blob: 2c978b9cd832017794e7dd63e38a70c360230bce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/omnibox/browser/scored_history_match.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/i18n/break_iterator.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/omnibox_field_trial.h"
#include "components/search_engines/search_terms_data.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
using base::ASCIIToUTF16;
using testing::ElementsAre;
using testing::Pair;
namespace {
// Returns a VisitInfoVector that includes |num_visits| spread over the
// last |frequency|*|num_visits| days (relative to |now|). A frequency of
// one means one visit each day, two means every other day, etc.
VisitInfoVector CreateVisitInfoVector(int num_visits,
int frequency,
base::Time now) {
VisitInfoVector visits;
for (int i = 0; i < num_visits; ++i) {
std::make_pair(now - base::TimeDelta::FromDays(i * frequency),
return visits;
} // namespace
class ScoredHistoryMatchTest : public testing::Test {
// Convenience function to create a history::URLRow with basic data for |url|,
// |title|, |visit_count|, and |typed_count|. |days_since_last_visit| gives
// the number of days ago to which to set the URL's last_visit.
history::URLRow MakeURLRow(const char* url,
const char* title,
int visit_count,
int days_since_last_visit,
int typed_count);
// Convenience function to set the word starts information from a
// history::URLRow's URL and title.
void PopulateWordStarts(const history::URLRow& url_row,
RowWordStarts* word_starts);
// Convenience functions for easily creating vectors of search terms.
String16Vector Make1Term(const char* term) const;
String16Vector Make2Terms(const char* term_1, const char* term_2) const;
// Convenience function for GetTopicalityScore() that builds the term match
// and word break information automatically that are needed to call
// GetTopicalityScore(). It only works for scoring a single term, not
// multiple terms.
float GetTopicalityScoreOfTermAgainstURLAndTitle(const base::string16& term,
const GURL& url,
const base::string16& title);
history::URLRow ScoredHistoryMatchTest::MakeURLRow(const char* url,
const char* title,
int visit_count,
int days_since_last_visit,
int typed_count) {
history::URLRow row(GURL(url), 0);
row.set_last_visit(base::Time::NowFromSystemTime() -
return row;
void ScoredHistoryMatchTest::PopulateWordStarts(const history::URLRow& url_row,
RowWordStarts* word_starts) {
String16SetFromString16(url_row.title(), &word_starts->title_word_starts_);
String16Vector ScoredHistoryMatchTest::Make1Term(const char* term) const {
String16Vector original_terms;
return original_terms;
String16Vector ScoredHistoryMatchTest::Make2Terms(const char* term_1,
const char* term_2) const {
String16Vector original_terms;
return original_terms;
float ScoredHistoryMatchTest::GetTopicalityScoreOfTermAgainstURLAndTitle(
const base::string16& term,
const GURL& url,
const base::string16& title) {
String16Vector term_vector = {term};
WordStarts term_word_starts = {0};
base::i18n::BreakIterator iter(term, base::i18n::BreakIterator::BREAK_WORD);
if (iter.Init()) {
// Find the first word start.
while (iter.Advance() && !iter.IsWord()) {
term_word_starts[0] = iter.prev();
RowWordStarts row_word_starts;
base::string16 url_string = base::UTF8ToUTF16(url.spec());
String16SetFromString16(url_string, &row_word_starts.url_word_starts_);
String16SetFromString16(title, &row_word_starts.title_word_starts_);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_match(history::URLRow(GURL(url)), VisitInfoVector(),
term, term_vector, term_word_starts,
row_word_starts, false, 1, base::Time::Max());
scored_match.url_matches = MatchTermInString(term, url_string, 0);
scored_match.title_matches = MatchTermInString(term, title, 0);
scored_match.topicality_threshold_ = -1;
return scored_match.GetTopicalityScore(1, url,
term_word_starts, row_word_starts);
TEST_F(ScoredHistoryMatchTest, Scoring) {
// We use NowFromSystemTime() because MakeURLRow uses the same function
// to calculate last visit time when building a row.
