blob: 2403e281016e1f81dbcbe4e1878c910622e854d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/field_trial.h"
#include "base/tracked_objects.h"
class CommandLine;
struct MainFunctionParams;
class MetricsService;
// BrowserMainParts:
// This class contains different "stages" to be executed in |BrowserMain()|,
// mostly initialization. This is made into a class rather than just functions
// so each stage can create and maintain state. Each part is represented by a
// single method (e.g., "EarlyInitialization()"), which does the following:
// - calls a method (e.g., "PreEarlyInitialization()") which individual
// platforms can override to provide platform-specific code which is to be
// executed before the common code;
// - calls various methods for things common to all platforms (for that given
// stage); and
// - calls a method (e.g., "PostEarlyInitialization()") for platform-specific
// code to be called after the common code.
// As indicated above, platforms should override the default "Pre...()" and
// "Post...()" methods when necessary; they need not call the superclass's
// implementation (which is empty).
// Parts:
// - EarlyInitialization: things which should be done as soon as possible on
// program start (such as setting up signal handlers) and things to be done
// at some generic time before the start of the main message loop.
// - (more to come)
class BrowserMainParts {
// This static method is to be implemented by each platform and should
// instantiate the appropriate subclass.
static BrowserMainParts* CreateBrowserMainParts(
const MainFunctionParams& parameters);
// Parts to be called by |BrowserMain()|.
void EarlyInitialization();
// TODO(viettrungluu): This currently contains (POSIX) initialization done
// later than "EarlyInitialization()" but dependent on it. Once the
// refactoring includes that later stage, this should be put in some more
// generic platform-dependent method.
virtual void TemporaryPosix_1() {}
explicit BrowserMainParts(const MainFunctionParams& parameters);
// Accessors for data members (below) ----------------------------------------
const MainFunctionParams& parameters() const {
return parameters_;
const CommandLine& parsed_command_line() const {
return parsed_command_line_;
// Methods to be overridden to provide platform-specific code; these
// correspond to the "parts" above.
virtual void PreEarlyInitialization() {}
virtual void PostEarlyInitialization() {}
// Methods for |EarlyInitialization()| ---------------------------------------
// A/B test for the maximum number of persistent connections per host.
void ConnectionFieldTrial();
// A/B test for determining a value for unused socket timeout.
void SocketTimeoutFieldTrial();
// A/B test for spdy when --use-spdy not set.
void SpdyFieldTrial();
// Used to initialize NSPR where appropriate.
void InitializeSSL();
// Members initialized on construction ---------------------------------------
const MainFunctionParams& parameters_;
const CommandLine& parsed_command_line_;
// Creating this object starts tracking the creation and deletion of Task
// instance. This MUST be done before main_message_loop, so that it is
// destroyed after the main_message_loop.
tracked_objects::AutoTracking tracking_objects_;
// Statistical testing infrastructure for the entire browser.
FieldTrialList field_trial_;
// Perform platform-specific work that needs to be done before the main
// message loop is created, initialized, and entered.
void WillInitializeMainMessageLoop(const MainFunctionParams& parameters);
// Perform platform-specific work that needs to be done after the main event
// loop has ended.
void DidEndMainMessageLoop();
// Records the conditions that can prevent Breakpad from generating and
// sending crash reports. The presence of a Breakpad handler (after
// attempting to initialize crash reporting) and the presence of a debugger
// are registered with the UMA metrics service.
void RecordBreakpadStatusUMA(MetricsService* metrics);
// Displays a warning message if some minimum level of OS support is not
// present on the current platform.
void WarnAboutMinimumSystemRequirements();