blob: 754f513f4a385d04b408f8eed7030b6a896d9672 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Android histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please send CLs to rather than to specific
individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer within
about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance incoming
reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
<histogram name="Android.AppNotificationStatus" enum="NotificationAppStatus"
Records whether notifications are enabled for Chrome, as the Android app,
every time metrics are logged.
<histogram name="Android.AutofillAssistant.DropOutReason"
enum="AutofillAssistantDropOutReason" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Reports the drop out reason of an Autofill Assistant script. It is recorded
when Autofill Assistant is shut down or terminated. The AA_START value is
used as a baseline and counts the number of attempted starts of Autofill
Assistant flows. The sum of all drop out reasons should be the same as the
number of attempted starts (i.e. AA_START).
<histogram name="Android.AutofillAssistant.FeatureModuleInstallation"
Reports the installation status of the DFM, e.g. installation deferred,
foreground installation succeeded etc. The metric cannot currently
distinguish whether the deferred installation succeeded or not.
<histogram name="Android.AutofillAssistant.OnBoarding"
enum="AutofillAssistantOnBoarding" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Reports the basic user interactions that can happen in regard on boarding.
It is recorded on Autofill Assistant startup and during the on boarding.
<histogram name="Android.AutofillAssistant.OnboardingFetcher.ResultStatus"
enum="AutofillAssistantOnboardingFetcherResultStatus" expires_after="M90">
Reports the result status of the AutofillAssistantOnboardingFetcher. This
includes general failures to get any data as well as failures to analyse or
extract data that was received. This is recorded every time an onboarding
definition is loaded for a user.
<histogram name="Android.AutofillAssistant.PaymentRequest.AutofillChanged"
Reports whether autofill information was changed during an autofill
assistant payment request, or not. This is recorded every time the user sees
the autofill assistant payment request.
<histogram name="Android.AutofillAssistant.PaymentRequest.FirstNameOnly"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="M90">
Reports whether the user selected a profile which does not contain separate
first and last name. This is recorded when the user confirms the payment
request screen in autofill assistant provided that 'name' was one of the
requested fields.
<histogram name="Android.AutofillAssistant.PaymentRequest.MandatoryPostalCode"
Reports on whether a billing postal code was required and whether the user
ultimately succeeded or not. Also reports if the user had to change their
profile or if the default profile already contained a billing postal code.
This histogram is reported either when the user taps the 'continue' button
of the autofill assistant payment request (and thus succeeds) or when
autofill assistant closes during the action (i.e., the user aborted).
<histogram name="Android.AutofillAssistant.PaymentRequest.Prefilled"
enum="AutofillAssistantPaymentRequestPrefilled" expires_after="M90">
Reports whether the autofill assistant payment request was successfully
completed (i.e., the continue button was tapped) or not, and whether the
payment request was initially pre-filled completely or not. This is recorded
every time the user sees the autofill assistant payment request.
<histogram name="Android.BackgroundTaskScheduler.ExactTaskCreated"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="M91">
Records that an exact task has been created. Recorded when the task is
<histogram name="Android.BackgroundTaskScheduler.MigrationToProto"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2020-12-01">
Removed in October 2020.
Records the stored tasks migrated to the Protocol Buffer data format. The
metric is recorded when the migration to the new format is being done. The
migration is done at a restart / OS upgrade, if tasks stored in the old
format are found.
<histogram name="Android.BackgroundTaskScheduler.TaskCanceled"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2021-01-31">
<summary>Records that a specific background task has been canceled.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.BackgroundTaskScheduler.TaskCreated.WithExpiration"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records that a specific task has been created with an expiration deadline.
Recorded when the task is scheduled.
<histogram name="Android.BackgroundTaskScheduler.TaskCreated.WithoutExpiration"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records that a specific task has been created without the expiration feature
activated. Recorded when the task is scheduled.
<histogram name="Android.BackgroundTaskScheduler.TaskExpired"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2021-01-31">
Records that a specific background task has expired. Recorded before the
task is to be started.
<histogram name="Android.BackgroundTaskScheduler.TaskLoadedNative"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2021-06-20">
<summary>Records that a specific background task has loaded native.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.BackgroundTaskScheduler.TaskLoadedNative.FullBrowser"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records that a specific background task has loaded native in Full Browser
<histogram name="Android.BackgroundTaskScheduler.TaskLoadedNative.ReducedMode"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records that a specific background task has loaded native in Reduced Mode.
<histogram name="Android.BackgroundTaskScheduler.TaskScheduled.Failure"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records that a specific background task has failed to be scheduled.
<histogram name="Android.BackgroundTaskScheduler.TaskScheduled.Success"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records that a specific background task has been successfully scheduled.
<histogram name="Android.BackgroundTaskScheduler.TaskStarted"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2021-04-04">
<summary>Records that a specific background task has been started.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.BackgroundTaskScheduler.TaskStopped"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2021-01-31">
Records that a specific background task has been stopped by Background Task
Scheduler before it was able to complete itself.
<histogram name="Android.ChildProcessLauncher.OnServiceConnectedTimedOutResult"
enum="OnServiceConnectedTimedOutResult" expires_after="2021-06-30">
When ChildProcessConnection fallback is enabled (Android 10+ for sandboxed
services), this is recorded after the timeout (10s) of every
ChildProcessConnection launch. Record whether fallback operation is
<histogram name="Android.ChildProcessStartTimeV2{type}" units="ms"
Measures time from {type} child process starts to right before main. Only
recorded on Android N+. Zygote measurements are recorded on Q+.
<token key="type">
<variant name=".All" summary="all (excluding zygote)"/>
<variant name=".Isolated" summary="isolated"/>
<variant name=".NotIsolated" summary="non-isolated"/>
<variant name=".Zygote" summary="app zygote"/>
<histogram name="Android.ChildProcessStartTime{type}" units="ms"
Removed in December 2020, use Android.ChildProcessStartTimeV2.* instead
which allows timings up to 3 min.
Measures time from {type} child process starts to right before main. Only
recorded on Android N+.
<token key="type">
<variant name=".All" summary="all"/>
<variant name=".Isolated" summary="isolated"/>
<variant name=".NotIsolated" summary="non-isolated"/>
<histogram name="Android.ChromeActivity.Type" enum="ChromeActivityType"
<!-- expires-never: Used to classify UMA reports by the dashboards. -->
Recorded at the same time as &quot;CustomTabs.Visible&quot;, this metric
should eventually replace that one. This additionally distinguishes between
Trusted Web Activities, WebAPKs and Webapps.
As of M87, this histogram is logged on a log start, rather than log end to
tag more logs.
<histogram name="Android.ChromeBrowserProvider.CallerHasPermission"
enum="ClientAppId" expires_after="2021-06-28">
Android: Count of requests to Chrome browser which are granted to other apps
to read/write user's bookmarks and history. Only records cases when the app
has permission according to Android's permission manager.
<histogram name="Android.ChromeBrowserProvider.SignaturePassed"
enum="ClientAppId" expires_after="2021-06-28">
Android: Count of requests to Chrome browser which are granted to other apps
to read/write user's bookmarks and history. Only records cases where the app
is a system app or signed by Google.
<histogram name="Android.ChromeStartupDelegate.Result"
enum="ChromeStartupDelegateResult" expires_after="2021-07-01">
<summary>Records the result for ChromeStartupDelegate.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.ChromeStartupDelegate.{Result}.Time" units="ms"
Records the time taken to fetch a result for ChromeStartupDelegate.
<token key="Result">
<variant name="All"/>
<variant name="Allow"/>
<variant name="Disallow"/>
<variant name="Failure"/>
<histogram name="Android.CompressedResources.ExtractionBlockingTime" units="ms"
The amount of time Chrome spends blocked on resource extraction. Generally,
extraction is completed in the background but in certain cases a main-thread
getResources() call may block on resource extraction.
<histogram name="Android.CompressedResources.ExtractionStatus"
enum="AndroidResourceExtractionStatus" expires_after="2021-01-24">
Describes the result of Android resource extraction, and is recorded once
per browser start as part of deferred startup (not at time of extraction).