base::Time now = base::Time::NowFromSystemTime();
history::URLRow row_a(MakeURLRow("http://fedcba", "abcd bcd", 3, 30, 1));
RowWordStarts word_starts_a;
PopulateWordStarts(row_a, &word_starts_a);
WordStarts one_word_no_offset(1, 0u);
VisitInfoVector visits_a = CreateVisitInfoVector(3, 30, now);
// Mark one visit as typed.
visits_a[0].second = ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED;
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_a(row_a, visits_a, ASCIIToUTF16("abc"),
Make1Term("abc"), one_word_no_offset,
word_starts_a, false, 1, now);
// Test scores based on visit_count.
history::URLRow row_b(MakeURLRow("http://abcdef", "abcd bcd", 10, 30, 1));
RowWordStarts word_starts_b;
PopulateWordStarts(row_b, &word_starts_b);
VisitInfoVector visits_b = CreateVisitInfoVector(10, 30, now);
visits_b[0].second = ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED;
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_b(row_b, visits_b, ASCIIToUTF16("abc"),
Make1Term("abc"), one_word_no_offset,
word_starts_b, false, 1, now);
EXPECT_GT(scored_b.raw_score, scored_a.raw_score);
// Test scores based on last_visit.
history::URLRow row_c(MakeURLRow("http://abcdef", "abcd bcd", 3, 10, 1));
RowWordStarts word_starts_c;
PopulateWordStarts(row_c, &word_starts_c);
VisitInfoVector visits_c = CreateVisitInfoVector(3, 10, now);
visits_c[0].second = ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED;
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_c(row_c, visits_c, ASCIIToUTF16("abc"),
Make1Term("abc"), one_word_no_offset,
word_starts_c, false, 1, now);
EXPECT_GT(scored_c.raw_score, scored_a.raw_score);
// Test scores based on typed_count.
history::URLRow row_d(MakeURLRow("http://abcdef", "abcd bcd", 3, 30, 3));
RowWordStarts word_starts_d;
PopulateWordStarts(row_d, &word_starts_d);
VisitInfoVector visits_d = CreateVisitInfoVector(3, 30, now);
visits_d[0].second = ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED;
visits_d[1].second = ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED;
visits_d[2].second = ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED;
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_d(row_d, visits_d, ASCIIToUTF16("abc"),
Make1Term("abc"), one_word_no_offset,
word_starts_d, false, 1, now);
EXPECT_GT(scored_d.raw_score, scored_a.raw_score);
// Test scores based on a terms appearing multiple times.
history::URLRow row_e(MakeURLRow(
"CSI Guide to CSI Las Vegas, CSI New York, CSI Provo", 3, 30, 3));
RowWordStarts word_starts_e;
PopulateWordStarts(row_e, &word_starts_e);
const VisitInfoVector visits_e = visits_d;
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_e(row_e, visits_e, ASCIIToUTF16("csi"),
Make1Term("csi"), one_word_no_offset,
word_starts_e, false, 1, now);
EXPECT_LT(scored_e.raw_score, 1400);
// Test that a result with only a mid-term match (i.e., not at a word
// boundary) scores 0.
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_f(row_a, visits_a, ASCIIToUTF16("cd"),
Make1Term("cd"), one_word_no_offset,
word_starts_a, false, 1, now);
EXPECT_EQ(scored_f.raw_score, 0);
TEST_F(ScoredHistoryMatchTest, ScoringBookmarks) {
// We use NowFromSystemTime() because MakeURLRow uses the same function
// to calculate last visit time when building a row.
base::Time now = base::Time::NowFromSystemTime();
std::string url_string("http://fedcba");
const GURL url(url_string);
history::URLRow row(MakeURLRow(url_string.c_str(), "abcd bcd", 8, 3, 1));
RowWordStarts word_starts;
PopulateWordStarts(row, &word_starts);
WordStarts one_word_no_offset(1, 0u);
VisitInfoVector visits = CreateVisitInfoVector(8, 3, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("abc"), Make1Term("abc"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
// Now check that if URL is bookmarked then its score increases.
