blob: 28eec4ef2b019ba0eea1526072ecf20cbd4af22c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/accessory_sheet_data.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/filling_status.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_user_data.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
// Controller interface for the view that includes the keyboard accessory and
// the accessory sheet below it. Implementations of this interface create and
// own a ManualFillingViewInterface.
// The manual filling controller forwards requests from type-specific accessory
// controllers (Passwords and Autofill) to the view. The view notifies this
// controller about interactions (such as requesting to fill a password
// suggestion) and forwards the request to the corresponding type-specific
// accessory controller.
// This controller also implements the logic to show/hide the keyboard
// accessory.
// ManualFillingController::GetOrCreate() should be used
// by type-specific controllers to obtain an instance of this class for a given
// WebContents. There is only one instance per WebContents, which is created the
// first time |GetOrCreate()| is invoked.
// Usage example:
// auto controller = ManualFillingController::GetOrCreate(web_contents);
// DCHECK(controller);
// controller->RefreshSuggestionsForField(...);
class ManualFillingController {
// The controller checks if at least one of these sources needs the accessory
// to be displayed. Only if neither needs the accessory, it will not show up.
enum class FillingSource { AUTOFILL, PASSWORD_FALLBACKS };
ManualFillingController() = default;
virtual ~ManualFillingController() = default;
// Returns a weak pointer to the unique ManualFillingController instance
// associated with a WebContents. The first invocation creates an instance
// and attaches it to the WebContents; the same instance is returned by all
// future invocations for the same WebContents.
static base::WeakPtr<ManualFillingController> GetOrCreate(
content::WebContents* contents);
// --------------------------------------------
// Methods called by type-specific controllers.
// --------------------------------------------
// Forwards |accessory_sheet_data| to the view provided by a type-specific
// controller to be shown on the accessory sheet. If a field lost focus,
// |is_fillable| should be false.
virtual void RefreshSuggestionsForField(
bool is_fillable,
const autofill::AccessorySheetData& accessory_sheet_data) = 0;
// Completes a filling attempt by recording metrics, giving feedback to the
// user and dismissing the accessory sheet.
virtual void OnFilledIntoFocusedField(autofill::FillingStatus status) = 0;
// Requests to show the accessory bar. The accessory will only be shown
// when the keyboard becomes visible.
virtual void ShowWhenKeyboardIsVisible(FillingSource source) = 0;
// Requests to hide the accessory. This hides both the accessory sheet
// (if open) and the accessory bar.
virtual void Hide(FillingSource source) = 0;
// Notifies the view that automatic password generation status changed.
// TODO( This controller doesn't need to know about password
// generation. Generalize this to send to the UI the information that an
// action (given by an enum param) is available.
virtual void OnAutomaticGenerationStatusChanged(bool available) = 0;
// --------------------------
// Methods called by UI code:
// --------------------------
// Called by the UI code to request that |text_to_fill| is to be filled into
// the currently focused field. Forwards the request to a type-specific
// accessory controller.
virtual void OnFillingTriggered(bool is_password,
const base::string16& text_to_fill) = 0;
// Called by the UI code because a user triggered the |selected_option|,
// such as "Manage passwords..."
// TODO( Replace the string param with an enum to indicate
// the selected option.
virtual void OnOptionSelected(
const base::string16& selected_option) const = 0;
// Called by the UI code to signal that the user requested password
// generation. This should prompt a modal dialog with the generated password.
// TODO( This controller doesn't need to know about password
// generation. Generalize this to forward an action request from the UI to a
// type-specific accessory controller.
virtual void OnGenerationRequested() = 0;
// Gets an icon for the currently focused frame and passes it to
// |icon_callback|. The callback is invoked with an image unless an icon for
// a new origin was called. In the latter case, the callback is dropped.
// The callback is called with an |IsEmpty()| image if there is no favicon.
// TODO( This controller doesn't need to know about
// favicons. Generalize this to forward an icon requests from the UI to a
// type-specific accessory controller.
virtual void GetFavicon(
int desired_size_in_pixel,
base::OnceCallback<void(const gfx::Image&)> icon_callback) = 0;
// -----------------
// Member accessors:
// -----------------
// The web page view containing the focused field.
virtual gfx::NativeView container_view() const = 0;