blob: eaa6ea0c4203702d3b53155dc087f7bedaec9ec0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace gfx {
// TODO(msw): Distinguish between logical character stops and glyph stops?
// TODO(msw): Merge with base::i18n::BreakIterator::BreakType.
enum BreakType {
CHARACTER_BREAK = 0, // Stop cursor movement on neighboring characters.
WORD_BREAK, // Stop cursor movement on nearest word boundaries.
LINE_BREAK, // Stop cursor movement on line ends as shown on screen.
FIELD_BREAK, // Stop cursor movement on text ends.
// Specifies the selection behavior for a move/move-and-select command. For
// example consider the state "ab|cd|e", i.e. cd is selected. Assume the
// selection direction is from left to right. If we move to the beginning of the
// line (LINE_BREAK, CURSOR_LEFT), the resultant state is:
// "|ab|cde" for SELECTION_RETAIN, selection direction from right to left.
// "|abcd|e" for SELECTION_EXTEND, selection direction from right to left.
// "ab|cde" for SELECTION_CARET.
// "|abcde" for SELECTION_NONE.
enum SelectionBehavior {
// Default behavior for a move-and-select command. The selection start point
// remains the same. For example, this is the behavior of textfields on Mac
// for the command moveUpAndModifySelection (Shift + Up).
// Use for move-and-select commands that want the existing selection to be
// extended in the opposite direction, when the selection direction is
// reversed. For example, this is the behavior for textfields on Mac for the
// command moveToLeftEndOfLineAndModifySelection (Command + Shift + Left).
// Use for move-and-select commands that want the existing selection to reduce
// to a caret, when the selection direction is reversed. For example, this is
// the behavior for textfields on Mac for the command
// moveWordLeftAndModifySelection (Alt + Shift + Left).
// No selection. To be used for move commands that don't want to cause a
// selection, and that want to collapse any pre-existing selection.
// Specifies the word wrapping behavior when a word would exceed the available
// display width. All words that are too wide will be put on a new line, and
// then:
enum WordWrapBehavior {
IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, // Overflowing word text is left on that line.
TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, // Overflowing word text is truncated.
ELIDE_LONG_WORDS, // Overflowing word text is elided at the ellipsis.
WRAP_LONG_WORDS, // Overflowing word text is wrapped over multiple lines.
// Horizontal text alignment modes.
enum HorizontalAlignment {
ALIGN_LEFT = 0, // Align the text's left edge with that of its display area.
ALIGN_CENTER, // Align the text's center with that of its display area.
ALIGN_RIGHT, // Align the text's right edge with that of its display area.
ALIGN_TO_HEAD, // Align the text to its first strong character's direction.
// Vertical text alignment modes for multiline text.
enum VerticalAlignment {
ALIGN_TOP = 0, // Align the text's top edge with that of its display area.
ALIGN_MIDDLE, // Align the text's center with that of its display area.
ALIGN_BOTTOM, // Align the text's bottom edge with that of its display area.
// The directionality modes used to determine the base text direction.
enum DirectionalityMode {
DIRECTIONALITY_FROM_TEXT = 0, // Use the first strong character's direction.
DIRECTIONALITY_FORCE_LTR, // Use LTR regardless of content or UI locale.
DIRECTIONALITY_FORCE_RTL, // Use RTL regardless of content or UI locale.
// Note: Unless the experimental feature LeftToRightUrls is enabled,
DIRECTIONALITY_AS_URL, // FORCE_LTR with additional rules for URLs.
// Text styles and adornments.
// TODO(msw): Merge with gfx::Font::FontStyle.
enum TextStyle {
// Text baseline offset types.
// Figure of font metrics:
// +--------+--------+------------------------+-------------+
// | | | internal leading | SUPERSCRIPT |
// | | +------------+-----------| |
// | | ascent | | SUPERIOR |-------------+
// | height | | cap height |-----------|
// | | | | INFERIOR |-------------+
// | |--------+------------+-----------| |
// | | descent | SUBSCRIPT |
// +--------+---------------------------------+-------------+
enum class BaselineStyle {
kNormalBaseline = 0,
kSuperscript, // e.g. a mathematical exponent would be superscript.
kSuperior, // e.g. 8th, the "th" would be superior script.
kInferior, // e.g. 1/2, the "2" would be inferior ("1" is superior).
kSubscript, // e.g. H2O, the "2" would be subscript.
// Elision behaviors of text that exceeds constrained dimensions.
enum ElideBehavior {
NO_ELIDE = 0, // Do not modify the text, it may overflow its available bounds.
TRUNCATE, // Do not elide or fade, just truncate at the end of the string.
ELIDE_HEAD, // Add an ellipsis at the start of the string.
ELIDE_MIDDLE, // Add an ellipsis in the middle of the string.
ELIDE_TAIL, // Add an ellipsis at the end of the string.
ELIDE_EMAIL, // Add ellipses to username and domain substrings.
FADE_TAIL, // Fade the string's end opposite of its horizontal alignment.
} // namespace gfx