blob: 6483edd168ddc33c25bbfc7111e915dfcdfc3bf0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef ASH_WM_WINDOW_H_
#define ASH_WM_WINDOW_H_
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_observer.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer_animation_element.h"
#include "ui/wm/core/transient_window_observer.h"
#include "ui/wm/core/window_animations.h"
#include "ui/wm/public/window_types.h"
namespace display {
class Display;
namespace gfx {
class Point;
class Rect;
class Size;
class Transform;
namespace ui {
class EventHandler;
class Layer;
namespace views {
class View;
namespace ash {
class ImmersiveFullscreenController;
class RootWindowController;
class WmTransientWindowObserver;
class WmWindowTestApi;
enum class WmWindowProperty;
namespace wm {
class WindowState;
// WmWindow abstracts away differences between ash running in classic mode
// and ash running with aura-mus.
// WmWindow is tied to the life of the underlying aura::Window. Use the
// static Get() function to obtain a WmWindow from an aura::Window.
class ASH_EXPORT WmWindow : public aura::WindowObserver,
public ::wm::TransientWindowObserver {
// See comments in SetBoundsInScreen().
enum class BoundsInScreenBehavior {
using Windows = std::vector<WmWindow*>;
// NOTE: this class is owned by the corresponding window. You shouldn't delete
// TODO(sky): friend deleter and make private.
~WmWindow() override;
// Returns a WmWindow for an aura::Window, creating if necessary. |window| may
// be null, in which case null is returned.
static WmWindow* Get(aura::Window* window) {
return const_cast<WmWindow*>(Get(const_cast<const aura::Window*>(window)));
static const WmWindow* Get(const aura::Window* window);
static std::vector<WmWindow*> FromAuraWindows(
const std::vector<aura::Window*>& aura_windows);
static std::vector<aura::Window*> ToAuraWindows(
const std::vector<WmWindow*>& windows);
// Convenience for wm_window->aura_window(). Returns null if |wm_window| is
// null.
static aura::Window* GetAuraWindow(WmWindow* wm_window) {
return const_cast<aura::Window*>(
GetAuraWindow(const_cast<const WmWindow*>(wm_window)));
static const aura::Window* GetAuraWindow(const WmWindow* wm_window);
aura::Window* aura_window() { return window_; }
const aura::Window* aura_window() const { return window_; }
// See description of |children_use_extended_hit_region_|.
bool ShouldUseExtendedHitRegion() const;
void Destroy();
WmWindow* GetRootWindow() {
return const_cast<WmWindow*>(
const_cast<const WmWindow*>(this)->GetRootWindow());
const WmWindow* GetRootWindow() const;
RootWindowController* GetRootWindowController();
// See shell_window_ids.h for list of known ids.
WmWindow* GetChildByShellWindowId(int id);
ui::wm::WindowType GetType() const;
int GetAppType() const;
void SetAppType(int app_type) const;
ui::Layer* GetLayer();
// TODO(sky): these are temporary until GetLayer() always returns non-null.
bool GetLayerTargetVisibility();
bool GetLayerVisible();
display::Display GetDisplayNearestWindow();
bool HasNonClientArea();
int GetNonClientComponent(const gfx::Point& location);
gfx::Point ConvertPointToTarget(const WmWindow* target,
const gfx::Point& point) const;
gfx::Point ConvertPointToScreen(const gfx::Point& point) const;
gfx::Point ConvertPointFromScreen(const gfx::Point& point) const;
gfx::Rect ConvertRectToScreen(const gfx::Rect& rect) const;
gfx::Rect ConvertRectFromScreen(const gfx::Rect& rect) const;
gfx::Size GetMinimumSize() const;
gfx::Size GetMaximumSize() const;
// Returns the visibility requested by this window. IsVisible() takes into
// account the visibility of the layer and ancestors, where as this tracks
// whether Show() without a Hide() has been invoked.
