blob: 3c86db8502286bb047cf7d80dac0f993f09e483e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/platform_font_skia.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "skia/ext/font_utils.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkFont.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkFontMetrics.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkFontStyle.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkString.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkTypeface.h"
#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_render_params.h"
#include "ui/gfx/text_utils.h"
#include "ui/gfx/system_fonts_win.h"
#include "ui/linux/linux_ui.h"
namespace gfx {
namespace {
// The font family name which is used when a user's application font for
// GNOME/KDE is a non-scalable one. The name should be listed in the
// IsFallbackFontAllowed function in skia/ext/SkFontHost_fontconfig_direct.cpp.
const char kFallbackFontFamilyName[] = "serif";
const char kFallbackFontFamilyName[] = "sans";
constexpr SkGlyphID kUnsupportedGlyph = 0;
// The default font, used for the default constructor.
base::LazyInstance<scoped_refptr<PlatformFontSkia>>::Leaky g_default_font =
// Creates a SkTypeface for the passed-in Font::FontStyle and family. If a
// fallback typeface is used instead of the requested family, |family| will be
// updated to contain the fallback's family name.
sk_sp<SkTypeface> CreateSkTypeface(bool italic,
gfx::Font::Weight weight,
std::string* family,
bool* out_success) {
TRACE_EVENT0("fonts", "gfx::CreateSkTypeface");
const int font_weight = (weight == Font::Weight::INVALID)
? static_cast<int>(Font::Weight::NORMAL)
: static_cast<int>(weight);
SkFontStyle sk_style(
font_weight, SkFontStyle::kNormal_Width,
italic ? SkFontStyle::kItalic_Slant : SkFontStyle::kUpright_Slant);
sk_sp<SkTypeface> typeface;
"skia::MakeTypefaceFromName", "family", *family);
typeface = skia::MakeTypefaceFromName(family->c_str(), sk_style);
if (!typeface) {
"skia::MakeTypefaceFromName", "family",
// A non-scalable font such as .pcf is specified. Fall back to a default
// scalable font.
typeface = skia::MakeTypefaceFromName(kFallbackFontFamilyName, sk_style);
if (!typeface) {
*out_success = false;
return nullptr;
*family = kFallbackFontFamilyName;
*out_success = true;
return typeface;
} // namespace
std::string* PlatformFontSkia::default_font_description_ = NULL;
// PlatformFontSkia, public:
PlatformFontSkia::PlatformFontSkia() {
PlatformFontSkia::PlatformFontSkia(const std::string& font_name,
int font_size_pixels) {
FontRenderParamsQuery query;
query.pixel_size = font_size_pixels;
query.weight = Font::Weight::NORMAL;
InitFromDetails(nullptr, font_name, font_size_pixels, Font::NORMAL,
query.weight, gfx::GetFontRenderParams(query, nullptr));
sk_sp<SkTypeface> typeface,
int font_size_pixels,
const absl::optional<FontRenderParams>& params) {
SkString family_name;
SkFontStyle font_style = typeface->fontStyle();
Font::Weight font_weight = FontWeightFromInt(font_style.weight());
int style = typeface->isItalic() ? Font::ITALIC : Font::NORMAL;
FontRenderParams actual_render_params;
if (!params) {
FontRenderParamsQuery query;
query.pixel_size = font_size_pixels;
query.weight = font_weight;
actual_render_params = gfx::GetFontRenderParams(query, nullptr);
} else {
actual_render_params = params.value();
InitFromDetails(std::move(typeface), family_name.c_str(), font_size_pixels,
style, font_weight, actual_render_params);
// PlatformFontSkia, PlatformFont implementation:
// static
void PlatformFontSkia::EnsuresDefaultFontIsInitialized() {
if (g_default_font.Get())
std::string family = kFallbackFontFamilyName;
int size_pixels = PlatformFont::kDefaultBaseFontSize;
int style = Font::NORMAL;
Font::Weight weight = Font::Weight::NORMAL;
FontRenderParams params;
// On windows, the system default font is retrieved by using the GDI API
// SystemParametersInfo(...) (see struct NONCLIENTMETRICS). The font
// properties need to be converted as close as possible to a skia font.
// The style must be kept (see http://crbug/989476).
gfx::Font system_font = win::GetDefaultSystemFont();
family = system_font.GetFontName();
size_pixels = system_font.GetFontSize();
style = system_font.GetStyle();
weight = system_font.GetWeight();
// On Linux, LinuxUi is used to query the native toolkit (e.g.