<histogram name="Android.CompressedResources.ExtractionTime" units="ms"
The amount of time spent on resource extraction, whether or not extraction
was performed in the background or foreground.
<histogram name="Android.ContactsPicker.AddressHasDerivedField"
enum="AddressHasDerivedField" expires_after="2020-09-01">
Measures whether the address selected from the contacts picker has derived
fields. Derived fields refer to the individual attributes of a full address,
such as city, country, region, or postcode.
<histogram name="Android.ContactsPicker.ContactCount" units="Contacts"
Measures the total number of contacts shown in the contacts picker. Measured
once when the Contacts Picker dialog is dismissed.
<histogram name="Android.ContactsPicker.DialogAction"
enum="ContactsPickerDialogAction" expires_after="2020-11-29">
Records which action the user takes in the ContactsPickerDialog. Measured
once when the Contacts Picker dialog is dismissed.
<histogram name="Android.ContactsPicker.PropertiesRequested"
units="ContactsPickerProperties" expires_after="2020-11-29">
The contact properties requested by the website (names, emails, telephone
numbers). Measured once when the Contacts Picker dialog is dismissed.
<histogram name="Android.ContactsPicker.SelectCount" units="Contacts"
Measures the total number of contacts selected in the contacts picker.
Measured once when the Contacts Picker dialog is dismissed.
<histogram name="Android.ContactsPicker.SelectPercentage" units="%"
Measures the percentage of contacts selected in the contacts picker.
Measured once when the Contacts Picker dialog is dismissed.
<histogram name="Android.DarkTheme.DarkSearchRequested" enum="Boolean"
Records if Chrome altered a google homepage/search request to include the
dark theme. Recorded only when navigating to google or google search.
Histogram total count will be the total number of requests to the google
hompage or google search.
<histogram name="Android.DarkTheme.EnabledReason" enum="DarkThemeEnabledReason"
Records the reason why dark theme is enabled when dark theme is visible to
<histogram name="Android.DarkTheme.EnabledState" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Records whether dark theme is enabled or not on cold start and when the
enabled state changes.
<histogram name="Android.DarkTheme.Preference.State"
enum="DarkThemePreferences" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Records user theme preference of system default, light or dark theme on cold
start and when the theme preference changes.
<histogram name="Android.DefaultBrowserPromo.DialogShown"
enum="AndroidDefaultBrowserPromoType" expires_after="2021-05-30">
Records the current default browser state when the primer dialog prompting
users to change their default browser is shown.
enum="AndroidDefaultBrowserPromoOutcomeType" expires_after="2021-03-26">
Removed Dec 2020; experiment is done and the data isn't useful.
Records the current default browser state if the activity receives an intent
through the disambiguation sheet that is displayed in response to the
default browser promo.
<histogram name="Android.DefaultBrowserPromo.Outcome.NoDefault"
enum="AndroidDefaultBrowserPromoOutcomeType" expires_after="2021-05-30">
The final default browser state (outcome) after the user has been prompted
to set Chrome as the default when no browser is set as the default
initially. Recorded when the system UI prompting the user to change their
default is dismissed.
<histogram name="Android.DefaultBrowserPromo.Outcome.OtherDefault"
enum="AndroidDefaultBrowserPromoOutcomeType" expires_after="2021-05-30">
The final default browser state (outcome) after the user has been prompted
to set Chrome as the default when another browser is set as the default
initially. Recorded when the system UI prompting the user to change their
default is dismissed.
<histogram name="Android.DefaultBrowserPromo.RoleManagerShown"
enum="AndroidDefaultBrowserPromoType" expires_after="2021-05-30">
Records the default browser state when the Android Q+ role manager dialog is
<histogram name="Android.DefaultBrowserPromo.UIDismissalReason.NoDefault"
enum="AndroidDefaultBrowserPromoUserActionType" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records which button click led to the default browser promo dialog being
dismissed for dialogs shown when there is currently no default browser set.
<histogram name="Android.DefaultBrowserPromo.UIDismissalReason.OtherDefault"
enum="AndroidDefaultBrowserPromoUserActionType" expires_after="2021-05-30">
Records which button click led to the default browser promo dialog being
dismissed for dialogs shown when another browser is set as the default.
<histogram name="Android.DeviceSize.LargestDisplaySize" units="dp"
Records the largest display dimension in dp during deferred startup. The
display size is not affected by Android N multi-window mode. Clamped at
200dp to 1200dp.
<histogram name="Android.DeviceSize.SmallestDisplaySize" units="dp"
Records the smallest display dimension in dp during deferred startup. The
display size is not affected by Android N multi-window mode. Clamped at 0 to
<histogram name="Android.DexFixer" enum="DexFixerReason"
Records the number of times Chrome runs &quot;cmd package compile&quot; to
fix dexopt issues, and for what reason.
<histogram name="Android.DirectAction.Perform" enum="DirectActionId"
Counts calls to Activity.onPerformDirectAction made by the system on behalf
of the assist app and which action was performed, if any. Available starting
with Android Q.
<histogram name="Android.Download.InfoBar.CloseButtonClicked"
enum="DownloadInfoBarState" expires_after="M85">
Records the state of the download infobar when the user taps on the
infobar's close button.
<histogram name="Android.Download.InfoBar.Shown"
enum="DownloadInfoBar.ShownState" expires_after="2020-04-26">
Records various types of messages representing the state of the downloads as
they are shown on the download infobar.
<histogram name="Android.Download.Rename.Dialog.Action"
enum="Android.Download.Rename.Dialog.Action" expires_after="2021-05-30">
Records various actions taken by the user on the rename dialog in download
<histogram name="Android.Download.Rename.Result"
enum="Android.Download.Rename.Result" expires_after="2021-05-30">
Records various error codes when users try to rename a download in a
download home, recorded when backend rename callback is compeleted.
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.Cancel"
enum="Android.DownloadManager.Cancel.CancelFrom" expires_after="M85">
<summary>Recorded when a download is cancelled from Java.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.Filter"
enum="AndroidDownloadFilterType" expires_after="2020-01-26">
Recorded when the user selects a filter from the Chrome download manager
navigation drawer.
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.ForegroundServiceLifecycle"
enum="DownloadNotificationForegroundLifecycle" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: Download foreground notification stability metric. -->
Records instances where the foreground undergoes a lifecycle change (when
the foreground starts, changes pinned notification, or stops).
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.InitialCount" units="units"
The number of non-incognito download items displayed when the download UI is
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.InitialCount.Viewed" units="units"
The number of non-incognito download items displayed that are already viewed
by the user at any time, recorded when the download UI is initialized.
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.Item.OpenFailed"
enum="AndroidDownloadFilterType" expires_after="M81">
<summary>Recorded when a download fails to open.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.Item.OpenSucceeded"
enum="AndroidDownloadFilterType" expires_after="M85">
<summary>Recorded when a download is opened.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.List.View.Action"
enum="Android.DownloadManager.List.View.Actions" expires_after="2021-01-24">
<summary>The count of Download Home list entry actions taken.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.Menu.Action"
enum="Android.DownloadManager.Menu.Actions" expires_after="2021-05-16">
<summary>The count of Download Home top level menu actions taken.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.Menu.Delete.SelectedCount"
units="units" expires_after="M81">
The number of items selected when performing a multi-delete action.
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.Menu.Share.SelectedCount"
units="units" expires_after="M81">
The number of items selected when performing a multi-share action.
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.NotificationInteraction"
enum="DownloadNotificationInteractions" expires_after="2021-06-28">
Records instances where a user interacts with a download notification (ie.
clicks on, pauses, resumes, cancels).
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.OpenSource.Audio"
enum="AndroidDownloadOpenSource" expires_after="2021-06-06">
<summary>Records how users open audio download files on Android.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.OpenSource.Other"
enum="AndroidDownloadOpenSource" expires_after="2021-05-30">
Records the entry point for users opening downloaded files on Android, that
are not audio nor video.
