blob: 07ff60a59321a810a9b490991e74d22d1467e8fb [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of NewTabPage histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please send CLs to rather than to specific
individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer within
about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance incoming
reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ActionAndroid2" enum="NewTabPageActionAndroid2"
Actions taken from the new tab page on Android. These actions may navigate
away from the NTP (e.g. searching in the omnibox or opening a bookmark), but
can also happen without navigating away from the NTP (e.g. opening a content
suggestion in a new tab).
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ActioniOS" enum="NewTabPageActioniOS"
Actions taken by users from the new tab page on iOS. These actions may
navigate away from the NTP (e.g. searching in the omnibox or opening a
bookmark), but can also happen without navigating away from the NTP (e.g.
opening a bookmark in a new tab).
<histogram name="NewTabPage.AppsPageDragSource" enum="AppsPageDragSource"
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
Histogram for the source of app page drags. For any succesful drop onto an
apps pane of the NTP, this logs where the drag originated.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.BackgroundService.Collections.RequestLatency"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-01-01">
The time it took until a request from the New Tab Page for Backdrop
Collections was served.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.BackgroundService.Images.RequestLatency" units="ms"
The time it took until a request from the New Tab Page for Backdrop Images
was served.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.BackgroundService.NextImage.RequestLatency"
units="ms" expires_after="M90">
The time it took until a request from the New Tab Page for the next Backdrop
Image in a collection was served. The duration is measured from time the
client invokes the service call, to the time it receives the callback.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.ArticlesListVisible"
enum="BooleanVisible" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Android: Whether article suggestions on New Tab Page are set visible by user
on startup and when the visibility is changed.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.ArtificialDelay" enum="Boolean"
<summary>Android: Loading of Zine was artifically delayed</summary>
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.BackgroundFetchTrigger"
enum="BackgroundFetchTrigger" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Android: The type of trigger that caused a background fetch of NTP content
suggestions from a suggestion server. Every background fetch is recorded.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.CategoryDismissed"
enum="ContentSuggestionsCategory" expires_after="M90">
Android: A category of content suggestions that was dismissed (by swiping
away its empty state card).
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.CountOnNtpOpenedIfVisible"
units="units" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Android: The number of suggestion cards that were available at the time an
NTP was opened. Only visible categories (i.e. which can be seen by the user
on this NTP) are recorded, including empty ones.
units="suggestions" expires_after="M90">
Android: The number of prefetched suggestion cards that were available in
Articles category if it was visible at the time an NTP was opened and the
user was offline. Analogous to
NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.CountOnNtpOpenedIfVisible, except that this
metric is reported after all URL prefetched asynchronous checks finish.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.DismissedUnvisited"
units="index" expires_after="M90">
Android: The position of a suggestion card on the NTP that is dismissed,
typically by swiping it away. The suggestion had a URL that was NOT visited
before. We track the position the card had in the list when it was first
seen by the user. This tracked position can be different from the position
observed by the user, e.g. when the user dismissed some suggestions from the
list or requested more that got inserted in the middle of the feed.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.DismissedVisited" units="index"
Android: The position of a suggestion card on the NTP that is dismissed,
typically by swiping it away. The suggestion had a URL that was visited
before. We track the position the card had in the list when it was first
seen by the user. This tracked position can be different from the position
observed by the user, e.g. when the user dismissed some suggestions from the
list or requested more that got inserted in the middle of the feed.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.MenuOpened" units="index"
Android: The position of a suggestion card whose long-press menu was opened,
analogous to NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.Opened.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.MenuOpenedAge" units="ms"
Android: The age of a suggestion card on the NTP whose long-press menu was
opened, analogous to NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.OpenedAge.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.MenuOpenedScoreNormalized"
enum="NormalizedScore" expires_after="M85">
Android: The relevance score of a suggestion card on the NTP whose
long-press menu was opened, analogous to
NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.OpenedScoreNormalized. Scores (which are
typically floats within (0,1]) get reported as discrete integers within
[1,10]. For instance, the discrete value 1 represents score values from
(0.0, 0.1]. The discrete value 11 is the overflow bucket for unexpectedly
high scores.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.MoreButtonClicked" units="index"
