blob: 1b67ba517d54a61ef9b13c957e5099c981f598fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file defines the interface class OmniboxView. Each toolkit will
// implement the edit view differently, so that code is inherently platform
// specific. However, the OmniboxEditModel needs to do some communication with
// the view. Since the model is shared between platforms, we need to define an
// interface that all view implementations will share.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_match.h"
#include "ui/base/window_open_disposition.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/range/range.h"
class GURL;
class OmniboxClient;
class OmniboxEditController;
class OmniboxViewMacTest;
class OmniboxEditModel;
class OmniboxView {
// Represents the changes between two State objects. This is used by the
// model to determine how its internal state should be updated after the view
// state changes. See OmniboxEditModel::OnAfterPossibleChange().
struct StateChanges {
// |old_text| and |new_text| are not owned.
const base::string16* old_text;
const base::string16* new_text;
size_t new_sel_start;
size_t new_sel_end;
bool selection_differs;
bool text_differs;
bool keyword_differs;
bool just_deleted_text;
virtual ~OmniboxView();
// Used by the automation system for getting at the model from the view.
OmniboxEditModel* model() { return model_.get(); }
const OmniboxEditModel* model() const { return model_.get(); }
// Called when any relevant state changes other than changing tabs.
virtual void Update() = 0;
// Asks the browser to load the specified match, using the supplied
// disposition. |alternate_nav_url|, if non-empty, contains the
// alternate navigation URL for for this match. See comments on
// AutocompleteResult::GetAlternateNavURL().
// |pasted_text| should only be set if this call is due to a
// Paste-And-Go/Search action.
// |selected_line| is passed to SendOpenNotification(); see comments there.
// This may close the popup.
virtual void OpenMatch(const AutocompleteMatch& match,
WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
const GURL& alternate_nav_url,
const base::string16& pasted_text,
size_t selected_line);
// Returns the current text of the edit control, which could be the
// "temporary" text set by the popup, the "permanent" text set by the
// browser, or just whatever the user has currently typed.
virtual base::string16 GetText() const = 0;
// |true| if the user is in the process of editing the field, or if
// the field is empty.
bool IsEditingOrEmpty() const;
// Returns the vector icon to display as the location icon.
const gfx::VectorIcon& GetVectorIcon() const;
// The user text is the text the user has manually keyed in. When present,
// this is shown in preference to the permanent text; hitting escape will
// revert to the permanent text.
void SetUserText(const base::string16& text);
virtual void SetUserText(const base::string16& text,
bool update_popup);
// Sets the window text and the caret position. |notify_text_changed| is true
// if the model should be notified of the change.
virtual void SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(const base::string16& text,
size_t caret_pos,
bool update_popup,
bool notify_text_changed) = 0;
// Sets the caret position. Removes any selection. Clamps the requested caret
// position to the length of the current text.
virtual void SetCaretPos(size_t caret_pos) = 0;
// Transitions the user into keyword mode with their default search provider,
// preserving and selecting the user's text if they already typed in a query.
virtual void EnterKeywordModeForDefaultSearchProvider() = 0;
// Returns true if all text is selected or there is no text at all.
virtual bool IsSelectAll() const = 0;
// Returns true if the user deleted the suggested text.
virtual bool DeleteAtEndPressed() = 0;
// Fills |start| and |end| with the indexes of the current selection's bounds.
// It is not guaranteed that |*start < *end|, as the selection can be
// directed. If there is no selection, |start| and |end| will both be equal
// to the current cursor position.
virtual void GetSelectionBounds(size_t* start, size_t* end) const = 0;
// Selects all the text in the edit. Use this in place of SetSelAll() to
// avoid selecting the "phantom newline" at the end of the edit.
virtual void SelectAll(bool reversed) = 0;
// Reverts the edit and popup back to their unedited state (permanent text
// showing, popup closed, no user input in progress).
virtual void RevertAll();
// Updates the autocomplete popup and other state after the text has been
// changed by the user.
virtual void UpdatePopup() = 0;
// Closes the autocomplete popup, if it's open. The name |ClosePopup|
// conflicts with the OSX class override as that has a base class that also
// defines a method with that name.
virtual void CloseOmniboxPopup();
// Sets the focus to the autocomplete view.
virtual void SetFocus() = 0;
// Shows or hides the caret based on whether the model's is_caret_visible() is
// true.
virtual void ApplyCaretVisibility() = 0;
// Called when the temporary text in the model may have changed.
// |display_text| is the new text to show; |match_type| is the type of the
// match the new text came from. |save_original_selection| is true when there
// wasn't previously a temporary text and thus we need to save off the user's
// existing selection. |notify_text_changed| is true if the model should be
// notified of the change.
virtual void OnTemporaryTextMaybeChanged(const base::string16& display_text,
AutocompleteMatch::Type match_type,
bool save_original_selection,
bool notify_text_changed) = 0;
// Called when the inline autocomplete text in the model may have changed.
