blob: 440d739263e601a3fcb97cf6c840e037e1a6cde6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/variations/pref_names.h"
namespace variations {
namespace prefs {
// Base64-encoded compressed serialized form of the variations seed protobuf.
const char kVariationsCompressedSeed[] = "variations_compressed_seed";
// The latest country code received by the VariationsService for evaluating
// studies.
const char kVariationsCountry[] = "variations_country";
// The number of times that Chrome has crashed before successfully fetching a
// new seed. Used to determine whether to fall back to a "safe" seed.
const char kVariationsCrashStreak[] = "variations_crash_streak";
// The number of times that the VariationsService has failed to fetch a new
// seed. Used to determine whether to fall back to a "safe" seed.
const char kVariationsFailedToFetchSeedStreak[] =
// 64-bit integer serialization of the base::Time from the last successful seed
// fetch (i.e. when the Variations server responds with 200 or 304).
const char kVariationsLastFetchTime[] = "variations_last_fetch_time";
// Pair of <Chrome version string, country code string> representing the country
// used for filtering permanent consistency studies until the next time Chrome
// is updated.
const char kVariationsPermanentConsistencyCountry[] =
// A serialized PermutedEntropyCache protobuf, used as a cache to avoid
// recomputing permutations.
const char kVariationsPermutedEntropyCache[] =
// String for the restrict parameter to be appended to the variations URL.
const char kVariationsRestrictParameter[] = "variations_restrict_parameter";
// 64-bit integer serialization of the base::Time from the last seed received.
const char kVariationsSeedDate[] = "variations_seed_date";
// Digital signature of the binary variations seed data, base64-encoded.
const char kVariationsSeedSignature[] = "variations_seed_signature";
} // namespace prefs
} // namespace metrics