Android: The position of a &quot;More&quot; suggestion card that was clicked
on the NTP. A card is considered shown when at least 2/3 of its height is
visible on the screen. We track the position the card had in the list when
it was first seen by the user. This tracked position can be different from
the position observed by the user, e.g. when the user dismissed some
suggestions from the list or requested more that got inserted in the middle
of the feed.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.MoreButtonShown" units="index"
Android: The position of a &quot;More&quot; suggestion card that was shown
on the NTP. A card is considered shown when at least 2/3 of its height is
visible on the screen. For each card, at most one impression is recorded per
NTP instance. We track the position the card had in the list when it was
first seen by the user. This tracked position can be different from the
position observed by the user, e.g. when the user dismissed some suggestions
from the list or requested more that got inserted in the middle of the feed.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.MovedUpCategoryNewIndex"
units="index" expires_after="M85">
Android: The new index of a category on the NTP after it has been moved up
due to a click. The index of a category, which has been overtaken, is not
recorded here. This tracked index can be different from the position
observed by the user, e.g. empty categories are not shown. This metric
ignores all other order changes (e.g. dismissing a category or clearing
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.Notifications.Actions"
enum="ContentSuggestionsNotificationsAction" expires_after="M85">
Android: The number of actions taken on displayed notifications, either
user-initiated (tapping to open or swiping to dismiss), or automatic (hiding
due to a change in circumstances).
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.Notifications.AutoOptOuts"
enum="ContentSuggestionsNotificationsOptOut" expires_after="M85">
Android: The number of times a user opted out, keyed by method: IMPLICIT
(user ignored enough notifications consecutively that we think they're not
interested), or EXPLICIT (via explicit setting).
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.Notifications.Impressions"
enum="ContentSuggestionsNotificationsImpression" expires_after="M85">
Android: The number of notifications that were shown, keyed by category. One
bucket counts the server-provided ARTICLES category; the other counts
everything else.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.OpenDisposition"
enum="WindowOpenDisposition" expires_after="M90">
Android: How an article linked from a suggestion card on the NTP was opened
(e.g. plain click, open in new tab, open in incognito).
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.Opened" units="index"
Android: The position of the suggestion card on the NTP, that is clicked
through to the host website of the content. We track the position the card
had in the list when it was first seen by the user. This tracked position
can be different from the position observed by the user, e.g. when the user
dismissed some suggestions from the list or requested more that got inserted
in the middle of the feed.
units="index" expires_after="M90">
Android: The position of the prefetched suggestion card on the NTP, that is
clicked through to the host website of the content, when the user is
offline. Analogous to NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.Opened. That is we track
the position the card had in the list when it was first seen by the user.
This tracked position can be different from the position observed by the
user, e.g. when the user dismissed some suggestions from the list or
requested more that got inserted in the middle of the feed.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.OpenedAge" units="ms"
Android: The age of a suggestion card on the NTP that is clicked through to
the host website of the content. The age is measured from the moment the
content has been published.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.OpenedCategoryIndex"
units="index" expires_after="M77">
Android: The index of a category on the NTP, whose suggestion card is
clicked through to the host website of the content. This tracked index can
be different from the position observed by the user, e.g. for the user a
category may be at the top of the NTP, but with index 1, because they
dismissed the one that was previously at the top.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.OpenedScoreNormalized"
enum="NormalizedScore" expires_after="M85">
Android: The score of a suggestion card on the NTP that is clicked through
to the host website of the content. The recorded score is from the moment
the suggestion was fetched, it could have changed since. Scores (which are
typically floats within (0,1]) get reported as discrete integers within
[1,10]. For instance, the discrete value 1 represents score values from
(0.0, 0.1]. The discrete value 11 is the overflow bucket for unexpectedly
high scores.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.Preferences.RemoteSuggestions"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Whether content suggestions from the remote service are enabled. It is
recored at startup. Note: This histogram is not specific to the New Tab
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.SectionCountOnNtpOpened"
units="sections" expires_after="M77">
Android: The number of suggestion sections that were shown at the time an
NTP was opened. All shown sections (including empty ones) are counted.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.Shown" units="index"
Android: The position of a suggestion card that was shown on the NTP. A card
is considered shown when at least 2/3 of its height is visible on the
screen. For each card, at most one impression is recorded per NTP instance.
