blob: eb813767b1f4556daedd950b95ae65c628d5fa52 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.android_webview.test;
import static org.chromium.android_webview.test.OnlyRunIn.ProcessMode.MULTI_PROCESS;
import android.os.Build;
import androidx.test.filters.MediumTest;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.chromium.android_webview.AwBrowserProcess;
import org.chromium.android_webview.AwContents;
import org.chromium.android_webview.common.AwFeatures;
import org.chromium.android_webview.common.PlatformServiceBridge;
import org.chromium.android_webview.metrics.AwMetricsServiceClient;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.compat.ApiHelperForM;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordHistogram;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.CallbackHelper;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.CommandLineFlags;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.Feature;
import org.chromium.components.metrics.ChromeUserMetricsExtensionProtos.ChromeUserMetricsExtension;
import org.chromium.components.metrics.MetricsSwitches;
import org.chromium.components.metrics.SystemProfileProtos.SystemProfileProto;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.test.util.TestThreadUtils;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
* Integration test to verify WebView's metrics implementation. This isn't a great spot to verify
* WebView reports metadata correctly; that should be done with unittests on individual
* MetricsProviders. This is an opportunity to verify these MetricsProviders (or other components
* integrating with the MetricsService) are hooked up in WebView's implementation.
* <p>This configures the initial metrics upload to happen very quickly (so tests don't need to run
* multiple seconds). This also configures subsequent uploads to happen very frequently (see
* UPLOAD_INTERVAL_MS), although many test cases won't require this (and since each test case runs
* in a separate browser process, often we'll never reach subsequent uploads, see
@CommandLineFlags.Add({MetricsSwitches.FORCE_ENABLE_METRICS_REPORTING}) // Override sampling logic
public class AwMetricsIntegrationTest {
public AwActivityTestRule mRule = new AwActivityTestRule();
private AwTestContainerView mTestContainerView;
private AwContents mAwContents;
private TestAwContentsClient mContentsClient;
private TestPlatformServiceBridge mPlatformServiceBridge;
// Some short interval, arbitrarily chosen.
private static final long UPLOAD_INTERVAL_MS = 10;
private static class TestPlatformServiceBridge extends PlatformServiceBridge {
private final BlockingQueue<byte[]> mQueue;
public TestPlatformServiceBridge() {
mQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
public boolean canUseGms() {
return true;
public void queryMetricsSetting(Callback<Boolean> callback) {
callback.onResult(true /* enabled */);
public void logMetrics(byte[] data) {
* Gets the latest metrics log we've received.
public ChromeUserMetricsExtension waitForNextMetricsLog() throws Exception {
byte[] data = AwActivityTestRule.waitForNextQueueElement(mQueue);
return ChromeUserMetricsExtension.parseFrom(data);
* Asserts there are no more metrics logs queued up.
public void assertNoMetricsLogs() throws Exception {
// Assert the size is zero (rather than the queue is empty), so if this fails we have
// some hint as to how many logs were queued up.
Assert.assertEquals("Expected no metrics logs to be in the queue", 0, mQueue.size());
public void setUp() throws Exception {
mContentsClient = new TestAwContentsClient();
mTestContainerView = mRule.createAwTestContainerViewOnMainSync(mContentsClient);
mAwContents = mTestContainerView.getAwContents();
// Kick off the metrics consent-fetching process. TestPlatformServiceBridge mocks out user
// consent for when we query it with AwBrowserProcess.handleMinidumpsAndSetMetricsConsent(),
// so metrics consent is guaranteed to be granted.
mPlatformServiceBridge = new TestPlatformServiceBridge();
TestThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(() -> {
// Need to configure the metrics delay first, because
// handleMinidumpsAndSetMetricsConsent() triggers MetricsService initialization. The
// first upload for each test case will be triggered with minimal latency, and
// subsequent uploads (for tests cases which need them) will be scheduled every
// UPLOAD_INTERVAL_MS. We use programmatic hooks (instead of commandline flags) because:
// * We don't want users in the wild to upload reports to Google which are recorded
// immediately after startup: these records would be very unusual in that they don't
// contain (many) histograms.
// * The interval for subsequent uploads is rate-limited to mitigate accidentally
// DOS'ing the metrics server. We want to keep that protection for clients in the
// wild, but don't need the same protection for the test because it doesn't upload
// reports.
