ChildProcessHost::ForceShutdown
virtual void ForceShutdown();
// By using an internal class as the ChildProcessLauncher::Client, we can
// intercept OnProcessLaunched and do our own processing before
// calling the subclass' implementation.
class ClientHook : public ChildProcessLauncher::Client {
explicit ClientHook(BrowserChildProcessHost* host);
virtual void OnProcessLaunched();
BrowserChildProcessHost* host_;
ClientHook client_;
// May be NULL if this current process has no resource dispatcher host.
ResourceDispatcherHost* resource_dispatcher_host_;
scoped_ptr<ChildProcessLauncher> child_process_;