We track the position the card had in the list when it was first seen by the
user. This tracked position can be different from the position observed by
the user, e.g. when the user dismissed some suggestions from the list or
requested more that got inserted in the middle of the feed.
units="index" expires_after="M90">
Android: The position of a prefetched suggestion card that was shown on the
NTP when offline. Analogous to NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.Shown. That is
a card is considered shown when at least 2/3 of its height is visible on the
screen. For each card, at most one impression is recorded per NTP instance.
We track the position the card had in the list when it was first seen by the
user. This tracked position can be different from the position observed by
the user, e.g. when the user dismissed some suggestions from the list or
requested more that got inserted in the middle of the feed. This metric is
reported not immediately after the impression, but once the request to
Offline Page model to check the URL finishes.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.ShownAge" units="ms"
Android: The age of a suggestion card that was shown on the NTP. A card is
considered shown when at least 2/3 of its height is visible on the screen.
For each card, at most one impression is recorded per NTP instance.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.ShownScoreNormalized"
enum="NormalizedScore" expires_after="M85">
Android: The score of a suggestion card that was shown on the NTP. A card is
considered shown when at least 2/3 of its height is visible on the screen.
For each card, at most one impression is recorded per NTP instance. Scores
(which are typically floats within (0,1]) get reported as discrete integers
within [1,10]. For instance, the discrete value 1 represents score values
from (0.0, 0.1]. The discrete value 11 is the overflow bucket for
unexpectedly high scores.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.TimeSinceSuggestionFetched"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Android: The time since the displayed content suggestions was fetched.
Recorded when the user looks at content suggestions on the NTP. The metric
is only recorded for suggestions of the Articles for you section.
<histogram base="true"
name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.TimeUntilFirstShownTrigger" units="ms"
Android: The time since the last fetch, recorded upon the first on-shown
fetch trigger. The first on-shown trigger does not necessarily cause a fetch
(if it comes before the end of the respective scheduling interval). This
metric is recorded at most once after each fetch (and additionaly at most
once after each startup of Chrome before the next fetch). This is used to
understand how changing scheduling intervals will impact traffic of
background fetches.
<histogram base="true"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Android: The time since the last fetch, recorded upon the first startup
fetch trigger. The first startup trigger does not necessarily cause a fetch
(if it comes before the end of the respective scheduling interval). This
metric is recorded at most once after each fetch (and additionaly at most
once after each startup of Chrome before the next fetch). This is used to
understand how changing scheduling intervals will impact traffic of
background fetches.
<histogram base="true"
name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.TimeUntilPersistentFetch" units="ms"
Android: The time since the last fetch, recorded upon a persistent fetch.
This is used to understand what are the real persistent fetching intervals
in the wild.
<histogram base="true" name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.TimeUntilSoftFetch"
units="ms" expires_after="M90">
Android: The time since the last fetch, recorded upon a soft fetch. This is
used to understand what are the real soft fetching intervals in the wild.
<histogram base="true"
name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.TimeUntilStartupFetch" units="ms"
Android: The time since the last fetch, recorded upon a startup fetch. This
is used to understand what are the real soft fetching intervals in the wild.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.UsageTimeLocal" units="units"
Android: The time of day (in the local timezone) when the user used content
suggestions. Recorded for example when the user scrolls to the articles
suggestions or opens an article suggestions.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.VisitDuration" units="ms"
Android: Time spent reading the page linked by an opened suggestion card.
