blob: da088dccb530d1713b8f1fde719054e4a723832c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
struct AutocompleteMatchType {
// Type of AutocompleteMatch. Typedef'ed in autocomplete_match.h. Defined here
// to pass the type details back and forth between the browser and renderer.
// These values are stored in ShortcutsDatabase and in GetDemotionsByType()
// and cannot be renumbered.
// Automatically generate a corresponding Java enum:
// clang-format off
enum Type {
URL_WHAT_YOU_TYPED = 0, // The input as a URL.
HISTORY_URL = 1, // A past page whose URL contains the input.
HISTORY_TITLE = 2, // A past page whose title contains the input.
HISTORY_BODY = 3, // A past page whose body contains the input.
HISTORY_KEYWORD = 4, // A past page whose keyword contains the
// input.
NAVSUGGEST = 5, // A suggested URL.
SEARCH_WHAT_YOU_TYPED = 6, // The input as a search query (with the
// default engine).
SEARCH_HISTORY = 7, // A past search (with the default engine)
// containing the input.
SEARCH_SUGGEST = 8, // A suggested search (with the default engine)
// query that doesn't fall into one of the more
// specific suggestion categories below.
SEARCH_SUGGEST_ENTITY = 9, // A suggested search for an entity.
SEARCH_SUGGEST_TAIL = 10, // A suggested search to complete the
// tail of the query.
SEARCH_SUGGEST_PERSONALIZED = 11, // A personalized suggested search.
SEARCH_SUGGEST_PROFILE = 12, // A personalized suggested search for a
// Google+ profile.
SEARCH_OTHER_ENGINE = 13, // A search with a non-default engine.
EXTENSION_APP = 14, // An Extension App with a title/url that
// contains the input (deprecated).
CONTACT_DEPRECATED = 15, // One of the user's contacts
// (deprecated).
BOOKMARK_TITLE = 16, // A bookmark whose title contains the
// input.
NAVSUGGEST_PERSONALIZED = 17, // A personalized suggestion URL.
CALCULATOR = 18, // A calculator result.
CLIPBOARD = 19, // A URL based on the clipboard.
VOICE_SUGGEST = 20, // An Android-specific type which
// indicates a search from voice
// recognizer.
PHYSICAL_WEB = 21, // A Physical Web nearby URL.
PHYSICAL_WEB_OVERFLOW = 22, // An item representing multiple
// Physical Web nearby URLs.
TAB_SEARCH = 23, // A suggested open tab, based on its
// URL or title, via HQP.
// clang-format on
// Converts |type| to a string representation. Used in logging.
static std::string ToString(AutocompleteMatchType::Type type);
// Returns the accessibility label for an AutocompleteMatch of type |type|
// whose text is |descriptive_text|. The accessibility label describes the
// match for use in a screenreader or other assistive technology.
static base::string16 ToAccessibilityLabel(
AutocompleteMatchType::Type type,
const base::string16& descriptive_text);