base::AutoReset<float> reset(&ScoredHistoryMatch::bookmark_value_, 5);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_with_bookmark(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("abc"),
Make1Term("abc"), one_word_no_offset,
word_starts, true, 1, now);
EXPECT_GT(scored_with_bookmark.raw_score, scored.raw_score);
TEST_F(ScoredHistoryMatchTest, ScoringTLD) {
// We use NowFromSystemTime() because MakeURLRow uses the same function
// to calculate last visit time when building a row.
base::Time now = base::Time::NowFromSystemTime();
// By default the URL should not be returned for a query that includes "com".
std::string url_string("");
const GURL url(url_string);
history::URLRow row(MakeURLRow(url_string.c_str(), "", 8, 3, 1));
RowWordStarts word_starts;
PopulateWordStarts(row, &word_starts);
WordStarts two_words_no_offsets(2, 0u);
VisitInfoVector visits = CreateVisitInfoVector(8, 3, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("fed com"),
Make2Terms("fed", "com"), two_words_no_offsets,
word_starts, false, 1, now);
EXPECT_EQ(0, scored.raw_score);
// Now allow credit for the match in the TLD.
base::AutoReset<bool> reset(&ScoredHistoryMatch::allow_tld_matches_, true);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_with_tld(
row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("fed com"), Make2Terms("fed", "com"),
two_words_no_offsets, word_starts, false, 1, now);
EXPECT_GT(scored_with_tld.raw_score, 0);
TEST_F(ScoredHistoryMatchTest, ScoringScheme) {
// We use NowFromSystemTime() because MakeURLRow uses the same function
// to calculate last visit time when building a row.
base::Time now = base::Time::NowFromSystemTime();
// By default the URL should not be returned for a query that includes "http".
std::string url_string("http://fedcba/");
const GURL url(url_string);
history::URLRow row(MakeURLRow(url_string.c_str(), "", 8, 3, 1));
RowWordStarts word_starts;
PopulateWordStarts(row, &word_starts);
WordStarts two_words_no_offsets(2, 0u);
VisitInfoVector visits = CreateVisitInfoVector(8, 3, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("fed http"),
Make2Terms("fed", "http"), two_words_no_offsets,
word_starts, false, 1, now);
EXPECT_EQ(0, scored.raw_score);
// Now allow credit for the match in the scheme.
base::AutoReset<bool> reset(&ScoredHistoryMatch::allow_scheme_matches_, true);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_with_scheme(
row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("fed http"), Make2Terms("fed", "http"),
two_words_no_offsets, word_starts, false, 1, now);
EXPECT_GT(scored_with_scheme.raw_score, 0);
TEST_F(ScoredHistoryMatchTest, MatchURLComponents) {
// We use NowFromSystemTime() because MakeURLRow uses the same function
// to calculate last visit time when building a row.
base::Time now = base::Time::NowFromSystemTime();
RowWordStarts word_starts;
WordStarts one_word_no_offset(1, 0u);
VisitInfoVector visits;
history::URLRow row(
MakeURLRow("", "abcdef", 3, 30, 1));
PopulateWordStarts(row, &word_starts);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_a(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("g"), Make1Term("g"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_b(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("w"), Make1Term("w"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_c(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("h"), Make1Term("h"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_d(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("o"), Make1Term("o"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
history::URLRow row(MakeURLRow("", "abcdef", 3, 30, 1));
PopulateWordStarts(row, &word_starts);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_a(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("t"), Make1Term("t"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_b(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("f"), Make1Term("f"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_c(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("o"), Make1Term("o"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
history::URLRow row(MakeURLRow("", "abcdef", 3, 30, 1));
PopulateWordStarts(row, &word_starts);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_a(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("e"), Make1Term("e"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_b(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("m"), Make1Term("m"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_c(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("f"), Make1Term("f"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
history::URLRow row(
MakeURLRow("", "abcdef", 3, 30, 1));
