blob: 5d2d8e666c1edb0d2514702132c1637983540f86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_position.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/render_accessibility.mojom-forward.h"
#include "content/public/browser/ax_event_notification_details.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_ax_enums.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_action_data.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_event_generator.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_data.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_range.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_serializable_tree.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_id_registry.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_manager.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_observer.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_update.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_platform_node.h"
#include "ui/base/buildflags.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
namespace content {
class BrowserAccessibility;
class BrowserAccessibilityDelegate;
class BrowserAccessibilityManager;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
class BrowserAccessibilityManagerAndroid;
#elif defined(OS_WIN)
class BrowserAccessibilityManagerWin;
class BrowserAccessibilityManagerAuraLinux;
#elif defined(OS_MAC)
class BrowserAccessibilityManagerMac;
class WebContentsAccessibility;
// To be called when a BrowserAccessibilityManager fires a generated event.
// Provides the host, the event fired, and which node id the event was for.
typedef base::RepeatingCallback<
void(BrowserAccessibilityDelegate*, ui::AXEventGenerator::Event, int)>
// For testing.
CONTENT_EXPORT ui::AXTreeUpdate MakeAXTreeUpdate(
const ui::AXNodeData& node,
const ui::AXNodeData& node2 = ui::AXNodeData(),
const ui::AXNodeData& node3 = ui::AXNodeData(),
const ui::AXNodeData& node4 = ui::AXNodeData(),
const ui::AXNodeData& node5 = ui::AXNodeData(),
const ui::AXNodeData& node6 = ui::AXNodeData(),
const ui::AXNodeData& node7 = ui::AXNodeData(),
const ui::AXNodeData& node8 = ui::AXNodeData(),
const ui::AXNodeData& node9 = ui::AXNodeData(),
const ui::AXNodeData& node10 = ui::AXNodeData(),
const ui::AXNodeData& node11 = ui::AXNodeData(),
const ui::AXNodeData& node12 = ui::AXNodeData());
// Class that can perform actions on behalf of the BrowserAccessibilityManager.
// Note: BrowserAccessibilityManager should never cache any of the return
// values from any of these interfaces, especially those that return pointers.
// They may only be valid within this call stack. That policy eliminates any
// concerns about ownership and lifecycle issues; none of these interfaces
// transfer ownership and no return values are guaranteed to be valid outside
// of the current call stack.
class CONTENT_EXPORT BrowserAccessibilityDelegate {
virtual ~BrowserAccessibilityDelegate() {}
virtual void AccessibilityPerformAction(const ui::AXActionData& data) = 0;
virtual bool AccessibilityViewHasFocus() = 0;
virtual void AccessibilityViewSetFocus() = 0;
virtual gfx::Rect AccessibilityGetViewBounds() = 0;
virtual float AccessibilityGetDeviceScaleFactor() = 0;
virtual void AccessibilityFatalError() = 0;
virtual gfx::AcceleratedWidget AccessibilityGetAcceleratedWidget() = 0;
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible AccessibilityGetNativeViewAccessible() = 0;
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible
AccessibilityGetNativeViewAccessibleForWindow() = 0;
virtual WebContents* AccessibilityWebContents() = 0;
virtual void AccessibilityHitTest(
const gfx::Point& point_in_frame_pixels,
ax::mojom::Event opt_event_to_fire,
int opt_request_id,
base::OnceCallback<void(BrowserAccessibilityManager* hit_manager,
int hit_node_id)> opt_callback) = 0;
// Returns true if this delegate represents the main (topmost) frame in a
// tree of frames.
virtual bool AccessibilityIsMainFrame() = 0;
virtual WebContentsAccessibility*
AccessibilityGetWebContentsAccessibility() = 0;
// This is all of the information about the current find in page result,
// so we can activate it if requested.
struct BrowserAccessibilityFindInPageInfo {
// This data about find in text results is updated as the user types.
