blob: 3c51c1e6532b091fa4b878dc7026b709d21ea5be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/mirroring/service/mirror_settings.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "media/base/audio_parameters.h"
using media::cast::FrameSenderConfig;
using media::cast::Codec;
using media::cast::RtpPayloadType;
using media::ResolutionChangePolicy;
namespace mirroring {
namespace {
// Starting end-to-end latency for animated content.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kAnimatedPlayoutDelay =
// Minimum end-to-end latency. This allows cast streaming to adaptively lower
// latency in interactive streaming scenarios.
// TODO(miu): This was 120 before stable launch, but we got user feedback that
// this was causing audio drop-outs. So, we need to fix the Cast Streaming
// implementation before lowering this setting.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kMinPlayoutDelay =
// Maximum end-to-end latency.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kMaxPlayoutDelay =
constexpr int kAudioTimebase = 48000;
constexpr int kVidoTimebase = 90000;
constexpr int kAudioChannels = 2;
constexpr int kAudioFramerate = 100; // 100 FPS for 10ms packets.
constexpr int kMinVideoBitrate = 300000;
constexpr int kMaxVideoBitrate = 5000000;
constexpr int kAudioBitrate = 0; // 0 means automatic.
constexpr int kMaxFrameRate = 30; // The maximum frame rate for captures.
constexpr int kMaxWidth = 1920; // Maximum video width in pixels.
constexpr int kMaxHeight = 1080; // Maximum video height in pixels.
constexpr int kMinWidth = 180; // Minimum video frame width in pixels.
constexpr int kMinHeight = 180; // Minimum video frame height in pixels.
} // namespace
: min_width_(kMinWidth),
max_height_(kMaxHeight) {}
MirrorSettings::~MirrorSettings() {}
// static
FrameSenderConfig MirrorSettings::GetDefaultAudioConfig(
RtpPayloadType payload_type,
Codec codec) {
FrameSenderConfig config;
config.sender_ssrc = 1;
config.receiver_ssrc = 2;
config.min_playout_delay = kMinPlayoutDelay;
config.max_playout_delay = kMaxPlayoutDelay;
config.animated_playout_delay = kAnimatedPlayoutDelay;
config.rtp_payload_type = payload_type;
config.rtp_timebase = kAudioTimebase;
config.channels = kAudioChannels;
config.min_bitrate = config.max_bitrate = config.start_bitrate =
config.max_frame_rate = kAudioFramerate; // 10 ms audio frames
config.codec = codec;
return config;
// static
FrameSenderConfig MirrorSettings::GetDefaultVideoConfig(
RtpPayloadType payload_type,
Codec codec) {
FrameSenderConfig config;
config.sender_ssrc = 11;
config.receiver_ssrc = 12;
config.min_playout_delay = kMinPlayoutDelay;
config.max_playout_delay = kMaxPlayoutDelay;
config.animated_playout_delay = kAnimatedPlayoutDelay;
config.rtp_payload_type = payload_type;
config.rtp_timebase = kVidoTimebase;
config.channels = 1;
config.min_bitrate = kMinVideoBitrate;
config.max_bitrate = kMaxVideoBitrate;
config.start_bitrate = kMinVideoBitrate;
config.max_frame_rate = kMaxFrameRate;
config.codec = codec;
return config;
void MirrorSettings::SetResolutionContraints(int max_width, int max_height) {
max_width_ = std::max(max_width, min_width_);
max_height_ = std::max(max_height, min_height_);
media::VideoCaptureParams MirrorSettings::GetVideoCaptureParams() {
media::VideoCaptureParams params;
params.requested_format =
media::VideoCaptureFormat(gfx::Size(max_width_, max_height_),
kMaxFrameRate, media::PIXEL_FORMAT_I420);
if (max_height_ == min_height_ && max_width_ == min_width_) {
params.resolution_change_policy = ResolutionChangePolicy::FIXED_RESOLUTION;
} else if ((100 * min_width_ / min_height_) ==
(100 * max_width_ / max_height_)) {
params.resolution_change_policy =
} else {
params.resolution_change_policy = ResolutionChangePolicy::ANY_WITHIN_LIMIT;
return params;
media::AudioParameters MirrorSettings::GetAudioCaptureParams() {
media::AudioParameters params(media::AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY,
media::CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO, kAudioTimebase,
kAudioTimebase / 100);
return params;
base::Value MirrorSettings::ToDictionaryValue() {
base::Value settings(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
settings.SetKey("maxWidth", base::Value(max_width_));
settings.SetKey("maxHeight", base::Value(max_height_));
settings.SetKey("minWidth", base::Value(min_width_));
settings.SetKey("minHeight", base::Value(min_height_));
settings.SetKey("senderSideLetterboxing", base::Value(true));
settings.SetKey("minFrameRate", base::Value(0));
settings.SetKey("maxFrameRate", base::Value(kMaxFrameRate));
settings.SetKey("minVideoBitrate", base::Value(kMinVideoBitrate));
settings.SetKey("maxVideoBitrate", base::Value(kMaxVideoBitrate));
settings.SetKey("audioBitrate", base::Value(kAudioBitrate));
settings.SetKey("dscpEnabled", base::Value(false));
settings.SetKey("enableLogging", base::Value(true));
settings.SetKey("useTdls", base::Value(false));
return settings;
} // namespace mirroring