PopulateWordStarts(row, &word_starts);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_a(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("t"), Make1Term("t"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_b(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("h"), Make1Term("h"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_c(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("w"), Make1Term("w"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_d(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("x"), Make1Term("x"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_e(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("y"), Make1Term("y"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_f(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("z"), Make1Term("z"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_g(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("https://www"),
Make1Term("https://www"), one_word_no_offset,
word_starts, false, 1, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_h(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16(""),
Make1Term(""), one_word_no_offset,
word_starts, false, 1, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_i(row, visits,
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
history::URLRow row(
MakeURLRow("", "abcd", 3, 30, 1));
PopulateWordStarts(row, &word_starts);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_a(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("x"), Make1Term("x"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_b(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("xn"),
Make1Term("xn"), one_word_no_offset,
word_starts, false, 1, now);
ScoredHistoryMatch scored_c(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("w"), Make1Term("w"),
one_word_no_offset, word_starts, false, 1, now);
TEST_F(ScoredHistoryMatchTest, GetTopicalityScoreTrailingSlash) {
const float hostname = GetTopicalityScoreOfTermAgainstURLAndTitle(
ASCIIToUTF16("def"), GURL(""),
ASCIIToUTF16("Non-Matching Title"));
const float hostname_no_slash = GetTopicalityScoreOfTermAgainstURLAndTitle(
ASCIIToUTF16("def"), GURL(""),
ASCIIToUTF16("Non-Matching Title"));
EXPECT_EQ(hostname_no_slash, hostname);
TEST_F(ScoredHistoryMatchTest, FilterMatches) {
// For ease in interpreting this test, imagine the URL
// 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567
// 1 2 3 4
// We test how FilterTermMatchesByWordStarts() reacts to various
// one-character inputs.
WordStarts terms_to_word_starts_offsets;
WordStarts word_starts;
// Check that "h" matches "http", "hello", and "html" but not "aspxhome" when
// asked to filter non-word-start matches after the hostname. The "15" in
// the filter call below is the position of the "/" ending the hostname.
TermMatches term_matches;
term_matches.push_back(TermMatch(0, 0, 1));
term_matches.push_back(TermMatch(0, 32, 1));
term_matches.push_back(TermMatch(0, 37, 1));
term_matches.push_back(TermMatch(0, 43, 1));
TermMatches filtered_term_matches =
term_matches, terms_to_word_starts_offsets, word_starts, 15,
ASSERT_EQ(3u, filtered_term_matches.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, filtered_term_matches[0].offset);
EXPECT_EQ(37u, filtered_term_matches[1].offset);
EXPECT_EQ(43u, filtered_term_matches[2].offset);
// The "http" match should remain after removing the mid-word matches in the
// scheme. The "4" is the position of the ":" character ending the scheme.
filtered_term_matches = ScoredHistoryMatch::FilterTermMatchesByWordStarts(
filtered_term_matches, terms_to_word_starts_offsets, word_starts, 0, 5);
ASSERT_EQ(3u, filtered_term_matches.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, filtered_term_matches[0].offset);
EXPECT_EQ(37u, filtered_term_matches[1].offset);
EXPECT_EQ(43u, filtered_term_matches[2].offset);
// Check that "t" matches "http" twice and "test" twice but not "default" or
// "html" when asked to filter non-word-start matches after the hostname.
term_matches.push_back(TermMatch(0, 1, 1));
term_matches.push_back(TermMatch(0, 2, 1));
term_matches.push_back(TermMatch(0, 7, 1));
term_matches.push_back(TermMatch(0, 10, 1));
term_matches.push_back(TermMatch(0, 22, 1));
term_matches.push_back(TermMatch(0, 45, 1));
filtered_term_matches = ScoredHistoryMatch::FilterTermMatchesByWordStarts(
term_matches, terms_to_word_starts_offsets, word_starts, 15,
ASSERT_EQ(4u, filtered_term_matches.size());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, filtered_term_matches[0].offset);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, filtered_term_matches[1].offset);
EXPECT_EQ(7u, filtered_term_matches[2].offset);
EXPECT_EQ(10u, filtered_term_matches[3].offset);
// The "http" matches should disappear after removing mid-word matches in the
// scheme.