int request_id;
int match_index;
int start_id;
int start_offset;
int end_id;
int end_offset;
// The active request id indicates that the user committed to a find query,
// e.g. by pressing enter or pressing the next or previous buttons. If
// |active_request_id| == |request_id|, we fire an accessibility event
// to move screen reader focus to that event.
int active_request_id;
// Manages a tree of BrowserAccessibility objects.
class CONTENT_EXPORT BrowserAccessibilityManager : public ui::AXTreeObserver,
public ui::AXTreeManager,
public WebContentsObserver {
using BrowserAccessibilityPositionInstance =
using BrowserAccessibilityRange =
// Creates the platform-specific BrowserAccessibilityManager.
static BrowserAccessibilityManager* Create(
const ui::AXTreeUpdate& initial_tree,
BrowserAccessibilityDelegate* delegate);
static BrowserAccessibilityManager* Create(
BrowserAccessibilityDelegate* delegate);
static BrowserAccessibilityManager* FromID(ui::AXTreeID ax_tree_id);
~BrowserAccessibilityManager() override;
void Initialize(const ui::AXTreeUpdate& initial_tree);
static ui::AXTreeUpdate GetEmptyDocument();
enum RetargetEventType {
RetargetEventTypeGenerated = 0,
// Return |node| by default, but some platforms want to update the target node
// based on the event type.
virtual BrowserAccessibility* RetargetForEvents(BrowserAccessibility* node,
RetargetEventType type) const;
// Subclasses override these methods to send native event notifications.
virtual void FireFocusEvent(BrowserAccessibility* node);
virtual void FireBlinkEvent(ax::mojom::Event event_type,
BrowserAccessibility* node) {}
virtual void FireGeneratedEvent(ui::AXEventGenerator::Event event_type,
BrowserAccessibility* node);
// Checks whether focus has changed since the last time it was checked,
// taking into account whether the window has focus and which frame within
// the frame tree has focus. If focus has changed, calls FireFocusEvent.
void FireFocusEventsIfNeeded();
// Return whether or not we are currently able to fire events.
virtual bool CanFireEvents() const;
// Return a pointer to the root of the tree.
BrowserAccessibility* GetRoot() const;
// Returns a pointer to the BrowserAccessibility object for a given AXNode.
BrowserAccessibility* GetFromAXNode(const ui::AXNode* node) const;
// Return a pointer to the object corresponding to the given id,
// does not make a new reference.
BrowserAccessibility* GetFromID(int32_t id) const;
// If this tree has a parent tree, return the parent node in that tree.
BrowserAccessibility* GetParentNodeFromParentTree() const;
// In general, there is only a single node with the role of kRootWebArea,
// but if a popup is opened, a second nested "root" is created in the same
// tree as the "true" root. This will keep track of the nested root node.
BrowserAccessibility* GetPopupRoot() const;
// Get the AXTreeData for this frame.
const ui::AXTreeData& GetTreeData() const;
// Called to notify the accessibility manager that its associated native
// view got focused.
virtual void OnWindowFocused();
// Called to notify the accessibility manager that its associated native
// view lost focus.
virtual void OnWindowBlurred();
// Notify the accessibility manager about page navigation.
// TODO(domfarolino, dmazzoni): Implement WebContentsObserver methods that
// correspond to the ones we provide today, so we can stop being manually
// notified of navigation events when they happen.
void UserIsNavigatingAway();
virtual void UserIsReloading();
void NavigationSucceeded();
void NavigationFailed();
// WebContentsObserver overrides
void DidStopLoading() override;
void DidActivatePortal(WebContents* predecessor_contents,
base::TimeTicks activation_time) override;
// Keep track of if this page is hidden by an interstitial, in which case
// we need to suppress all events.
void set_hidden_by_interstitial_page(bool hidden) {
hidden_by_interstitial_page_ = hidden;
bool hidden_by_interstitial_page() const {
return hidden_by_interstitial_page_;
// Pretend that the given node has focus, for testing only. Doesn't
// communicate with the renderer and doesn't fire any events.
