blob: 3858ae2b268557ec2a9d2194718a200271577f27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/fuchsia/scoped_service_binding.h"
#include "base/fuchsia/service_directory_test_base.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace base {
namespace fuchsia {
class ScopedServiceBindingTest : public ServiceDirectoryTestBase {};
// Verifies that ScopedServiceBinding allows connection more than once.
TEST_F(ScopedServiceBindingTest, ConnectTwice) {
auto stub = public_service_directory_client_
auto stub2 = public_service_directory_client_
VerifyTestInterface(&stub, ZX_OK);
VerifyTestInterface(&stub2, ZX_OK);
// Verify that if we connect twice to a prefer-new bound service, the existing
// connection gets closed.
TEST_F(ScopedServiceBindingTest, SingleClientPreferNew) {
// Teardown the default multi-client binding and create a prefer-new one.
service_binding_ = nullptr;
binding(service_directory_.get(), &test_service_);
// Connect the first client, and verify that it is functional.
auto existing_client = public_service_directory_client_
VerifyTestInterface(&existing_client, ZX_OK);
// Connect the second client, so the existing one should be disconnected and
// the new should be functional.
auto new_client = public_service_directory_client_
VerifyTestInterface(&new_client, ZX_OK);
// Verify that if we connect twice to a prefer-existing bound service, the new
// connection gets closed.
TEST_F(ScopedServiceBindingTest, SingleClientPreferExisting) {
// Teardown the default multi-client binding and create a prefer-existing one.
service_binding_ = nullptr;
binding(service_directory_.get(), &test_service_);
// Connect the first client, and verify that it is functional.
auto existing_client = public_service_directory_client_
VerifyTestInterface(&existing_client, ZX_OK);
// Connect the second client, then verify that the it gets closed and the
// existing one remains functional.
auto new_client = public_service_directory_client_
VerifyTestInterface(&existing_client, ZX_OK);
// Verify that the default single-client binding policy is prefer-new.
TEST_F(ScopedServiceBindingTest, SingleClientDefaultIsPreferNew) {
// Teardown the default multi-client binding and create a prefer-new one.
service_binding_ = nullptr;
ScopedSingleClientServiceBinding<testfidl::TestInterface> binding(
service_directory_.get(), &test_service_);
// Connect the first client, and verify that it is functional.
auto existing_client = public_service_directory_client_
VerifyTestInterface(&existing_client, ZX_OK);
// Connect the second client, so the existing one should be disconnected and
// the new should be functional.
auto new_client = public_service_directory_client_
VerifyTestInterface(&new_client, ZX_OK);
} // namespace fuchsia
} // namespace base