filtered_term_matches = ScoredHistoryMatch::FilterTermMatchesByWordStarts(
filtered_term_matches, terms_to_word_starts_offsets, word_starts, 0, 4);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, filtered_term_matches.size());
EXPECT_EQ(7u, filtered_term_matches[0].offset);
EXPECT_EQ(10u, filtered_term_matches[1].offset);
// Check that "e" matches "test" but not "default" or "hello" when asked to
// filter non-word-start matches after the hostname.
term_matches.push_back(TermMatch(0, 8, 1));
term_matches.push_back(TermMatch(0, 17, 1));
term_matches.push_back(TermMatch(0, 38, 1));
filtered_term_matches = ScoredHistoryMatch::FilterTermMatchesByWordStarts(
term_matches, terms_to_word_starts_offsets, word_starts, 15,
ASSERT_EQ(1u, filtered_term_matches.size());
EXPECT_EQ(8u, filtered_term_matches[0].offset);
// Check that "d" matches "default" when asked to filter non-word-start
// matches after the hostname.
term_matches.push_back(TermMatch(0, 16, 1));
filtered_term_matches = ScoredHistoryMatch::FilterTermMatchesByWordStarts(
term_matches, terms_to_word_starts_offsets, word_starts, 15,
ASSERT_EQ(1u, filtered_term_matches.size());
EXPECT_EQ(16u, filtered_term_matches[0].offset);
// Check that "a" matches "aspxhome" but not "default" when asked to filter
// non-word-start matches after the hostname.
term_matches.push_back(TermMatch(0, 19, 1));
term_matches.push_back(TermMatch(0, 28, 1));
filtered_term_matches = ScoredHistoryMatch::FilterTermMatchesByWordStarts(
term_matches, terms_to_word_starts_offsets, word_starts, 15,
ASSERT_EQ(1u, filtered_term_matches.size());
EXPECT_EQ(28u, filtered_term_matches[0].offset);
// Check that ".a" matches "aspxhome", i.e., that we recognize that is
// is a valid match at a word break. To recognize this,
// |terms_to_word_starts_offsets| must record that the "word" in this term
// starts at the second character.
terms_to_word_starts_offsets[0] = 1;
term_matches.push_back(TermMatch(0, 27, 1));
filtered_term_matches = ScoredHistoryMatch::FilterTermMatchesByWordStarts(
term_matches, terms_to_word_starts_offsets, word_starts, 15,
ASSERT_EQ(1u, filtered_term_matches.size());
EXPECT_EQ(27u, filtered_term_matches[0].offset);
TEST_F(ScoredHistoryMatchTest, GetFrequency) {
// Build a fake ScoredHistoryMatch, which we'll then reuse multiple times.
history::URLRow row(GURL("http://foo"));
RowWordStarts row_word_starts;
PopulateWordStarts(row, &row_word_starts);
base::Time now(base::Time::Max());
VisitInfoVector visits;
ScoredHistoryMatch match(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("foo"), Make1Term("foo"),
WordStarts{0}, row_word_starts, false, 1, now);
// Record the score for one untyped visit.
visits = {{now, ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK}};
const float one_untyped_score = match.GetFrequency(now, false, visits);
// The score for one typed visit should be larger.
visits = VisitInfoVector{{now, ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED}};
const float one_typed_score = match.GetFrequency(now, false, visits);
EXPECT_GT(one_typed_score, one_untyped_score);
// It shouldn't matter if the typed visit has a transition qualifier.
visits = {
{now, ui::PageTransitionFromInt(ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
EXPECT_EQ(one_typed_score, match.GetFrequency(now, false, visits));
// A score for one untyped visit to a bookmarked page should be larger than
// the one untyped visit to a non-bookmarked page.
visits = {{now, ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK}};
EXPECT_GE(match.GetFrequency(now, true, visits), one_untyped_score);
// Now consider pages visited twice, with one visit being typed and one
// untyped.
// A two-visit score should have a higher score than the single typed visit
// score.
visits = {{now, ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED},
{now - base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1), ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK}};
const float two_visits_score = match.GetFrequency(now, false, visits);
EXPECT_GT(two_visits_score, one_typed_score);
// Add an third untyped visit.
