blob: df3bcc6b745b7f83d827b7da4c7a09d5ceb61856 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_view_ios.h"
#import <CoreText/CoreText.h>
#import <MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h>
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/ios/device_util.h"
#include "base/ios/ios_util.h"
#include "base/metrics/user_metrics.h"
#include "base/metrics/user_metrics_action.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_input.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_match.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/location_bar_model.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/omnibox_edit_model.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/omnibox_popup_model.h"
#include "components/omnibox/common/omnibox_focus_state.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_scheme_classifier_impl.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/browser_state/chrome_browser_state.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/chrome_omnibox_client_ios.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_text_field_paste_delegate.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_util.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/web_omnibox_edit_controller.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/toolbar/public/omnibox_focuser.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/util/ui_util.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/util/uikit_ui_util.h"
#include "ios/chrome/grit/ios_strings.h"
#include "ios/chrome/grit/ios_theme_resources.h"
#include "ios/web/public/navigation/referrer.h"
#import "net/base/mac/url_conversions.h"
#include "skia/ext/skia_utils_ios.h"
#include "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
#include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
#include "ui/base/window_open_disposition.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_palette.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
using base::UserMetricsAction;
namespace {
// The color of the https when there is an error.
UIColor* ErrorTextColor() {
return skia::UIColorFromSkColor(gfx::kGoogleRed700);
// The color of the https when there is not an error.
UIColor* SecureTextColor() {
return skia::UIColorFromSkColor(gfx::kGoogleGreen700);
// The color of the https when highlighted in incognito.
UIColor* IncognitoSecureTextColor() {
return [UIColor colorWithWhite:(255 / 255.0) alpha:1.0];
} // namespace
#pragma mark - OminboxViewIOS
OmniboxViewIOS::OmniboxViewIOS(OmniboxTextFieldIOS* field,
WebOmniboxEditController* controller,
id<OmniboxLeftImageConsumer> left_image_consumer,
ios::ChromeBrowserState* browser_state,
id<OmniboxFocuser> omnibox_focuser)
: OmniboxView(controller,
? std::make_unique<ChromeOmniboxClientIOS>(controller,
: nullptr),
popup_provider_(nullptr) {
paste_delegate_ = [[OmniboxTextFieldPasteDelegate alloc] init];
[field_ setPasteDelegate:paste_delegate_];
use_strikethrough_workaround_ = base::ios::IsRunningOnOrLater(10, 3, 0) &&
!base::ios::IsRunningOnOrLater(11, 2, 0);
void OmniboxViewIOS::OpenMatch(const AutocompleteMatch& match,
WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
const GURL& alternate_nav_url,
const base::string16& pasted_text,
size_t selected_line,
base::TimeTicks match_selection_timestamp) {
// It may be unsafe to modify the contents of the field.
if (ShouldIgnoreUserInputDueToPendingVoiceSearch()) {
OmniboxView::OpenMatch(match, disposition, alternate_nav_url, pasted_text,
selected_line, match_selection_timestamp);
base::string16 OmniboxViewIOS::GetText() const {
return [field_ displayedText];
void OmniboxViewIOS::SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(const base::string16& text,
size_t caret_pos,
bool update_popup,
bool notify_text_changed) {
// Do not call SetUserText() here, as the user has not triggered this change.
// Instead, set the field's text directly.
// Set the field_ value before calling ApplyTextAttributes(), because that
// internally calls model()->CurrentTextIsUrl(), which uses the text in the
// field_.
[field_ setText:base::SysUTF16ToNSString(text)];
NSAttributedString* as = ApplyTextAttributes(text);
[field_ setText:as userTextLength:[as length]];
if (update_popup)
if (notify_text_changed && model())
void OmniboxViewIOS::SetCaretPos(size_t caret_pos) {
DCHECK(caret_pos <= field_.text.length || caret_pos == 0);
UITextPosition* start = field_.beginningOfDocument;
UITextPosition* newPosition =
[field_ positionFromPosition:start offset:caret_pos];
field_.selectedTextRange =
[field_ textRangeFromPosition:newPosition toPosition:newPosition];
void OmniboxViewIOS::RevertAll() {
ignore_popup_updates_ = true;
ignore_popup_updates_ = false;
void OmniboxViewIOS::UpdatePopup() {
if (model())
if (model() && !model()->has_focus())
// Prevent inline-autocomplete if the IME is currently composing or if the
// cursor is not at the end of the text.