AwBrowserProcess.handleMinidumpsAndSetMetricsConsent(true /* updateMetricsConsent */);
public void testMetadata_basicInfo() throws Throwable {
ChromeUserMetricsExtension log = mPlatformServiceBridge.waitForNextMetricsLog();
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some client_id", log.hasClientId());
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some session_id", log.hasSessionId());
public void testMetadata_buildInfo() throws Throwable {
ChromeUserMetricsExtension log = mPlatformServiceBridge.waitForNextMetricsLog();
SystemProfileProto systemProfile = log.getSystemProfile();
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some build_timestamp", systemProfile.hasBuildTimestamp());
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some app_version", systemProfile.hasAppVersion());
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some channel", systemProfile.hasChannel());
public void testMetadata_miscellaneousSystemProfileInfo() throws Throwable {
ChromeUserMetricsExtension log = mPlatformServiceBridge.waitForNextMetricsLog();
SystemProfileProto systemProfile = log.getSystemProfile();
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some uma_enabled_date", systemProfile.hasUmaEnabledDate());
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some install_date", systemProfile.hasInstallDate());
// Don't assert application_locale's value, because we don't want to enforce capitalization
// requirements on the metrics service (ex. in case it switches from "en-US" to "en-us" for
// some reason).
"Should have some application_locale", systemProfile.hasApplicationLocale());
ApiHelperForM.isProcess64Bit(), systemProfile.getAppVersion().contains("-64"));
"Should have some low_entropy_source", systemProfile.hasLowEntropySource());
"Should have some old_low_entropy_source", systemProfile.hasOldLowEntropySource());
public void testMetadata_osData() throws Throwable {
ChromeUserMetricsExtension log = mPlatformServiceBridge.waitForNextMetricsLog();
SystemProfileProto systemProfile = log.getSystemProfile();
Assert.assertEquals("Android", systemProfile.getOs().getName());
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some os.version", systemProfile.getOs().hasVersion());
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some os.build_fingerprint",
public void testMetadata_hardwareMiscellaneous() throws Throwable {
ChromeUserMetricsExtension log = mPlatformServiceBridge.waitForNextMetricsLog();
SystemProfileProto systemProfile = log.getSystemProfile();
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some hardware.system_ram_mb",
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some hardware.hardware_class",
public void testMetadata_hardwareScreen() throws Throwable {
ChromeUserMetricsExtension log = mPlatformServiceBridge.waitForNextMetricsLog();
SystemProfileProto systemProfile = log.getSystemProfile();
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some hardware.screen_count",
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some hardware.primary_screen_width",
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some hardware.primary_screen_height",
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some hardware.primary_screen_scale_factor",
public void testMetadata_hardwareCpu() throws Throwable {
ChromeUserMetricsExtension log = mPlatformServiceBridge.waitForNextMetricsLog();
SystemProfileProto systemProfile = log.getSystemProfile();
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some hardware.cpu_architecture",
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some hardware.cpu.vendor_name",
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some hardware.cpu.signature",
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some hardware.cpu.num_cores",
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some hardware.cpu.is_hypervisor",
public void testMetadata_hardwareGpu() throws Throwable {
ChromeUserMetricsExtension log = mPlatformServiceBridge.waitForNextMetricsLog();
SystemProfileProto systemProfile = log.getSystemProfile();
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some hardware.gpu.driver_version",
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some hardware.gpu.gl_vendor",
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some hardware.gpu.gl_renderer",
public void testMetadata_hardwareDrive() throws Throwable {
ChromeUserMetricsExtension log = mPlatformServiceBridge.waitForNextMetricsLog();
SystemProfileProto systemProfile = log.getSystemProfile();
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some hardware.app_drive.has_seek_penalty",
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some hardware.user_data_drive.has_seek_penalty",
public void testMetadata_network() throws Throwable {
ChromeUserMetricsExtension log = mPlatformServiceBridge.waitForNextMetricsLog();
SystemProfileProto systemProfile = log.getSystemProfile();
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some network.connection_type_is_ambiguous",
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some network.connection_type",
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some network.wifi_phy_layer_protocol_is_ambiguous",
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some network.wifi_phy_layer_protocol",
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some network.min_effective_connection_type",
Assert.assertTrue("Should have some network.max_effective_connection_type",
public void testMetadata_androidHistograms() throws Throwable {
// Wait for a metrics log, since AndroidMetricsProvider only logs this histogram during log
// collection. Do not assert anything about this histogram before this point (ex. do not
// assert total count == 0), because this would race with the initial metrics log.