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.OpenSource.Video"
enum="AndroidDownloadOpenSource" expires_after="2021-05-30">
<summary>Records how users open video download files on Android.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.ServiceStopped.DownloadForeground"
enum="DownloadNotificationServiceStopped" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: Download foreground notification stability metric. -->
Records instances of DownloadForegroundService stops. The number of expected
stops (stopped) and unexpected stops (task removed, low memory, etc) can be
compared to get a sense of how often the service crashes to see how it
handles restarts. For example, the number of times the service is stopped
because of low memory can be compared to the number of times the service has
been destroyed to see how frequently it occurs. Or, the number of start
sticky's will indicate how often the service is able to restart due to an
unexpected stop.
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.ServiceStopped.DownloadNotification"
enum="DownloadNotificationServiceStopped" expires_after="M85">
Deprecated as of 10/2020
Records instances of DownloadNotificationService stops. The number of
expected stops (stopped) and unexpected stops (task removed, low memory,
etc) can be compared to get a sense of how often the service crashes to see
how it handles restarts. For example, the number of times the service is
stopped because of low memory can be compared to the number of times the
service has been destroyed to see how frequently it occurs. Or, the number
of start sticky's will indicate how often the service is able to restart due
to an unexpected stop.
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.Share.Count" units="units"
<summary>The number of downloads shared at the same time.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.Share.FileTypes"
enum="AndroidDownloadFilterType" expires_after="2020-03-01">
Recorded when downloads are shared through the download manager. A recorded
value of &quot;All&quot; indicates that multiple types of downloads were
<histogram name="Android.DownloadManager.SpaceUsed" units="%"
<summary>The percentage of total storage downloads consume.</summary>
<histogram base="true"
name="Android.DownloadManager.Thumbnail.MaxRequiredStretch" units="%"
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes
name="AndroidDownloadTypes" -->
Records the required stretch of the smaller dimension before displaying an
image on download home. Measured in percentage.
<histogram name="Android.DownloadPage.OpenSource"
enum="AndroidDownloadOpenSource" expires_after="2021-02-06">
Records the entry point for users opening the download page on Android.
<histogram base="true" name="Android.FeatureModules.AvailabilityStatus"
enum="FeatureModuleAvailabilityStatus" expires_after="2021-06-13">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes
name="AndroidFeatureModuleName" -->
Availability status for each dynamic feature module. Reported once per
Chrome start. This metric's purpose is to measure a feature module's install
penetration over time.
<histogram base="true" name="Android.FeatureModules.CachedAwakeInstallDuration"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-01-31">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes
name="AndroidFeatureModuleName" -->
Duration of successful installs for each dynamic feature module. Only
contains install durations for modules first requested *before* Chrome
started last and may therefore be installed from cache. Omits deep sleep
<histogram base="true" name="Android.FeatureModules.InstallingStatus"
enum="FeatureModuleInstallingStatus" expires_after="2021-06-20">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes
name="AndroidFeatureModuleName" -->
Install status counter for each dynamic feature module. Recorded during
on-demand and deferred installs.
<histogram base="true" name="Android.FeatureModules.InstallStatus"
enum="FeatureModuleInstallStatus" expires_after="2021-05-30">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes
name="AndroidFeatureModuleName" -->
Install status for each dynamic feature module. Recorded after the
installation has finished.
<histogram name="Android.FeatureModules.StartupTime" units="ms"
Length of time during startup used by module framework code. This is our
metric to improve and used to guard against regressions.
<histogram base="true"
name="Android.FeatureModules.UncachedAwakeInstallDuration" units="ms"
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes
name="AndroidFeatureModuleName" -->
Duration of successful installs for each dynamic feature module. Only
contains install durations of modules first requested *after* Chrome started
last and are therefore unlikely to be installed from cache. Omits deep sleep
<histogram name="Android.FontLookup.Blink.DLFontsLatencyFailure" units="ms"
Records the latency of looking up a local font from Android downloadable
fonts at the time of instantiating the font in the fonts backend in the
renderer. Includes time for error checking and attempting to create the font
from the retrieved blob, if there is one. Only records timings for
situations in which a font could not be instantiated.
<histogram name="Android.FontLookup.Blink.DLFontsLatencySuccess" units="ms"
Records the latency of looking up a local font from Android downloadable
fonts at the time of instantiating the font in the fonts backend in the
renderer. Includes time for error checking and attempting to create the font
from the retrieved blob, if there is one. Only records timings for
situations in which a font was successfully instantiated and returned.
<histogram name="Android.FontLookup.FetchFontName" enum="FetchFontName"
Records font fetch requests by font name. These results may be used to
determine whether it remains worthwhile to preload fonts that are available
for renderer font match requests.
<histogram name="Android.FontLookup.FetchFontResult" enum="FetchFontResult"
Records the result of font fetch requests made to the GMS Core Android
downloadable font provider. The result may be success, or failure with a
reason. In the case of multiple failures, only the first one encountered is
reported. See implementation at AndroidFontLookupImpl.
<histogram name="Android.FontLookup.GmsFontRequest.Time" units="ms"
Records the time taken to make a fetchFonts font request to GMS Core via the
Android downloadable font provider API. This metric may be used to determine
whether it's reasonable to execute this task on the IO thread rather than
posting to a background thread.
<histogram name="Android.FontLookup.MatchLocalFontByUniqueName.Time" units="ms"
Records the time taken to respond to a request from the renderer to fetch a
specific font file from the GMS Core Android downloadable font provider.
<histogram name="Android.InstantApps.ApiCallDurationWithApp" units="ms"
Measures the amount of time spent in the getInstantAppIntent() API call when
the API was able to find an Instant App for the URL. This is recorded for
external intents coming into Chrome only and measures the delay before we
dispatch the intent to Instant Apps.
<histogram name="Android.InstantApps.ApiCallDurationWithoutApp" units="ms"
Measures the amount of time spent in the getInstantAppIntent() API call when
the API was not able to find an Instant App for the URL. This is recorded
for external intents coming into Chrome that get checked for their Instant
Apps eligibility, but end up being loaded in Chrome. It's critical to keep
this latency low for our startup performance.
<histogram name="Android.InstantApps.CallSource" enum="InstantAppsCallSource"
For intents to load a web page in browser from Instant Apps, records where
the request to load came from.
<histogram name="Android.InstantApps.DirectInstantAppsIntent"
enum="DirectIntentType" expires_after="M81">
Records events that occur when a user clicks on an intent:// URL that is
dispatched to instant apps. The intent:// URLs to the Instant Apps are
explicitly disabled unless they are launched from Google SERP, but we record
other attempts as well.
<histogram name="Android.InstantApps.EligiblePageLoaded" enum="Boolean"
Records whether any given successful page load (for http and https schemes
only) could have been handled by an Instant App.
<histogram name="Android.InstantApps.FallbackDuration" units="ms"
Measures the time from when we first received an eligible intent for Instant
Apps to the time we processed it in the case where the Instant Apps activity
had to invoke a fallback intent. This happens only on Android N and older.
<histogram name="Android.InstantApps.HandleIntentDuration" units="ms"
Measures the amount of time spent triaging an incoming event to decide
whether it needs to be routed to Instant Apps. This is time from
ChromeLauncherActivity.onCreate() call to the time either startActivity() is
called or the request proceeds. This is a superset of
<histogram name="Android.InstantApps.ShouldShowBanner" enum="InstantAppsBanner"
Logs the reasons the banner is shown or hidden on an instant apps eligible
pages. Triggered every time asynchronous Instant Apps API indicates the
currently loaded page is instant apps eligible. Does not include Instant
Apps eligible pages loaded directly through the omnibox.
<histogram name="Android.Intent.LaunchExternalAppFormSubmitHasUserGesture"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="M74">
When an external application was launched as a result of a form submit, this
tracks whether there was a user gesture associated with the submit.
<histogram name="Android.Intent.OverrideUrlLoadingIntentAction"
enum="StandardActions" expires_after="2021-03-21">
When a site navigates to a URL that can be parsed as an Intent, record the
action of that Intent.