bool prevent_inline_autocomplete =
IsImeComposing() ||
NSMaxRange(current_selection_) != [[field_ text] length];
if (model())
model()->StartAutocomplete(current_selection_.length != 0,
void OmniboxViewIOS::UpdatePopupAppearance() {
popup_provider_->SetTextAlignment([field_ bestTextAlignment]);
[field_ bestSemanticContentAttribute]);
void OmniboxViewIOS::OnTemporaryTextMaybeChanged(
const base::string16& display_text,
const AutocompleteMatch& match,
bool save_original_selection,
bool notify_text_changed) {
SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(display_text, display_text.size(), false, false);
if (model())
bool OmniboxViewIOS::OnInlineAutocompleteTextMaybeChanged(
const base::string16& display_text,
size_t user_text_length) {
if (display_text == GetText())
return false;
NSAttributedString* as = ApplyTextAttributes(display_text);
[field_ setText:as userTextLength:user_text_length];
if (model())
return true;
void OmniboxViewIOS::OnBeforePossibleChange() {
marked_text_before_change_ = [[field_ markedText] copy];
bool OmniboxViewIOS::OnAfterPossibleChange(bool allow_keyword_ui_change) {
State new_state;
// Manually update the selection state after calling GetState().
new_state.sel_start = current_selection_.location;
new_state.sel_end = current_selection_.location + current_selection_.length;
OmniboxView::StateChanges state_changes =
GetStateChanges(state_before_change_, new_state);
// iOS does not supports KeywordProvider, so never allow keyword UI changes.
const bool something_changed =
model() &&
model()->OnAfterPossibleChange(state_changes, allow_keyword_ui_change);
if (model())
// TODO(justincohen): Find a different place to call this. Give the omnibox
// a chance to update the alignment for a text direction change.
[field_ updateTextDirection];
return something_changed;
bool OmniboxViewIOS::IsImeComposing() const {
return [field_ markedTextRange] != nil;
bool OmniboxViewIOS::IsIndicatingQueryRefinement() const {
return false;
bool OmniboxViewIOS::IsSelectAll() const {
return false;
void OmniboxViewIOS::GetSelectionBounds(base::string16::size_type* start,
base::string16::size_type* end) const {
if ([field_ isFirstResponder]) {
NSRange selected_range = [field_ selectedNSRange];
*start = selected_range.location;
*end = selected_range.location + selected_range.length;
} else {
*start = *end = 0;
gfx::NativeView OmniboxViewIOS::GetNativeView() const {
return nullptr;
gfx::NativeView OmniboxViewIOS::GetRelativeWindowForPopup() const {
return nullptr;
void OmniboxViewIOS::OnDidBeginEditing() {
// If Open from Clipboard offers a suggestion, the popup may be opened when
// |OnSetFocus| is called on the model. The state of the popup is saved early
// to ignore that case.
bool popup_was_open_before_editing_began = popup_provider_->IsPopupOpen();
// Text attributes (e.g. text color) should not be shown while editing, so
// strip them out by calling setText (as opposed to setAttributedText).
[field_ setText:[field_ text]];
// Make sure the omnibox popup's semantic content attribute is set correctly.
[field_ bestSemanticContentAttribute]);
if (model()) {
// In the case where the user taps the fakebox on the Google landing page,
// or from the secondary toolbar search button, the focus source is already
// set to FAKEBOX or SEARCH_BUTTON respectively. Otherwise, set it to
if (model()->focus_source() != OmniboxFocusSource::FAKEBOX &&
model()->focus_source() != OmniboxFocusSource::SEARCH_BUTTON) {
// If the omnibox is displaying a URL and the popup is not showing, set the
// field into pre-editing state. If the omnibox is displaying search terms,
// leave the default behavior of positioning the cursor at the end of the
// text. If the popup is already open, that means that the omnibox is
// regaining focus after a popup scroll took focus away, so the pre-edit
// behavior should not be invoked.
if (!popup_was_open_before_editing_began)
[field_ enterPreEditState];
// |controller_| is only forwarding the call to the BVC. This should only
// happen when the omnibox is being focused and it starts showing the popup;
// if the popup was already open, no need to call this.
if (!popup_was_open_before_editing_began)
void OmniboxViewIOS::OnWillEndEditing() {
// On iPad, this will be called when the "hide keyboard" button is pressed
// on the software keyboard. This should be equivalent to tapping the typing
// shield and should defocus the omnibox, transition the location bar to
// steady view, and close the popup.