Exit conditions include the tab not being in the foreground or starting a
new navigation.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.CryptidRenderResult" enum="CryptidRenderResult"
Tracks the outcome of Probabilistic Cryptid Rendering (succeeded, failed, or
was disabled because preconditions were not met).
<histogram name="NewTabPage.CustomizeAction" enum="NTPCustomizeAction"
<!-- expires-never: part of top-line metric (internal: go/chrome-browser-nsm) -->
Customization actions performed by the user on the New Tab Page; logged as
each interaction occurs. This may indicate popularity of a particular
customization type.
This histogram is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.CustomizeChromeBackgroundAction"
enum="NTPCustomizeChromeBackgroundAction" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Captures the actions performed when configuring a 'Chrome background' image
on the New Tab Page. Since most actions are sequential, this may indicate
steps in the configuration process where users drop off.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Customized" enum="NTPCustomizedFeatures"
The New Tab Page features that have been customized by the user; logged per
NTP load.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.CustomizedShortcuts"
enum="NTPCustomizedShortcutSettings" expires_after="2021-01-01">
The New Tab Page shortcut settings that can be customized by the user,
including shortcut type (i.e. most visited vs custom links) and visibility;
logged per NTP load.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.CustomizeLocalImageBackgroundAction"
enum="NTPCustomizeLocalImageBackgroundAction" expires_after="2021-01-01">
Captures the actions performed when uploading a local image as the
background on the New Tab Page. Since most actions are sequential, this may
indicate steps in the configuration process where users drop off.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.CustomizeShortcutAction"
enum="NTPCustomizeShortcutAction" expires_after="2021-01-01">
Captures the actions performed when configuring shortcuts on the New Tab
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Languages.UILanguageRatioInTwoTopLanguages"
units="%" expires_after="M77">
Android: Percentage of how much in browsing is the UI language of Chrome
used compared to overall use of the two top languages that are reported to
Chrome content suggestion server.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.LoadTime" units="ms" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: "heartbeat" metric (internal: go/uma-heartbeats) -->
Histogram of the time, in milliseconds, it took for the NTP to load all of
its tiles since navigation start.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.LogoClick" enum="NewTabPageLogoClick"
<!-- expires-never: part of top-line metric (internal: go/chrome-browser-nsm) -->
The number of clicks on the static/call-to-action/animated logo on the NTP.
This histogram is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.LogoDownloadOutcome"
enum="NewTabPageLogoDownloadOutcome" expires_after="2021-01-01">
Outcome of downloading search provider's logos. It measures whether
download/parsing is successful, revalidation and parsing work properly, etc.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.LogoDownloadTime" units="ms"
The amount of time it took to download the static logo. This includes
requests where there was no logo, or where an existing logo was revalidated
(so no new image data was downloaded), but it does not include failed
<histogram name="NewTabPage.LogoImageDownloaded" enum="BooleanFromHTTPCache"
A logo image (static or CTA) was downloaded. Recorded only when the image
was downloaded and decoded without errors.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.LogoShown" enum="NewTabPageLogoShown"
The number of static logos and animated logos shown to users. Note that the
base version of this histogram is recorded both for logos from the cache and
for fresh logos, so it can be recorded twice per NTP impression.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.LogoShownTime2" units="ms"
The amount of time between opening an NTP and the logo appearing. Only
recorded when there is a logo, and only recorded once per NTP.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.MainUi.ShownTime" units="ms"
Records the time until the top-level ntp-app Custom Element's |ready|
callback is called. The intention is to measure how quickly the contents of
new_tab_page.rollup.js (main JS bundle) are rendered.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.MobileIsUserOnline" enum="Boolean"
Record the network status when a new tab page is opened. True if user is
online and false for offline.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Modules.Dismissed" units="count"
Records the dismissed modules. This is recorded when the user explicitly
dismisses a module via the module remove button on the New Tab Page. Every
dismissal emits a 1 which has no inherent meaning aside from a dismissal
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Modules.Impression" units="ms"
Histogram of the time, in milliseconds since navigation start, it took until
an NTP module header is mostly visible in the window's content area
(viewport). If the module header is mostly below the page fold, the time
delta will include the time it takes for the user to scroll the module into
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Modules.Loaded" units="ms"
Histogram of the time, in milliseconds since navigation start, it took until
an NTP module loaded.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Modules.Restored" units="count"
Records the restord modules. This is recorded when the user explicitly
restores a previously dismissed module via the toast on the New Tab Page.
