blob: 63d7cce9324f8c880b95073f4107db59ec1a6679 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/color_analysis.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr_exclusion.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkUnPreMultiply.h"
#include "ui/gfx/codec/png_codec.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_palette.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_utils.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/range/range.h"
namespace color_utils {
namespace {
// RGBA KMean Constants
const int kNumberOfClusters = 4;
const int kNumberOfIterations = 50;
const HSL kDefaultLowerHSLBound = {-1, -1, 0.15};
const HSL kDefaultUpperHSLBound = {-1, -1, 0.85};
// Background Color Modification Constants
const SkColor kDefaultBgColor = SK_ColorWHITE;
// Support class to hold information about each cluster of pixel data in
// the KMean algorithm. While this class does not contain all of the points
// that exist in the cluster, it keeps track of the aggregate sum so it can
// compute the new center appropriately.
class KMeanCluster {
KMeanCluster() {
void Reset() {
centroid_[0] = centroid_[1] = centroid_[2] = 0;
aggregate_[0] = aggregate_[1] = aggregate_[2] = 0;
counter_ = 0;
weight_ = 0;
inline void SetCentroid(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
centroid_[0] = r;
centroid_[1] = g;
centroid_[2] = b;
inline void GetCentroid(uint8_t* r, uint8_t* g, uint8_t* b) {
*r = centroid_[0];
*g = centroid_[1];
*b = centroid_[2];
inline bool IsAtCentroid(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
return r == centroid_[0] && g == centroid_[1] && b == centroid_[2];
// Recomputes the centroid of the cluster based on the aggregate data. The
// number of points used to calculate this center is stored for weighting
// purposes. The aggregate and counter are then cleared to be ready for the
// next iteration.
inline void RecomputeCentroid() {
if (counter_ > 0) {
centroid_[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(aggregate_[0] / counter_);
centroid_[1] = static_cast<uint8_t>(aggregate_[1] / counter_);
centroid_[2] = static_cast<uint8_t>(aggregate_[2] / counter_);
aggregate_[0] = aggregate_[1] = aggregate_[2] = 0;
weight_ = counter_;
counter_ = 0;
inline void AddPoint(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
aggregate_[0] += r;
aggregate_[1] += g;
aggregate_[2] += b;
// Just returns the distance^2. Since we are comparing relative distances
// there is no need to perform the expensive sqrt() operation.
inline uint32_t GetDistanceSqr(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
return (r - centroid_[0]) * (r - centroid_[0]) +
(g - centroid_[1]) * (g - centroid_[1]) +
(b - centroid_[2]) * (b - centroid_[2]);
// In order to determine if we have hit convergence or not we need to see
// if the centroid of the cluster has moved. This determines whether or
// not the centroid is the same as the aggregate sum of points that will be
// used to generate the next centroid.
inline bool CompareCentroidWithAggregate() {
if (counter_ == 0)
return false;
return aggregate_[0] / counter_ == centroid_[0] &&
aggregate_[1] / counter_ == centroid_[1] &&
aggregate_[2] / counter_ == centroid_[2];
// Returns the previous counter, which is used to determine the weight
// of the cluster for sorting.
inline uint32_t GetWeight() const {
return weight_;
static bool SortKMeanClusterByWeight(const KMeanCluster& a,
const KMeanCluster& b) {
return a.GetWeight() > b.GetWeight();
uint8_t centroid_[3];
// Holds the sum of all the points that make up this cluster. Used to
// generate the next centroid as well as to check for convergence.
uint32_t aggregate_[3];
uint32_t counter_;
// The weight of the cluster, determined by how many points were used
// to generate the previous centroid.
uint32_t weight_;
// Prominent color utilities ---------------------------------------------------
// A |ColorBox| represents a 3-dimensional region in a color space (an ordered
// set of colors). It is a range in the ordered set, with a low index and a high
// index. The diversity (volume) of the box is computed by looking at the range
// of color values it spans, where r, g, and b components are considered
// separately.
class ColorBox {
explicit ColorBox(std::vector<SkColor>* color_space)
: ColorBox(color_space, gfx::Range(0, color_space->size())) {}
ColorBox(const ColorBox& other) = default;
ColorBox& operator=(const ColorBox& other) = default;
~ColorBox() {}
// Can't split if there's only one color in the box.
bool CanSplit() const { return color_range_.length() > 1; }
// Splits |this| in two and returns the other half.
