blob: 40d9be9eabf51fdb2582b2e2a254721cd1319841 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/bash -e
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script is used to generate .gni files and files in the
# config/platform directories needed to build libaom. It is derived from the
# script used to update libvpx.
# Every time the upstream source code is updated just run this script.
# Usage:
# $ ./ [--only-configs]
# The following optional flags are supported:
# --only-configs : Excludes generation of GN files (i.e. only
# configuration headers are generated).
export LC_ALL=C
for i in "$@"
case $i in
echo "Unknown option: $i"
exit 1
# Print license header.
# $1 - Output base name
function write_license {
echo "# This file is generated. Do not edit." >> $1
echo "# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved." >> $1
echo "# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be" >> $1
echo "# found in the LICENSE file." >> $1
echo "" >> $1
# Search for source files with the same basename. The build can support such
# files but only when they are built into disparate modules. Now that gyp has
# been removed such cleanup can be considered.
function find_duplicates {
local readonly duplicate_file_names=$(find \
-type f -name \*.c | xargs -I {} basename {} | sort | uniq -d \
if [ -n "${duplicate_file_names}" ]; then
for file in ${duplicate_file_names}; do
find \
-name $file
exit 1
# Generate a gni with a list of source files.
# $1 - Array name for file list. This is processed with 'declare' below to
# regenerate the array locally.
# $2 - GN variable name.
# $3 - Output file.
function write_gni {
# Convert the first argument back in to an array.
declare -a file_list=("${!1}")
echo "$2 = [" >> "$3"
for f in $file_list
echo " \"//third_party/libaom/source/libaom/$f\"," >> "$3"
echo "]" >> "$3"
# Convert a list of source files into gni files.
# $1 - Input file.
function convert_srcs_to_project_files {
# Do the following here:
# 1. Filter .c, .h, .s, .S and .asm files.
# 2. Move certain files to a separate lists to allow applying different
# compiler options.
# 3. Replace .asm.s to .asm because gn will do the conversion.
local source_list=$(grep -E '(\.c|\.h|\.S|\.s|\.asm)$' $1)
# Not sure why aom_config.c is not included.
source_list=$(echo "$source_list" | grep -v 'aom_config\.c')
# Ignore include files.
source_list=$(echo "$source_list" | grep -v 'x86_abi_support\.asm')
# The actual ARM files end in .asm. We have rules to translate them to .S
source_list=$(echo "$source_list" | sed s/\.asm\.s$/.asm/)
# Select all x86 files ending with .c
local intrinsic_list=$(echo "$source_list" | \
egrep '(mmx|sse2|sse3|ssse3|sse4|avx|avx2).c$')
# Select all neon files ending in C but only when building in RTCD mode
if [ "libaom_srcs_arm_neon_cpu_detect" == "$2" ]; then
# Select all arm neon files ending in _neon.c and all asm files.
# The asm files need to be included in the intrinsics target because
# they need the -mfpu=neon flag.
# the pattern may need to be updated if aom_scale gets intrinsics
local intrinsic_list=$(echo "$source_list" | \
egrep 'neon.*(\.c|\.asm)$')
# Remove these files from the main list.
source_list=$(comm -23 <(echo "$source_list") <(echo "$intrinsic_list"))
local x86_list=$(echo "$source_list" | egrep '/x86/')
