blob: 223fe24207c06fad5c9aefe2a88cd9105815b607 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Deals with loading & saving .size files."""
import cStringIO
import calendar
import collections
import datetime
import gzip
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
import models
# File format version for .size files.
_SERIALIZATION_VERSION = 'Size File Format v1'
def _LogSize(file_obj, desc):
if not hasattr(file_obj, 'fileno'):
size = os.fstat(file_obj.fileno()).st_size
logging.debug('File size with %s: %d' % (desc, size))
def _SaveSizeInfoToFile(size_info, file_obj):
file_obj.write('# Created by //tools/binary_size\n')
file_obj.write('%s\n' % _SERIALIZATION_VERSION)
headers = {
'metadata': size_info.metadata,
'section_sizes': size_info.section_sizes,
metadata_str = json.dumps(headers, file_obj, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
file_obj.write('%d\n' % len(metadata_str))
_LogSize(file_obj, 'header') # For libchrome: 570 bytes.
# Store a single copy of all paths and have them referenced by index.
# Using an OrderedDict makes the indices more repetitive (better compression).
path_tuples = collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(
(s.object_path, s.source_path) for s in size_info.raw_symbols)
for i, key in enumerate(path_tuples):
path_tuples[key] = i
file_obj.write('%d\n' % len(path_tuples))
file_obj.writelines('%s\t%s\n' % pair for pair in path_tuples)
_LogSize(file_obj, 'paths') # For libchrome, adds 200kb.
# Symbol counts by section.
by_section = size_info.raw_symbols.GroupedBySectionName().Sorted(
key=lambda s:(s[0].IsBss(), s[0].address, s.full_name))
file_obj.write('%s\n' % '\t'.join( for g in by_section))
file_obj.write('%s\n' % '\t'.join(str(len(g)) for g in by_section))
def write_numeric(func, delta=False):
for group in by_section:
prev_value = 0
last_sym = group[-1]
for symbol in group:
value = func(symbol)
if delta:
value, prev_value = value - prev_value, value
if symbol is not last_sym:
file_obj.write(' ')
write_numeric(lambda s: s.address, delta=True)
_LogSize(file_obj, 'addresses') # For libchrome, adds 300kb.
# Do not write padding, it will be recalcualted from addresses on load.
write_numeric(lambda s: s.size_without_padding)
_LogSize(file_obj, 'sizes') # For libchrome, adds 300kb
write_numeric(lambda s: path_tuples[(s.object_path, s.source_path)],
_LogSize(file_obj, 'path indices') # For libchrome: adds 125kb.
prev_aliases = None
for group in by_section:
for symbol in group:
if symbol.aliases and symbol.aliases is not prev_aliases:
file_obj.write('\t0%x' % symbol.num_aliases)
prev_aliases = symbol.aliases
if symbol.flags:
file_obj.write('\t%x' % symbol.flags)
_LogSize(file_obj, 'names (final)') # For libchrome: adds 3.5mb.
def _LoadSizeInfoFromFile(file_obj, size_path):
"""Loads a size_info from the given file."""
lines = iter(file_obj)
next(lines) # Comment line.
actual_version = next(lines)[:-1]
assert actual_version == _SERIALIZATION_VERSION, (
'Version mismatch. Need to write some upgrade code.')
json_len = int(next(lines))
json_str =
headers = json.loads(json_str)
section_sizes = headers['section_sizes']
metadata = headers.get('metadata')
lines = iter(file_obj)
next(lines) # newline after closing } of json.
num_path_tuples = int(next(lines))
path_tuples = [None] * num_path_tuples
for i in xrange(num_path_tuples):
path_tuples[i] = next(lines)[:-1].split('\t')
section_names = next(lines)[:-1].split('\t')
section_counts = [int(c) for c in next(lines)[:-1].split('\t')]
def read_numeric(delta=False):
ret = []
delta_multiplier = int(delta)
for _ in section_counts:
value = 0
fields = next(lines).split(' ')
for i, f in enumerate(fields):
value = value * delta_multiplier + int(f)
fields[i] = value
return ret
addresses = read_numeric(delta=True)
sizes = read_numeric(delta=False)
path_indices = read_numeric(delta=True)
raw_symbols = [None] * sum(section_counts)
symbol_idx = 0
for section_index, cur_section_name in enumerate(section_names):
alias_counter = 0
for i in xrange(section_counts[section_index]):
parts = next(lines)[:-1].split('\t')
flags_part = None
aliases_part = None
if len(parts) == 3:
aliases_part = parts[1]
flags_part = parts[2]
elif len(parts) == 2:
if parts[1][0] == '0':
aliases_part = parts[1]
flags_part = parts[1]
full_name = parts[0]
flags = int(flags_part, 16) if flags_part else 0
num_aliases = int(aliases_part, 16) if aliases_part else 0
new_sym = models.Symbol.__new__(models.Symbol)
new_sym.section_name = cur_section_name
new_sym.address = addresses[section_index][i]
new_sym.size = sizes[section_index][i]
new_sym.full_name = full_name
paths = path_tuples[path_indices[section_index][i]]
new_sym.object_path = paths[0]
new_sym.source_path = paths[1]
new_sym.flags = flags
new_sym.padding = 0 # Derived
new_sym.template_name = '' # Derived = '' # Derived
if num_aliases:
assert alias_counter == 0
new_sym.aliases = [new_sym]
alias_counter = num_aliases - 1
elif alias_counter > 0:
new_sym.aliases = raw_symbols[symbol_idx - 1].aliases
alias_counter -= 1
new_sym.aliases = None
raw_symbols[symbol_idx] = new_sym
symbol_idx += 1
return models.SizeInfo(section_sizes, raw_symbols, metadata=metadata,
def SaveSizeInfo(size_info, path):
"""Saves |size_info| to |path}."""
if os.environ.get('SUPERSIZE_MEASURE_GZIP') == '1':
with, 'wb') as f:
_SaveSizeInfoToFile(size_info, f)
# It is seconds faster to do gzip in a separate step. 6s -> 3.5s.
stringio = cStringIO.StringIO()
_SaveSizeInfoToFile(size_info, stringio)
logging.debug('Serialization complete. Gzipping...')
with, 'wb') as f:
shutil.copyfileobj(stringio, f)
def LoadSizeInfo(path):
"""Returns a SizeInfo loaded from |path|."""
with as f:
return _LoadSizeInfoFromFile(f, path)