Every restoral emits a 1 which has no inherent meaning aside from a restoral
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Modules.ShownTime" units="ms"
Histogram of the time, in milliseconds since navigation start, it took until
the modules showed up on the NTP.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Modules.Usage" units="count"
Emitted each time a user action within an NTP module launches a module's
feature. Every usage emits a 1 which has no inherent meaning aside from a
usage occurred.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Modules.VisibleOnNTPLoad" enum="BooleanVisible"
<summary>Logs whether the NTP modules are visible at NTP load.</summary>
<histogram name="NewTabPage.MostVisited" enum="MostVisitedTileIndex"
<!-- expires-never: part of top-line metric (internal: go/chrome-browser-nsm) -->
Histogram for user clicks of the most visited tile. The value is equal to
the index of the tile.
The user action NewTabPage.MostVisited.Clicked is also logged at the same
time as this histogram.
This histogram is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.MostVisitedAge" units="seconds"
The age of the data at click time, that is, the elapsed time since the
suggestion was generated by a ranking algorithm.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.MostVisitedTime" units="ms" expires_after="M77">
The time from the New Tab page being shown until the user to clicked on a
most visited tile. Only recorded if the user clicked on a tile, as opposed
to e.g. searching via the omnibox. Only measured on Android.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.NumberOfTiles" units="units"
The number of tiles that are on the NTP, no matter if they are thumbnails,
gray tiles, or external tiles. Recorded before reloading the suggestions,
navigating to a URL, switching tabs, changing the active window or closing
the tab/shutting down Chrome. The sum of this histogram does not have to
equal to the total count of tile impressions (such as the total count in
NewTabPage.TileType). The reason is that not all tiles have to be impressed
initially (e.g., the second row of tiles may be initially out of sight on
<histogram name="NewTabPage.OneGoogleBar.RequestLatency" units="ms"
The time it took until a request from the New Tab page for the OneGoogleBar
script was served. Recorded only on the local NTP.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.OneGoogleBar.ShownTime" units="ms"
Histogram of the time, in milliseconds since navigation start, it took until
the OneGoogleBar showed up on the NTP. Recorded only on the local NTP.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Promo.EnhancedProtectionPromo"
enum="AndroidEnhancedProtectionPromoAction" expires_after="2021-07-04">
Records events related to the Safe Browsing Enhanced Protection promo card
on the new tab page. Recorded for Android only.
units="units" expires_after="2021-05-09">
The number of times that the Safe Browsing Enhanced Protection promo was
shown to the user before they took action. Recorded when the user accepts
the homepage promo. Recorded for Android only.
units="units" expires_after="2021-05-16">
The number of times that the Safe Browsing Enhanced Protection promo was
shown to the user before it was manually dismissed. Recorded when the user
dismisses the promo. Recorded for Android only.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Promo.HomepagePromo"
enum="AndroidHomepagePromoAction" expires_after="2021-05-09">
Records events related to the homepage promo card on the new tab page.
Recorded for Android only.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Promo.HomepagePromo.ImpressionUntilAction"
units="units" expires_after="2021-05-09">
The number of times that the homepage promo was shown to the user before
they took action. Recorded when the user accepts the homepage promo.
Recorded for Android only.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Promo.HomepagePromo.ImpressionUntilDismissal"
units="units" expires_after="2021-05-16">
The number of times that the homepage promo was shown to the user before it
was manually dismissed. Recorded when the user dismisses the promo. Recorded
for Android only.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Promos.LinkClicked" units="count"
<!-- expires-never: part of top-line metric (internal: go/chrome-browser-nsm) -->
Emitted each time a promo linked is clicked on the local NTP.