# Write a single .gni file that includes all source files for all archs.
if [ 0 -ne ${#x86_list} ]; then
local c_sources=$(echo "$source_list" | egrep '.(c|h)$')
local assembly_sources=$(echo "$source_list" | egrep '.asm$')
local mmx_sources=$(echo "$intrinsic_list" | grep '_mmx\.c$')
local sse2_sources=$(echo "$intrinsic_list" | grep '_sse2\.c$')
local sse3_sources=$(echo "$intrinsic_list" | grep '_sse3\.c$')
local ssse3_sources=$(echo "$intrinsic_list" | grep '_ssse3\.c$')
local sse4_1_sources=$(echo "$intrinsic_list" | grep '_sse4\.c$')
local avx_sources=$(echo "$intrinsic_list" | grep '_avx\.c$')
local avx2_sources=$(echo "$intrinsic_list" | grep '_avx2\.c$')
write_gni c_sources $2 "$BASE_DIR/libaom_srcs.gni"
write_gni assembly_sources $2_assembly "$BASE_DIR/libaom_srcs.gni"
write_gni mmx_sources $2_mmx "$BASE_DIR/libaom_srcs.gni"
write_gni sse2_sources $2_sse2 "$BASE_DIR/libaom_srcs.gni"
write_gni sse3_sources $2_sse3 "$BASE_DIR/libaom_srcs.gni"
write_gni ssse3_sources $2_ssse3 "$BASE_DIR/libaom_srcs.gni"
write_gni sse4_1_sources $2_sse4_1 "$BASE_DIR/libaom_srcs.gni"
if [ -z "$DISABLE_AVX" ]; then
write_gni avx_sources $2_avx "$BASE_DIR/libaom_srcs.gni"
write_gni avx2_sources $2_avx2 "$BASE_DIR/libaom_srcs.gni"
local c_sources=$(echo "$source_list" | egrep '.(c|h)$')
local assembly_sources=$(echo -e "$source_list\n$intrinsic_list" | \
egrep '.asm$')
local neon_sources=$(echo "$intrinsic_list" | grep '_neon\.c$')
write_gni c_sources $2 "$BASE_DIR/libaom_srcs.gni"
write_gni assembly_sources $2_assembly "$BASE_DIR/libaom_srcs.gni"
if [ 0 -ne ${#neon_sources} ]; then
write_gni neon_sources $2_neon "$BASE_DIR/libaom_srcs.gni"
# Clean files from previous make.
function make_clean {
make clean > /dev/null
rm -f libaom_srcs.txt
# Lint a pair of aom_config.h and aom_config.asm to make sure they match.
# $1 - Header file directory.
function lint_config {
# mips and native client do not contain any assembly so the headers do not
# need to be compared to the asm.
if [[ "$1" != *mipsel && "$1" != *mips64el && "$1" != nacl ]]; then
-h $BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/$1/aom_config.h \
-a $BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/$1/aom_config.asm
# Print the configuration.
# $1 - Header file directory.
function print_config {
$BASE_DIR/ -p \
-h $BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/$1/aom_config.h \
-a $BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/$1/aom_config.asm
# Print the configuration from Header file.
# This function is an abridged version of print_config which does not use
# lint_config and it does not require existence of aom_config.asm.
# $1 - Header file directory.
function print_config_basic {
combined_config="$(cat $BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/$1/aom_config.h \
| grep -E ' +[01] *$')"
combined_config="$(echo "$combined_config" | grep -v DO1STROUNDING)"
combined_config="$(echo "$combined_config" | sed 's/[ \t]//g')"
combined_config="$(echo "$combined_config" | sed 's/.*define//')"
combined_config="$(echo "$combined_config" | sed 's/0$/=no/')"
combined_config="$(echo "$combined_config" | sed 's/1$/=yes/')"
echo "$combined_config" | sort | uniq
# Generate *_rtcd.h files.
# $1 - Header file directory.
# $2 - Architecture.
# $3 - Optional - any additional arguments to pass through.
function gen_rtcd_header {
echo "Generate $LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/$1/*_rtcd.h files."
rm -rf $BASE_DIR/$TEMP_DIR/libaom.config
if [[ "$2" == "mipsel" || "$2" == "mips64el" || "$2" == nacl ]]; then
print_config_basic $1 > $BASE_DIR/$TEMP_DIR/libaom.config
$BASE_DIR/ -p \
-h $BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/$1/aom_config.h \
-a $BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/$1/aom_config.asm \
-o $BASE_DIR/$TEMP_DIR/libaom.config
$BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_SRC_DIR/build/make/ \
--arch=$2 \
--sym=av1_rtcd $3 \
--config=$BASE_DIR/$TEMP_DIR/libaom.config \
$BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_SRC_DIR/av1/common/ \
> $BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/$1/av1_rtcd.h
clang-format -i $BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/$1/av1_rtcd.h
$BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_SRC_DIR/build/make/ \
--arch=$2 \
--sym=aom_scale_rtcd $3 \
--config=$BASE_DIR/$TEMP_DIR/libaom.config \
$BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_SRC_DIR/aom_scale/ \
> $BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/$1/aom_scale_rtcd.h
clang-format -i $BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/$1/aom_scale_rtcd.h
$BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_SRC_DIR/build/make/ \
--arch=$2 \
--sym=aom_dsp_rtcd $3 \
--config=$BASE_DIR/$TEMP_DIR/libaom.config \
> $BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/$1/aom_dsp_rtcd.h
clang-format -i $BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/$1/aom_dsp_rtcd.h
