blob: a74b0c1f88b9ed023662ad936300952ea671a53c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Protocol buffers used for storing in SQLite.
// CAUTION: When any change is done here, bump kDatabaseVersion in
// resource_prefetch_predictor_tables.h.
syntax = "proto2";
package predictors;
// Required in Chrome.
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// Represents a single redirect chain endpoint.
// When adding a field here, please also update the equality operator and the
// output operator in
// chrome/browser/predictors/
message RedirectStat {
// Represents the host for RedirectData in a host-based table.
optional string url = 1;
optional uint32 number_of_hits = 2;
optional uint32 number_of_misses = 3;
optional uint32 consecutive_misses = 4;
// |url_scheme| is typically either "http" or "https". This field was added
// in M-77 without wiping the database. As such, it may be empty in some
// cases even when originally |url| had a non-empty scheme.
optional string url_scheme = 5;
// |url_port| field was added in M-77 without wiping the database. As such,
// it may be empty in some cases even when originally |url| had a non-empty
// port number.
optional int32 url_port = 6;
// Represents a mapping from URL or host to a list of redirect endpoints.
message RedirectData {
// Main frame URL or host.
optional string primary_key = 1;
optional uint64 last_visit_time = 2;
repeated RedirectStat redirect_endpoints = 3;
// Historical data for a single origin accessed from a host.
message OriginStat {
optional string origin = 1;
optional uint32 number_of_hits = 2;
optional uint32 number_of_misses = 3;
optional uint32 consecutive_misses = 4;
optional double average_position = 5;
optional bool always_access_network = 6;
optional bool accessed_network = 7;
// Collection of origins accessed from a host.
message OriginData {
optional string host = 1;
optional uint64 last_visit_time = 2;
repeated OriginStat origins = 3;