// GTK) for the default UI font.
if (const auto* linux_ui = ui::LinuxUi::instance()) {
int weight_int;
&family, &size_pixels, &style, static_cast<int*>(&weight_int), &params);
weight = static_cast<Font::Weight>(weight_int);
} else
if (default_font_description_) {
// On ChromeOS, a FontList font description string is stored as a
// translatable resource and passed in via SetDefaultFontDescription().
FontRenderParamsQuery query;
&query.families, &,
&query.pixel_size, &query.weight))
<< "Failed to parse font description " << *default_font_description_;
params = gfx::GetFontRenderParams(query, &family);
size_pixels = query.pixel_size;
style =;
weight = query.weight;
} else {
params = gfx::GetFontRenderParams(FontRenderParamsQuery(), nullptr);
bool success = false;
sk_sp<SkTypeface> typeface =
CreateSkTypeface(style & Font::ITALIC, weight, &family, &success);
// It's possible that the Skia interface is not longer able to proxy queries
// to the browser process which make all requests to fail. Calling
// MakeDefault() will try to get the default typeface; in case of failure it
// returns an instance of SkEmptyTypeface. MakeDefault() should never fail.
// See for details.
if (!success) {
typeface = skia::DefaultTypeface();
// Ensure there is a typeface available. If none is available, there is
// nothing we can do about it and Chrome won't be able to work.
CHECK(typeface.get()) << "No typeface available";
g_default_font.Get() = new PlatformFontSkia(
std::move(typeface), family, size_pixels, style, weight, params);
// static
void PlatformFontSkia::ReloadDefaultFont() {
// Reset the scoped_refptr.
g_default_font.Get() = nullptr;
// static
void PlatformFontSkia::SetDefaultFontDescription(
const std::string& font_description) {
delete default_font_description_;
default_font_description_ = new std::string(font_description);
Font PlatformFontSkia::DeriveFont(int size_delta,
int style,
Font::Weight weight) const {
const int new_size = win::AdjustFontSize(font_size_pixels_, size_delta);
const int new_size = font_size_pixels_ + size_delta;
DCHECK_GT(new_size, 0);
// If the style changed, we may need to load a new face.
std::string new_family = font_family_;
bool success = true;
sk_sp<SkTypeface> typeface =
(weight == weight_ && style == style_)
? typeface_
: CreateSkTypeface(style, weight, &new_family, &success);
if (!success) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not find any font: " << new_family << ", "
<< kFallbackFontFamilyName << ". Falling back to the default";
return Font(new PlatformFontSkia);
FontRenderParamsQuery query;
query.pixel_size = new_size; = style;
return Font(new PlatformFontSkia(std::move(typeface), new_family, new_size,
style, weight,
gfx::GetFontRenderParams(query, NULL)));
int PlatformFontSkia::GetHeight() {
return height_pixels_;
Font::Weight PlatformFontSkia::GetWeight() const {
return weight_;
int PlatformFontSkia::GetBaseline() {
return ascent_pixels_;
int PlatformFontSkia::GetCapHeight() {
return cap_height_pixels_;
int PlatformFontSkia::GetExpectedTextWidth(int length) {
return round(static_cast<float>(length) * average_width_pixels_);
int PlatformFontSkia::GetStyle() const {
return style_;
const std::string& PlatformFontSkia::GetFontName() const {
return font_family_;
std::string PlatformFontSkia::GetActualFontName() const {
SkString family_name;
return family_name.c_str();
int PlatformFontSkia::GetFontSize() const {
return font_size_pixels_;
const FontRenderParams& PlatformFontSkia::GetFontRenderParams() {
TRACE_EVENT0("fonts", "PlatformFontSkia::GetFontRenderParams");
float current_scale_factor = GetFontRenderParamsDeviceScaleFactor();
if (current_scale_factor != device_scale_factor_) {
FontRenderParamsQuery query;
query.pixel_size = font_size_pixels_; = style_;
query.weight = weight_;
query.device_scale_factor = current_scale_factor;
font_render_params_ = gfx::GetFontRenderParams(query, nullptr);
device_scale_factor_ = current_scale_factor;
return font_render_params_;
sk_sp<SkTypeface> PlatformFontSkia::GetNativeSkTypeface() const {
return sk_sp<SkTypeface>(typeface_);
// PlatformFontSkia, private:
PlatformFontSkia::PlatformFontSkia(sk_sp<SkTypeface> typeface,
const std::string& family,
int size_pixels,
int style,
Font::Weight weight,