ColorBox Split() {
// Calculate which component has the largest range...
const uint8_t r_dimension = max_r_ - min_r_;
const uint8_t g_dimension = max_g_ - min_g_;
const uint8_t b_dimension = max_b_ - min_b_;
const uint8_t long_dimension =
std::max({r_dimension, g_dimension, b_dimension});
const enum {
} channel = long_dimension == r_dimension
: long_dimension == g_dimension ? GREEN : BLUE;
// ... and sort along that axis.
auto sort_function = [channel](SkColor a, SkColor b) {
switch (channel) {
case RED:
return SkColorGetR(a) < SkColorGetR(b);
case GREEN:
return SkColorGetG(a) < SkColorGetG(b);
case BLUE:
return SkColorGetB(a) < SkColorGetB(b);
return SkColorGetB(a) < SkColorGetB(b);
// Just the portion of |color_space_| that's covered by this box should be
// sorted.
std::sort(color_space_->begin() + color_range_.start(),
color_space_->begin() + color_range_.end(), sort_function);
// Split at the first color value that's not less than the midpoint (mean of
// the start and values).
uint32_t split_point = color_range_.end() - 1;
for (uint32_t i = color_range_.start() + 1; i < color_range_.end() - 1;
++i) {
bool past_midpoint = false;
switch (channel) {
case RED:
past_midpoint =
static_cast<uint8_t>(SkColorGetR((*color_space_)[i])) >
(min_r_ + max_r_) / 2;
case GREEN:
past_midpoint =
static_cast<uint8_t>(SkColorGetG((*color_space_)[i])) >
(min_g_ + max_g_) / 2;
case BLUE:
past_midpoint =
static_cast<uint8_t>(SkColorGetB((*color_space_)[i])) >
(min_b_ + max_b_) / 2;
if (past_midpoint) {
split_point = i;
// Break off half and return it.
gfx::Range other_range = color_range_;
ColorBox other_box(color_space_, other_range);
// Keep the other half in |this| and recalculate our color bounds.
return other_box;
// Returns the average color of this box, weighted by its popularity in
// |color_counts|.
Swatch GetWeightedAverageColor(
const std::unordered_map<SkColor, int>& color_counts) const {
size_t sum_r = 0;
size_t sum_g = 0;
size_t sum_b = 0;
size_t total_count_in_box = 0;
for (size_t i = color_range_.start(); i < color_range_.end(); ++i) {
const SkColor color = (*color_space_)[i];
const auto color_count_iter = color_counts.find(color);
DCHECK(color_count_iter != color_counts.end());
const size_t color_count = color_count_iter->second;
total_count_in_box += color_count;
sum_r += color_count * SkColorGetR(color);
sum_g += color_count * SkColorGetG(color);
sum_b += color_count * SkColorGetB(color);
return Swatch(
std::round(static_cast<double>(sum_r) / total_count_in_box),
std::round(static_cast<double>(sum_g) / total_count_in_box),
std::round(static_cast<double>(sum_b) / total_count_in_box)),
static bool CompareByVolume(const ColorBox& a, const ColorBox& b) {
return a.volume_ < b.volume_;
ColorBox(std::vector<SkColor>* color_space, const gfx::Range& color_range)
: color_space_(color_space), color_range_(color_range) {
void RecomputeBounds() {
DCHECK_LE(color_range_.end(), color_space_->size());
min_r_ = 0xFF;
min_g_ = 0xFF;
min_b_ = 0xFF;
max_r_ = 0;
max_g_ = 0;
max_b_ = 0;
for (uint32_t i = color_range_.start(); i < color_range_.end(); ++i) {
SkColor color = (*color_space_)[i];
min_r_ = std::min<uint8_t>(SkColorGetR(color), min_r_);
min_g_ = std::min<uint8_t>(SkColorGetG(color), min_g_);
min_b_ = std::min<uint8_t>(SkColorGetB(color), min_b_);
max_r_ = std::max<uint8_t>(SkColorGetR(color), max_r_);
max_g_ = std::max<uint8_t>(SkColorGetG(color), max_g_);
max_b_ = std::max<uint8_t>(SkColorGetB(color), max_b_);
volume_ =
(max_r_ - min_r_ + 1) * (max_g_ - min_g_ + 1) * (max_b_ - min_b_ + 1);
// The set of colors of which this box captures a subset. This vector is not
// owned but may be modified during the split operation.