void SetFocusLocallyForTesting(BrowserAccessibility* node);
// For testing only, register a function to be called when focus changes
// in any BrowserAccessibilityManager.
static void SetFocusChangeCallbackForTesting(base::RepeatingClosure callback);
// For testing only, register a function to be called when
// a generated event is fired from this BrowserAccessibilityManager.
void SetGeneratedEventCallbackForTesting(
const GeneratedEventCallbackForTesting& callback);
// Normally we avoid firing accessibility focus events when the containing
// native window isn't focused, and we also delay some other events like
// live region events to improve screen reader compatibility.
// However, this can lead to test flakiness, so for testing, simplify
// this behavior and just fire all events with no delay as if the window
// had focus.
static void NeverSuppressOrDelayEventsForTesting();
// Extra mac nodes are temporarily disabled, except for in tests.
static void AllowExtraMacNodesForTesting();
// Are extra mac nodes allowed at all? Currently only allowed in tests.
// Even when returning true, platforms other than Mac OS do not enable them.
static bool GetExtraMacNodesAllowed();
// Accessibility actions. All of these are implemented asynchronously
// by sending a message to the renderer to perform the respective action
// on the given node. See the definition of |ui::AXActionData| for more
// information about each of these actions.
void ClearAccessibilityFocus(const BrowserAccessibility& node);
void Decrement(const BrowserAccessibility& node);
void DoDefaultAction(const BrowserAccessibility& node);
void GetImageData(const BrowserAccessibility& node,
const gfx::Size& max_size);
// Per third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/hit_test_location.h, Blink
// expects hit test points in page coordinates. However, WebAXObject::HitTest
// applies the visual viewport offset, so we want to pass that function a
// point in frame coordinates.
void HitTest(const gfx::Point& frame_point) const;
void Increment(const BrowserAccessibility& node);
void LoadInlineTextBoxes(const BrowserAccessibility& node);
void ScrollToMakeVisible(
const BrowserAccessibility& node,
gfx::Rect subfocus,
ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment horizontal_scroll_alignment =
ax::mojom::ScrollAlignment vertical_scroll_alignment =
ax::mojom::ScrollBehavior scroll_behavior =
void ScrollToPoint(const BrowserAccessibility& node, gfx::Point point);
void SetAccessibilityFocus(const BrowserAccessibility& node);
void SetFocus(const BrowserAccessibility& node);
void SetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint(
const BrowserAccessibility& node);
void SetScrollOffset(const BrowserAccessibility& node, gfx::Point offset);
void SetValue(const BrowserAccessibility& node, const std::string& value);
void SetSelection(const ui::AXActionData& action_data);
void SetSelection(const BrowserAccessibilityRange& range);
void ShowContextMenu(const BrowserAccessibility& node);
void SignalEndOfTest();
// Retrieve the bounds of the parent View in screen coordinates.
virtual gfx::Rect GetViewBoundsInScreenCoordinates() const;
// Fire an event telling native assistive technology to move focus to the
// given find in page result.
void ActivateFindInPageResult(int request_id, int match_index);
// Called when the renderer process has notified us of tree changes. Returns
// false in fatal-error conditions, in which case the caller should destroy
// the manager.
virtual bool OnAccessibilityEvents(const AXEventNotificationDetails& details)
// Allows derived classes to do event pre-processing
virtual void BeforeAccessibilityEvents();
// Allows derived classes to do event post-processing.
virtual void FinalizeAccessibilityEvents();
// Called when the renderer process updates the location of accessibility
// objects. Calls SendLocationChangeEvents(), which can be overridden.
void OnLocationChanges(const std::vector<mojom::LocationChangesPtr>& changes);
// Called when a new find in page result is received. We hold on to this
// information and don't activate it until the user requests it.
virtual void OnFindInPageResult(int request_id,
int match_index,
int start_id,
int start_offset,
int end_id,
int end_offset);
// This is called when the user has committed to a find in page query,
// e.g. by pressing enter or tapping on the next / previous result buttons.
