blob: 40c138cf24a82958bb0f982b012308f38d42e7cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "components/previews/core/previews_experiments.h"
namespace content {
class NavigationHandle;
} // namespace content
class GURL;
namespace previews {
class PreviewsUserData;
// A Previews optimization guide that makes decisions guided by hints received
// from the OptimizationGuideService.
class PreviewsOptimizationGuide {
PreviewsOptimizationGuide() {}
virtual ~PreviewsOptimizationGuide() {}
// Returns whether the optimization guide is ready to receive requests.
virtual bool IsReady() const = 0;
// Returns whether |type| is allowed for the URL associated with
// |navigation_handle| and the current conditions. |previews_data| can be
// modified (for further details provided by hints). Note that this will
// return false if a hint is needed to determine if the preview is allowed but
// we do not have everything we need to make that determination in memory.
virtual bool CanApplyPreview(PreviewsUserData* previews_data,
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle,
PreviewsType type) = 0;
// Returns whether |navigation_handle| may have associated optimization hints
// (specifically, PageHints). If so, but the hints are not available
// synchronously, this method will request that they be loaded (from disk or
// network). The callback is run after the hint is loaded and can be used as
// a signal during tests.
virtual bool MaybeLoadOptimizationHints(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle,
base::OnceClosure callback) = 0;
// Whether |url| has loaded resource loading hints and, if it does, populates
// |out_resource_patterns_to_block| with the resource patterns to block.
virtual bool GetResourceLoadingHints(
const GURL& url,
std::vector<std::string>* out_resource_patterns_to_block) = 0;
// Logs UMA for whether the OptimizationGuide HintCache has a matching Hint
// guidance for |url|. This is useful for measuring the effectiveness of the
// page hints provided by Cacao.
virtual void LogHintCacheMatch(const GURL& url, bool is_committed) const = 0;
// Clears all fetched hints from its store.
virtual void ClearFetchedHints() = 0;
} // namespace previews