// This will also be called if -resignFirstResponder is called
// programmatically. On phone, the omnibox may still be editing when
// the popup is open, so the Cancel button calls OnWillEndEditing.
if (IsIPadIdiom()) {
[omnibox_focuser_ cancelOmniboxEdit];
bool OmniboxViewIOS::OnWillChange(NSRange range, NSString* new_text) {
bool ok_to_change = true;
// It may be unsafe to modify the contents of the field.
if (ShouldIgnoreUserInputDueToPendingVoiceSearch()) {
return false;
if ([field_ isPreEditing]) {
[field_ setClearingPreEditText:YES];
// Exit the pre-editing state in OnWillChange() instead of OnDidChange(), as
// that allows IME to continue working. The following code selects the text
// as if the pre-edit fake selection was real.
[field_ exitPreEditState];
field_.text = @"";
// Reset |range| to be of zero-length at location zero, as the field will be
// now cleared.
range = NSMakeRange(0, 0);
// Figure out the old and current (new) selections. Assume the new selection
// will be of zero-length, located at the end of |new_text|.
NSRange old_range = range;
NSRange new_range = NSMakeRange(range.location + [new_text length], 0);
// We may need to fix up the old and new ranges in the case where autocomplete
// text was showing. If there is autocomplete text, assume it was selected.
// If the change is deleting one character from the end of the actual text,
// disallow the change, but clear the autocomplete text and call OnDidChange
// directly. If there is autocomplete text AND a text field selection, or if
// the user entered multiple characters, clear the autocomplete text and
// pretend it never existed.
if ([field_ hasAutocompleteText]) {
bool adding_text = (range.length < [new_text length]);
bool deleting_text = (range.length > [new_text length]);
if (adding_text) {
// TODO(rohitrao): What about cases where [new_text length] > 1? This
// could happen if an IME completion inserts multiple characters at once,
// or if the user pastes some text in. Let's loosen this test to allow
// multiple characters, as long as the "old range" ends at the end of the
// permanent text.
if ([new_text length] == 1 && range.location == [[field_ text] length]) {
old_range = NSMakeRange([[field_ text] length],
[field_ autocompleteText].length());
} else if (deleting_text) {
if ([new_text length] == 0 &&
range.location == [[field_ text] length] - 1) {
ok_to_change = false;
// Update variables needed by OnDidChange() and GetState().
old_selection_ = old_range;
current_selection_ = new_range;
// Store the displayed text. Older version of Chrome used to clear the
// autocomplete text here as well, but on iOS7 doing this causes the inline
// autocomplete text to flicker, so the call was moved to the start on
// OnDidChange().
// Manually update the selection state after calling GetState().
state_before_change_.sel_start = old_selection_.location;
state_before_change_.sel_end =
old_selection_.location + old_selection_.length;
if (!ok_to_change) {
// Force a change in the autocomplete system, since we won't get an
// OnDidChange() message.
return ok_to_change;
void OmniboxViewIOS::OnDidChange(bool processing_user_event) {
// Sanitize pasted text.
if (model() && model()->is_pasting()) {
base::string16 pastedText = base::SysNSStringToUTF16([field_ text]);
base::string16 newText = OmniboxView::SanitizeTextForPaste(pastedText);
if (pastedText != newText) {
[field_ setText:base::SysUTF16ToNSString(newText)];
// Clear the autocomplete text, since the omnibox model does not expect to see
// it in OnAfterPossibleChange(). Clearing the text here should not cause
// flicker as the UI will not get a chance to redraw before the new
// autocomplete text is set by the model.
[field_ clearAutocompleteText];
[field_ setClearingPreEditText:NO];
// Generally do not notify the autocomplete system of a text change unless the
// change was a direct result of a user event. One exception is if the marked
// text changed, which could happen through a delayed IME recognition
// callback.
bool proceed_without_user_event = false;
// The IME exception does not work for Korean text, because Korean does not
// seem to ever have marked text. It simply replaces or modifies previous
// characters as you type. Always proceed without user input if the
// Korean keyboard is currently active.