// If a match has already been received for this request id,
// activate the result now by firing an accessibility event. If a match
// has not been received, we hold onto this request id and update it
// when OnFindInPageResult is called.
void ActivateFindInPageResult(int request_id);
// This is called when the user finishes a find in page query and all
// highlighted matches are deactivated.
virtual void OnFindInPageTermination() {}
#if defined(OS_WIN)
BrowserAccessibilityManagerWin* ToBrowserAccessibilityManagerWin();
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
BrowserAccessibilityManagerAndroid* ToBrowserAccessibilityManagerAndroid();
#if defined(OS_MAC)
BrowserAccessibilityManagerMac* ToBrowserAccessibilityManagerMac();
// Returns the object that has focus, starting at the top of the frame tree,
// or returns nullptr if this manager doesn't have access to the top document.
virtual BrowserAccessibility* GetFocus() const;
// Return the object that has focus, only considering this frame and
// descendants.
BrowserAccessibility* GetFocusFromThisOrDescendantFrame() const;
// Given a node, returns a descendant of that node if the node has an active
// descendant, otherwise returns the node itself. The node does not need to be
// focused.
BrowserAccessibility* GetActiveDescendant(BrowserAccessibility* node) const;
// Given a focused node |focus|, returns a list of nodes that the focused
// node controls.
std::vector<BrowserAccessibility*> GetAriaControls(
const BrowserAccessibility* focus) const;
// Returns true if native focus is anywhere in this WebContents or not.
bool NativeViewHasFocus();
// True by default, but some platforms want to treat the root
// scroll offsets separately.
bool UseRootScrollOffsetsWhenComputingBounds();
void SetUseRootScrollOffsetsWhenComputingBoundsForTesting(bool use);
// Walk the tree using depth-first pre-order traversal.
static BrowserAccessibility* NextInTreeOrder(
const BrowserAccessibility* object);
static BrowserAccessibility* NextNonDescendantInTreeOrder(
const BrowserAccessibility* object);
static BrowserAccessibility* PreviousInTreeOrder(
const BrowserAccessibility* object,
bool can_wrap_to_last_element);
static BrowserAccessibility* NextTextOnlyObject(
const BrowserAccessibility* object);
static BrowserAccessibility* PreviousTextOnlyObject(
const BrowserAccessibility* object);
// If the two objects provided have a common ancestor returns both the
// common ancestor and the child indices of the two subtrees in which the
// objects are located.
// Returns false if a common ancestor cannot be found.
static bool FindIndicesInCommonParent(const BrowserAccessibility& object1,
const BrowserAccessibility& object2,
BrowserAccessibility** common_parent,
int* child_index1,
int* child_index2);
// Sets |out_is_before| to true if |object1| comes before |object2|
// in tree order (pre-order traversal), and false if the objects are the
// same or not in the same tree.
static ax::mojom::TreeOrder CompareNodes(const BrowserAccessibility& object1,
const BrowserAccessibility& object2);
static std::vector<const BrowserAccessibility*> FindTextOnlyObjectsInRange(
const BrowserAccessibility& start_object,
const BrowserAccessibility& end_object);
static base::string16 GetTextForRange(
const BrowserAccessibility& start_object,
const BrowserAccessibility& end_object);
// If start and end offsets are greater than the text's length, returns all
// the text.
static base::string16 GetTextForRange(
const BrowserAccessibility& start_object,
int start_offset,
const BrowserAccessibility& end_object,
int end_offset);
// DEPRECATED: Prefer using AXPlatformNodeDelegate bounds interfaces when
// writing new code.
static gfx::Rect GetRootFrameInnerTextRangeBoundsRect(
const BrowserAccessibility& start_object,
int start_offset,
const BrowserAccessibility& end_object,
int end_offset);
// Accessors.
