blob: 0dde34357515fdecf7bcc5d8c43fe52b4f979009 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/viz/service/display_embedder/overlay_candidate_validator_android.h"
#include <memory>
#include "components/viz/service/display/overlay_processor.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/overlay_strategy_underlay.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_conversions.h"
namespace viz {
OverlayCandidateValidatorAndroid::OverlayCandidateValidatorAndroid() {}
OverlayCandidateValidatorAndroid::~OverlayCandidateValidatorAndroid() {}
void OverlayCandidateValidatorAndroid::InitializeStrategies() {
// For Android, we do not have the ability to skip an overlay, since the
// texture is already in a SurfaceView. Ideally, we would honor a 'force
// overlay' flag that FromDrawQuad would also check.
// For now, though, just skip the opacity check. We really have no idea if
// the underlying overlay is opaque anyway; the candidate is referring to
// a dummy resource that has no relation to what the overlay contains.
// .
this, OverlayStrategyUnderlay::OpaqueMode::AllowTransparentCandidates));
void OverlayCandidateValidatorAndroid::CheckOverlaySupport(
OverlayCandidateList* candidates) {
// There should only be at most a single overlay candidate: the video quad.
// There's no check that the presented candidate is really a video frame for
// a fullscreen video. Instead it's assumed that if a quad is marked as
// overlayable, it's a fullscreen video quad.
DCHECK_LE(candidates->size(), 1u);
if (!candidates->empty()) {
OverlayCandidate& candidate = candidates->front();
// This quad either will be promoted, or would be if it were backed by a
// SurfaceView. Record that it should get a promotion hint.
if (candidate.is_backed_by_surface_texture) {
// This quad would be promoted if it were backed by a SurfaceView. Since
// it isn't, we can't promote it.
candidate.display_rect =
candidate.overlay_handled = true;
candidate.plane_z_order = -1;
bool OverlayCandidateValidatorAndroid::AllowCALayerOverlays() const {
return false;
bool OverlayCandidateValidatorAndroid::AllowDCLayerOverlays() const {
return false;
bool OverlayCandidateValidatorAndroid::NeedsSurfaceOccludingDamageRect() const {
return false;
} // namespace viz