This histogram is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Promos.PromoBrowserCommand"
enum="PromoBrowserCommandEnum" expires_after="M90">
Logs how many times various promo browser commands are executed. Triggered
when a supported and enabled promo browser command is sent via the New Tab
Page promos and is executed by the PromoBrowserCommandHandler.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Promos.RequestLatency2" units="ms"
The time it took until a request from the New Tab page for the middle slot
promo script was served. Recorded on the local and WebUI NTP.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Promos.ShownTime" units="ms"
Histogram of the time, in milliseconds since navigation start, it took until
a middle slot promo showed up on the NTP. Recorded on the local and WebUI
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Realbox.CharTypedToRepaintLatency.ToPaint"
units="ms" expires_after="M83">
Records the time taken between a keystroke being typed in the NTP realbox
and the time when we're ready to render the results in the DOM. If there are
multiple keystrokes before the results are rendered, logs the time since the
earliest one. This is most comparable to Omnibox's
Omnibox.CharTypedToRepaintLatency.ToPaint as it does not take into account
the time the DOM change task spends in the message loop nor its duration.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.RecipeTasks.RecipeClick" units="index"
Logged when a user clicked on a recipe in the recipe tasks module. The value
is equal to the index of the recipe.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.RecipeTasks.RecipeDownloadCount" units="recipes"
The number of recipe search links in the primary shopping task (top-ranked,
recipe, search journey). The recipe search links are rendered with a name,
image and URL. This metric is logged after the recipe tasks are successfuly
<histogram name="NewTabPage.RecipeTasks.RelatedSearchClick" units="index"
Logged when a user clicked on a related search pill in the recipe tasks
module. The value is equal to the index of the pill.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.RecipeTasks.RelatedSearchDownloadCount"
units="count" expires_after="2021-03-01">
The number of related search links in the primary recipe task (top-ranked,
recipe, search journey). The related search links are rendered with a name
and URL. This metric is logged after the recipe tasks are successfuly
<histogram name="NewTabPage.RepeatableQueries.ExtractedCount" units="count"
The number of normalized search queries extracted from the in-memory URL DB
and examined (e.g., sorted) to produce repeatable query suggestions for
signed-out users. Triggered every time a signed-out user opens a new tab
when the repeatable queries are enabled.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.RepeatableQueries.ExtractionDuration" units="ms"
The length of time it takes to extract normalized search queries from the
in-memory URL DB and examine (e.g., sort) them to produce repeatable query
suggestions for signed-out users. Triggered every time a signed-out user
opens a new tab when the repeatable queries are enabled.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.RequestThrottler.PerDay" units="requests"
Records how many background requests of the given type the browser tried to
perform each day where the type is specified by the _suffix of the
histogram. The histogram is emitted only after midnight of the given day
passes - right before the first following request (which can be several days
later if the user does not use Chrome in the meantime). The histogram counts
requests with both QUOTA_GRANTED and QUOTA_EXCEEDED status, i.e. the count
can easily exceed the daily quota.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.RequestThrottler.PerDayInteractive"
units="requests" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Records how many interactive requests of the given type the browser tried to
perform each day where the type is specified by the _suffix of the
histogram. The histogram is emitted only after midnight of the given day
passes - right before the first following request (which can be several days
later if the user does not use Chrome in the meantime). The histogram counts
requests with both QUOTA_GRANTED and QUOTA_EXCEEDED status, i.e. the count
can easily exceed the daily quota.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.RequestThrottler.RequestStatus"
enum="NtpRequestThrottlerStatus" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Records the status w.r.t. the quota for all requests of the given type. The
type of request is specified by the _suffix of the histogram.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.SearchAvailableLoadTime2.ColdStart" units="ms"
The time until the search box became available on the NTP in a cold start.
It's a cold start if the native library is not already loaded and
initialized at the time the activity is created. Only measured on Android.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.SearchAvailableLoadTime2.WarmStart" units="ms"
The time until the search box became available on the NTP in a warm start.