// This field is not a raw_ptr<> because it was filtered by the rewriter for:
// #constexpr-ctor-field-initializer
RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION std::vector<SkColor>* color_space_;
// The range of indexes into |color_space_| that are part of this box.
gfx::Range color_range_;
// Cached min and max color component values for the colors in this box.
uint8_t min_r_ = 0;
uint8_t min_g_ = 0;
uint8_t min_b_ = 0;
uint8_t max_r_ = 0;
uint8_t max_g_ = 0;
uint8_t max_b_ = 0;
// Cached volume value, which is the product of the range of each color
// component.
int volume_ = 0;
// Some color values should be ignored for the purposes of determining prominent
// colors.
bool IsInterestingColor(const SkColor& color) {
const float average_channel_value =
(SkColorGetR(color) + SkColorGetG(color) + SkColorGetB(color)) / 3.0f;
// If a color is too close to white or black, ignore it.
if (average_channel_value >= 237 || average_channel_value <= 22)
return false;
HSL hsl;
SkColorToHSL(color, &hsl);
return !(hsl.h >= 0.028f && hsl.h <= 0.10f && hsl.s <= 0.82f);
// Used to group lower_bound, upper_bound, goal HSL color together for prominent
// color calculation.
struct ColorBracket {
HSL lower_bound = {-1};
HSL upper_bound = {-1};
HSL goal = {-1};
std::vector<Swatch> CalculateProminentColors(
const SkBitmap& bitmap,
const std::vector<ColorBracket>& color_brackets,
const gfx::Rect& region,
absl::optional<ColorSwatchFilter> filter) {
std::vector<Swatch> box_colors =
CalculateColorSwatches(bitmap, 12, region, filter);
std::vector<Swatch> best_colors(color_brackets.size(), Swatch());
if (box_colors.empty())
return best_colors;
size_t max_weight = 0;
for (auto& weighted : box_colors)
max_weight = std::max(max_weight, weighted.population);
// Given these box average colors, find the best one for each desired color
// profile. "Best" in this case means the color which fits in the provided
// bounds and comes closest to |goal|. It's possible that no color will fit in
// the provided bounds, in which case we'll return an empty color.
for (size_t i = 0; i < color_brackets.size(); ++i) {
double best_suitability = 0;
for (const auto& box_color : box_colors) {
HSL hsl;
SkColorToHSL(box_color.color, &hsl);
if (!IsWithinHSLRange(hsl, color_brackets[i].lower_bound,
color_brackets[i].upper_bound)) {
double suitability =
(1 - std::abs(hsl.s - color_brackets[i].goal.s)) * 3 +
(1 - std::abs(hsl.l - color_brackets[i].goal.l)) * 6.5 +
(box_color.population / static_cast<float>(max_weight)) * 0.5;
if (suitability > best_suitability) {
best_suitability = suitability;
best_colors[i] = box_color;
return best_colors;
} // namespace
KMeanImageSampler::KMeanImageSampler() {
KMeanImageSampler::~KMeanImageSampler() {
GridSampler::GridSampler() : calls_(0) {
GridSampler::~GridSampler() {
int GridSampler::GetSample(int width, int height) {
// Hand-drawn bitmaps often have special outlines or feathering at the edges.
// Start our sampling inset from the top and left edges. For example, a 10x10
// image with 4 clusters would be sampled like this:
// ..........
// .0.4.8....
// ..........
// .1.5.9....
// ..........
// .2.6......
// ..........
// .3.7......
// ..........