rm -rf $BASE_DIR/$TEMP_DIR/libaom.config
# Generate Config files. "--enable-external-build" must be set to skip
# detection of capabilities on specific targets.
# $1 - Header file directory.
# $2 - Config command line.
function gen_config_files {
./configure $2 > /dev/null
# Disable HAVE_UNISTD_H as it causes vp8 to try to detect how many cpus
# available, which doesn't work from inside a sandbox on linux.
# TODO(johannkoenig) probably not required for av1
#sed -i.bak -e 's/\(HAVE_UNISTD_H[[:space:]]*\)1/\10/' vpx_config.h
#rm vpx_config.h.bak
# Use the correct ads2gas script.
if [[ "$1" == linux* ]]; then
# Generate aom_config.asm. Do not create one for mips or native client.
if [[ "$1" != *mipsel && "$1" != *mips64el && "$1" != nacl ]]; then
if [[ "$1" == *x64* ]] || [[ "$1" == *ia32* ]]; then
egrep "#define [A-Z0-9_]+ [01]" aom_config.h | awk '{print "%define " $2 " " $3}' > aom_config.asm
egrep "#define [A-Z0-9_]+ [01]" aom_config.h | awk '{print $2 " EQU " $3}' | perl $BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_SRC_DIR/build/make/$ASM_CONV > aom_config.asm
cp aom_config.* $BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/$1
rm -rf aom_config.*
function update_readme {
local IFS=$'\n'
# Split git log output '<date>\n<commit hash>' on the newline to produce 2
# array entries.
local vals=($(git --no-pager log -1 --format="%cd%n%H" \
--date=format:"%A %B %d %Y"))
sed -E -i.bak \
-e "s/^(Date:)[[:space:]]+.*$/\1 ${vals[0]}/" \
-e "s/^(Commit:)[[:space:]]+[a-f0-9]{40}/\1 ${vals[1]}/" \
rm ${BASE_DIR}/README.chromium.bak
cat <<EOF
README.chromium updated with:
Date: ${vals[0]}
Commit: ${vals[1]}
echo "Create temporary directory."
rm -rf $TEMP_DIR
echo "Generate config files."
all_platforms="--enable-external-build --enable-postproc --disable-av1-encoder"
all_platforms="${all_platforms} --size-limit=16384x16384"
all_platforms="${all_platforms} --enable-realtime-only --disable-install-docs"
# TODO(tomfinegan): This is a workaround for
# It should be
# removed once the quality issue is sorted out.
all_platforms="${all_platforms} --disable-highbitdepth"
x86_platforms="--enable-pic --as=yasm"
gen_config_files linux/ia32 "--target=x86-linux-gcc ${all_platforms} ${x86_platforms}"
gen_config_files linux/x64 "--target=x86_64-linux-gcc ${all_platforms} ${x86_platforms}"
#gen_config_files linux/arm "--target=armv7-linux-gcc --disable-neon ${all_platforms}"
#gen_config_files linux/arm-neon "--target=armv7-linux-gcc ${all_platforms}"
#gen_config_files linux/arm-neon-cpu-detect "--target=armv7-linux-gcc --enable-runtime-cpu-detect ${all_platforms}"
#gen_config_files linux/arm64 "--target=armv8-linux-gcc ${all_platforms}"
#gen_config_files linux/mipsel "--target=mips32-linux-gcc ${all_platforms}"
#gen_config_files linux/mips64el "--target=mips64-linux-gcc ${all_platforms}"
gen_config_files linux/generic "--target=generic-gnu $HIGHBD ${all_platforms}"
gen_config_files win/ia32 "--target=x86-win32-vs12 ${all_platforms} ${x86_platforms}"
gen_config_files win/x64 "--target=x86_64-win64-vs12 ${all_platforms} ${x86_platforms}"
#gen_config_files mac/ia32 "--target=x86-darwin9-gcc ${all_platforms} ${x86_platforms}"
#gen_config_files mac/x64 "--target=x86_64-darwin9-gcc ${all_platforms} ${x86_platforms}"
#gen_config_files ios/arm-neon "--target=armv7-linux-gcc ${all_platforms}"
#gen_config_files ios/arm64 "--target=armv8-linux-gcc ${all_platforms}"
#gen_config_files nacl "--target=generic-gnu $HIGHBD ${all_platforms}"
echo "Remove temporary directory."
