blob: 5175b7032f4c21641b7287a51c417c3f39b96363 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.content.browser;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.robolectric.annotation.Config;
import org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowLooper;
import org.chromium.base.process_launcher.ChildProcessConnection;
import org.chromium.base.test.BaseRobolectricTestRunner;
import org.chromium.base.test.TestChildProcessConnection;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.ChildProcessImportance;
/** Unit tests for ChildProessRanking */
@Config(manifest = Config.NONE)
public class ChildProcessRankingTest {
private TestChildProcessConnection createConnection() {
TestChildProcessConnection connection = new TestChildProcessConnection(
new ComponentName("pkg", "cls"), false /* bindToCallerCheck */,
false /* bindAsExternalService */, null /* serviceBundle */);
connection.start(false /* useStrongBinding */, null /* serviceCallback */);
return connection;
private void assertRankingAndRemoveAll(
ChildProcessRanking ranking, ChildProcessConnection[] connections) {
int index = connections.length;
ChildProcessConnection reverseIterationArray[] =
new ChildProcessConnection[connections.length];
for (ChildProcessConnection c : ranking) {
reverseIterationArray[--index] = c;
Assert.assertArrayEquals(connections, reverseIterationArray);
Assert.assertEquals(0, index);
index = connections.length;
ChildProcessConnection reverseRemoveArray[] =
new ChildProcessConnection[connections.length];
for (int i = 0; i < connections.length; ++i) {
ChildProcessConnection c = ranking.getLowestRankedConnection();
reverseRemoveArray[--index] = c;
Assert.assertArrayEquals(connections, reverseRemoveArray);
private void assertNotInGroup(ChildProcessConnection[] connections) {
for (ChildProcessConnection c : connections) {
Assert.assertEquals(0, c.getGroup());
private void assertInGroupOrderedByImportance(ChildProcessConnection[] connections) {
int importanceSoFar = -1;
for (ChildProcessConnection c : connections) {
Assert.assertTrue(c.getGroup() > 0);
Assert.assertTrue(c.getImportanceInGroup() > importanceSoFar);
importanceSoFar = c.getImportanceInGroup();
public void testRanking() {
ChildProcessRanking ranking = new ChildProcessRanking(10);
doTestRanking(ranking, false);
public void testRankingWithoutLimit() {
ChildProcessRanking ranking = new ChildProcessRanking();
doTestRanking(ranking, false);
public void testEnableGroupAfter() {
ChildProcessRanking ranking = new ChildProcessRanking();
doTestRanking(ranking, true);
private void doTestRanking(ChildProcessRanking ranking, boolean enableGroupImportanceAfter) {
if (!enableGroupImportanceAfter) ranking.enableServiceGroupImportance();
ChildProcessConnection c1 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c2 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c3 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c4 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c5 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c6 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c7 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c8 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c9 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c10 = createConnection();
// Insert in lowest ranked to highest ranked order.
// Invisible frame.
ranking.addConnection(c1, false /* foreground */, 0 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
// Visible subframe outside viewport.
ranking.addConnection(c2, true /* foreground */, 2 /* frameDepth */,
false /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
ranking.addConnection(c3, true /* foreground */, 1 /* frameDepth */,
false /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
// Visible subframe inside viewport.
ranking.addConnection(c4, true /* foreground */, 2 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
ranking.addConnection(c5, true /* foreground */, 1 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
// Visible main frame.
ranking.addConnection(c6, true /* foreground */, 0 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
if (enableGroupImportanceAfter) {
assertNotInGroup(new ChildProcessConnection[] {c6, c5, c4, c3, c2, c1});
assertRankingAndRemoveAll(ranking, new ChildProcessConnection[] {c6, c5, c4, c3, c2, c1});
assertNotInGroup(new ChildProcessConnection[] {c6, c5, c4});
assertInGroupOrderedByImportance(new ChildProcessConnection[] {c3, c2, c1});
public void testRankingWithImportance() {
ChildProcessConnection c1 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c2 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c3 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c4 = createConnection();
ChildProcessRanking ranking = new ChildProcessRanking(4);
// Insert in lowest ranked to highest ranked order.
