blob: 034ff91650b7e41ca274af41e71c7ec0707d6400 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/feature_list.h"
// Feature to retain the contentView in the browser container.
extern const base::Feature kBrowserContainerKeepsContentView;
// Feature to take snapshots using |-drawViewHierarchy:|.
extern const base::Feature kSnapshotDrawView;
// Feature to apply UI Refresh theme to the settings.
extern const base::Feature kSettingsRefresh;
// Feature to display the new omnibox popup design with favicons, search engine
// favicon in the omnibox, rich entities support, new layout.
extern const base::Feature kNewOmniboxPopupLayout;
// Feature to display the omnibox with default search engine favicon
// in the omnibox.
extern const base::Feature kOmniboxUseDefaultSearchEngineFavicon;
// Feature flag for embedders to block restore urls.
extern const base::Feature kEmbedderBlockRestoreUrl;
// Feature flag disabling animation on low battery.
extern const base::Feature kDisableAnimationOnLowBattery;
// Feature flag to use the unstacked tabstrip when voiceover is enabled.
extern const base::Feature kVoiceOverUnstackedTabstrip;
// Feature flag to always force an unstacked tabstrip.
extern const base::Feature kForceUnstackedTabstrip;