blob: 545df8da802dd130128dfce82fb6c8b353c6a66e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/global_descriptors_posix.h"
#include "base/lock.h"
#include "base/process.h"
template<typename Type>
struct DefaultSingletonTraits;
static const char kZygoteMagic[] = "ZYGOTE_OK";
// The zygote host is the interface, in the browser process, to the zygote
// process.
class ZygoteHost {
void Init(const std::string& sandbox_cmd);
// Tries to start a renderer process. Returns its pid on success, otherwise
// base::kNullProcessHandle;
pid_t ForkRenderer(const std::vector<std::string>& command_line,
const base::GlobalDescriptors::Mapping& mapping);
void EnsureProcessTerminated(pid_t process);
// Get the termination status (exit code) of the process and return true if
// the status indicates the process crashed. |child_exited| is set to true
// iff the child process has terminated. (|child_exited| may be NULL.)
bool DidProcessCrash(base::ProcessHandle handle, bool* child_exited);
// These are the command codes used on the wire between the browser and the
// zygote.
enum {
kCmdFork = 0, // Fork off a new renderer.
kCmdReap = 1, // Reap a renderer child.
kCmdDidProcessCrash = 2, // Check if child process crashed.
kCmdGetSandboxStatus = 3, // Read a bitmask of kSandbox*
// These form a bitmask which describes the conditions of the sandbox that
// the zygote finds itself in.
enum {
kSandboxSUID = 1 << 0, // SUID sandbox active
kSandboxPIDNS = 1 << 1, // SUID sandbox is using the PID namespace
kSandboxNetNS = 1 << 2, // SUID sandbox is using the network namespace
kSandboxSeccomp = 1 << 3, // seccomp sandbox active.
pid_t pid() const { return pid_; }
// Returns an int which is a bitmask of kSandbox* values. Only valid after
// the first render has been forked.
int sandbox_status() const {
if (have_read_sandbox_status_word_)
return sandbox_status_;
return 0;
friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<ZygoteHost>;
ssize_t ReadReply(void* buf, size_t buflen);
int control_fd_; // the socket to the zygote
// A lock protecting all communication with the zygote. This lock must be
// acquired before sending a command and released after the result has been
// received.
Lock control_lock_;
pid_t pid_;
bool init_;
bool using_suid_sandbox_;
std::string sandbox_binary_;
bool have_read_sandbox_status_word_;
int sandbox_status_;