// But don't inset if the image is too narrow or too short.
const int kInsetX = (width > 2 ? 1 : 0);
const int kInsetY = (height > 2 ? 1 : 0);
int x = kInsetX + (calls_ / kNumberOfClusters) *
((width - 2 * kInsetX) / kNumberOfClusters);
int y = kInsetY + (calls_ % kNumberOfClusters) *
((height - 2 * kInsetY) / kNumberOfClusters);
int index = x + (y * width);
return index % (width * height);
SkColor FindClosestColor(const uint8_t* image,
int width,
int height,
SkColor color) {
uint8_t in_r = SkColorGetR(color);
uint8_t in_g = SkColorGetG(color);
uint8_t in_b = SkColorGetB(color);
// Search using distance-squared to avoid expensive sqrt() operations.
int best_distance_squared = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
SkColor best_color = color;
const uint8_t* byte = image;
for (int i = 0; i < width * height; ++i) {
uint8_t b = *(byte++);
uint8_t g = *(byte++);
uint8_t r = *(byte++);
uint8_t a = *(byte++);
// Ignore fully transparent pixels.
if (a == 0)
int distance_squared =
(in_b - b) * (in_b - b) +
(in_g - g) * (in_g - g) +
(in_r - r) * (in_r - r);
if (distance_squared < best_distance_squared) {
best_distance_squared = distance_squared;
best_color = SkColorSetRGB(r, g, b);
return best_color;
// For a 16x16 icon on an Intel Core i5 this function takes approximately
// 0.5 ms to run.
// TODO(port): This code assumes the CPU architecture is little-endian.
SkColor CalculateKMeanColorOfBuffer(uint8_t* decoded_data,
int img_width,
int img_height,
const HSL& lower_bound,
const HSL& upper_bound,
KMeanImageSampler* sampler,
bool find_closest) {
SkColor color = kDefaultBgColor;
if (img_width > 0 && img_height > 0) {
std::vector<KMeanCluster> clusters;
clusters.resize(static_cast<size_t>(kNumberOfClusters), KMeanCluster());
// Pick a starting point for each cluster
auto new_cluster = clusters.begin();
while (new_cluster != clusters.end()) {
// Try up to 10 times to find a unique color. If no unique color can be
// found, destroy this cluster.
bool color_unique = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
int pixel_pos = sampler->GetSample(img_width, img_height) %
(img_width * img_height);
uint8_t b = decoded_data[pixel_pos * 4];
uint8_t g = decoded_data[pixel_pos * 4 + 1];
uint8_t r = decoded_data[pixel_pos * 4 + 2];
uint8_t a = decoded_data[pixel_pos * 4 + 3];
// Skip fully transparent pixels as they usually contain black in their
// RGB channels but do not contribute to the visual image.
if (a == 0)
// Loop through the previous clusters and check to see if we have seen
// this color before.
color_unique = true;
for (auto cluster = clusters.begin(); cluster != new_cluster;
++cluster) {
if (cluster->IsAtCentroid(r, g, b)) {
color_unique = false;
// If we have a unique color set the center of the cluster to
// that color.
if (color_unique) {
new_cluster->SetCentroid(r, g, b);
// If we don't have a unique color erase this cluster.
if (!color_unique) {
new_cluster = clusters.erase(new_cluster);
} else {
// Have to increment the iterator here, otherwise the increment in the
// for loop will skip a cluster due to the erase if the color wasn't
// unique.
// If all pixels in the image are transparent we will have no clusters.
if (clusters.empty())
return color;
bool convergence = false;
for (int iteration = 0;
iteration < kNumberOfIterations && !convergence;
++iteration) {
// Loop through each pixel so we can place it in the appropriate cluster.
uint8_t* pixel = decoded_data;
uint8_t* decoded_data_end = decoded_data + (img_width * img_height * 4);
while (pixel < decoded_data_end) {
uint8_t b = *(pixel++);
uint8_t g = *(pixel++);
uint8_t r = *(pixel++);
uint8_t a = *(pixel++);
// Skip transparent pixels, see above.
if (a == 0)
uint32_t distance_sqr_to_closest_cluster = UINT_MAX;
auto closest_cluster = clusters.begin();
// Figure out which cluster this color is closest to in RGB space.
for (auto cluster = clusters.begin(); cluster != clusters.end();
++cluster) {
uint32_t distance_sqr = cluster->GetDistanceSqr(r, g, b);
if (distance_sqr < distance_sqr_to_closest_cluster) {
distance_sqr_to_closest_cluster = distance_sqr;
closest_cluster = cluster;
closest_cluster->AddPoint(r, g, b);
// Calculate the new cluster centers and see if we've converged or not.