1, RecordHistogram.getHistogramTotalCountForTesting("MemoryAndroid.LowRamDevice"));
public void testMetadata_samplingRate() throws Throwable {
// Wait for a metrics log, since SamplingMetricsProvider only logs this histogram during log
// collection. Do not assert anything about this histogram before this point (ex. do not
// assert total count == 0), because this would race with the initial metrics log.
1, RecordHistogram.getHistogramTotalCountForTesting("UMA.SamplingRatePerMille"));
public void testMetadata_accessibility() throws Throwable {
// Wait for a metrics log, since AccessibilityMetricsProvider only logs this histogram
// during log collection. Do not assert anything about this histogram before this point (ex.
// do not assert total count == 0), because this would race with the initial metrics log.
public void testPageLoadsEnableMultipleUploads() throws Throwable {
// At this point, the MetricsService should be asleep, and should not have created any more
// metrics logs.
// The start of a page load should be enough to indicate to the MetricsService that the app
// is "in use" and it's OK to upload the next record. No need to wait for onPageFinished,
// since this behavior should be gated on NOTIFICATION_LOAD_START.
mRule.loadUrlAsync(mAwContents, "about:blank");
// This may take slightly longer than UPLOAD_INTERVAL_MS, due to the time spent processing
// the metrics log, but should be well within the timeout (unless something is broken).
// If we get here, we got a second metrics log (and the test may pass). If there was no
// second metrics log, then the above call will fail with TimeoutException. We should not
// assertNoMetricsLogs() however, because it's possible we got a metrics log between
// onPageStarted & onPageFinished, in which case onPageFinished would *also* wake up the
// metrics service, and we might potentially have a third metrics log in the queue.
@OnlyRunIn(MULTI_PROCESS) // This test is specific to the OOP-renderer
public void testRendererHistograms() throws Throwable {
EmbeddedTestServer embeddedTestServer = EmbeddedTestServer.createAndStartServer(
try {
// Discard initial log since the renderer process hasn't been created yet.
final CallbackHelper helper = new CallbackHelper();
int finalMetricsCollectedCount = helper.getCallCount();
// Load a page and wait for final metrics collection.
TestThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(() -> {
() -> { helper.notifyCalled(); });
// Load a page to ensure the renderer process is created.
mRule.loadUrlSync(mAwContents, mContentsClient.getOnPageFinishedHelper(),
helper.waitForCallback(finalMetricsCollectedCount, 1);
// At this point we know one of two things must be true:
// 1. The renderer process completed startup (logging the expected histogram) before
// subprocess histograms were collected. In this case, we know the desired histogram
// has been copied into the browser process.
// 2. Subprocess histograms were collected before the renderer process completed
// startup. While we don't know if our histogram was copied over, we do know the
// page load has finished and this woke up the metrics service, so MetricsService
// will collect subprocess metrics again.
// Load a page and wait for another final log collection. We know this log collection
// must be triggered by either the second page load start (scenario 1) or the first page
// load finish (scenario 2), either of which ensures the renderer startup histogram must
// have been copied into the browser process.
mRule.loadUrlSync(mAwContents, mContentsClient.getOnPageFinishedHelper(),
helper.waitForCallback(finalMetricsCollectedCount, 2);
} finally {
@CommandLineFlags.Add({"enable-features=" + AwFeatures.WEBVIEW_MEASURE_SCREEN_COVERAGE})
public void testScreenCoverageReporting() throws Throwable {
EmbeddedTestServer embeddedTestServer = EmbeddedTestServer.createAndStartServer(
try {
// We need to wait for log collection because the histogram is recorded during
// MetricsProvider::ProvideCurrentSessionData().
final String histogramName = "Android.WebView.WebViewOpenWebVisible.ScreenPortion";
int totalSamples = RecordHistogram.getHistogramTotalCountForTesting(histogramName);
Assert.assertNotEquals("There should be at least one sample recorded", 0, totalSamples);
int zeroBucketSamples =
RecordHistogram.getHistogramValueCountForTesting(histogramName, 0);
Assert.assertNotEquals("There should be at least one sample in a non-zero bucket",
zeroBucketSamples, totalSamples);
} finally {