bool GetTargetVisibility() const;
bool IsVisible() const;
void SetOpacity(float opacity);
float GetTargetOpacity() const;
gfx::Rect GetMinimizeAnimationTargetBoundsInScreen() const;
void SetTransform(const gfx::Transform& transform);
gfx::Transform GetTargetTransform() const;
bool IsSystemModal() const;
wm::WindowState* GetWindowState() {
return const_cast<wm::WindowState*>(
const_cast<const WmWindow*>(this)->GetWindowState());
const wm::WindowState* GetWindowState() const;
// The implementation of this matches aura::Window::GetToplevelWindow().
WmWindow* GetToplevelWindow();
// The implementation of this matches
// aura::client::ActivationClient::GetToplevelWindow().
WmWindow* GetToplevelWindowForFocus();
// See aura::client::ParentWindowWithContext() for details of what this does.
void SetParentUsingContext(WmWindow* context, const gfx::Rect& screen_bounds);
void AddChild(WmWindow* window);
void RemoveChild(WmWindow* child);
WmWindow* GetParent() {
return const_cast<WmWindow*>(
const_cast<const WmWindow*>(this)->GetParent());
const WmWindow* GetParent() const;
WmWindow* GetTransientParent() {
return const_cast<WmWindow*>(
const_cast<const WmWindow*>(this)->GetTransientParent());
const WmWindow* GetTransientParent() const;
std::vector<WmWindow*> GetTransientChildren();
// Moves this to the display where |event| occurred; returns true if moved.
bool MoveToEventRoot(const ui::Event& event);
// See wm::SetWindowVisibilityChangesAnimated() for details on what this
// does.
void SetVisibilityChangesAnimated();
// |type| is WindowVisibilityAnimationType. Has to be an int to match aura.
void SetVisibilityAnimationType(int type);
void SetVisibilityAnimationDuration(base::TimeDelta delta);
void SetVisibilityAnimationTransition(
::wm::WindowVisibilityAnimationTransition transition);
void Animate(::wm::WindowAnimationType type);
void StopAnimatingProperty(
ui::LayerAnimationElement::AnimatableProperty property);
void SetChildWindowVisibilityChangesAnimated();
// See description in ui::Layer.
void SetMasksToBounds(bool value);
void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
void SetBoundsWithTransitionDelay(const gfx::Rect& bounds,
base::TimeDelta delta);
// Sets the bounds in such a way that LayoutManagers are circumvented.
void SetBoundsDirect(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
void SetBoundsDirectAnimated(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
void SetBoundsDirectCrossFade(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
// Sets the bounds in two distinct ways. The exact behavior is dictated by
// the value of BoundsInScreenBehavior set on the parent:
// USE_LOCAL_COORDINATES: the bounds are applied as is to the window. In other
// words this behaves the same as if SetBounds(bounds_in_screen) was used.
// This is the default.
// USE_SCREEN_COORDINATES: the bounds are actual screen bounds and converted
// from the display. In this case the window may move to a different
// display if allowed (see SetLockedToRoot()).
void SetBoundsInScreen(const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_screen,
const display::Display& dst_display);
gfx::Rect GetBoundsInScreen() const;
const gfx::Rect& GetBounds() const;
gfx::Rect GetTargetBounds();
void ClearRestoreBounds();
void SetRestoreBoundsInScreen(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
gfx::Rect GetRestoreBoundsInScreen() const;
bool Contains(const WmWindow* other) const;
void SetShowState(ui::WindowShowState show_state);
ui::WindowShowState GetShowState() const;
void SetPreMinimizedShowState(ui::WindowShowState show_state);
ui::WindowShowState GetPreMinimizedShowState() const;
void SetPreFullscreenShowState(ui::WindowShowState show_state);
// Sets the restore bounds and show state overrides. These values take
// precedence over the restore bounds and restore show state (if set).