<histogram name="Android.IsLastSharedAppInfoRetrieved"
enum="BooleanIsLastSharedAppInfoRetrieved" expires_after="M77">
Signifies whether the last shared app information is retrieved successfully
or not. This is logged when configuring the direct sharing menu item.
<histogram base="true" name="Android.IsolatedSplits.ContextCreateTime"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-12-07">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="AndroidFeatureModuleName" -->
Amount of time it takes to create a new Context for a split. This will only
be recorded if isolated splits are enabled.
<histogram base="true" name="Android.IsolatedSplits.PreloadWaitTime" units="ms"
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="AndroidFeatureModuleName" -->
Amount of time spent waiting for a split preload task to finish. This will
only be recorded if isolated splits are enabled.
<histogram name="Android.KernelVersion" enum="AndroidKernelVersion"
Reports the kernel major and minor version from the utsname.release field.
The low 16 bits of each version are combined into a 32-bit integer. The
range is from [0x00020006,0x0004000a] to track kernel versions 2.6 through
<histogram name="Android.Language.UiIsSystemLanguage" enum="BooleanMatched"
Reports whether the Chrome UI language is the same as the Android system
lanaguage. Recorded once per top-level ChromeActivty start.
<histogram name="Android.Language.WrongLanguageAfterResume" enum="Boolean"
Reports whether Chrome was started in a language other than the system
language but we support the system language. That can happen if the user
changes the system language and the required language split cannot be
installed in time.
enum="BooleanDispatched" expires_after="2021-01-24">
Whether VIEW intent sent explicitly to .Main activity was dispatched by
enum="BooleanDispatched" expires_after="2020-06-28">
Whether VIEW intent sent explicitly to .Main activity was dispatched by
<histogram name="Android.MainActivity.UndispatchedExplicitMainViewIntentSource"
enum="ClientAppId" expires_after="M85">
Sources (ExternalAppId) of undispatched VIEW intents sent explicitly to
.Main activity alias.
<histogram name="Android.ManageSpace.ActionTaken"
enum="AndroidManageSpaceButton" expires_after="M95">
Recorded when the user presses a button in the 'Manage Space' screen for
Chrome. Note: the 'Clear App Data' option is likely incorrect, as the result
of that button disables UMA recording (as we factory reset the app).
<histogram name="Android.ManageSpace.ClearUnimportantTime" units="ms"
Records the time it takes to delete all unimportant sites when the user
initiates the 'Clear Unimportant Sites' action in the 'Manage Space' screen
for Chrome.
<histogram name="Android.ManageSpace.TotalDiskUsageMB" units="MB"
Recorded when the user opens the 'Manage Space' screen for Chrome, after the
disk usage is calculated. The disk usage value represents the accumulated
disk usage by websites.
<histogram name="Android.ManageSpace.UnimportantDiskUsageMB" units="MB"
Recorded when the user opens the 'Manage Space' screen for Chrome, after the
disk usage is calculated. The disk usage value represents the accumulated
disk usage by websites that are not considered 'important'.
<histogram name="Android.MemoryPressureMonitor.GetMyMemoryState.Failed.Time"
units="microseconds" expires_after="M77">
The duration of each failed ActivityManager.getMyMemoryState() call made by
Warning: This metric may include reports from clients with low-resolution
clocks (i.e. on Windows, ref. |TimeTicks::IsHighResolution()|). Such reports
will cause this metric to have an abnormal distribution. When considering
revising this histogram, see UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_MICROSECONDS_TIMES for the
<histogram name="Android.MemoryPressureMonitor.GetMyMemoryState.Succeeded.Time"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2020-04-26">
The duration of each successful ActivityManager.getMyMemoryState() call made
by MemoryPressureMonitor.
Warning: This metric may include reports from clients with low-resolution
clocks (i.e. on Windows, ref. |TimeTicks::IsHighResolution()|). Such reports
will cause this metric to have an abnormal distribution. When considering
revising this histogram, see UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_MICROSECONDS_TIMES for the
<histogram base="true" name="Android.MemoryPressureNotification"
enum="Android.MemoryPressureNotification" expires_after="2021-05-30">
Memory pressure notifications sent by Android through ComponentCallbacks2.
This metric was added 04/2018; for prior data for the browser process see
MemoryAndroid.NotificationBackground and
<histogram name="Android.ModalDialog.SecurityFilteredTouchResult"
enum="SecurityFilteredTouchResult" expires_after="2021-04-01">
Records the action taken on a security sensitive touch event in modal
dialog. As of M84 it is used for site premission dialogs.
<histogram name="Android.ModerateBindingCount" units="bindings"
The number of moderate bindings which were kept while Chrome process is in
the foreground. This is logged right before Chrome process goes into the
<histogram name="Android.MultiWindowMode.Active" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<!-- expires-never: topline metric for monitoring multi-window mode usage on Chrome for Android. -->
Records on every metrics upload whether the activity is running in Android N
multi-window mode or not.
<histogram name="Android.NativeBackgroundTask.TaskFinished"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2021-06-15">
Records that a specific background task has finished cleanly (i.e. no
unexpected exits because of chrome crash or OOM). This includes tasks that
have been stopped due to timeout.
<histogram name="Android.NativeBackgroundTask.TaskFinished.FullBrowser"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2021-06-15">
Records that a specific native background task started in Full Browser Mode
has finished cleanly. See Android.NativeBackgroundTask.TaskFinished for more
<histogram name="Android.NativeBackgroundTask.TaskFinished.ReducedMode"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2021-06-15">
Records that a specific native background task started in Reduced Mode has
finished cleanly. It is possible that Full Browser has launched while the
task was running. See Android.NativeBackgroundTask.TaskFinished for more
<histogram name="Android.NativeBackgroundTask.TaskStarted"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2021-06-15">
Records that a specific native background task has been started. This does
not consider tasks that are marked as DONE or RESCHEDULED before a call to
start native is made (regardless of whether native is already loaded).
<histogram name="Android.NativeBackgroundTask.TaskStarted.FullBrowser"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2021-06-15">
Records that a specific native background task has been started in Full
Browser Mode. See Android.NativeBackgroundTask.TaskStarted for more details.
<histogram name="Android.NativeBackgroundTask.TaskStarted.ReducedMode"
enum="BackgroundTaskId" expires_after="2021-06-15">
Records that a specific native background task has been started in Reduced
Mode. See Android.NativeBackgroundTask.TaskStarted for more details.
<histogram name="Android.NativeStartupBridge.LoadFullBrowser"
enum="BooleanRequested" expires_after="2021-06-01">
The number of times full-browser mode is requested to be loaded from native
code (running in reduced mode).
<histogram name="Android.NTP.Impression" enum="NTPImpressionType"
Counts impressions of the NTP on Android. It also counts potential
impressions. A potential impression is a place where it would make sense to
open the NTP instead of the current view. E.g. the no-tab view is counted as
a potential impression since this view could be replaced with the NTP. For
better comparison regular impressions are also counted. The no-tab view
counting happens right after the user closed the last tab and the regular
impression counting happens at construction time of the NTP (=whenever a new
tab is opened).
<histogram base="true" name="Android.OfflineItems.StateAtCancel"
enum="OfflineItemsStateAtCancel" expires_after="M81">
State of a download or offline page request at user-initiated cancel.
<histogram name="Android.Omnibox.InvalidMatch" enum="MatchResult"
Recorded every time interacts with via an index reference to an item.
Indicates how often the match referenced by Java is different from the match
referenced by C++ at that position.
<histogram name="Android.Omnibox.SuggestionList.LayoutTime"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2021-05-16">
Records time spent on positioning all suggestions on screen. This histogram
is recorded every time a new suggestion list is received.
Values recorded here should generally aim to be small, likely below 2ms
range. Higher values are an indicator of a performance problem.
Layout operation should take place just once when suggestion view is shown
for the first time.
This metric is reported for all users and uses 100microsecond granularity.
When comparing Durations measured here, also compare Total Counts for a
correct indication of how frequently views are laid out and how the overall
time spent performing layout operation changed.
