blob: ef00a14b923dd8743fde386b6a9b76289d56a21b [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- python -*-
# ex: set syntax=python:
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This is a buildbot configuration file containing a tagged list of files
# processed by the stage/archive scripts. The known tags are:
# filename: Name of the file in the build output directory.
# arch: List of CPU architectures for which this file should be processed
# (values are based on the strings returned by python's
# platform.architecture() function). Leave unspecified for
# architecture neutral files.
# buildtype: List of build types for which this file should be processed.
# archive: The name of the archive file to store filename in. If not specified,
# filename is added to the default archive (e.g. If
# archive == filename, filename is archived directly, not zipped.
# direct_archive: Force a file to be archived as-is, bypassing zip creation.
# NOTE: This flag will not apply if more than one file has the
# same 'archive' name, which will create a zip of all the
# files instead.
# filegroup: List of named groups to which this file belongs (e.g. 'symbols'
# for symbol processing, 'tests' for running tests, etc.).
# optional: List of buildtypes for which the file might not exist, and it's not
# considered an error.
'filename': 'chrome',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'chrome-wrapper',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'chrome_100_percent.pak',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'chrome_200_percent.pak',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'chrome_sandbox',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'crashpad_handler',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'icudtl.dat',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'installer',
'buildtype': ['official'],
'filename': 'locales',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'product_logo_48.png',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'resources',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'resources.pak',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'session',
'buildtype': ['dev'],
'filename': 'v8_context_snapshot.bin',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'xdg-mime',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'xdg-settings',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
# CDM files (actual CDM + optional manifest):
'filename': 'ClearKeyCdm',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'WidevineCdm',
'buildtype': ['official'],
'direct_archive': 1,
# ANGLE files:
'filename': '',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': '',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
# SwiftShader files:
'filename': 'swiftshader/',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'swiftshader/',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
# Native Client plugin files:
'filename': 'nacl_irt_x86_64.nexe',
'arch': ['64bit'],
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'nacl_irt_arm.nexe',
'arch': ['arm'],
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'nacl_helper',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'nacl_helper_bootstrap',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'nacl_helper_nonsfi',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
# PNaCl translator (archive only, component updater used for shipping).
'filename': 'pnacl',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
# Remoting files:
'filename': '',
'buildtype': ['official'],
'archive': '',
# Remoting symbols:
'filename': 'remote_assistance_host.debug',
'arch': ['64bit'],
'buildtype': ['official'],
'archive': '',
# Include all debug symbols that start with `remoting`.
'filename': 'remoting*.debug',
'arch': ['64bit'],
'buildtype': ['official'],
'archive': '',
# Breakpad symbols:
'filename': 'chrome.breakpad.x64',
'arch': ['64bit'],
'buildtype': ['official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'crashpad.breakpad.x64',
'arch': ['64bit'],
'buildtype': ['official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'swiftshader_libegl.breakpad.x64',
'arch': ['64bit'],
'buildtype': ['official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'swiftshader_libgles.breakpad.x64',
'arch': ['64bit'],
'buildtype': ['official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'angle_libegl.breakpad.x64',
'arch': ['64bit'],
'buildtype': ['official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'angle_libgles.breakpad.x64',
'arch': ['64bit'],
'buildtype': ['official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'nacl_irt_x86_64.nexe.debug',
'arch': ['64bit'],
'buildtype': ['official'],
'archive': '',
# Content shell files:
'filename': 'GardinerModBug.ttf',
'buildtype': ['dev'],
'archive': '',
'optional': ['dev'],
'filename': 'GardinerModCat.ttf',
'buildtype': ['dev'],
'archive': '',
'optional': ['dev'],
'filename': 'content_shell',
'buildtype': ['dev'],
'archive': '',
'optional': ['dev'],
'filename': 'content_shell.pak',
'buildtype': ['dev'],
'archive': '',
'optional': ['dev'],
'filename': 'dump_syms',
'buildtype': ['dev'],
'archive': '',
'optional': ['dev'],
'filename': 'fonts.conf',
'buildtype': ['dev'],
'archive': '',
'optional': ['dev'],
