blob: bee538e613d0b81e5302c05f47065be1abb67ba8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/types/pass_key.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_id.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
class ExtensionsMenuViewController;
class BrowserContextKeyedServiceFactory;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;
namespace extensions {
class ExtensionPrefs;
class Extension;
class PermissionSet;
// Class for managing user-scoped extension permissions.
// Includes blocking all extensions from running on a site and automatically
// running all extensions on a site.
class PermissionsManager : public KeyedService {
// A struct storing the user-specified settings that apply to all extensions,
// past, present, or future.
// We use url::Origin here (rather than URLPatternSet) because permission
// grants (and restrictions) are only meaningful at an origin level. It's not
// possible to, say, block an extension from running on while
// still allowing it to run on
// Note: Policy extensions and component extensions can bypass these
// settings.
struct UserPermissionsSettings {
UserPermissionsSettings(const UserPermissionsSettings& other) = delete;
UserPermissionsSettings& operator=(UserPermissionsSettings& other) = delete;
// Sites the user has blocked all extensions from running on.
std::set<url::Origin> restricted_sites;
// Sites the user has allowed all extensions to run on.
std::set<url::Origin> permitted_sites;
// The extension's requested site access for an extension.
struct ExtensionSiteAccess {
// The extension has access to the current domain.
bool has_site_access = false;
// The extension requested access to the current domain, but it was
// withheld.
bool withheld_site_access = false;
// The extension has access to all sites (or a pattern sufficiently broad
// as to be functionally similar, such as https://*.com/*). Note that since
// this includes "broad" patterns, this may be true even if
// `has_site_access` is false.
bool has_all_sites_access = false;
// The extension wants access to all sites (or a pattern sufficiently broad
// as to be functionally similar, such as https://*.com/*). Note that since
// this includes "broad" patterns, this may be true even if
// `withheld_site_access` is false.
bool withheld_all_sites_access = false;
// The user's selected site access for an extension. Users will not be able to
// change this for enterprise installed extensions.
enum class UserSiteAccess {
// The user's selected site setting for a given site.
enum class UserSiteSetting {
// All extensions that request access are granted access in the site.
// All extensions that request access have withheld access in the site.
// Each extension that requests access can have its site access customized
// in the site.
enum class UpdateReason {
// Permissions were added to the extension.
// Permissions were removed from the extension.
// Policy that affects permissions was updated.
class Observer {
// Called when `user_permissions_` have been updated for an extension.
virtual void OnUserPermissionsSettingsChanged(
const UserPermissionsSettings& settings) {}
// Called when permissions have been updated for an extension.
virtual void OnExtensionPermissionsUpdated(const Extension& extension,
const PermissionSet& permissions,
UpdateReason reason) {}
// Called when an extension's ability to show site access requests in the
// toolbar has been updated.
virtual void OnShowAccessRequestsInToolbarChanged(
const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id,
bool can_show_requests) {}
// Called when `extension_id` has dismissed site access requests in
// `origin`.
virtual void OnExtensionDismissedRequests(const ExtensionId& extension_id,
const url::Origin& origin) {}
explicit PermissionsManager(content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
~PermissionsManager() override;
PermissionsManager(const PermissionsManager&) = delete;
const PermissionsManager& operator=(const PermissionsManager&) = delete;
// Retrieves the PermissionsManager for a given `browser_context`.
static PermissionsManager* Get(content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
// Retrieves the factory instance for the PermissionsManager.
static BrowserContextKeyedServiceFactory* GetFactory();
// Registers the user preference that stores user permissions.
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
// Updates the user site settings for the given `origin` to be
// `site_settings`.
void UpdateUserSiteSetting(const url::Origin& origin,
UserSiteSetting site_setting);
// Adds `origin` to the list of sites the user has blocked all
// extensions from running on. If `origin` is in permitted_sites, it will
// remove it from such list.
void AddUserRestrictedSite(const url::Origin& origin);
// Removes `origin` from the list of sites the user has blocked all
// extensions from running on and notifies observers.
void RemoveUserRestrictedSite(const url::Origin& origin);
// Adds `origin` to the list of sites the user has allowed all
// extensions to run on. If `origin` is in restricted_sites, it will remove it
// from such list.
void AddUserPermittedSite(const url::Origin& origin);
// Removes `origin` from the list of sites the user has allowed all
// extensions to run on and notifies observers.
void RemoveUserPermittedSite(const url::Origin& origin);
// Returns the user's permission settings.
const UserPermissionsSettings& GetUserPermissionsSettings() const;
// Returns the user's site setting for `origin`.
UserSiteSetting GetUserSiteSetting(const url::Origin& origin) const;
// Returns the user's selected site access for `extension` in `gurl`.
// This can only be called if the url is not restricted, and if the user can
// configure site access for the extension (which excludes things like policy
// extensions) or if the extension has active tab permission.
UserSiteAccess GetUserSiteAccess(const Extension& extension,
const GURL& gurl) const;
// Returns the current access level for the extension on the specified `url`.
ExtensionSiteAccess GetSiteAccess(const Extension& extension,
const GURL& url) const;
// Returns whether the extension requests host permissions or activeTab.
bool ExtensionRequestsHostPermissionsOrActiveTab(
const Extension& extension) const;
// Returns true if the associated extension can be affected by
// runtime host permissions.
bool CanAffectExtension(const Extension& extension) const;
// Returns whether the user can select the `site_access` option for
// `extension` in `url`.
bool CanUserSelectSiteAccess(const Extension& extension,
const GURL& gurl,
UserSiteAccess site_access) const;
// Returns true if the extension has been explicitly granted permission to run
// on the origin of `url`. This will return true if any permission includes
// access to the origin of |url|, even if the permission includes others
// (such as *://*.com/*) or is restricted to a path (that is, an extension
// with permission for will return true for
// Note: This checks any runtime-granted permissions,
// which includes both granted optional permissions and permissions granted
// through the runtime host permissions feature.
