blob: 472483414a346df392762f64a6123e001f4ba884 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/android/scoped_java_ref.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "chrome/browser/banners/app_banner_manager.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_user_data.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace banners {
class AppBannerUiDelegateAndroid;
// Extends the AppBannerManager to support native Android apps. This class owns
// a Java-side AppBannerManager which interfaces with the Java runtime to fetch
// native app data and install them when requested.
// A site requests a native app banner by setting "prefer_related_applications"
// to true in its manifest, and providing at least one related application for
// the "play" platform with a Play Store ID.
// This class uses that information to request the app's metadata, including an
// icon. If successful, the icon is downloaded and the native app banner shown.
// Otherwise, if no related applications were detected, or their manifest
// entries were invalid, this class falls back to trying to verify if a web app
// banner is suitable.
// The code path forks in PerformInstallableCheck(); for a native app, it will
// eventually call to OnAppIconFetched(), while a web app calls through to
// OnDidPerformInstallableCheck(). Each of these methods then calls
// SendBannerPromptRequest(), which combines the forked code paths back
// together.
class AppBannerManagerAndroid
: public AppBannerManager,
public content::WebContentsUserData<AppBannerManagerAndroid> {
explicit AppBannerManagerAndroid(content::WebContents* web_contents);
~AppBannerManagerAndroid() override;
using content::WebContentsUserData<AppBannerManagerAndroid>::FromWebContents;
// Returns a reference to the Java-side AppBannerManager owned by this object.
const base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> GetJavaBannerManager() const;
// Returns a reference to the Java-side AddToHomescreenDialog owned by
// |ui_delegate_|, or null if it does not exist.
base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> GetAddToHomescreenDialogForTesting(
JNIEnv* env,
const base::android::JavaParamRef<jobject>& jobj);
// Returns true if the banner pipeline is currently running.
bool IsRunningForTesting(JNIEnv* env,
const base::android::JavaParamRef<jobject>& jobj);
// Informs the InstallableManager for the WebContents we are attached to that
// the add to homescreen menu item has been tapped.
void RecordMenuItemAddToHomescreen(
JNIEnv* env,
const base::android::JavaParamRef<jobject>& jobj);
// Informs the InstallableManager for the WebContents we are attached to that
// the menu has been opened.
void RecordMenuOpen(JNIEnv* env,
const base::android::JavaParamRef<jobject>& jobj);
// Called when the Java-side has retrieved information for the app.
// Returns |false| if an icon fetch couldn't be kicked off.
bool OnAppDetailsRetrieved(
JNIEnv* env,
const base::android::JavaParamRef<jobject>& obj,
const base::android::JavaParamRef<jobject>& japp_data,
const base::android::JavaParamRef<jstring>& japp_title,
const base::android::JavaParamRef<jstring>& japp_package,
const base::android::JavaParamRef<jstring>& jicon_url);
// AppBannerManager overrides.
void RequestAppBanner(const GURL& validated_url) override;
void SendBannerDismissed() override;
// InstallableAmbientBadgeInfoBarAndroid::Client overrides.
void AddToHomescreenFromBadge() override;
void BadgeDismissed() override;
// AppBannerManager overrides.
std::string GetAppIdentifier() override;
std::string GetBannerType() override;
bool CheckIfInstalled() override;
bool IsWebAppConsideredInstalled(content::WebContents* web_contents,
const GURL& validated_url,
const GURL& start_url,
const GURL& manifest_url) override;
InstallableParams ParamsToPerformInstallableCheck() override;
void PerformInstallableCheck() override;
void OnDidPerformInstallableCheck(const InstallableData& result) override;
void OnAppIconFetched(const SkBitmap& bitmap) override;
void ResetCurrentPageData() override;
void ShowBannerUi(WebappInstallSource install_source) override;
friend class content::WebContentsUserData<AppBannerManagerAndroid>;
// Creates the Java-side AppBannerManager.
void CreateJavaBannerManager(content::WebContents* web_contents);
// Returns the query value for |name| in |url|, e.g.
std::string ExtractQueryValueForName(const GURL& url,
const std::string& name);
// Returns NO_ERROR_DETECTED if |platform|, |url|, and |id| are consistent and
// can be used to query the Play Store for a native app. Otherwise returns the
// error which prevents querying from taking place. The query may not
// necessarily succeed (e.g. |id| doesn't map to anything), but if this method
// returns NO_ERROR_DETECTED, only a native app banner may be shown, and the
// web app banner flow will not be run.
InstallableStatusCode QueryNativeApp(const std::string& platform,
const GURL& url,
const std::string& id);
// Returns the appropriate app name based on whether we have a native/web app.
base::string16 GetAppName() const override;
// Shows the ambient badge if the current page advertises a native app or is
// a PWA.
void MaybeShowAmbientBadge();
// Hides the ambient badge if it is showing.
void HideAmbientBadge();
std::unique_ptr<AppBannerUiDelegateAndroid> ui_delegate_;
// The URL of the badge icon.
GURL badge_icon_url_;
// The badge icon object.
SkBitmap badge_icon_;
// The Java-side AppBannerManager.
base::android::ScopedJavaGlobalRef<jobject> java_banner_manager_;
// Java-side object containing data about a native app.
base::android::ScopedJavaGlobalRef<jobject> native_app_data_;
// App package name for a native app banner.
std::string native_app_package_;
// Title to display in the banner for native app.
base::string16 native_app_title_;
// Whether WebAPKs can be installed.
bool can_install_webapk_;
} // namespace banners