This histogram is related to Android.Omnibox.SuggestionView.Reused,
<histogram name="Android.Omnibox.SuggestionList.MeasureTime"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2021-05-16">
Records time spent on measuring all suggestions ahead of positioning them on
screen. This histogram is recorded every time a new suggestion list is
Values recorded here should generally aim to be small, likely below 2ms
range. Higher values are an indicator of a performance problem.
Measure operation should take place just once when suggestion view is shown
for the first time.
This metric is reported for all users and uses 100microsecond granularity.
When comparing Durations measured here, also compare Total Counts for a
correct indication of how frequently views are measured and how the overall
time spent measuring views changed.
This histogram is related to Android.Omnibox.SuggestionView.Reused,
<histogram name="Android.Omnibox.SuggestionView.CreateTime"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2021-05-16">
Records time spent creating a single suggestion.
Values recorded here should generally aim to be small, below 1ms range.
Higher values may be an indicator of a performance problem.
This metric is reported for all users and uses 100microsecond granularity.
When comparing Durations measured here, also compare Total Counts for a
correct indication of how frequently views are created and how the overall
time spent creating views changed.
This histogram is related to Android.Omnibox.SuggestionList.LayoutTime,
<histogram name="Android.Omnibox.SuggestionView.Reused" enum="BooleanReused"
Records number of times a suggestion was successfully reused.
Values recorded here tell how efficiently View reuse algorithms operate and
how frequently these algorithms have managed to prevent unnecessary view
creation. Higher Reuse counts indicate better performance.
When analysing this metric, consider checking also the Total Counts of
Android.Omnibox.SuggestionView.CreateTime metric for a better information
regarding how view creations and re-uses have changed:
* If this metric increased while the Total Count of the CreateTime
decreased, the change has positive effect.
* If this metric increased (or decreased) and there is a similar change in
Total Counts of CreateTime, then the effect is neutral.
* If this metric decreased, while the Total Count increased, then the change
has a negative effect (fewer reuses, more time spent creating views)
This histogram is related to Android.Omnibox.SuggestionList.LayoutTime,
<histogram name="Android.OmniboxFocusReason" enum="OmniboxFocusReason"
<summary>Records how the omnibox was focused.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.PackageStats.CacheSize" units="MB" expires_after="M86">
Records the size of the user's cache at startup on Android O and above.
<histogram name="Android.PackageStats.CodeSize" units="MB" expires_after="M86">
At startup, records the space on disk taken by Chrome application including
APK resources, compiled libraries, and extracted native code. Only recorded
for Android O and above.
<histogram name="Android.PackageStats.DataSize" units="MB" expires_after="M86">
Records the size of the user's data directory at startup on Android O and
above. Does not include cache size.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.BitmapScalerTask" units="ms"
Measures the amount of time the BitmapScaler spent scaling a bitmap.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.CacheHits" units="Hits"
Measures the total number of images served from the high-res cache during
the lifetime of the dialog.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.DecodeRequests" units="Hits"
Measures the total number of images sent for decoding during the lifetime of
the dialog.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.DecoderHostFailureOutOfMemory" units="%"
The percentage of out-of-memory decoding failures, per batch of photos (not
videos) decoded. Intended to help identify if there are devices where
decoding fails 100% of the time. Be wary at looking at other numbers in the
histogram, as a value emitted at, say, 50% may represent one failure in a
two-item decoding or 50 failures in a hundred-item decoding. These are
qualitatively different experiences for a user.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.DecoderHostVideoFileError" units="%"
The percentage of file error decoding failures, per batch of videos (not
photos) decoded. Intended to help identify if there are devices where
decoding fails 100% of the time. Be wary at looking at other numbers in the
histogram, as a value emitted at, say, 50% may represent one failure in a
two-item decoding or 50 failures in a hundred-item decoding. These are
qualitatively different experiences for a user.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.DecoderHostVideoIoError" units="%"
The percentage of IO error decoding failures, per batch of videos (not
photos) decoded. Intended to help identify if there are devices where
decoding fails 100% of the time. Be wary at looking at other numbers in the
histogram, as a value emitted at, say, 50% may represent one failure in a
two-item decoding or 50 failures in a hundred-item decoding. These are
qualitatively different experiences for a user.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.DecoderHostVideoRuntimeError" units="%"
The percentage of runtime error decoding failures, per batch of videos (not
photos) decoded. Intended to help identify if there are devices where
decoding fails 100% of the time. Be wary at looking at other numbers in the
histogram, as a value emitted at, say, 50% may represent one failure in a
two-item decoding or 50 failures in a hundred-item decoding. These are
qualitatively different experiences for a user.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.DecoderHostVideoUnknownError" units="%"
The percentage of unknown decoding error failures, per batch of videos (not
photos) decoded. Intended to help identify if there are devices where
decoding fails 100% of the time. Be wary at looking at other numbers in the
histogram, as a value emitted at, say, 50% may represent one failure in a
two-item decoding or 50 failures in a hundred-item decoding. These are
qualitatively different experiences for a user.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.DialogAction"
enum="PhotoPickerDialogAction" expires_after="2021-06-01">
Records which action the user takes in the PhotoPickerDialog.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.EnumeratedFiles" units="Files"
Measures the total number of files returned from the enumeration operation.
Measured once at the end of the enumeration operation.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.EnumeratedRate"
units="Files per 10th of a second" expires_after="2021-06-01">
Measures the enumeration rate (files per tenths of a second). Measured once
at the end of the enumeration operation.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.EnumerationTime" units="ms"
Measures the amount of time the BitmapScaler spent enumerating files on
disk. Measured once at the end of the enumeration operation.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.ExifOrientation" enum="ExifOrientation"
Records whether the EXIF orientation directive is present and what it is set
to. Collected once per decoded image, but only on Android N and above (and
when no IO error occurs).
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.ImageByteCount" units="KB"
Measures the byte count of a decoded image. Only recorded on successful
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.ImageDecodeTime" units="ms"
Measures the amount of time it takes the decoder to decode one image. Only
recorded on successful decodes.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.RequestProcessTime" units="ms"
Measures the amount of time it takes to process one image decode request
(not video) end to end (RPC and actual decoding of the bits by utility
process). Recorded whether or not the RPC/decode request was successful.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.RequestProcessTimeAnimation" units="ms"
Measures the amount of time it takes to decode all the frames needed to show
the animation -- end to end (RPC and actual decoding of the bits by utility
process). Recorded whether or not the RPC/decode request was successful.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.RequestProcessTimeThumbnail" units="ms"
Measures the amount of time it takes to process one video frame request end
to end (RPC and actual decoding of the bits by utility process). Recorded
whether or not the RPC/decode request was successful.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.UpscaleLowResBitmap" units="ms"
Measures the amount of time it takes to upscale a bitmap from the low-res
cache. Recorded only when there a cache miss from the high-res bitmap but a
cache hit from the low-res (placeholder) bitmap.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.VideoByteCount" units="KB"
Measures the byte count of the first video thumbnail. Only recorded on
successful decodes.
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.VideoDecodeTimeAnimation" units="ms"
Measures the amount of time it takes the decoder to decode all the frames
needed to display an animated thumbnail. Only recorded on successful
<histogram name="Android.PhotoPicker.VideoDecodeTimeThumbnail" units="ms"
Measures the amount of time it takes the decoder to decode the first frame
of a video. Only recorded on successful decodes.
<histogram name="Android.PlayServices.Installed" enum="BooleanInstalled"
Whether Google Play Services is installed on the device. Recorded during
deferred startup.
<histogram name="Android.PlayServices.Version" units="versioncode"
The version code for Google Play Services if it is installed on the device,
or 0 if it is not. Recorded during deferred startup.
<histogram name="Android.PrepareMenu.OpenWebApkVisibilityCheck" units="ms"
Measures the amount of time spent querying for whether a WebAPK is already
<histogram name="Android.RestoreResult" enum="AndroidRestoreResult"
Whether Chrome tried to restore its settings from a previous device or
installation, and what happened when it did. Only recorded on first run.