// |display_text| is the new text to show; |user_text_length| is the length of
// the user input portion of that (so, up to but not including the inline
// autocompletion). Returns whether the display text actually changed.
virtual bool OnInlineAutocompleteTextMaybeChanged(
const base::string16& display_text, size_t user_text_length) = 0;
// Called when the inline autocomplete text in the model has been cleared.
virtual void OnInlineAutocompleteTextCleared() = 0;
// Called when the temporary text has been reverted by the user. This will
// reset the user's original selection.
virtual void OnRevertTemporaryText() = 0;
// Checkpoints the current edit state before an operation that might trigger
// a new autocomplete run to open or modify the popup. Call this before
// user-initiated edit actions that trigger autocomplete, but *not* for
// automatic changes to the textfield that should not affect autocomplete.
virtual void OnBeforePossibleChange() = 0;
// OnAfterPossibleChange() returns true if there was a change that caused it
// to call UpdatePopup(). If |allow_keyword_ui_change| is false, we
// prevent alterations to the keyword UI state (enabled vs. disabled).
virtual bool OnAfterPossibleChange(bool allow_keyword_ui_change) = 0;
// Returns the gfx::NativeView of the edit view.
virtual gfx::NativeView GetNativeView() const = 0;
// Gets the relative window for the pop up window of OmniboxPopupView. The pop
// up window will be shown under the relative window. When an IME is attached
// to the rich edit control, the IME window is the relative window. Otherwise,
// the top-most window is the relative window.
virtual gfx::NativeView GetRelativeWindowForPopup() const = 0;
// Returns the width in pixels needed to display the current text. The
// returned value includes margins.
virtual int GetTextWidth() const = 0;
// Returns the omnibox's width in pixels.
virtual int GetWidth() const = 0;
// Returns true if the user is composing something in an IME.
virtual bool IsImeComposing() const = 0;
// Returns true if we know for sure that an IME is showing a popup window,
// which may overlap the omnibox's popup window.
virtual bool IsImeShowingPopup() const;
// Display a virtual keybaord or alternate input view if enabled.
virtual void ShowImeIfNeeded();
// Returns true if the view is displaying UI that indicates that query
// refinement will take place when the user selects the current match. For
// search matches, this will cause the omnibox to search over the existing
// corpus (e.g. Images) rather than start a new Web search. This method will
// only ever return true on mobile ports.
virtual bool IsIndicatingQueryRefinement() const;
// Returns |text| with any leading javascript schemas stripped.
static base::string16 StripJavascriptSchemas(const base::string16& text);
// Automatically collapses internal whitespace as follows:
// * If the only whitespace in |text| is newlines, users are most likely
// pasting in URLs split into multiple lines by terminals, email programs,
// etc. So all newlines are removed.
// * Otherwise, users may be pasting in search data, e.g. street addresses. In
// this case, runs of whitespace are collapsed down to single spaces.
// Finally, calls StripJavascriptSchemas() on the resulting string.
static base::string16 SanitizeTextForPaste(const base::string16& text);
// Tracks important state that may change between OnBeforePossibleChange() and
// OnAfterPossibleChange().
struct State {
base::string16 text;
base::string16 keyword;
bool is_keyword_selected;
size_t sel_start;
size_t sel_end;
OmniboxView(OmniboxEditController* controller,
std::unique_ptr<OmniboxClient> client);
// Fills |state| with the current text state.
void GetState(State* state);
// Returns the delta between |before| and |after|.
StateChanges GetStateChanges(const State& before,
const State& after);
// Internally invoked whenever the text changes in some way.
virtual void TextChanged();
// Return the number of characters in the current buffer. The name
// |GetTextLength| can't be used as the Windows override of this class
// inherits from a class that defines a method with that name.
virtual int GetOmniboxTextLength() const = 0;
// Try to parse the current text as a URL and colorize the components.
virtual void EmphasizeURLComponents() = 0;
OmniboxEditController* controller() { return controller_; }
const OmniboxEditController* controller() const { return controller_; }
// Marks part (or, if |range| is invalid, all) of the current text as
// emphasized or de-emphasized, by changing its color.
virtual void SetEmphasis(bool emphasize, const gfx::Range& range) = 0;
// Sets the color and strikethrough state for |range|, which represents the
// current scheme, based on the current security state. Schemes are displayed
// in different ways for different security levels.
virtual void UpdateSchemeStyle(const gfx::Range& range) = 0;
// Parses |display_text|, then invokes SetEmphasis() and UpdateSchemeStyle()
// appropriately. If the text is a query string, there is no scheme, and
// everything is emphasized equally, whereas for URLs the scheme may be styled
// based on the current security state, with parts of the URL de-emphasized to
// draw attention to whatever best represents the "identity" of the current
// URL.
void UpdateTextStyle(const base::string16& display_text,
const AutocompleteSchemeClassifier& classifier);
friend class OmniboxViewMacTest;
// |model_| can be NULL in tests.
std::unique_ptr<OmniboxEditModel> model_;
OmniboxEditController* controller_;