ui::AXTreeID ax_tree_id() const { return ax_tree_id_; }
float device_scale_factor() const { return device_scale_factor_; }
ui::AXTree* ax_tree() const { return tree_.get(); }
// AXTreeObserver implementation.
void OnNodeWillBeDeleted(ui::AXTree* tree, ui::AXNode* node) override;
void OnSubtreeWillBeDeleted(ui::AXTree* tree, ui::AXNode* node) override;
void OnNodeCreated(ui::AXTree* tree, ui::AXNode* node) override;
void OnNodeDeleted(ui::AXTree* tree, int32_t node_id) override;
void OnNodeReparented(ui::AXTree* tree, ui::AXNode* node) override;
void OnRoleChanged(ui::AXTree* tree,
ui::AXNode* node,
ax::mojom::Role old_role,
ax::mojom::Role new_role) override;
void OnAtomicUpdateFinished(
ui::AXTree* tree,
bool root_changed,
const std::vector<ui::AXTreeObserver::Change>& changes) override;
// AXTreeManager overrides.
ui::AXNode* GetNodeFromTree(ui::AXTreeID tree_id,
ui::AXNode::AXID node_id) const override;
ui::AXNode* GetNodeFromTree(ui::AXNode::AXID node_id) const override;
void AddObserver(ui::AXTreeObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveObserver(ui::AXTreeObserver* observer) override;
AXTreeID GetTreeID() const override;
AXTreeID GetParentTreeID() const override;
ui::AXNode* GetRootAsAXNode() const override;
ui::AXNode* GetParentNodeFromParentTreeAsAXNode() const override;
void WillBeRemovedFromMap() override;
BrowserAccessibilityDelegate* delegate() const { return delegate_; }
// If this BrowserAccessibilityManager is a child frame or guest frame,
// returns the BrowserAccessibilityManager from the top document in the frame
// tree. If the current frame is not connected to its parent frame yet, or if
// it got disconnected after being reparented, return nullptr to indicate that
// we don't have access to the root manager yet.
BrowserAccessibilityManager* GetRootManager() const;
// Returns the BrowserAccessibilityDelegate from |GetRootManager| above, or
// returns nullptr in case we don't have access to the root manager yet.
BrowserAccessibilityDelegate* GetDelegateFromRootManager() const;
// Returns whether this is the top document.
bool IsRootTree() const;
// Get a snapshot of the current tree as an AXTreeUpdate.
ui::AXTreeUpdate SnapshotAXTreeForTesting();
// Use a custom device scale factor for testing.
void UseCustomDeviceScaleFactorForTesting(float device_scale_factor);
// Given a point in physical pixel coordinates, trigger an asynchronous hit
// test but return the best possible match instantly.
BrowserAccessibility* CachingAsyncHitTest(
const gfx::Point& physical_pixel_point) const;
// Called in response to a hover event, caches the result for the next
// call to CachingAsyncHitTest().
void CacheHitTestResult(BrowserAccessibility* hit_test_result) const;
// Updates the page scale factor for this frame.
void SetPageScaleFactor(float page_scale_factor);
// Returns the current page scale factor for this frame.
float GetPageScaleFactor() const;
explicit BrowserAccessibilityManager(BrowserAccessibilityDelegate* delegate);
BrowserAccessibilityManager(const ui::AXTreeUpdate& initial_tree,
BrowserAccessibilityDelegate* delegate);
// Send platform-specific notifications to each of these objects that
// their location has changed. This is called by OnLocationChanges
// after it's updated the internal data structure.
virtual void SendLocationChangeEvents(
const std::vector<mojom::LocationChangesPtr>& changes);
// Given the data from an atomic update, collect the nodes that need updating
// assuming that this platform is one where plain text node content is
// directly included in parents' hypertext.
void CollectChangedNodesAndParentsForAtomicUpdate(
ui::AXTree* tree,
const std::vector<ui::AXTreeObserver::Change>& changes,
std::set<ui::AXPlatformNode*>* nodes_needing_update);
bool ShouldFireEventForNode(BrowserAccessibility* node) const;
static void SetLastFocusedNode(BrowserAccessibility* node);
static BrowserAccessibility* GetLastFocusedNode();
// The object that can perform actions on our behalf.