rm -rf $TEMP_DIR
echo "Lint libaom configuration."
lint_config linux/ia32
lint_config linux/x64
#lint_config linux/arm
#lint_config linux/arm-neon
#lint_config linux/arm-neon-cpu-detect
#lint_config linux/arm64
#lint_config linux/mipsel
#lint_config linux/mips64el
lint_config linux/generic
lint_config win/ia32
lint_config win/x64
#lint_config mac/ia32
#lint_config mac/x64
#lint_config ios/arm-neon
#lint_config ios/arm64
#lint_config nacl
echo "Create temporary directory."
rm -rf $TEMP_DIR
gen_rtcd_header linux/ia32 x86
gen_rtcd_header linux/x64 x86_64
#gen_rtcd_header linux/arm armv7 "--disable-neon --disable-neon_asm"
#gen_rtcd_header linux/arm-neon armv7
#gen_rtcd_header linux/arm-neon-cpu-detect armv7
#gen_rtcd_header linux/arm64 armv8
#gen_rtcd_header linux/mipsel mipsel
#gen_rtcd_header linux/mips64el mips64el
gen_rtcd_header linux/generic generic
gen_rtcd_header win/ia32 x86
gen_rtcd_header win/x64 x86_64
#gen_rtcd_header mac/ia32 x86
#gen_rtcd_header mac/x64 x86_64
#gen_rtcd_header ios/arm-neon armv7
#gen_rtcd_header ios/arm64 armv8
#gen_rtcd_header nacl nacl
echo "Prepare Makefile."
./configure --target=generic-gnu > /dev/null
if [ -z $ONLY_CONFIGS ]; then
# Remove existing .gni file.
rm -rf $BASE_DIR/libaom_srcs.gni
write_license $BASE_DIR/libaom_srcs.gni
echo "Generate X86 source list."
config=$(print_config linux/ia32)
make libaom_srcs.txt target=libs $config > /dev/null
convert_srcs_to_project_files libaom_srcs.txt libaom_srcs_x86
# Copy aom_version.h. The file should be the same for all platforms.
cp aom_version.h $BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR
echo "Generate X86_64 source list."
config=$(print_config linux/x64)
make libaom_srcs.txt target=libs $config > /dev/null
convert_srcs_to_project_files libaom_srcs.txt libaom_srcs_x86_64
# echo "Generate ARM source list."
# config=$(print_config linux/arm)
# make_clean
# make libaom_srcs.txt target=libs $config > /dev/null
# convert_srcs_to_project_files libaom_srcs.txt libaom_srcs_arm
# echo "Generate ARM NEON source list."
# config=$(print_config linux/arm-neon)
# make_clean
# make libaom_srcs.txt target=libs $config > /dev/null
# convert_srcs_to_project_files libaom_srcs.txt libaom_srcs_arm_neon
# echo "Generate ARM NEON CPU DETECT source list."
# config=$(print_config linux/arm-neon-cpu-detect)
# make_clean
# make libaom_srcs.txt target=libs $config > /dev/null
# convert_srcs_to_project_files libaom_srcs.txt libaom_srcs_arm_neon_cpu_detect
# echo "Generate ARM64 source list."
# config=$(print_config linux/arm64)
# make_clean
# make libaom_srcs.txt target=libs $config > /dev/null
# convert_srcs_to_project_files libaom_srcs.txt libaom_srcs_arm64
# echo "Generate MIPS source list."
# config=$(print_config_basic linux/mipsel)
# make_clean
# make libaom_srcs.txt target=libs $config > /dev/null
# convert_srcs_to_project_files libaom_srcs.txt libaom_srcs_mips
# echo "MIPS64 source list is identical to MIPS source list. No need to generate it."
# echo "Generate NaCl source list."
# config=$(print_config_basic nacl)
# make_clean
# make libaom_srcs.txt target=libs $config > /dev/null
# convert_srcs_to_project_files libaom_srcs.txt libaom_srcs_nacl
echo "Generate GENERIC source list."
config=$(print_config_basic linux/generic)
make libaom_srcs.txt target=libs $config > /dev/null
convert_srcs_to_project_files libaom_srcs.txt libaom_srcs_generic
echo "Remove temporary directory."
rm -rf $TEMP_DIR
gn format --in-place $BASE_DIR/
gn format --in-place $BASE_DIR/libaom_srcs.gni