<histogram name="Android.SearchEngineChoice.ChosenSearchEngine"
enum="OmniboxSearchEngineType" expires_after="2021-09-01">
The type of the search engine chosen by the user in Search Engine Choice
<histogram name="Android.SearchEngineChoice.Events"
enum="AndroidSearchEngineChoiceEvents" expires_after="2021-09-01">
Counts occurences of various events related to Search Engine Choice feature.
<histogram name="Android.SearchEngineChoice.EventsV2"
enum="AndroidSearchEngineChoiceEventsV2" expires_after="2021-09-01">
Counts occurences of various events related to Search Engine Choice V2
<histogram name="Android.SearchEngineChoice.SearchEngineBeforeChoicePrompt"
enum="OmniboxSearchEngineType" expires_after="2021-09-01">
The type of the search engine used before Search Engine Choice flow was
<histogram name="Android.SeccompStatus.PhotoPickerSandbox"
enum="AndroidSeccompSandboxStatus" expires_after="M99">
Reports the status of the seccomp-bpf sandbox in photo picker decoding
processes. Anything other than &quot;Sandbox Engaged&quot; indicates the
sandbox is not turned on. See
<histogram name="Android.SeccompStatus.RendererSandbox"
enum="AndroidSeccompSandboxStatus" expires_after="2021-06-01">
Reports the status of the seccomp-bpf sandbox in renderer processes.
Anything other than &quot;Sandbox Engaged&quot; indicates the sandbox is not
turned on. See
<histogram name="Android.SeccompStatus.Syscall" enum="AndroidSeccompStatus"
Reports the level of kernel support for the seccomp-bpf sandbox using the
seccomp system call.
<histogram name="Android.SelectFileDialogImgCount" units="images"
Records the number of images selected in either the new Photo Picker or the
standard Android file picker. Note: Only recorded in situations determined
to warrant the new Photo Picker (not, for example, if mixed content, like
images and text files, was requested).
<histogram name="Android.SelectFileDialogScope" enum="SelectFileDialogScope"
Records the scope of accepted content for a select file dialog when shown by
a Web developer.
<histogram name="Android.ShouldDestroyIncognitoProfileOnStartup"
units="Boolean" expires_after="M92">
Records the number of times the call to the function
|IncognitoUtils.shouldDestroyIncognitoProfileOnStartup| returns true or
<histogram name="Android.StrictMode.OverrideUrlLoadingTime" units="ms"
Measures the amount of time due to a StrictMode violation from calling out
to Android activity manager.
<histogram name="Android.StrictMode.TabPersistentStore" units="ms"
Measures time spent during StrictMode-whitelisted code in
<histogram name="Android.StrictMode.ThumbnailCacheDir" units="ms"
Measures the amount of time due to a StrictMode violation from fetching for
the thumbnail cache directory.
<histogram name="Android.Survey.DownloadRequested" enum="BooleanRequested"
Recorded when a survey download is requested. If the client already has
successfully downloaded a survey, 'not requested' is recorded.
<histogram name="Android.Survey.DownloadResponseCode"
enum="SurveyDownloadResponseCodes" expires_after="2021-06-01">
<summary>The response code of the completed survey download request.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.Survey.InfoBarClosingState"
enum="InfoBarClosingStates" expires_after="2021-06-01">
If the infobar was visible when it was closed and if it was closed directly
or not.
<histogram name="Android.Survey.ShowSurvey" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Whether or not the survey was successfully shown after its download.
<histogram name="Android.Survey.SurveyFilteringResults"
enum="SurveyFilteringResult" expires_after="2021-06-01">
The result of the survey filtering process. Each enum represents a different
filter that caught the user. This is recorded on cold starts when we check
if a user qualifies for a survey.
<histogram name="Android.SysUtilsLowEndMatches" enum="BooleanEqual"
Measures whether Chrome low-end detection logic based on RAM size matches
the Android system utility value for isLowRamDevice(). This is recorded once
per browser start and may be recorded in the renderer if isLowEndDevice()
bit is checked.
<histogram name="Android.TabPersistentStore.MetadataFileSize" units="units"
<summary>The number of bytes written for the tab metadata file.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.ThumbnailDiskStorage.CachedBitmap.Found"
enum="BooleanFound" expires_after="2020-01-30">
Records the status of a thumbnail query from the thumbnail disk storage.
<histogram name="Android.ThumbnailDiskStorage.Size" units="KB"
Measures the size of the thumbnail disk storage used. Recorded during
<histogram base="true" name="Android.ThumbnailProvider.BitmapCache.Size"
units="KB" expires_after="2021-01-30">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes
name="ThumbnailProvider.ClientType" -->
Measures the size of the bitmap cache used. Recorded whenever a bitmap is
added to the cache.
<histogram base="true" name="Android.ThumbnailProvider.CachedBitmap.Found"
enum="BooleanFound" expires_after="2021-01-30">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes
name="ThumbnailProvider.ClientType" -->
Records the status of a thumbnail query from the thumbnail provider
in-memory cache.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.ActualUiThread"
enum="AndroidWebViewActualUiThread" expires_after="2021-03-31">
Recorded once per startup for apps targeting releases before JB MR2 if they
create their first WebView off the main thread. This records which thread
they actually ended up using as their UI thread.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.AndroidProtocolHandler.ResourceGetIdentifier"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-01-30">
Track if looking up Android app resource id using
android.content.res.Resources#getIdentifier succeeds in
AndroidProtocolHandler or if it falls back to reflection look up.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.AndroidX.ApiCall" enum="AndroidXWebkitApiCall"
Records calls to WebView APIs from AndroidX. Some AndroidX-originating calls
will plumb through the framework, for example, if methods that are available
in the framework are called from the equivalent method in AndroidX.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.AttachedToWindowIn30s" enum="Boolean"
Records if WebView was attached to a Android window in 30s since WebView was
created. Nothing will be recorded if WebView has already been destroyed.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.AttachedToWindowIn3m" enum="Boolean"
Records if WebView was attached to a Android window in 3m since WebView was
created. Nothing will be recorded if WebView has already been destroyed.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.AttachedToWindowIn5s" enum="Boolean"
Records if WebView was attached to a Android window in 5s since WebView was
created. Nothing will be recorded if WebView has already been destroyed.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.AttachedToWindowTime" units="ms"
Records how long it took for WebView to be attached to a Android window
since WebView was created. If WebView is never attached to a window, nothing
will be recorded.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.Callback.Counts" enum="WebViewCallbackType"
<summary>Records the invocation count of WebView callbacks.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.WebView.ClearProxyOverride" units="units"
<summary>Records ClearProxyOverride calls.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.WebView.CookieManager.SameSiteAttributeValue"
enum="CookieSameSiteString" expires_after="M90">
The value of the cookie's SameSite attribute, if any. This is logged once
per creation of a cookie via the CookieManager API. These cookies are double
counted (once from CookieManager, logged in this histogram, and once from
CanonicalCookie::Create, logged in Cookie.SameSiteAttributeValue).
<histogram name="Android.WebView.CookieManager.SameSiteNoneIsSecure"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="M90">
If a cookie was SameSite=None, this records whether or not it was Secure.
Logged once per attempt to set a SameSite=None cookie via CookieManager API.
These cookies are double counted (once from CookieManager, logged in this
histogram, and once from CookieMonster::SetCanonicalCookie, logged in
<histogram name="Android.WebView.DevUi.AppLaunch" enum="Boolean"
Records the number of times the developer UI app was launched. This only
ever logs the value &quot;true&quot; because we only care about the total
count. This is logged in the developer UI app during Activity#onCreate.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.DevUi.CrashList.CollectionState"
enum="AndroidWebViewCrashCollectionState" expires_after="2021-12-14">
Records the state of crash collection, as seen by the developer UI. This is
recorded when launching the crash UI, but only if the UI is not already
showing an error message for another problem (ex. WebView package error).