// If |bounds_override| is empty the values are cleared.
void SetRestoreOverrides(const gfx::Rect& bounds_override,
ui::WindowShowState window_state_override);
// If |value| is true the window can not be moved to another root, regardless
// of the bounds set on it.
void SetLockedToRoot(bool value);
bool IsLockedToRoot() const;
void SetCapture();
bool HasCapture();
void ReleaseCapture();
bool HasRestoreBounds() const;
bool CanMaximize() const;
bool CanMinimize() const;
bool CanResize() const;
bool CanActivate() const;
void StackChildAtTop(WmWindow* child);
void StackChildAtBottom(WmWindow* child);
void StackChildAbove(WmWindow* child, WmWindow* target);
void StackChildBelow(WmWindow* child, WmWindow* target);
void SetAlwaysOnTop(bool value);
bool IsAlwaysOnTop() const;
void Hide();
void Show();
// Requests the window to close and destroy itself. This is intended to
// forward to an associated widget.
void CloseWidget();
void SetFocused();
bool IsFocused() const;
bool IsActive() const;
void Activate();
void Deactivate();
void SetFullscreen(bool fullscreen);
void Maximize();
void Minimize();
void Unminimize();
std::vector<WmWindow*> GetChildren();
// Shows/hides the resize shadow. |component| is the component to show the
// shadow for (one of the constants in ui/base/hit_test.h).
void ShowResizeShadow(int component);
void HideResizeShadow();
// Installs a resize handler on the window that makes it easier to resize
// the window. See ResizeHandleWindowTargeter for the specifics.
void InstallResizeHandleWindowTargeter(
ImmersiveFullscreenController* immersive_fullscreen_controller);
// See description in SetBoundsInScreen().
void SetBoundsInScreenBehaviorForChildren(BoundsInScreenBehavior behavior);
// See description of SnapToPixelBoundaryIfNecessary().
void SetSnapsChildrenToPhysicalPixelBoundary();
// If an ancestor has been set to snap children to pixel boundaries, then
// snaps the layer associated with this window to the layer associated with
// the ancestor.
void SnapToPixelBoundaryIfNecessary();
// Makes the hit region for children slightly larger for easier resizing.
void SetChildrenUseExtendedHitRegion();
// Returns a View that renders the contents of this window's layers.
std::unique_ptr<views::View> CreateViewWithRecreatedLayers();
void AddTransientWindowObserver(WmTransientWindowObserver* observer);
void RemoveTransientWindowObserver(WmTransientWindowObserver* observer);
// Adds or removes a handler to receive events targeted at this window, before
// this window handles the events itself; the handler does not recieve events
// from embedded windows. This only supports windows with internal widgets;
// see ash::GetInternalWidgetForWindow(). Ownership of the handler is not
// transferred.
// Also note that the target of these events is always an aura::Window.
void AddLimitedPreTargetHandler(ui::EventHandler* handler);
void RemoveLimitedPreTargetHandler(ui::EventHandler* handler);
friend class WmWindowTestApi;
explicit WmWindow(aura::Window* window);
// aura::WindowObserver:
void OnWindowPropertyChanged(aura::Window* window,
const void* key,
intptr_t old) override;
// ::wm::TransientWindowObserver overrides:
void OnTransientChildAdded(aura::Window* window,
aura::Window* transient) override;
void OnTransientChildRemoved(aura::Window* window,
aura::Window* transient) override;
aura::Window* window_;
bool added_transient_observer_ = false;
base::ObserverList<WmTransientWindowObserver> transient_observers_;
// If true child windows should get a slightly larger hit region to make
// resizing easier.
bool children_use_extended_hit_region_ = false;
// Default value for |use_empty_minimum_size_for_testing_|.
static bool default_use_empty_minimum_size_for_testing_;
// If true the minimum size is 0x0, default is minimum size comes from widget.
bool use_empty_minimum_size_for_testing_;
} // namespace ash
#endif // ASH_WM_WINDOW_H_