blob: 258313b364df29c89385233c2e7206a6aee29854 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chromecast/browser/tts/tts_controller.h"
// Abstract class that defines the native platform TTS interface,
// subclassed by specific implementations on Win, Mac, etc.
class TtsPlatformImpl {
TtsPlatformImpl() {}
virtual ~TtsPlatformImpl() {}
// TODO(rdaum): Delete declaration after downstream implementation is using
// SetPlatformImpl. (This is no longer used and the platform used is selected
// by SetPlatformImpl on TtsController instead)
static TtsPlatformImpl* GetInstance();
// Returns true if this platform implementation is supported and available.
virtual bool PlatformImplAvailable() = 0;
// Speak the given utterance with the given parameters if possible,
// and return true on success. Utterance will always be nonempty.
// If rate, pitch, or volume are -1.0, they will be ignored.
// The TtsController will only try to speak one utterance at
// a time. If it wants to interrupt speech, it will always call Stop
// before speaking again.
virtual bool Speak(int utterance_id,
const std::string& utterance,
const std::string& lang,
const VoiceData& voice,
const UtteranceContinuousParameters& params) = 0;
// Stop speaking immediately and return true on success.
virtual bool StopSpeaking() = 0;
// Returns whether any speech is on going.
virtual bool IsSpeaking() = 0;
// Append information about voices provided by this platform implementation
// to |out_voices|.
virtual void GetVoices(std::vector<VoiceData>* out_voices) = 0;
// Pause the current utterance, if any, until a call to Resume,
// Speak, or StopSpeaking.
virtual void Pause() = 0;
// Resume speaking the current utterance, if it was paused.
virtual void Resume() = 0;
// Allows the platform to monitor speech commands and the voices used
// for each one.
virtual void WillSpeakUtteranceWithVoice(const Utterance* utterance,
const VoiceData& voice_data);
virtual std::string error();
virtual void clear_error();
virtual void set_error(const std::string& error);
std::string error_;