This only logs the first state we detect: ex. if the user has enabled crash
reporting by opting in and also with the flag UI, this only logs the flag UI
<histogram name="Android.WebView.DevUi.CrashList.CrashInteraction"
enum="AndroidWebViewCrashInteraction" expires_after="2021-12-14">
Records the user's interaction with crashes in the developer UI's crash
list. Specifically, this tracks how the user interacts with the &quot;hide
crash&quot;, &quot;upload this crash report&quot; or the &quot;file bug
report&quot; buttons and possible subsequent dialogs. Since the latter two
buttons are connected (the user must upload a crash before they can file a
bug report), we track interaction with both in the same histogram. This is
recorded for each button press in the crash list and is not recorded if the
user does not interact with any crashes.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.DevUi.CrashList.NumberShown"
units="crash reports" expires_after="2021-12-14">
Records the number of crashes shown in the developer UI. This is logged each
time the crash UI is launched and each time its list is refreshed. The UI
currently limits the number of crashes at 20, so clients logging the maximum
may have more logs sitting on disk.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.DevUi.DeveloperModeBlockingTime" units="ms"
Records the time spent blocking WebView startup to check for developer mode
(see &quot;Android.WebView.DevUi.DeveloperModeEnabled&quot;). This is
recorded once during WebView startup, regardless of whether developer mode
is enabled.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.DevUi.DeveloperModeEnabled"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-12-14">
Records whether or not WebView is starting up in &quot;developer mode.&quot;
This is a mode where the user has enabled debugging features through the
WebView developer UI. This is recorded once during startup.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.DevUi.FlagLoadingBlockingTime" units="ms"
Records the time spent blocking WebView startup to load flags from the
developer UI. This is recorded only once during WebView startup, and only if
we've already detected developer mode is enabled (see
<histogram name="Android.WebView.DevUi.FlagsUi.ToggledFromSearch"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2021-12-14">
This is recorded each time a user toggles a flag in the developer UI
(changing a flag's state), and logs whether the user found this flag with
the search bar (&quot;true&quot; means there was a non-empty search query).
This is only recorded when the user toggles an individual flag through the
Spinner dialog, not when they press the &quot;reset all flags&quot; button.
<histogram base="true" name="Android.WebView.DevUi.FragmentNavigation"
enum="AndroidWebViewDevUiFragments" expires_after="2021-12-14">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes
name="Android.WebView.DevUi.NavType" -->
Records the user's navigation to a Fragment. &quot;FromIntent&quot; tracks
navigations triggered by an Intent (ex. navigating to HomeFragment on
launch) and &quot;NavBar&quot; tracks user interaction with the bottom
navigation bar. &quot;AnyMethod&quot; should be the sum of the other two.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.DevUi.MenuSelection"
enum="AndroidWebViewDevUiMenu" expires_after="2021-12-14">
Records the user's selection in the developer UI overflow menu or action
bar, recorded after each selection.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.DevUi.MonochromeIconStateToggled"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-12-14">
Records how the developer UI launcher icon for Monochrome was toggled: was
it enabled or disabled? This can be recorded either from WebView's
non-embedded processes or Chrome's browser process whenever either changes
the icon state (nothing is logged if we don't need to change the icon
state). This is only recorded in Monochrome (Android Nougat, Oreo, and Pie),
since this logic is only relevant in that case.
<histogram base="true" name="Android.WebView.DevUi.SessionDuration2" units="ms"
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes
name="AndroidWebViewFragments" -->
Records the time spent using a specific tool, from creation to destruction.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.DevUi.ToggledFlagCount" units="flags"
Records the number of flags we will toggle for this run of WebView. This is
recorded only once during WebView startup, and only if we've already
detected developer mode is enabled (see
&quot;Android.WebView.DevUi.DeveloperModeEnabled&quot;). If developer mode
is disabled, we will not toggle any flags through this mechanism.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.EverAttachedToWindow" enum="Boolean"
Records if WebView was ever attached to a window when WebView is destroyed.
If WebView is killed by platform, nothing will be recorded.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.ExtraHeaders.Valid" enum="BooleanValid"
Invalid headers instead just throw an exception in M89+.
Recorded when an app passes extra headers to
WebView.loadUrl(url,extra_headers). We check if the header names and values
are valid.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.ExtraHeadersRedirect"
enum="WebViewExtraHeadersRedirect" expires_after="2021-02-14">
Removed Nov 2020; experiment is done and the data isn't useful.
Records the redirect type each time that a request is redirected, if that
request contains extra headers added by the
WebView.loadUrl(url,extra_headers) API.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.Gfx.HardwareDrawType"
enum="WebViewDrawAndSubmissionType" expires_after="2021-06-15">
Tracks invalidate and frame submission status for WebView hardware draw.
Result is enum that represent three flags: did we called invalidate this
frame, did renderer submitted compositor frame and whether DrawParams from
Android HWUI changed. This is logged once per WebView draw functor call.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.LoadDataWithBaseUrl.BaseUrl"
enum="WebViewUrlScheme" expires_after="2021-05-05">
Records the scheme for the baseUrl parameter to loadDataWithBaseURL. This
also records if this value is &quot;empty&quot;, as determined by
<histogram name="Android.WebView.LoadDataWithBaseUrl.HistoryUrl"
enum="HistoryUrlType" expires_after="M85">
Records whether the historyUrl parameter to loadDataWithBaseUrl is empty/
null, the same as the baseUrl parameter, or different from baseUrl.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.LoadUrl.UrlScheme" enum="WebViewUrlScheme"
Records the scheme for the URL loaded by a browser-initiated navigation.
Specifically, this is the scheme of the URL passed to loadUrl() (and its
overloads), postUrl(), and loadData (this is implicitly &quot;data:&quot;).
also records if this value is &quot;empty&quot;, which means either null or
&quot;about:blank&quot;. This intentionally excludes loadDataWithBaseURL().
<histogram name="Android.WebView.MixedContent.Mode"
enum="WebViewMixedContentMode" expires_after="M91">
Records the mixed content mode set when an app uses the
WebSettings.setMixedContentMode API.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.NonEmbeddedMetrics.HistogramRecordAge"
units="minutes" expires_after="2021-01-20">
Records the time interval between when a histogram is recorded in a
non-embedded WebView process and when it's actually sent to the UMA API in
an embedded WebView. This is recorded during WebView startup for each
histogram retrieved and replayed successfully from WebView non-embedded
metrics service.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.NonEmbeddedMetrics.NumHistograms"
units="histograms" expires_after="2021-01-20">
Records the number of histograms received from WebView's non-embedded
histogram service. This is recorded once during WebView startup, after
retrieving histograms from the service (if the proto can be parsed).
<histogram name="Android.WebView.NonEmbeddedMetrics.ParsingLogResult"
Records whether metrics parsing from file in non-embedded histogram service
was successful. It's recorded during service startup by adding it to records
list. It captures the most recent file parsing result for the last service
launch before the client connects to the service.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.NonEmbeddedMetrics.RetrieveMetricsTaskStatus"
Recorded by the non-embedded histogram service if it's unable to return
histograms. This is always recorded when a client connects to retrieve
<histogram name="Android.WebView.NonEmbeddedMetrics.TransmissionResult"
enum="AndroidWebViewDevUiMetricsTransmission" expires_after="2021-01-20">
Records whether metrics transmission from the non-embedded histogram service
was successful. This is recorded once during WebView startup, after
retrieving histograms from the service.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.onReceivedError.ErrorCode"
enum="WebViewClientErrorCode" expires_after="2021-04-11">
The WebViewClient error code as returned by the onReceivedError callback
This is recorded regardless of whether the network service is enabled or
<histogram name="Android.WebView.onReceivedHttpError.StatusCode"
enum="HttpResponseCode" expires_after="2021-04-11">
The WebViewClient http resonse status code as returned by the
onReceivedHttpError callback This is recorded regardless of whether the
network service is enabled or disabled.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.PrefLoadTime" units="ms"
Removed in November 2020.