{now - base::TimeDelta::FromDays(2), ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK});
// The score should be higher than the two-visit score.
const float three_visits_score = match.GetFrequency(now, false, visits);
EXPECT_GT(three_visits_score, two_visits_score);
// If we're only supposed to consider the most recent two visits, then the
// score should be the same as in the two-visit case.
base::AutoReset<size_t> tmp1(&ScoredHistoryMatch::max_visits_to_score_, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(two_visits_score, match.GetFrequency(now, false, visits));
// Check again with the third visit being typed.
visits[2].second = ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED;
EXPECT_EQ(two_visits_score, match.GetFrequency(now, false, visits));
TEST_F(ScoredHistoryMatchTest, GetDocumentSpecificityScore) {
// Build a fake ScoredHistoryMatch, which we'll then reuse multiple times.
history::URLRow row(GURL("http://foo"));
RowWordStarts row_word_starts;
PopulateWordStarts(row, &row_word_starts);
base::Time now(base::Time::Max());
VisitInfoVector visits;
ScoredHistoryMatch match(row, visits, ASCIIToUTF16("foo"), Make1Term("foo"),
WordStarts{0}, row_word_starts, false, 1, now);
EXPECT_EQ(3.0, match.GetDocumentSpecificityScore(1));
EXPECT_EQ(1.0, match.GetDocumentSpecificityScore(5));
EXPECT_EQ(1.0, match.GetDocumentSpecificityScore(50));
OmniboxFieldTrial::NumMatchesScores matches_to_specificity;
base::AutoReset<OmniboxFieldTrial::NumMatchesScores*> tmp(
matches_to_specificity = {{1, 3.0}};
EXPECT_EQ(3.0, match.GetDocumentSpecificityScore(1));
EXPECT_EQ(1.0, match.GetDocumentSpecificityScore(5));
matches_to_specificity = {{1, 3.0}, {3, 1.5}};
EXPECT_EQ(3.0, match.GetDocumentSpecificityScore(1));
EXPECT_EQ(1.5, match.GetDocumentSpecificityScore(2));
EXPECT_EQ(1.5, match.GetDocumentSpecificityScore(3));
EXPECT_EQ(1.0, match.GetDocumentSpecificityScore(4));
// This function only tests scoring of single terms that match exactly
// once somewhere in the URL or title.
TEST_F(ScoredHistoryMatchTest, GetTopicalityScore) {
GURL url("");
base::string16 title = ASCIIToUTF16("here is a title");
auto Score = [&](const char* term) {
return GetTopicalityScoreOfTermAgainstURLAndTitle(ASCIIToUTF16(term), url,
const float hostname_score = Score("abc");
const float hostname_mid_word_score = Score("bc");
const float hostname_score_preceeding_punctuation = Score("://abc");
const float domain_name_score = Score("def");
const float domain_name_mid_word_score = Score("ef");
const float domain_name_score_preceeding_dot = Score(".def");
const float tld_score = Score("com");
const float tld_mid_word_score = Score("om");
const float tld_score_preceeding_dot = Score(".com");
const float path_score = Score("path1");
const float path_mid_word_score = Score("ath1");
const float path_score_preceeding_slash = Score("/path1");
const float arg_score = Score("arg1");
const float arg_mid_word_score = Score("rg1");
const float arg_score_preceeding_question_mark = Score("?arg1");
const float protocol_score = Score("htt");
const float protocol_mid_word_score = Score("tt");
const float title_score = Score("her");
const float title_mid_word_score = Score("er");
// Verify hostname and domain name > path > arg.
EXPECT_GT(hostname_score, path_score);
EXPECT_GT(domain_name_score, path_score);
EXPECT_GT(path_score, arg_score);
// Verify leading punctuation doesn't confuse scoring.
EXPECT_EQ(hostname_score, hostname_score_preceeding_punctuation);
EXPECT_EQ(domain_name_score, domain_name_score_preceeding_dot);
EXPECT_EQ(tld_score, tld_score_preceeding_dot);
EXPECT_EQ(path_score, path_score_preceeding_slash);
EXPECT_EQ(arg_score, arg_score_preceeding_question_mark);
// Verify that domain name > path and domain name > arg for non-word
// boundaries.