const FontRenderParams& render_params) {
InitFromDetails(std::move(typeface), family, size_pixels, style, weight,
PlatformFontSkia::~PlatformFontSkia() {}
void PlatformFontSkia::InitFromDetails(sk_sp<SkTypeface> typeface,
const std::string& font_family,
int font_size_pixels,
int style,
Font::Weight weight,
const FontRenderParams& render_params) {
TRACE_EVENT0("fonts", "PlatformFontSkia::InitFromDetails");
DCHECK_GT(font_size_pixels, 0);
font_family_ = font_family;
bool success = true;
typeface_ = typeface ? std::move(typeface)
: CreateSkTypeface(style & Font::ITALIC, weight,
&font_family_, &success);
if (!success) {
font_size_pixels_ = font_size_pixels;
style_ = style;
weight_ = weight;
device_scale_factor_ = GetFontRenderParamsDeviceScaleFactor();
font_render_params_ = render_params;
void PlatformFontSkia::InitFromPlatformFont(const PlatformFontSkia* other) {
TRACE_EVENT0("fonts", "PlatformFontSkia::InitFromPlatformFont");
typeface_ = other->typeface_;
font_family_ = other->font_family_;
font_size_pixels_ = other->font_size_pixels_;
style_ = other->style_;
weight_ = other->weight_;
device_scale_factor_ = other->device_scale_factor_;
font_render_params_ = other->font_render_params_;
if (!other->metrics_need_computation_) {
metrics_need_computation_ = false;
ascent_pixels_ = other->ascent_pixels_;
height_pixels_ = other->height_pixels_;
cap_height_pixels_ = other->cap_height_pixels_;
average_width_pixels_ = other->average_width_pixels_;
void PlatformFontSkia::ComputeMetricsIfNecessary() {
if (metrics_need_computation_) {
TRACE_EVENT0("fonts", "PlatformFontSkia::ComputeMetricsIfNecessary");
metrics_need_computation_ = false;
SkFont font(typeface_, font_size_pixels_);
const FontRenderParams& params = GetFontRenderParams();
if (!params.antialiasing) {
} else if (params.subpixel_rendering ==
} else {
font.setEmbolden(weight_ >= Font::Weight::BOLD && !typeface_->isBold());
font.setSkewX((Font::ITALIC & style_) && !typeface_->isItalic()
? -SK_Scalar1 / 4
: 0);
SkFontMetrics metrics;
ascent_pixels_ = SkScalarCeilToInt(-metrics.fAscent);
cap_height_pixels_ = SkScalarCeilToInt(metrics.fCapHeight);
// There is a mismatch between the way the PlatformFontWin was computing the
// font height in pixel. The font height may vary by one pixel due to
// decimal rounding.
// Windows Skia implements : ceil(descent - ascent)
// Linux Skia implements : ceil(-ascent) + ceil(descent)
// TODO(etienneb): Make both implementation consistent and fix the broken
// unittests.
height_pixels_ = SkScalarCeilToInt(metrics.fDescent - metrics.fAscent);
height_pixels_ = ascent_pixels_ + SkScalarCeilToInt(metrics.fDescent);
if (metrics.fAvgCharWidth) {
average_width_pixels_ = SkScalarToDouble(metrics.fAvgCharWidth);
} else {
// Some Skia fonts manager do not compute the average character size
// (e.g. Direct Write). The following code computes the average character
// width the same way Blink (e.g. SimpleFontData) does. Use the width of
// the letter 'x' when available, otherwise use the max character width.
SkGlyphID glyph = typeface_->unicharToGlyph('x');
if (glyph != kUnsupportedGlyph) {
SkScalar sk_width;
font.getWidths(&glyph, 1, &sk_width);
average_width_pixels_ = SkScalarToDouble(sk_width);
if (!average_width_pixels_) {
if (metrics.fMaxCharWidth) {
average_width_pixels_ = SkScalarToDouble(metrics.fMaxCharWidth);
} else {
// Older version of the DirectWrite API doesn't implement support for
// max char width. Fall back on a multiple of the ascent. This is
// entirely arbitrary but comes pretty close to the expected value in
// most cases.
average_width_pixels_ = ascent_pixels_ * 2;
DCHECK_NE(average_width_pixels_, 0);
// PlatformFont, public:
// static
PlatformFont* PlatformFont::CreateDefault() {
return new PlatformFontSkia;
// static
PlatformFont* PlatformFont::CreateFromNameAndSize(const std::string& font_name,
int font_size) {
TRACE_EVENT0("fonts", "PlatformFont::CreateFromNameAndSize");
return new PlatformFontSkia(font_name, font_size);
// static
PlatformFont* PlatformFont::CreateFromSkTypeface(
sk_sp<SkTypeface> typeface,
int font_size_pixels,
const absl::optional<FontRenderParams>& params) {
TRACE_EVENT0("fonts", "PlatformFont::CreateFromSkTypeface");
return new PlatformFontSkia(typeface, font_size_pixels, params);
} // namespace gfx