blob: 3c610a4b9dc20b12a462d9dc952bb0bd67bae075 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "components/bookmarks/browser/bookmark_client.h"
namespace bookmarks {
class BookmarkModel;
class TestBookmarkClient : public BookmarkClient {
~TestBookmarkClient() override;
// Returns a new BookmarkModel using a TestBookmarkClient.
static std::unique_ptr<BookmarkModel> CreateModel();
// Returns a new BookmarkModel using |client|.
static std::unique_ptr<BookmarkModel> CreateModelWithClient(
std::unique_ptr<BookmarkClient> client);
// Sets the managed node to be returned by the next call to CreateModel() or
// GetLoadManagedNodeCallback().
void SetManagedNodeToLoad(
std::unique_ptr<BookmarkPermanentNode> managed_node);
// Returns the current managed_node, set via SetManagedNodeToLoad().
BookmarkPermanentNode* managed_node() { return unowned_managed_node_; }
// Returns true if |node| is the |managed_node_|.
bool IsManagedNodeRoot(const BookmarkNode* node);
// Returns true if |node| belongs to the tree of the |managed_node_|.
bool IsAManagedNode(const BookmarkNode* node);
// BookmarkClient:
bool IsPermanentNodeVisible(const BookmarkPermanentNode* node) override;
void RecordAction(const base::UserMetricsAction& action) override;
LoadManagedNodeCallback GetLoadManagedNodeCallback() override;
bool CanSetPermanentNodeTitle(const BookmarkNode* permanent_node) override;
bool CanSyncNode(const BookmarkNode* node) override;
bool CanBeEditedByUser(const BookmarkNode* node) override;
std::string EncodeBookmarkSyncMetadata() override;
void DecodeBookmarkSyncMetadata(
const std::string& metadata_str,
const base::RepeatingClosure& schedule_save_closure) override;
// Helpers for GetLoadManagedNodeCallback().
static std::unique_ptr<BookmarkPermanentNode> LoadManagedNode(
std::unique_ptr<BookmarkPermanentNode> managed_node,
int64_t* next_id);
// managed_node_ exists only until GetLoadManagedNodeCallback gets called, but
// unowned_managed_node_ stays around after that.
std::unique_ptr<BookmarkPermanentNode> managed_node_;
BookmarkPermanentNode* unowned_managed_node_ = nullptr;
} // namespace bookmarks