blob: 0da3940bb13055418cfa2c362e9d36cf1c1929cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef RelList_h
#define RelList_h
#include "core/HTMLNames.h"
#include "core/dom/DOMTokenList.h"
#include "core/dom/Element.h"
#include "core/dom/SpaceSplitString.h"
namespace blink {
class RelList final : public DOMTokenList {
static RelList* create(Element* element)
return new RelList(element);
unsigned length() const override;
const AtomicString item(unsigned index) const override;
Element* element() override { return m_element; }
void setRelValues(const AtomicString&);
using SupportedTokens = HashSet<AtomicString>;
explicit RelList(Element*);
bool containsInternal(const AtomicString&) const override;
const AtomicString& value() const override { return m_element->getAttribute(HTMLNames::relAttr); }
void setValue(const AtomicString& value) override { m_element->setAttribute(HTMLNames::relAttr, value); }
bool validateTokenValue(const AtomicString&, ExceptionState&) const override;
Member<Element> m_element;
SpaceSplitString m_relValues;
} // namespace blink
#endif // RelList_h