NSString* current_language = [[field_ textInputMode] primaryLanguage];
if ([current_language hasPrefix:@"ko-"]) {
proceed_without_user_event = true;
} else {
NSString* current_marked_text = [field_ markedText];
// The IME exception kicks in if the current marked text is not equal to the
// previous marked text. Two nil strings should be considered equal, so
// There is logic to avoid calling into isEqual: in that case.
proceed_without_user_event =
(marked_text_before_change_ || current_marked_text) &&
![current_marked_text isEqual:marked_text_before_change_];
if (!processing_user_event && !proceed_without_user_event)
// TODO( OnAfterPossibleChange() now takes an argument. It
// use to not take an argument and was defaulting to false, so as it is
// unclear what the correct value is, using what was that before seems
// consistent.
void OmniboxViewIOS::OnAccept() {
// It may be unsafe to modify the contents of the field.
// Note that by happy coincidence, the |textFieldDidReturn| delegate method
// always returns NO, which is the desired behavior in this situation.
if (ShouldIgnoreUserInputDueToPendingVoiceSearch()) {
WindowOpenDisposition disposition = WindowOpenDisposition::CURRENT_TAB;
if (model()) {
void OmniboxViewIOS::OnClear() {
[field_ clearAutocompleteText];
[field_ exitPreEditState];
void OmniboxViewIOS::OnCopy() {
UIPasteboard* board = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard];
NSString* selectedText = nil;
NSInteger start_location = 0;
if ([field_ isPreEditing]) {
selectedText = [field_ preEditText];
start_location = 0;
} else {
UITextRange* selected_range = [field_ selectedTextRange];
selectedText = [field_ textInRange:selected_range];
UITextPosition* start = [field_ beginningOfDocument];
// The following call to |-offsetFromPosition:toPosition:| gives the offset
// in terms of the number of "visible characters." The documentation does
// not specify whether this means glyphs or UTF16 chars. This does not
// matter for the current implementation of AdjustTextForCopy(), but it may
// become an issue at some point.
start_location =
[field_ offsetFromPosition:start toPosition:[selected_range start]];
base::string16 text = base::SysNSStringToUTF16(selectedText);
GURL url;
bool write_url = false;
// Model can be nullptr in tests.
if (model())
model()->AdjustTextForCopy(start_location, &text, &url, &write_url);
// Create the pasteboard item manually because the pasteboard expects a single
// item with multiple representations. This is expressed as a single
// NSDictionary with multiple keys, one for each representation.
NSMutableDictionary* item = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:2];
[item setObject:base::SysUTF16ToNSString(text)
if (write_url)
[item setObject:net::NSURLWithGURL(url) forKey:(NSString*)kUTTypeURL];
board.items = [NSArray arrayWithObject:item];
void OmniboxViewIOS::WillPaste() {
if (model())
[field_ exitPreEditState];
// static
UIColor* OmniboxViewIOS::GetSecureTextColor(
security_state::SecurityLevel security_level,
bool in_dark_mode) {
if (security_level == security_state::EV_SECURE ||
security_level == security_state::SECURE) {
return in_dark_mode ? IncognitoSecureTextColor() : SecureTextColor();
// Don't color strikethrough in dark mode. See
if (security_level == security_state::DANGEROUS && !in_dark_mode)
return ErrorTextColor();
return nil;
NSAttributedString* OmniboxViewIOS::ApplyTextAttributes(
const base::string16& text) {
NSMutableAttributedString* as = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc]
// Cache a pointer to the attributed string to allow the superclass'
// virtual method invocations to add attributes.
DCHECK(attributing_display_string_ == nil);
base::AutoReset<NSMutableAttributedString*> resetter(
&attributing_display_string_, as);
if (model())
UpdateTextStyle(text, model()->CurrentTextIsURL(),
return as;
void OmniboxViewIOS::UpdateAppearance() {
// If Siri is thinking, treat that as user input being in progress. It is
// unsafe to modify the text field while voice entry is pending.
if (model() && model()->ResetDisplayTexts()) {
// Revert everything to the baseline look.
} else if (model() && !model()->has_focus() &&
!ShouldIgnoreUserInputDueToPendingVoiceSearch()) {
// Even if the change wasn't "user visible" to the model, it still may be
// necessary to re-color to the URL string. Only do this if the omnibox is
// not currently focused.
NSAttributedString* as =
[field_ setText:as userTextLength:[as length]];
void OmniboxViewIOS::OnDeleteBackward() {
if ([field_ text].length == 0) {
// If the user taps backspace while the pre-edit text is showing,
// OnWillChange is invoked before this method and sets the text to an empty
// string, so use the |clearingPreEditText| to determine if the chip should
// be cleared or not.
if ([field_ clearingPreEditText]) {
// In the case where backspace is tapped while in pre-edit mode,
// OnWillChange is called but OnDidChange is never called so ensure the
// clearingPreEditText flag is set to false again.