convergence = true;
for (auto cluster = clusters.begin(); cluster != clusters.end();
++cluster) {
convergence &= cluster->CompareCentroidWithAggregate();
// Sort the clusters by population so we can tell what the most popular
// color is.
std::sort(clusters.begin(), clusters.end(),
// Loop through the clusters to figure out which cluster has an appropriate
// color. Skip any that are too bright/dark and go in order of weight.
for (auto cluster = clusters.begin(); cluster != clusters.end();
++cluster) {
uint8_t r, g, b;
cluster->GetCentroid(&r, &g, &b);
SkColor current_color = SkColorSetARGB(SK_AlphaOPAQUE, r, g, b);
HSL hsl;
SkColorToHSL(current_color, &hsl);
if (IsWithinHSLRange(hsl, lower_bound, upper_bound)) {
// If we found a valid color just set it and break. We don't want to
// check the other ones.
color = current_color;
} else if (cluster == clusters.begin()) {
// We haven't found a valid color, but we are at the first color so
// set the color anyway to make sure we at least have a value here.
color = current_color;
// The K-mean cluster center will not usually be a color that appears in the
// image. If desired, find a color that actually appears.
return find_closest
? FindClosestColor(decoded_data, img_width, img_height, color)
: color;
SkColor CalculateKMeanColorOfPNG(base::span<const uint8_t> png,
const HSL& lower_bound,
const HSL& upper_bound,
KMeanImageSampler* sampler) {
int img_width = 0;
int img_height = 0;
std::vector<uint8_t> decoded_data;
SkColor color = kDefaultBgColor;
if (!png.empty() &&
gfx::PNGCodec::Decode(, png.size(), gfx::PNGCodec::FORMAT_BGRA,
&decoded_data, &img_width, &img_height)) {
return CalculateKMeanColorOfBuffer(&decoded_data[0], img_width, img_height,
lower_bound, upper_bound, sampler, true);
return color;
SkColor CalculateKMeanColorOfPNG(base::span<const uint8_t> png) {
GridSampler sampler;
return CalculateKMeanColorOfPNG(
png, kDefaultLowerHSLBound, kDefaultUpperHSLBound, &sampler);
SkColor CalculateKMeanColorOfBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap,
int height,
const HSL& lower_bound,
const HSL& upper_bound,
bool find_closest) {
// Clamp the height being used to the height of the provided image (otherwise,
// we can end up creating a larger buffer than we have data for, and the end
// of the buffer will remain uninitialized after we copy/UnPreMultiply the
// image data into it).
height = std::clamp(height, 0, bitmap.height());
// SkBitmap uses pre-multiplied alpha but the KMean clustering function
// above uses non-pre-multiplied alpha. Transform the bitmap before we
// analyze it because the function reads each pixel multiple times.
int pixel_count = bitmap.width() * height;
std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]> image(new uint32_t[pixel_count]);
// Un-premultiplies each pixel in bitmap into the buffer. Requires
// approximately 10 microseconds for a 16x16 icon on an Intel Core i5.
uint32_t* in = static_cast<uint32_t*>(bitmap.getPixels());
uint32_t* out = image.get();
for (int i = 0; i < pixel_count; ++i)
*out++ = SkUnPreMultiply::PMColorToColor(*in++);
GridSampler sampler;
return CalculateKMeanColorOfBuffer(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(image.get()),
bitmap.width(), height, lower_bound,
upper_bound, &sampler, find_closest);
SkColor CalculateKMeanColorOfBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap) {
return CalculateKMeanColorOfBitmap(
bitmap, bitmap.height(), kDefaultLowerHSLBound, kDefaultUpperHSLBound,
const int kMaxConsideredPixelsForSwatches = 10007;
// This algorithm is a port of Android's Palette API. Compare to package
// and see that code for additional high-level
// explanation of this algorithm. There are some minor differences:
// * This code doesn't exclude the same color from being used for
// different color profiles.