'filename': 'icudtl.dat',
'buildtype': ['dev'],
'archive': '',
'optional': ['dev'],
'filename': '',
'buildtype': ['dev'],
'archive': '',
'optional': ['dev'],
'filename': '',
'buildtype': ['dev'],
'archive': '',
'optional': ['dev'],
'filename': 'minidump_stackwalk',
'buildtype': ['dev'],
'archive': '',
'optional': ['dev'],
'filename': 'v8_context_snapshot.bin',
'buildtype': ['dev'],
'archive': '',
'optional': ['dev'],
'filename': 'resources',
'buildtype': ['dev'],
'archive': '',
'optional': ['dev'],
# MEI Preload files:
'filename': 'MEIPreload/manifest.json',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'filename': 'MEIPreload/preloaded_data.pb',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
# ChromeDriver binary:
'filename': 'chromedriver',
'arch': ['64bit'],
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'optional': ['dev', 'official'],
# Headless shell files:
'filename': 'headless_shell',
'buildtype': ['dev'],
'archive': '',
'optional': ['dev'],
'filename': 'headless_lib.pak',
'buildtype': ['dev'],
'archive': '',
'optional': ['dev'],
# DevTools front-end files:
'filename': 'resources/inspector',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
# MojoJS support data (base):
'filename': 'gen/layout_test_data/mojo/public/js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/mojo/public/js/bindings.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
# including *.mojom-lite.js, too
'filename': 'gen/mojo/public/mojom/base/*.mojom*.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
# MojoJS support data (contacts):
'filename': 'gen/third_party/blink/public/mojom/contacts/contacts_manager.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/components/payments/mojom/payment_request_data.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
# MojoJS support data (credential-management):
'filename': 'gen/third_party/blink/public/mojom/sms/webotp_service.mojom.m.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
# MojoJS support data (idle-detection):
'filename': 'gen/third_party/blink/public/mojom/idle/idle_manager.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
# MojoJS support data (Image Capture)
'filename': 'gen/media/capture/mojom/image_capture.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
# MojoJS support data (Generic Sensor)
'filename': 'gen/services/device/public/mojom/sensor_provider.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/services/device/public/mojom/sensor.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
# MojoJS support data (Screen Enumeration):
# 'gen/ui/gfx/mojom/color_space.mojom.js' (already included for WebXR)
# 'gen/ui/gfx/mojom/buffer_types.mojom.js' (already included for WebXR)
# 'gen/ui/gfx/mojom/display_color_spaces.mojom.js' (already included for WebXR)
# 'gen/ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom.js' (already included for WebXR)
# 'gen/ui/display/mojom/display.mojom.js' (already included for WebXR)
'filename': 'gen/third_party/blink/public/mojom/screen_enumeration/screen_enumeration.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
# MojoJS support data (Shape Detection)
# 'gen/ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom.js' (already included for WebXR)
'filename': 'gen/skia/public/mojom/image_info.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/skia/public/mojom/bitmap.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/services/shape_detection/public/mojom/*.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
# MojoJS support data (WebXR):
'filename': 'gen/gpu/ipc/common/mailbox*.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/gpu/ipc/common/sync_token.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/ui/display/mojom/display.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/ui/gfx/mojom/*.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/device/gamepad/public/mojom/gamepad.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/device/vr/public/mojom/vr_service.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
# MojoJS support data (WebUSB):
'filename': 'gen/url/mojom/url.mojom.m.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/services/device/public/mojom/usb_*.mojom.m.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/third_party/blink/public/mojom/usb/web_usb_service.mojom.m.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
# MojoJS support data (WebBluetooth):
'filename': 'gen/content/test/data/mojo_web_test_helper_test.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/device/bluetooth/public/mojom/uuid.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/url/mojom/origin.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/device/bluetooth/public/mojom/test/fake_bluetooth.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/content/web_test/common/fake_bluetooth_chooser.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
# MojoJS support data (WebNFC):
'filename': 'gen/services/device/public/mojom/nfc.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
# MojoJS support data (Web Serial):
'filename': 'gen/services/device/public/mojom/serial.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',
'filename': 'gen/third_party/blink/public/mojom/serial/serial.mojom.js',
'buildtype': ['dev', 'official'],
'archive': '',