EXPECT_GT(hostname_mid_word_score, path_mid_word_score);
EXPECT_GT(domain_name_mid_word_score, path_mid_word_score);
EXPECT_GT(domain_name_mid_word_score, arg_mid_word_score);
EXPECT_GT(hostname_mid_word_score, arg_mid_word_score);
// Also verify that the matches at non-word-boundaries all score
// worse than the matches at word boundaries. These three sets suffice.
EXPECT_GT(arg_score, hostname_mid_word_score);
EXPECT_GT(arg_score, domain_name_mid_word_score);
EXPECT_GT(title_score, title_mid_word_score);
// Check that title matches fit somewhere reasonable compared to the
// various types of URL matches.
EXPECT_GT(title_score, arg_score);
EXPECT_GT(arg_score, title_mid_word_score);
// Finally, verify that protocol matches and top level domain name
// matches (.com, .net, etc.) score worse than some of the mid-word
// matches that actually count.
EXPECT_GT(hostname_mid_word_score, protocol_score);
EXPECT_GT(hostname_mid_word_score, protocol_mid_word_score);
EXPECT_GT(hostname_mid_word_score, tld_score);
EXPECT_GT(hostname_mid_word_score, tld_mid_word_score);
// Test the function GetFinalRelevancyScore().
TEST_F(ScoredHistoryMatchTest, GetFinalRelevancyScore) {
// relevance_buckets = "0.0:100,1.0:200,4.0:500,8.0:900,10.0:1000";
ScoredHistoryMatch::ScoreMaxRelevances relevance_buckets = {
{0.0, 100}, {1.0, 200}, {4.0, 500}, {8.0, 900}, {10.0, 1000}};
base::AutoReset<ScoredHistoryMatch::ScoreMaxRelevances*> tmp(
&ScoredHistoryMatch::relevance_buckets_override_, &relevance_buckets);
// Check when topicality score is zero.
float topicality_score = 0.0;
float frequency_score = 10.0;
float specificity_score = 1.0;
// intermediate_score = 0.0 * 10.0 * 1.0 = 0.0.
EXPECT_EQ(0, ScoredHistoryMatch::GetFinalRelevancyScore(
topicality_score, frequency_score, specificity_score));
// Check when intermediate score falls at the border range.
topicality_score = 0.4f;
frequency_score = 10.0f;
// intermediate_score = 0.4 * 10.0 * 1.0 = 4.0.
EXPECT_EQ(500, ScoredHistoryMatch::GetFinalRelevancyScore(
topicality_score, frequency_score, specificity_score));
// Checking the score that falls into one of the buckets.
topicality_score = 0.5f;
frequency_score = 10.0f;
// intermediate_score = 0.5 * 10.0 * 1.0 = 5.0.
EXPECT_EQ(600, // 500 + (((900 - 500)/(8 -4)) * 1) = 600.
topicality_score, frequency_score, specificity_score));
// Never give the score greater than maximum specified.
topicality_score = 0.5f;
frequency_score = 22.0f;
// intermediate_score = 0.5 * 22.0 * 1.0 = 11.0
EXPECT_EQ(1000, ScoredHistoryMatch::GetFinalRelevancyScore(
topicality_score, frequency_score, specificity_score));
// Test the function GetHQPBucketsFromString().
TEST_F(ScoredHistoryMatchTest, GetHQPBucketsFromString) {
std::string buckets_str = "0.0:400,1.5:600,12.0:1300,20.0:1399";
std::vector<ScoredHistoryMatch::ScoreMaxRelevance> hqp_buckets =
EXPECT_THAT(hqp_buckets, ElementsAre(Pair(0.0, 400), Pair(1.5, 600),
Pair(12.0, 1300), Pair(20.0, 1399)));
// Test using an invalid string.
buckets_str = "0.0,400,1.5,600";
hqp_buckets = ScoredHistoryMatch::GetHQPBucketsFromString(buckets_str);