blob: 8e30cbb8c8bf99799c6ffd9245fb35a2fc4bb56b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/renderer/subresource_redirect/public_resource_decider_agent.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_frame.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/loader/url_loader_throttle.h"
namespace blink {
class WebURLRequest;
} // namespace blink
namespace subresource_redirect {
// This class handles internal redirects for HTTPS public subresources
// (currently only for images) compressed versions of subresources. When the
// redirect fails/timesout the original image is fetched directly. Subclasses
// should implement the decider logic if an URL should be compressed.
class SubresourceRedirectURLLoaderThrottle : public blink::URLLoaderThrottle {
using RedirectDecisionCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>;
// Different states the subresource redirection can be in.
enum class RedirectState {
// The redirect decision is pending from the underlying decider.
// Redirect was disallowed by the underlying decider e.g., robots rules
// decider.
// The subresource request was redirected to attempt to compress it.
// Failed due to http response codes, net errors, and the subresource was
// fetched from original origin.
static std::unique_ptr<SubresourceRedirectURLLoaderThrottle>
MaybeCreateThrottle(const blink::WebURLRequest& request, int render_frame_id);
SubresourceRedirectURLLoaderThrottle(int render_frame_id,
bool allowed_to_redirect);
~SubresourceRedirectURLLoaderThrottle() override;
const SubresourceRedirectURLLoaderThrottle&) = delete;
SubresourceRedirectURLLoaderThrottle& operator=(
const SubresourceRedirectURLLoaderThrottle&) = delete;
// blink::URLLoaderThrottle:
void WillStartRequest(network::ResourceRequest* request,
bool* defer) override;
void WillRedirectRequest(
net::RedirectInfo* redirect_info,
const network::mojom::URLResponseHead& response_head,
bool* defer,
std::vector<std::string>* to_be_removed_request_headers,
net::HttpRequestHeaders* modified_request_headers,
net::HttpRequestHeaders* modified_cors_exempt_request_headers) override;
void BeforeWillProcessResponse(
const GURL& response_url,
const network::mojom::URLResponseHead& response_head,
bool* defer) override;
void WillProcessResponse(const GURL& response_url,
network::mojom::URLResponseHead* response_head,
bool* defer) override;
void WillOnCompleteWithError(const network::URLLoaderCompletionStatus& status,
bool* defer) override;
// Overridden to do nothing as the default implementation is NOT_REACHED()
void DetachFromCurrentSequence() override;
friend class SubresourceRedirectPublicImageHintsDeciderAgentTest;
// Callback to notify the decision of decider subclasses.
void NotifyRedirectDeciderDecision(RedirectResult);
// Start the timer for redirect fetch timeout.
void StartRedirectTimeoutTimer();
// Callback invoked when the redirect fetch times out.
void OnRedirectTimeout();
// Render frame id to get the hints agent of the render frame.
const int render_frame_id_;
// The current state of redirect.
RedirectState redirect_state_ = RedirectState::kNone;
// Timer to detect whether the response from compression server has timed out.
std::unique_ptr<base::OneShotTimer> redirect_timeout_timer_;
// Whether the subresource can be redirected or not and what was the reason if
// its not eligible.
RedirectResult redirect_result_;
// Used to get a weak pointer to |this|.
base::WeakPtrFactory<SubresourceRedirectURLLoaderThrottle> weak_ptr_factory_{
} // namespace subresource_redirect