It's a warm start if the native library is already loaded and initialized at
the time the activity is created. This might happen if for example a service
was already running. Only measured on Android.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.SearchSuggestions.IndexClicked" units="units"
<!-- expires-never: part of top-line metric (internal: go/chrome-browser-nsm) -->
The index of the search suggestion tile that was clicked on the local NTP.
This histogram is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.SearchSuggestions.RequestLatencyV2" units="ms"
The time it took until a request from the New Tab page for the search
suggestions script was served. Recorded only on the local NTP.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.SearchSuggestions.RequestStatusV2"
enum="NTPSearchSuggestionsRequestStatus" expires_after="M82">
Whether a request was made for search suggestions on NTP load; and if a
request was not made, the reason why.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.SearchSuggestions.ShownCount" units="units"
The number of search suggestion tiles that were shown on the local NTP.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ShoppingTasks.ProductClick" units="index"
Logged when a user clicked on a product in the shopping tasks module. The
value is equal to the index of the product.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ShoppingTasks.ProductDownloadCount"
units="products" expires_after="2021-03-01">
The number of product search links in the primary shopping task (top-ranked,
shopping, search journey). The product search links are rendered with a
name, price, image and URL. This metric is logged after the shopping tasks
are successfuly retrieved.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ShoppingTasks.RelatedSearchClick" units="index"
Logged when a user clicked on a related search pill in the shopping tasks
module. The value is equal to the index of the pill.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.ShoppingTasks.RelatedSearchDownloadCount"
units="count" expires_after="2021-06-13">
The number of related search links in the primary shopping task (top-ranked,
shopping, search journey). The related search links are rendered with a name
and URL. This metric is logged after the shopping tasks are successfuly
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Snippets.DatabaseLoadTime" units="ms"
Removed in October 2020.
Android: The time it took to load the database of persisted content
suggestions. Recorded only when the database is loaded successfully.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Snippets.EnteredState" enum="NTPSnippetsState"
Removed in October 2020.
Android: The state of the RemoteSuggestionsProvider. Recorded when the state
changes, typically once at startup and rarely afterwards, e.g. on database
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Snippets.FetchHttpResponseOrErrorCode"
enum="CombinedHttpResponseAndNetErrorCode" expires_after="M85">
Removed in October 2020.
Response or error codes encountered when attempting to fetch snippets.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Snippets.FetchResult" enum="NtpSnippetsFetchResult"
Removed in October 2020.
Result of attempting a fetch, logged once per issued trigger.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Snippets.FetchTime" units="ms" expires_after="M85">
Removed in October 2020.
Time spent fetching snippets. Only recorded for fetch attempts that resulted
in an actual network request.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Snippets.FetchTimeLocal" units="minutes"
Removed in October 2020.
Records the time of the day in minutes when a snippets background fetch was
initiated. Counts minutes since midnight UTC.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Snippets.FetchTimeUTC" units="minutes"
Removed in October 2020.
Records the time of the day in minutes when a snippets background fetch was
initiated. Counts minutes since midnight local time.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Snippets.IncompleteSnippetsAfterFetch"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="M85">
Whether we discarded any of the snippets after fetching them due to having
incomplete metadata.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Snippets.NumArticles" units="articles"
Removed in October 2020.
Android: The number of snippet articles available to show on the NTP, logged
once every time the list is updated.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Snippets.NumArticlesFetched" units="articles"
Removed in October 2020.
Android: The number of valid snippet articles fetched from the server,
logged every time a fetch finishes successfully.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Snippets.NumArticlesZeroDueToDiscarded"
units="articles" expires_after="M85">
Removed in October 2020.
Android: The number of snippet articles discarded by the user, logged every
time the list is updated resulting in an empty list (all articles
<histogram name="NewTabPage.Snippets.NumIncompleteSnippets" units="snippets"
Removed in October 2020.
