blob: 190886773110eafe36ba0fc173821b9888d5233d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file is autogenerated by
// //components/payments/content/android/
package org.chromium.components.payments;
/** Error message strings. */
public abstract class ErrorStrings {{
// The following error strings are used only on Android.
public static final String WEB_PAYMENT_API_DISABLED = "Web Payments API is disabled.";
public static final String INVALID_PAYMENT_METHODS_OR_DATA = "Invalid payment methods or data.";
public static final String INVALID_VALIDATION_ERRORS = "Invalid payment validation errors.";
public static final String TAB_OVERVIEW_MODE =
"Tab overview mode dismissed Payment Request UI.";
public static final String TAB_SWITCH =
"Tab switch dismissed Payment Request UI.";
public static final String ACTIVITY_NOT_FOUND = "Unable to find Chrome activity.";
public static final String CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND = "Unable to find Chrome context.";
public static final String TAB_NOT_FOUND = "Unable to find Chrome tab.";
public static final String WINDOW_NOT_FOUND = "Unable to find Chrome window.";
public static final String PAYMENT_APP_INVALID_RESPONSE = "Payment app response is not valid.";
public static final String PAYMENT_APP_LAUNCH_FAIL = "Unable to invoke the payment app.";
public static final String PAYMENT_APP_PRIVATE_ACTIVITY =
"Payment app does not have android:exported=\"true\" on the PAY activity.";
public static final String PAYMENT_REQUEST_IS_ABORTING = "Payment request is aborting.";
public static final String MISSING_INTENT_DATA =
"Payment app returned an invalid result. Missing intent data.";
public static final String MISSING_INTENT_EXTRAS =
"Payment app returned an invalid result. Missing intent extras.";
public static final String RESULT_CANCELED =
"Payment app returned RESULT_CANCELED code. This is how payment apps "
+ "can close their activity programmatically.";
public static final String UNRECOGNIZED_ACTIVITY_RESULT =
"Payment app returned unrecognized activity result %d.";
public static final String MINIMAL_UI_SUPPRESSED = "Payment minimal UI suppressed.";
public static final String UNATHORIZED_SERVICE_REQUEST =
"Caller's signature or package name does not match invoked app's.";
public static final String FAIL_TO_SHOW_PAYMENT_REQUEST_UI =
"Fails to show payment request UI. Please try again.";
public static final String NO_FRAME = "The frame that initiated payment is gone.";
// Prevent instantiation.
private ErrorStrings() {{}}