Records how long WebView blocks startup to load prefs from disk. This is
recorded once per browser process startup.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.SecureCookieAction" enum="SecureCookieAction"
Records the action WebView took (if any) to &quot;fix up&quot; secure
cookies for backwards compatibility.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.SetProxyOverride.BypassRules"
enum="BooleanPresent" expires_after="2021-08-01">
Records whether bypass rules were present in SetProxyOverride calls.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.SetProxyOverride.ProxySchemeFilterType"
enum="AndroidWebViewProxySchemeFilterType" expires_after="2021-08-01">
Records the type of scheme filter in SetProxyOverride calls.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.SetProxyOverride.ProxyUrlType"
enum="AndroidWebViewProxyUrlType" expires_after="2021-08-01">
<summary>Records the type of url in SetProxyOverride calls.</summary>
<histogram name="Android.WebView.ShouldInterceptRequest.InterceptionType"
enum="InterceptionType" expires_after="2021-02-11">
Whether the request was intercepted by the embedder of Android WebView, and
if so which url scheme was used. Intercepted request are requests for which
the shouldInterceptRequest() callback returned a non-null response.
enum="HttpResponseCode" expires_after="2020-06-14">
Records the custom response status code for the intercepted requests where
input stream is null. In case status code is invalid (or has not been
specified by the app) a zero status code is recorded. This UMA is needed in
order to track specific usages of request interception where the behavior
with network service enabled is different from the old code path (for more
details see go/wv-ns-behavior-differences). This data is recorded regardless
of whether the network service is enabled or disabled.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.Startup.CreationTime.Stage1.FactoryInit"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-07-24">
How long it takes to initialize a WebViewChromiumFactoryProvider. This is
the first major phase of the WebViewChromium construction.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.Startup.CreationTime.Stage2.ProviderInit.Cold"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-07-24">
How long it takes to initialize a WebViewProvider, the first time that one
is initialized. WebViewProvider initialization is the second major phase of
WebViewChromium construction. The first initialization is recorded
separately because it is usually much slower than subsequent ones.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.Startup.CreationTime.Stage2.ProviderInit.Warm"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-07-24">
How long it takes to initialize a WebViewProvider, the first time that one
is initialized. WebViewProvider initialization is the second major phase of
WebViewChromium construction. When it is not the first time, it is faster
and thus recorded separately.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.Startup.DataDirLockAttempts" units="attempts"
Removed 2020-10
How many attempts it took to acquire the WebView data directory lock. A
value of 0 indicates that we reached the max retry count and failed to
acquire the lock successfully at all.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.Startup.InitAlreadyStarted" enum="Boolean"
Removed 2020-10
Records whether we already tried to initialize WebView in the current
process previously, upon entry to the initialization function. This should
never be true under normal circumstances and may indicate an application
catching an exception thrown by initialization and discarding it.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.SupportLibrary.ClientIsCompat"
enum="WebViewClientTypeEnum" expires_after="2021-05-05">
Records whether the WebViewClient provided by the app is an instance of
WebViewClientCompat (and therefore exposes AndroidX callbacks). This is
recorded each time the app sets a new WebViewClient via
<histogram name="Android.WebView.TargetSdkVersion" enum="AndroidApiLevel"
The version of the target SDK of the app WebView is running in. This is
recorded at WebView creation.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.UserAgent.Valid" enum="WebViewUserAgentType"
Invalid UAs instead just throw an exception in M89+.
Recorded when an app passes a custom user agent to
WebSettings.setUserAgentString. We check if the UA is valid, and if not we
try to interpret it in several ways and record which (if any) made sense.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.Visibility.Global" enum="WebViewVisibility"
Records the global visibility state of WebView in seconds, updated with
every Metrics upload. The Visible bucket counts total seconds that any
WebView was visible (the view itself was visible, and was attached to the
view hierarchy of a visible window). The NotVisble bucket counts time since
WebView initialization for which no WebView was considered visible, or no
WebView existed. The total of these two buckets reflects the amount of time
covered by metrics collection.
<histogram name="Android.WebView.Visibility.PerWebView"
enum="WebViewVisibility" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Records per-WebView visibility duration in seconds, updated with every
Metrics upload. The Visible bucket counts the total time in seconds that
each WebView was considered visible (the view itself was visible, and was
attached to the view hierarchy of a visible window). If more than one
WebView is considered visible, then each WebView contributes independently.
The NotVisible bucket counts the duration that each WebView exists but not
in a visible state. As with the Visible bucket, each WebView contributes
independently, and thus this bucket is not incremented when no WebViews
<histogram name="Android.WebView.WebViewOpenWebVisible.Global"
enum="WebViewOpenWebVisibility" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Identical to Android.WebView.Visibility.Global except that the
OpenWebContentVisible bucket only records time that any WebView is visible
and displaying contents which originate from the 'Open Web' (in this context
that is taken to mean having an HTTP or HTTPS scheme). The
OpenWebContentNotVisible bucket records time when the WebView was not
visible or not displaying contents which originate from an HTTP or HTTPS
<histogram name="Android.WebView.WebViewOpenWebVisible.PerWebView"
enum="WebViewOpenWebVisibility" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Identical to Android.WebView.Visibility.PerWebView except that the
OpenWebContentVisible bucket only records time that each WebView is visible
and displaying contents which originate from the 'Open Web' (in this context
that is taken to mean having an HTTP or HTTPS scheme). The
OpenWebContentNotVisible bucket records time when each WebView was not
visible or not displaying contents which originate from an HTTP or HTTPS
<histogram name="Android.WebView.WebViewOpenWebVisible.ScreenPortion"
enum="WebViewOpenWebScreenPortion" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Records the number of seconds that WebView is displaying Open Web Content
for each bucket of screen proportion, updated with every Metrics upload. For
the purposes of bucketing this is rounded down.
<histogram name="AndroidSearchEngineLogo.Events"
enum="AndroidSearchEngineLogoEvents" expires_after="2021-06-01">
Counts occurences of various events related to the Search Engine Logo
feature. When enabled, the feature will show the logo of the default search
engine in the omnibox. These events record the performance of fetching
non-Google logos.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.EffectivePWAInstallationSuccess"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-02-02">
Records effective final success/failure when trying to install Android
Messages for Web PWA. This is recorded once when any one of the installation
attempts succeed or when all attempts fails, irrespective of number of
<histogram name="AndroidSms.FcmMessageDispatchFailure"
enum="AndroidSmsFcmMessageType" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records message types for which all retry attempts failed when dispatching
to Android Messages for Web Service-Worker. This is recorded when using FCM
web push for background notificaitons.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.FcmMessageDispatchRetry"
enum="AndroidSmsFcmMessageType" expires_after="2021-05-16">
Records message types for which a retry was attempted when dispatching to
Android Messages for Web Service-Worker. This is recorded when using FCM web
push for background notificaitons.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.FcmMessageDispatchSuccess"
enum="AndroidSmsFcmMessageType" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Records message types for which dispatching to Android Messages for Web
Service-Worker succeeded. This is recorded when using FCM web push for
background notificaitons.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.MultiDeviceFeatureState"
enum="MultiDevice_FeatureState" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Indicates the feature state of the Messages feature. This metric is emitted
to at the creation of the user session (when the user logs in), and when
feature state updates occur.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.NumAttemptsForSuccessfulInstallation"
units="attempts" expires_after="2021-05-02">
Records the number of installations attempted for Android Messages for Web
PWA before succeeding.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.PWAInstallationResult"
enum="WebAppInstallResultCode" expires_after="2021-04-04">
Records installation result code for every installation attempt for Android
Messages for Web PWA initiated through Multidevice setup or settings. This
metric also includes installation result for every failed retry.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.PWAUninstallationResult" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Records success/failure for when Android Messages for Web PWA is
uninstalled. The PWA is uninstalled when the messages URL changes, resulting
in the PWA being uninstalled at the old URL and reinstalled at the new URL.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.ServiceWorkerLifetime" units="ms"
Tracks the duration of time for which the Android Messages for Web Service-
Worker is handling background connection.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.ServiceWorkerMessageDispatchStatus"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-02-02">
Tracks dispatch success/failure status of the start streaming message sent
to the Android Messages for Web Service-Worker.