[field_ setClearingPreEditText:NO];
// Explicitly set the input-in-progress flag. Normally this is set via
// in model()->OnAfterPossibleChange, but in this case the text has been
// set to the empty string by OnWillChange so when OnAfterPossibleChange
// checks if the text has changed it does not see any difference so it
// never sets the input-in-progress flag.
if (model())
} else {
void OmniboxViewIOS::ClearText() {
// It may be unsafe to modify the contents of the field.
if (ShouldIgnoreUserInputDueToPendingVoiceSearch()) {
// Ensure omnibox is first responder. This will bring up the keyboard so the
// user can start typing a new query.
if (![field_ isFirstResponder])
[field_ becomeFirstResponder];
if ([field_ text].length == 0) {
// If |field_| is empty, remove the query refinement chip.
} else {
// Otherwise, just remove the text in the omnibox.
// Calling -[UITextField setText:] does not trigger
// -[id<UITextFieldDelegate> textDidChange] so it must be called explicitly.
[field_ setText:@""];
// Calling OnDidChange() can trigger a scroll event, which removes focus from
// the omnibox.
[field_ becomeFirstResponder];
void OmniboxViewIOS::RemoveQueryRefinementChip() {
bool OmniboxViewIOS::ShouldIgnoreUserInputDueToPendingVoiceSearch() {
// When the response of the iOS voice entry is pending a spinning wheel is
// visible. The spinner's location is marked in [self text] as a Unicode
// "Object Replacement Character".
NSString* objectReplacementChar =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C", (unichar)0xFFFC];
return [[field_ text] rangeOfString:objectReplacementChar].length > 0;
void OmniboxViewIOS::EndEditing() {
if (model() && model()->has_focus()) {
if ([field_ isPreEditing])
[field_ exitPreEditState];
// The controller looks at the current pre-edit state, so the call to
// OnKillFocus() must come after exiting pre-edit.
// Blow away any in-progress edits.
DCHECK(![field_ hasAutocompleteText]);
void OmniboxViewIOS::HideKeyboard() {
[field_ resignFirstResponder];
void OmniboxViewIOS::FocusOmnibox() {
[field_ becomeFirstResponder];
BOOL OmniboxViewIOS::IsPopupOpen() {
return popup_provider_->IsPopupOpen();
int OmniboxViewIOS::GetOmniboxTextLength() const {
return [field_ displayedText].length();
void OmniboxViewIOS::EmphasizeURLComponents() {
// TODO(rohitrao): Implement this function using code like below. This code
// is being left out for now because it was not present before the OmniboxView
// rewrite.
#if 0
// When editing is in progress, the url text is not colored, so there is
// nothing to emphasize. (Calling SetText() in that situation would also be
// harmful, as it would reset the carat position to the end of the text.)
if (!IsEditingOrEmpty())
#pragma mark - OmniboxPopupViewSuggestionsDelegate
void OmniboxViewIOS::OnSelectedMatchImageChanged(
bool has_match,
AutocompleteMatchType::Type match_type,
base::Optional<SuggestionAnswer::AnswerType> answer_type,
GURL favicon_url) {
if (has_match) {
[left_image_consumer_ setLeftImageForAutocompleteType:match_type
} else {
[left_image_consumer_ setDefaultLeftImage];
void OmniboxViewIOS::OnResultsChanged(const AutocompleteResult& result) {
if (ignore_popup_updates_) {
// Please contact rohitrao@ if the following DCHECK ever fires. If
// |ignore_popup_updates_| is true but |result| is not empty, then the new
// prerender code in ChromeOmniboxClientIOS will incorrectly discard its
// prerender.
// TODO( Remove this whole method once we are reasonably
// confident that we are not throwing away prerenders.
void OmniboxViewIOS::OnPopupDidScroll() {
if (!IsIPadIdiom()) {
void OmniboxViewIOS::OnSelectedMatchForAppending(const base::string16& str) {
// Exit preedit state and append the match. Refocus if necessary.
if ([field_ isPreEditing])
[field_ exitPreEditState];
void OmniboxViewIOS::OnSelectedMatchForOpening(
AutocompleteMatch match,
WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
const GURL& alternate_nav_url,
const base::string16& pasted_text,
size_t index) {
this->OpenMatch(match, disposition, alternate_nav_url, pasted_text, index,