blob: 5ead8d7d0f832f05ab50165410420b8e921db6b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "components/data_use_measurement/core/data_use_measurement.h"
#include "components/metrics/data_use_tracker.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace net {
class NetworkDelegate;
class URLRequest;
namespace data_use_measurement {
class DataUse;
class DataUseRecorder;
class URLRequestClassifier;
// Abstract class that manages instances of DataUseRecorder and maps
// a URLRequest instance to its appropriate DataUseRecorder. An embedder
// should provide an override if it is interested in tracking data usage. Data
// use from all URLRequests mapped to the same DataUseRecorder will be grouped
// together and reported as a single use.
class DataUseAscriber {
// Provides the interface for observing data use of a pageload.
class PageLoadObserver {
virtual ~PageLoadObserver() {}
// The page load committed. |data_use| contains the currently committed URL,
// and the network data used by the page so far.
virtual void OnPageLoadCommit(DataUse* data_use) = 0;
// A resource of a page loaded. This includes main frame, sub frame
// resource, subresource. |data_use| contains the network data used by the
// page so far. URL in |data_use| may not be available until OnCommit.
virtual void OnPageResourceLoad(const net::URLRequest& request,
DataUse* data_use) = 0;
// The DidFinishLoad event occurred for the main frame. That is, the page
// load is nominally done (however, the page can still issue more network
// requests between this event and |OnPageLoadConcluded|.
virtual void OnPageDidFinishLoad(DataUse* data_use) = 0;
// The page load completed. This is when the tab is closed or another
// navigation starts due to omnibox search, link clicks, page reload, etc.
virtual void OnPageLoadConcluded(DataUse* data_use) = 0;
// Called whenever a request uses any amount of network data. |request| is
// the corresponding request that used data. |data_use| contains the network
// data used by the page so far. URL in |data_use| may not be available
// until OnCommit.
virtual void OnNetworkBytesUpdate(const net::URLRequest& request,
DataUse* data_use) = 0;
virtual ~DataUseAscriber();
// Creates a network delegate that will be used to track data use.
std::unique_ptr<net::NetworkDelegate> CreateNetworkDelegate(
std::unique_ptr<net::NetworkDelegate> wrapped_network_delegate,
const metrics::UpdateUsagePrefCallbackType& metrics_data_use_forwarder);
// Returns the DataUseRecorder to which data usage for the given URL should
// be ascribed. If no existing DataUseRecorder exists, a new one will be
// created.
virtual DataUseRecorder* GetOrCreateDataUseRecorder(
net::URLRequest* request) = 0;
// Returns the existing DataUseRecorder to which data usage for the given URL
// should be ascribed.
virtual DataUseRecorder* GetDataUseRecorder(
const net::URLRequest& request) = 0;
// Returns a URLRequestClassifier that can classify requests for metrics
// recording.
virtual std::unique_ptr<URLRequestClassifier> CreateURLRequestClassifier()
const = 0;
// Observers should be added or removed in IO thread. The notifications will
// be called in the same thread.
void AddObserver(PageLoadObserver* observer) {
void RemoveObserver(PageLoadObserver* observer) {
// Methods called by DataUseNetworkDelegate to propagate data use information:
// OnBeforeUrlRequest may be called twice. e.g., in case of redirects.
virtual void OnBeforeUrlRequest(net::URLRequest* request);
virtual void OnNetworkBytesSent(net::URLRequest* request, int64_t bytes_sent);
virtual void OnNetworkBytesReceived(net::URLRequest* request,
int64_t bytes_received);
virtual void OnUrlRequestCompleted(net::URLRequest* request, bool started);
virtual void OnUrlRequestDestroyed(net::URLRequest* request);
// Disables data use ascriber.
virtual void DisableAscriber();
base::ObserverList<PageLoadObserver> observers_;
} // namespace data_use_measurement