blob: 64b70adbfc48a686f9b060d44f8d56cbaf53dc59 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
package mojo_fuzzer;
import "mach_message.proto";
// Extension to MachMessage that enables fuzzing the internal structure of
// the Mojo message data.
message MojoMessage {
extend mach_fuzzer.MachMessage { optional MojoMessage mojo_message = 100; }
// For inline message data, controls the first uint64 of the message data,
// which should be the length of |data|. If this is not set, then the byte
// length of |data| will be used instead.
optional uint64 data_length = 1;
// Inline message data to send. To fuzz OOL message sending, use a
// descriptor on MachMessage.
required bytes data = 2;
message ChannelMac {
enum EndpointType {
LOCAL = 0;
// Controls what endpoint type should be used when setting up the channel
// for fuzzing.
required EndpointType endpoint_type = 1;
// If false, then a second channel will be created to properly handshake
// the Channel. If true, then the fuzzer will not handshake the channel
// to let the handshake protocol be fuzzed.
required bool fuzz_handshake = 2;
// Messages to enqueue on the channel. These are sent directly to the
// channel's Mach port and do not go through Channel::Write().
repeated mach_fuzzer.MachMessage messages = 3;