blob: 85c80c48146fcd249bf7761a57725f655ac52417 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_collision_warner.h"
#include "media/capture/capture_export.h"
#include "media/capture/video/video_capture_device.h"
namespace media {
class VideoCaptureBufferPool;
class VideoFrameReceiver;
class VideoCaptureJpegDecoder;
using VideoCaptureJpegDecoderFactoryCB =
// Implementation of media::VideoCaptureDevice::Client that uses a buffer pool
// to provide buffers and converts incoming data to the I420 format for
// consumption by a given VideoFrameReceiver.
// Methods of this class may be called from any thread, and in practice will
// often be called on some auxiliary thread depending on the platform and the
// device type; including, for example, the DirectShow thread on Windows, the
// v4l2_thread on Linux, and the UI thread for tab capture.
// The owner is responsible for making sure that the instance outlives these
// calls.
class CAPTURE_EXPORT VideoCaptureDeviceClient
: public media::VideoCaptureDevice::Client {
std::unique_ptr<VideoFrameReceiver> receiver,
scoped_refptr<VideoCaptureBufferPool> buffer_pool,
const VideoCaptureJpegDecoderFactoryCB& jpeg_decoder_factory);
~VideoCaptureDeviceClient() override;
static Buffer MakeBufferStruct(
scoped_refptr<VideoCaptureBufferPool> buffer_pool,
int buffer_id,
int frame_feedback_id);
// VideoCaptureDevice::Client implementation.
void OnIncomingCapturedData(const uint8_t* data,
int length,
const media::VideoCaptureFormat& frame_format,
int rotation,
base::TimeTicks reference_time,
base::TimeDelta timestamp,
int frame_feedback_id = 0) override;
Buffer ReserveOutputBuffer(const gfx::Size& dimensions,
media::VideoPixelFormat format,
media::VideoPixelStorage storage,
int frame_feedback_id) override;
void OnIncomingCapturedBuffer(Buffer buffer,
const VideoCaptureFormat& format,
base::TimeTicks reference_time,
base::TimeDelta timestamp) override;
void OnIncomingCapturedBufferExt(
Buffer buffer,
const VideoCaptureFormat& format,
base::TimeTicks reference_time,
base::TimeDelta timestamp,
gfx::Rect visible_rect,
const VideoFrameMetadata& additional_metadata) override;
Buffer ResurrectLastOutputBuffer(const gfx::Size& dimensions,
media::VideoPixelFormat format,
media::VideoPixelStorage storage,
int new_frame_feedback_id) override;
void OnError(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const std::string& reason) override;
void OnLog(const std::string& message) override;
void OnStarted() override;
double GetBufferPoolUtilization() const override;
// A branch of OnIncomingCapturedData for Y16 frame_format.pixel_format.
void OnIncomingCapturedY16Data(const uint8_t* data,
int length,
const VideoCaptureFormat& frame_format,
base::TimeTicks reference_time,
base::TimeDelta timestamp,
int frame_feedback_id);
// The receiver to which we post events.
const std::unique_ptr<VideoFrameReceiver> receiver_;
std::vector<int> buffer_ids_known_by_receiver_;
const VideoCaptureJpegDecoderFactoryCB jpeg_decoder_factory_callback_;
std::unique_ptr<VideoCaptureJpegDecoder> external_jpeg_decoder_;
// Whether |external_jpeg_decoder_| has been initialized.
bool external_jpeg_decoder_initialized_;
base::OnceClosure on_started_using_gpu_cb_;
// The pool of shared-memory buffers used for capturing.
const scoped_refptr<VideoCaptureBufferPool> buffer_pool_;
// Counter used to track the number of times consecutive capture buffers are
// dropped.
int dropped_frame_counter_ = 0;
static const int kMaxDroppedFrames = 150;
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
media::VideoPixelFormat last_captured_pixel_format_;
// Thread collision warner to ensure that producer-facing API is not called
// concurrently. Producers are allowed to call from multiple threads, but not
// concurrently.
} // namespace media