blob: 68ef1b9430a43dd9f4da523df33ae6331cf4770d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace base {
class Value;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
class TtsUtterance;
// Events sent back from the TTS engine indicating the progress.
enum TtsEventType {
// The continuous parameters that apply to a given utterance.
struct CONTENT_EXPORT UtteranceContinuousParameters {
double rate;
double pitch;
double volume;
// Class that wants to receive events on utterances.
class CONTENT_EXPORT UtteranceEventDelegate {
virtual ~UtteranceEventDelegate() {}
// Called when the engine reaches a TTS event in an utterance. If |char_index|
// or |length| are invalid or not applicable for the given |event_type|, they
// should be set to -1.
virtual void OnTtsEvent(TtsUtterance* utterance,
TtsEventType event_type,
int char_index,
int length,
const std::string& error_message) = 0;
// One speech utterance.
class CONTENT_EXPORT TtsUtterance {
// Construct an utterance given a profile and a completion task to call
// when the utterance is done speaking. Before speaking this utterance,
// its other parameters like text, rate, pitch, etc. should all be set.
static TtsUtterance* Create(BrowserContext* browser_context);
virtual ~TtsUtterance() = default;
// Sends an event to the delegate. If the event type is TTS_EVENT_END
// or TTS_EVENT_ERROR, deletes the utterance. If |char_index| is -1,
// uses the last good value. If |length| is -1, that represents an unknown
// length, and will simply be passed to the delegate as -1.
virtual void OnTtsEvent(TtsEventType event_type,
int char_index,
int length,
const std::string& error_message) = 0;
// Finish an utterance without sending an event to the delegate.
virtual void Finish() = 0;
// Getters and setters for the text to speak and other speech options.
virtual void SetText(const std::string& text) = 0;
virtual const std::string& GetText() = 0;
virtual void SetOptions(const base::Value* options) = 0;
virtual const base::Value* GetOptions() = 0;
virtual void SetSrcId(int src_id) = 0;
virtual int GetSrcId() = 0;
virtual void SetSrcUrl(const GURL& src_url) = 0;
virtual const GURL& GetSrcUrl() = 0;
virtual void SetVoiceName(const std::string& voice_name) = 0;
virtual const std::string& GetVoiceName() = 0;
virtual void SetLang(const std::string& lang) = 0;
virtual const std::string& GetLang() = 0;
virtual void SetContinuousParameters(const double rate,
const double pitch,
const double volume) = 0;
virtual const UtteranceContinuousParameters& GetContinuousParameters() = 0;
virtual void SetCanEnqueue(bool can_enqueue) = 0;
virtual bool GetCanEnqueue() = 0;
virtual void SetRequiredEventTypes(const std::set<TtsEventType>& types) = 0;
virtual const std::set<TtsEventType>& GetRequiredEventTypes() = 0;
virtual void SetDesiredEventTypes(const std::set<TtsEventType>& types) = 0;
virtual const std::set<TtsEventType>& GetDesiredEventTypes() = 0;
virtual void SetEngineId(const std::string& engine_id) = 0;
virtual const std::string& GetEngineId() = 0;
virtual void SetEventDelegate(UtteranceEventDelegate* event_delegate) = 0;
virtual UtteranceEventDelegate* GetEventDelegate() = 0;
// Getters and setters for internal state.
virtual BrowserContext* GetBrowserContext() = 0;
virtual int GetId() = 0;
virtual bool IsFinished() = 0;
} // namespace content