// * This code doesn't try to heuristically derive missing colors from
// existing colors.
std::vector<Swatch> CalculateColorSwatches(
const SkBitmap& bitmap,
size_t max_swatches,
const gfx::Rect& region,
absl::optional<ColorSwatchFilter> filter) {
DCHECK_LE(region.width(), bitmap.width());
DCHECK_LE(region.height(), bitmap.height());
const int pixel_count = region.width() * region.height();
// For better performance, only consider at most 10k pixels (evenly
// distributed throughout the image). This has a very minor impact on the
// outcome but improves runtime substantially for large images. 10,007 is a
// prime number to reduce the chance of picking an unrepresentative sample.
const int pixel_increment =
std::max(1, pixel_count / kMaxConsideredPixelsForSwatches);
std::unordered_map<SkColor, int> color_counts(
// First extract all colors into counts.
for (int i = 0; i < pixel_count; i += pixel_increment) {
const int x = region.x() + (i % region.width());
const int y = region.y() + (i / region.width());
const SkColor pixel = bitmap.getColor(x, y);
if (SkColorGetA(pixel) == SK_AlphaTRANSPARENT)
// Now throw out some uninteresting colors if there is a filter.
std::vector<SkColor> interesting_colors;
for (auto color_count : color_counts) {
SkColor color = color_count.first;
if (!filter || filter->Run(color))
if (interesting_colors.empty())
return {};
// Group the colors into "boxes" and repeatedly split the most voluminous box.
// We stop the process when a box can no longer be split (there's only one
// color in it) or when the number of color boxes reaches |max_colors|.
// Boxes are sorted by volume with the most voluminous at the front of the PQ.
std::priority_queue<ColorBox, std::vector<ColorBox>,
bool (*)(const ColorBox&, const ColorBox&)>
while (boxes.size() < max_swatches) {
auto box =;
if (!box.CanSplit())
// Now extract a single color to represent each box. This is the average color
// in the box, weighted by the frequency of that color in the source image.
size_t max_weight = 0;
std::vector<Swatch> box_colors;
while (!boxes.empty()) {
max_weight = std::max(max_weight, box_colors.back().population);
return box_colors;
std::vector<color_utils::Swatch> CalculateProminentColorsOfBitmap(
const SkBitmap& bitmap,
const std::vector<ColorProfile>& color_profiles,
gfx::Rect* region,
ColorSwatchFilter filter) {
if (color_profiles.empty())
return std::vector<Swatch>();
size_t size = color_profiles.size();
if (bitmap.empty() || bitmap.isNull())
return std::vector<Swatch>(size, Swatch());
// The hue is not relevant to our bounds or goal colors.
std::vector<ColorBracket> color_brackets(size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
switch (color_profiles[i].luma) {
case LumaRange::ANY:
color_brackets[i].lower_bound.l = 0;
color_brackets[i].upper_bound.l = 1;
color_brackets[i].goal.l = 0.5f;
case LumaRange::LIGHT:
color_brackets[i].lower_bound.l = 0.55f;
color_brackets[i].upper_bound.l = 1;
color_brackets[i].goal.l = 0.74f;
case LumaRange::NORMAL:
color_brackets[i].lower_bound.l = 0.3f;
color_brackets[i].upper_bound.l = 0.7f;
color_brackets[i].goal.l = 0.5f;
case LumaRange::DARK:
color_brackets[i].lower_bound.l = 0;
color_brackets[i].upper_bound.l = 0.45f;
color_brackets[i].goal.l = 0.26f;
switch (color_profiles[i].saturation) {
case SaturationRange::ANY:
color_brackets[i].lower_bound.s = 0;
color_brackets[i].upper_bound.s = 1;
color_brackets[i].goal.s = 0.5f;
case SaturationRange::VIBRANT:
color_brackets[i].lower_bound.s = 0.35f;
color_brackets[i].upper_bound.s = 1;
color_brackets[i].goal.s = 1;
case SaturationRange::MUTED:
color_brackets[i].lower_bound.s = 0;
color_brackets[i].upper_bound.s = 0.4f;
color_brackets[i].goal.s = 0.3f;
return CalculateProminentColors(
bitmap, color_brackets,
region ? *region : gfx::Rect(bitmap.width(), bitmap.height()),
filter.is_null() ? base::BindRepeating(&IsInterestingColor) : filter);
} // namespace color_utils