BrowserAccessibilityDelegate* delegate_;
// A mapping from a node id to its wrapper of type BrowserAccessibility.
std::map<int32_t, BrowserAccessibility*> id_wrapper_map_;
// True if the user has initiated a navigation to another page.
bool user_is_navigating_away_;
// Interstitial page, like an SSL warning.
// If so we need to suppress any events.
bool hidden_by_interstitial_page_ = false;
BrowserAccessibilityFindInPageInfo find_in_page_info_;
// These cache the AX tree ID, node ID, and global screen bounds of the
// last object found by an asynchronous hit test. Subsequent hit test
// requests that remain within this object's bounds will return the same
// object, but will also trigger a new asynchronous hit test request.
mutable ui::AXTreeID last_hover_ax_tree_id_;
mutable int last_hover_node_id_;
mutable gfx::Rect last_hover_bounds_;
// True if the root's parent is in another accessibility tree and that
// parent's child is the root. Ensures that the parent node is notified
// once when this subtree is first connected.
bool connected_to_parent_tree_node_;
// The global ID of this accessibility tree.
ui::AXTreeID ax_tree_id_;
// The device scale factor for the view associated with this frame,
// cached each time there's any update to the accessibility tree.
float device_scale_factor_;
// The page scale factor for the view associated with this frame,
// cached when we get an update via SetPageScaleFactor().
float page_scale_factor_ = 1.0f;
// For testing only: If true, the manually-set device scale factor will be
// used and it won't be updated from the delegate.
bool use_custom_device_scale_factor_for_testing_;
// Whether we should include or exclude the scroll offsets on the root
// scroller when computing bounding rectangles. Usually true, but on
// some platforms the root scroll offsets are handled separately.
bool use_root_scroll_offsets_when_computing_bounds_ = true;
// For testing only: A function to call when a generated event is fired.
GeneratedEventCallbackForTesting generated_event_callback_for_testing_;
// Keeps track of the nested popup root's id, if it exists. See GetPopupRoot()
// for details.
std::set<int32_t> popup_root_ids_;
// Fire all events regardless of focus and with no delay, to avoid test
// flakiness. See NeverSuppressOrDelayEventsForTesting() for details.
static bool never_suppress_or_delay_events_for_testing_;
// Extra mac nodes are disabled even on mac currently, except for in tests.
static bool allow_extra_mac_nodes_for_testing_;
const ui::AXEventGenerator& event_generator() const {
return event_generator_;
ui::AXEventGenerator& event_generator() { return event_generator_; }
// Stores the id of the last focused node across all frames, as well as the id
// of the tree that contains it, so that when focus might have changed we can
// figure out whether we need to fire a focus event.
// NOTE: Don't use or modify these properties directly, use the
// SetLastFocusedNode and GetLastFocusedNode methods instead.
static base::Optional<int32_t> last_focused_node_id_;
static base::Optional<ui::AXTreeID> last_focused_node_tree_id_;
// For debug only: True when handling OnAccessibilityEvents.
bool in_on_accessibility_events_ = false;
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
// Helper that calls AXTree::Unserialize(). On failure it populates crash data
// with error information.
bool Unserialize(const ui::AXTreeUpdate& tree_update);
// The underlying tree of accessibility objects.
std::unique_ptr<ui::AXSerializableTree> tree_;
ui::AXEventGenerator event_generator_;
// Automatically stops observing notifications from the AXTree when this class
// is destructed.
// This member needs to be destructed before any observed AXTrees. Since
// destructors for non-static member fields are called in the reverse order of
// declaration, do not move this member above other members.
base::ScopedObservation<ui::AXTree, ui::AXTreeObserver> tree_observation_{
} // namespace content