ranking.addConnection(c1, false /* foreground */, 0 /* frameDepth */,
false /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
ranking.addConnection(c2, false /* foreground */, 0 /* frameDepth */,
false /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.MODERATE);
ranking.addConnection(c3, false /* foreground */, 1 /* frameDepth */,
false /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.IMPORTANT);
ranking.addConnection(c4, false /* foreground */, 0 /* frameDepth */,
false /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.IMPORTANT);
assertRankingAndRemoveAll(ranking, new ChildProcessConnection[] {c4, c3, c2, c1});
assertNotInGroup(new ChildProcessConnection[] {c4, c3, c2});
assertInGroupOrderedByImportance(new ChildProcessConnection[] {c1});
public void testUpdate() {
ChildProcessConnection c1 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c2 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c3 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c4 = createConnection();
ChildProcessRanking ranking = new ChildProcessRanking(4);
// c1,2 are in one tab, and c3,4 are in second tab.
ranking.addConnection(c1, true /* foreground */, 1 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
ranking.addConnection(c2, true /* foreground */, 0 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
ranking.addConnection(c3, false /* foreground */, 1 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
ranking.addConnection(c4, false /* foreground */, 0 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
Assert.assertEquals(c3, ranking.getLowestRankedConnection());
// Switch from tab c1,2 to tab c3,c4.
ranking.updateConnection(c1, false /* foreground */, 1 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
ranking.updateConnection(c2, false /* foreground */, 0 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
ranking.updateConnection(c3, true /* foreground */, 1 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
ranking.updateConnection(c4, true /* foreground */, 0 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
assertRankingAndRemoveAll(ranking, new ChildProcessConnection[] {c4, c3, c2, c1});
assertNotInGroup(new ChildProcessConnection[] {c4, c3});
assertInGroupOrderedByImportance(new ChildProcessConnection[] {c2, c1});
public void testIntersectsViewport() {
ChildProcessConnection c1 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c2 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c3 = createConnection();
ChildProcessRanking ranking = new ChildProcessRanking(4);
// Insert in lowest ranked to highest ranked order.
ranking.addConnection(c1, true /* foreground */, 1 /* frameDepth */,
false /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
ranking.addConnection(c2, true /* foreground */, 1 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
ranking.addConnection(c3, true /* foreground */, 0 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
assertRankingAndRemoveAll(ranking, new ChildProcessConnection[] {c3, c2, c1});
assertNotInGroup(new ChildProcessConnection[] {c3, c2});
assertInGroupOrderedByImportance(new ChildProcessConnection[] {c1});
public void testFrameDepthIntOverflow() {
ChildProcessConnection c1 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c2 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c3 = createConnection();
ChildProcessRanking ranking = new ChildProcessRanking();
// Native can pass up the maximum value of unsigned int.
long intOverflow = ((long) Integer.MAX_VALUE) * 2;
ranking.addConnection(c3, true /* foreground */, intOverflow - 1 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
ranking.addConnection(c2, true /* foreground */, 10 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
ranking.addConnection(c1, true /* foreground */, intOverflow /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
assertRankingAndRemoveAll(ranking, new ChildProcessConnection[] {c2, c3, c1});
public void testThrowExceptionWhenGoingOverLimit() {
ChildProcessRanking ranking = new ChildProcessRanking(2);
ChildProcessConnection c1 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c2 = createConnection();
ChildProcessConnection c3 = createConnection();
ranking.addConnection(c1, true /* foreground */, 1 /* frameDepth */,
false /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
ranking.addConnection(c2, true /* foreground */, 1 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
boolean exceptionThrown = false;
try {
ranking.addConnection(c3, true /* foreground */, 1 /* frameDepth */,
true /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
} catch (Throwable e) {
exceptionThrown = true;
public void testRebindHighRankConnection() {
ChildProcessRanking ranking = new ChildProcessRanking();
TestChildProcessConnection c1 = createConnection();
TestChildProcessConnection c2 = createConnection();
TestChildProcessConnection c3 = createConnection();
ranking.addConnection(c1, true /* foreground */, 0 /* frameDepth */,
false /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.IMPORTANT);
ranking.addConnection(c2, true /* foreground */, 2 /* frameDepth */,
false /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
ranking.addConnection(c3, true /* foreground */, 3 /* frameDepth */,
false /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
assertNotInGroup(new ChildProcessConnection[] {c1});
assertInGroupOrderedByImportance(new ChildProcessConnection[] {c2, c3});
ranking.updateConnection(c3, true /* foreground */, 1 /* frameDepth */,
false /* intersectsViewport */, ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL);
assertNotInGroup(new ChildProcessConnection[] {c1});
assertInGroupOrderedByImportance(new ChildProcessConnection[] {c3, c2});