blob: 0b60ae92742b2a2e8d40bb6e775610ca102aea4c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/observer_list.h"
class PrefService;
namespace speech {
// Installer of SODA (Speech On-Device API). This is a singleton because there
// is only one installation of SODA per device.
class SODAInstaller {
// Observer of the SODA (Speech On-Device API) installation.
class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
// Called when the SODA installation has completed.
virtual void OnSODAInstalled() = 0;
// Called if there is an error in the SODA installation.
virtual void OnSODAError() = 0;
// Called during the SODA installation. Progress is the download percentage
// out of 100.
virtual void OnSODAProgress(int progress) = 0;
virtual ~SODAInstaller();
SODAInstaller(const SODAInstaller&) = delete;
SODAInstaller& operator=(const SODAInstaller&) = delete;
// Implemented in the platform-specific subclass to get the SODAInstaller
// instance.
static SODAInstaller* GetInstance();
// Installs the SODA binary. Called by CaptionController when the
// kLiveCaptionEnabled preference changes. PrefService is passed to share
// Live Captions preferences: whether it is enabled, which language to
// download, and what the download filepath should be.
virtual void InstallSODA(PrefService* prefs) = 0;
// Installs the user-selected SODA language model. Called by CaptionController
// when the kLiveCaptionEnabled or kLiveCaptionLanguageCode preferences
// change. PrefService is passed to share Live Captions preferences: whether
// it is enabled, which language to download, and what the download filepath
// should be.
virtual void InstallLanguage(PrefService* prefs) = 0;
// Returns whether or not SODA is already registered on this device.
virtual bool IsSODARegistered() = 0;
// Adds an observer to the observer list.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
// Removes an observer from the observer list.
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
void NotifySODAInstalledForTesting();
// Notifies the observers that the SODA installation has completed.
void NotifyOnSODAInstalled();
// Notifies the observers that there is an error in the SODA installation.
void NotifyOnSODAError();
// Notifies the observers of the progress percentage as SODA is installed/
// Progress is the download percentage out of 100.
void NotifyOnSODAProgress(int progress);
base::ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
} // namespace speech