// This may only be called for extensions that can be affected (i.e., for
// which CanAffectExtension() returns true). Anything else will DCHECK.
bool HasGrantedHostPermission(const Extension& extension,
const GURL& url) const;
// Returns true if the `extension` has runtime granted permission patterns
// that are sufficiently broad enough to be functionally similar to all sites
// access.
bool HasBroadGrantedHostPermissions(const Extension& extension);
// Returns whether Chrome has withheld host permissions from the extension.
// This may only be called for extensions that can be affected (i.e., for
// which CanAffectExtension() returns true). Anything else will DCHECK.
bool HasWithheldHostPermissions(const Extension& extension) const;
// Returns true if this extension uses the activeTab permission and would
// probably be able to to access the given `url`. The actual checks when an
// activeTab extension tries to run are a little more complicated and can be
// seen in ExtensionActionRunner and ActiveTabPermissionGranter.
// Note: The rare cases where this gets it wrong should only be for false
// positives, where it reports that the extension wants access but it can't
// actually be given access when it tries to run.
bool HasActiveTabAndCanAccess(const Extension& extension,
const GURL& url) const;
// Returns the effective list of runtime-granted permissions for a given
// `extension` from its prefs. ExtensionPrefs doesn't store the valid schemes
// for URLPatterns, which results in the chrome:-scheme being included for
// <all_urls> when retrieving it directly from the prefs; this then causes
// CHECKs to fail when validating that permissions being revoked are present
// (see
// Returns null if there are no stored runtime-granted permissions.
// TODO( ExtensionPrefs should return
// properly-bounded permissions.
std::unique_ptr<PermissionSet> GetRuntimePermissionsFromPrefs(
const Extension& extension) const;
// Returns the set of permissions that the `extension` wants to have active at
// this time. This does *not* take into account user-granted or runtime-
// withheld permissions.
std::unique_ptr<PermissionSet> GetBoundedExtensionDesiredPermissions(
const Extension& extension) const;
// Returns the set of permissions that should be granted to the given
// `extension` according to the runtime-granted permissions and current
// preferences, omitting host permissions if the extension supports it and
// the user has withheld permissions.
std::unique_ptr<PermissionSet> GetEffectivePermissionsToGrant(
const Extension& extension,
const PermissionSet& desired_permissions) const;
// Returns the subset of active permissions which can be withheld for a given
// `extension`.
std::unique_ptr<const PermissionSet> GetRevokablePermissions(
const Extension& extension) const;
// Returns the current set of granted permissions for the extension. Note that
// permissions that are specified but withheld will not be returned.
std::unique_ptr<const PermissionSet> GetExtensionGrantedPermissions(
const Extension& extension) const;
// Adds `extension_id` to the `extensions_with_previous_broad_access` set.
void AddExtensionToPreviousBroadSiteAccessSet(
const ExtensionId& extension_id);
// Removes `extension_id` from the `extensions_with_previous_broad_access`
// set, if existent.
void RemoveExtensionFromPreviousBroadSiteAccessSet(
const ExtensionId& extension_id);
// Returns whether `extension_id` is in the
// `extensions_with_previous_broad_access` set.
bool HasPreviousBroadSiteAccess(const ExtensionId& extension_id);
// Notifies `observers_` that the permissions have been updated for an
// extension.
void NotifyExtensionPermissionsUpdated(const Extension& extension,
const PermissionSet& permissions,
UpdateReason reason);
// Notifies `observers_`that show access requests in toolbar pref changed.
void NotifyShowAccessRequestsInToolbarChanged(
const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id,
bool can_show_requests);
// Notifies `observers_` that `extension_id` dismissed site access requests on
// `origin.
void NotifyExtensionDismissedRequests(
const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id,
const url::Origin& origin);
// Adds or removes observers.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Called whenever `user_permissions_` have changed.
void OnUserPermissionsSettingsChanged();
// Removes `origin` from the list of sites the user has allowed all
// extensions to run on and saves the change to `extension_prefs_`. Returns if
// the site has been removed.
bool RemovePermittedSiteAndUpdatePrefs(const url::Origin& origin);
// Removes `origin` from the list of sites the user has blocked all
// extensions from running on and saves the change to `extension_prefs_`.
// Returns if the site has been removed.
bool RemoveRestrictedSiteAndUpdatePrefs(const url::Origin& origin);
// Updates the given `extension` with the new `user_permitted_set` of sites
// all extensions are allowed to run on. Note that this only updates the
// permissions in the browser; updates must then be sent separately to the
// renderer and network service.
void UpdatePermissionsWithUserSettings(
const Extension& extension,
const PermissionSet& user_permitted_set);
// Notifies `observers_` that user permissions have changed.
void NotifyUserPermissionSettingsChanged();
base::ObserverList<Observer>::Unchecked observers_;
// The associated browser context.
const raw_ptr<content::BrowserContext> browser_context_;
const raw_ptr<ExtensionPrefs> extension_prefs_;
UserPermissionsSettings user_permissions_;
// Stores extensions whose site access was updated using the extensions
// menu and previously had broad site access. This is done to preserve the
// previous site access state when toggling on the extension's site access
// using ExtensionsMenuViewController.
// The set only reflects site access changes made in the extensions menu. An
// extension's site access could be changed elsewhere (e.g
// chrome://extensions) but wouldn't be added/removed to/from this set. This
// is ok, since the main goal is to represent the last explicit state in
// the extensions menu.
std::set<ExtensionId> extensions_with_previous_broad_access_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PermissionsManager> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace extensions