blob: b5cd3d087bdd0ed4c06f4bffca1878d180da28c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/viz/service/display_embedder/vsync_parameter_listener.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace viz {
class VSyncParameterListenerTestRunner {
VSyncParameterListenerTestRunner(int64_t interval_us, int64_t timebase_us)
: interval_(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(interval_us)),
timebase_(base::TimeTicks() +
base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(timebase_us)) {}
void RunTests() {
const uint64_t interval_us = interval_.InMicroseconds();
const uint64_t half_inteval_us = interval_us / 2;
const uint64_t max_timebase_skew_us =
// Timebase values very near the last timebase. Don't send an update.
EXPECT_FALSE(WillSendUpdate(max_timebase_skew_us - 1));
EXPECT_FALSE(WillSendUpdate(max_timebase_skew_us - 1));
// Timebase values in between intervals. Send an update.
EXPECT_TRUE(WillSendUpdate(half_inteval_us - 10));
EXPECT_TRUE(WillSendUpdate(half_inteval_us + 10));
EXPECT_TRUE(WillSendUpdate(interval_us - max_timebase_skew_us));
// Timebase is near last timebase + interval. Don't send an update.
EXPECT_FALSE(WillSendUpdate(interval_us - max_timebase_skew_us + 1));
EXPECT_FALSE(WillSendUpdate(interval_us - 1));
EXPECT_FALSE(WillSendUpdate(interval_us + 1));
EXPECT_FALSE(WillSendUpdate(interval_us + max_timebase_skew_us - 1));
// Timebase values in between intervals but further away. Send an update.
EXPECT_TRUE(WillSendUpdate(interval_us + max_timebase_skew_us));
EXPECT_TRUE(WillSendUpdate(interval_us + half_inteval_us));
EXPECT_TRUE(WillSendUpdate(2 * interval_us - max_timebase_skew_us));
EXPECT_TRUE(WillSendUpdate(2 * interval_us + max_timebase_skew_us));
// Checks if VSyncParameterListener will send an update when it sees
// |timebase_| and then |timebase_| + |timebase_difference_us|.
bool WillSendUpdate(int64_t timebase_difference_us) {
VSyncParameterListener listener(/*observer=*/nullptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(listener.ShouldSendUpdate(timebase_, interval_));
return listener.ShouldSendUpdate(
timebase_ + base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(timebase_difference_us),
base::TimeDelta interval_;
base::TimeTicks timebase_;
// Verify that timebase skew calculation works correctly near multiples of
// the interval.
TEST(VSyncParameterListenerTest, TimebaseMultipleOfInterval) {
uint64_t interval = 16671;
uint64_t timebase = interval * 100;
VSyncParameterListenerTestRunner(interval, timebase).RunTests();
// Verify that timebase skew calculation works correctly when timebase isn't
// anywhere near a multiple of the interval.
TEST(VSyncParameterListenerTest, TimebaseNotNearInterval) {
uint64_t interval = 16671;
uint64_t timebase = (interval * 100) + (interval / 2);
VSyncParameterListenerTestRunner(interval, timebase).RunTests();
} // namespace viz