blob: 9dc2e46f305c9181c4fb7f8377842fd6c183aff9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// We handle some special browser-level URLs (like "about:version")
// before they're handed to a renderer. This lets us do the URL handling
// on the browser side (which has access to more information than the
// renderers do) as well as sidestep the risk of exposing data to
// random web pages (because from the resource loader's perspective, these
// URL schemes don't exist).
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
class GURL;
class Profile;
// BrowserURLHandler manages the list of all special URLs and manages
// dispatching the URL handling to registered handlers.
class BrowserURLHandler {
// The type of functions that can process a URL.
// If a handler handles |url|, it should :
// - optionally modify |url| to the URL that should be sent to the renderer
// If the URL is not handled by a handler, it should return false.
typedef bool (*URLHandler)(GURL* url, Profile* profile);
// Returns the singleton instance.
static BrowserURLHandler* GetInstance();
// RewriteURLIfNecessary gives all registered URLHandlers a shot at processing
// the given URL, and modifies it in place.
// If the original URL needs to be adjusted if the modified URL is redirected,
// this function sets |reverse_on_redirect| to true.
void RewriteURLIfNecessary(GURL* url, Profile* profile,
bool* reverse_on_redirect);
// Reverses the rewriting that was done for |original| using the new |url|.
bool ReverseURLRewrite(GURL* url, const GURL& original,
Profile* profile);
// We initialize the list of url_handlers_ lazily the first time
// RewriteURLIfNecessary is called.
void InitURLHandlers();
// This object is a singleton:
friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<BrowserURLHandler>;
// The list of known URLHandlers, optionally with reverse-rewriters.
typedef std::pair<URLHandler, URLHandler> HandlerPair;
std::vector<HandlerPair> url_handlers_;
// Returns the null handler for use with |AddHandlerPair()|.
static URLHandler null_handler();
// Add the specified handler pair to the list of URL handlers.
void AddHandlerPair(URLHandler handler, URLHandler reverse_handler);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(BrowserURLHandlerTest, BasicRewriteAndReverse);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(BrowserURLHandlerTest, NullHandlerReverse);