blob: 6e819d5b33d991450e020da2cf05f3d3dbf7e5c1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# coding=utf-8
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from collections import Counter
import itertools
from operator import itemgetter
def sort_and_groupby(list_to_sort, key=None):
"""Returns a generator of (key, list), sorting and grouping list by key."""
return ((k, list(g)) for k, g in itertools.groupby(list_to_sort, key))
def effective_overload_set(F): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Returns the effective overload set of an overloaded function.
An effective overload set is the set of overloaded functions + signatures
(type list of arguments, with optional and variadic arguments included or
not), and is used in the overload resolution algorithm.
For example, given input [f1(optional long x), f2(DOMString s)], the output
is informally [f1(), f1(long), f2(DOMString)], and formally
[(f1, [], []), (f1, [long], [optional]), (f2, [DOMString], [required])].
Currently the optionality list is a list of |is_optional| booleans (True
means optional, False means required); to support variadics this needs to
be tri-valued as required, optional, or variadic.
An effective overload set represents the allowable invocations for a
particular operation, constructor (specified with [Constructor] or
[NamedConstructor]), or callback function.
An additional argument N (argument count) is needed when overloading
variadics, but we don't use that currently.
Formally the input and output lists are sets, but methods are stored
internally as dicts, which can't be stored in a set because they are not
hashable, so we use lists instead.
F: list of overloads for a given callable name.
value_reader: an OverloadSetValueReader instance.
S: list of tuples of the form (callable, type list, optionality list).
# Code closely follows the algorithm in the spec, for clarity and
# correctness, and hence is not very Pythonic.
# 1. Initialize S to ∅.
# (We use a list because we can't use a set, as noted above.)
S = [] # pylint: disable=invalid-name
# 2. Let F be a set with elements as follows, according to the kind of
# effective overload set:
# (Passed as argument, nothing to do.)
# 3. & 4. (maxarg, m) are only needed for variadics, not used.
# 5. For each operation, extended attribute or callback function X in F:
for X in F: # X is the "callable". pylint: disable=invalid-name
arguments = X['arguments'] # pylint: disable=invalid-name
# 1. Let n be the number of arguments X is declared to take.
n = len(arguments) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
# 2. Let t0..n−1 be a list of types, where ti is the type of X’s
# argument at index i.
# (“type list”)
t = tuple(argument['idl_type_object'] # pylint: disable=invalid-name
for argument in arguments)
# 3. Let o0..n−1 be a list of optionality values, where oi is “variadic”
# if X’s argument at index i is a final, variadic argument, “optional”
# if the argument is optional, and “required” otherwise.
# (“optionality list”)
# (We’re just using a boolean for optional/variadic vs. required.)
o = tuple(argument['is_optional'] # pylint: disable=invalid-name
or argument['is_variadic']
for argument in arguments)
# 4. Add to S the tuple <X, t0..n−1, o0..n−1>.
S.append((X, t, o))
# 5. If X is declared to be variadic, then:
# (Not used, so not implemented.)
# 6. Initialize i to n−1.
i = n - 1
# 7. While i ≥ 0:
# Spec bug (fencepost error); should be “While i > 0:”
while i > 0:
# 1. If argument i of X is not optional, then break this loop.
if not o[i]:
# 2. Otherwise, add to S the tuple <X, t0..i−1, o0..i−1>.
S.append((X, t[:i], o[:i]))
# 3. Set i to i−1.
i = i - 1
# 8. If n > 0 and all arguments of X are optional, then add to S the
# tuple <X, (), ()> (where “()” represents the empty list).
if n > 0 and all(oi for oi in o):
S.append((X, (), ()))
# 6. The effective overload set is S.
return S
def effective_overload_set_by_length(overloads):
def type_list_length(entry):
# Entries in the effective overload set are 3-tuples:
# (callable, type list, optionality list)
return len(entry[1])
effective_overloads = effective_overload_set(overloads)
return list(sort_and_groupby(effective_overloads, type_list_length))
def method_overloads_by_name(methods):
"""Returns generator of overloaded methods by name: [name, [method]]"""
# Filter to only methods that are actually overloaded
method_counts = Counter(method['name'] for method in methods)
overloaded_method_names = set(name
for name, count in method_counts.iteritems()
if count > 1)
overloaded_methods = [method for method in methods
if method['name'] in overloaded_method_names]
# Group by name (generally will be defined together, but not necessarily)
return sort_and_groupby(overloaded_methods, itemgetter('name'))