The number of snippets that we discard per fetch due to having incomplete
<histogram name="NewTabPage.SuggestionsImpression" enum="MostVisitedTileIndex"
Histogram for impressions on the various most visited tiles. The value is
equal to the index of the thumbnail.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.SuggestionsImpressionAge" units="seconds"
The age of the data at impression time, that is, the elapsed time since the
suggestion was generated by a ranking algorithm.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.TileFaviconType" enum="FaviconType"
The favicon type that was chosen to represent a most visited tile displayed
on the new tab page, logged at impression time. Note that these values don't
involve an actual icon being displayed because a scrabble time might have
been displayed instead (see NewTabPage.TileType).
<histogram name="NewTabPage.TileFaviconTypeClicked" enum="FaviconType"
The favicon type that was chosen to represent a most visited tile displayed
on the new tab page, logged when a tile is clicked. Note that these values
don't involve an actual icon being displayed (see
<histogram name="NewTabPage.TileOfflineAvailable" enum="MostVisitedTileIndex"
The number of times a tile was available offline, per tile index - compare
to the NewTabPage.SuggestionsImpression.* histograms. This is recorded when
the NTP finishes loading. Only measured on Android.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.TileTitle" enum="NTPTileTitleSource"
Records the source of the title for each most visited tiled displayed when
an NTP is opened, e.g. a short_name from a manifest, or the page title.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.TileTitleClicked" enum="NTPTileTitleSource"
Records the source for the name a most visited tile showed when the user
clicked it, e.g. a URL, or the page title.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.TileType" enum="NTPTileVisualType"
The visual type of each most visited tile displayed on the new tab page,
e.g. actual thumbnail or placeholder thumbnail. This is recorded for each
most visited item when the NTP is opened.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.TileTypeClicked" enum="NTPTileVisualType"
The visual type of the most visited item that the user clicked on, e.g.
actual thumbnail or placeholder thumbnail.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.TimeSpent" units="ms" expires_after="2021-07-01">
The time spent on the new tab page as measured from when it was loaded or
last brought to the foreground until it was navigated away from or hidden.
Only measured on Android and iOS.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.TimeToFirstDraw2" units="ms"
The time from when a new tab page is created until the first pre-draw call
on the root view containing the search provider logo (if available), fake
search box, most visited tiles, articles etc. More specifically, this is the
time between NewTabPage's constructor and the first pre-draw pass on this
root view. This typically means that the fixed UI elements are shown to the
user, but the articles below are not filled in yet.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.URLState" enum="NewTabURLState"
Records the status of the New Tab page URL when an NTP is opened.
<histogram name="NewTabPage.UserClassifier.AverageHoursToOpenNTP" units="hours"
Android: The estimated average number of hours between two successive times
when a new tab page is opened. Recorded after each opening of a NTP (and
after updating the model used for the estimate).
<histogram name="NewTabPage.UserClassifier.AverageHoursToShowSuggestions"
units="hours" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Android: The estimated average number of hours between two successive times
when the list of content suggestions on a new tab page is shown (i.e. when
the user scrolls below the fold). Recorded after each time the suggestions
are shown (and after updating the model used for the estimate).
<histogram name="NewTabPage.UserClassifier.AverageHoursToUseSuggestions"
units="hours" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Android: The estimated average number of hours between two successive times
when the user opens a content suggestion or clicks on the &quot;More&quot;
button. Recorded after each time a suggestion or a More button is clicked
(and after updating the model used for the estimate).
<histogram name="NewTabPage.VoiceActions" enum="NewTabPageVoiceAction"
Actions taken by users of Voice Search on the local New Tab Page on Desktop.
These actions may navigate away from the NTP (e.g. submitting a speech
query), but can also happen without navigating away from the NTP (e.g.
initiating or retrying Voice Search).
<histogram name="NewTabPage.VoiceErrors" enum="NewTabPageVoiceError"
Errors that occur during Voice Search use on the local New Tab Page on
Desktop. These may be user-induced (e.g. the user's utterance could not be
recognized - no match), or resulting from external circumstances (e.g.
offline, lack of microphone permission).