blob: 5c5a5511a015d8bcf82fad71bec7e10ad864e56f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/unguessable_token.h"
namespace content {
class AppCacheNavigationHandleCore;
class ChromeAppCacheService;
// This class is used to manage the lifetime of AppCacheHosts created during
// navigation. This is a UI thread class, with a pendant class on the IO
// thread, the AppCacheNavigationHandleCore.
// The lifetime of the AppCacheNavigationHandle, the
// AppCacheNavigationHandleCore and the AppCacheHost are the following :
// 1) We create a AppCacheNavigationHandle on the UI thread with a
// app cache host id of -1. This also leads to the creation of a
// AppCacheNavigationHandleCore with an id of -1. Every time
// an AppCacheNavigationHandle instance is created the global host id is
// decremented by 1.
// 2) When the navigation request is sent to the IO thread, we include a
// pointer to the AppCacheNavigationHandleCore.
// 3) The AppCacheHost instance is created and its ownership is passed to the
// AppCacheNavigationHandleCore instance.
// 4) When the navigation is ready to commit, the NavigationRequest will
// update the CommitNavigationParams based on the id from the
// AppCacheNavigationHandle.
// 5) The commit leads to AppCache registrations happening from the renderer.
// This is via the AppCacheBackend.RegisterHost mojo call. The
// AppCacheBackendImpl class which handles these calls will be informed
// about these hosts when the navigation commits. It will ignore the
// host registrations as they have already been registered. The
// ownership of the AppCacheHost is passed from the
// AppCacheNavigationHandle core to the AppCacheBackendImpl.
// 6) Meanwhile, RenderFrameHostImpl takes ownership of
// AppCacheNavigationHandle once navigation commits, so that precreated
// AppCacheHost is not destroyed before IPC above reaches AppCacheBackend.
// 7) When the next navigation commits, previous AppCacheNavigationHandle is
// destroyed. The destructor of the AppCacheNavigationHandle posts a
// task to destroy the AppCacheNavigationHandleCore on the IO thread.
class AppCacheNavigationHandle {
AppCacheNavigationHandle(ChromeAppCacheService* appcache_service,
int process_id);
const base::UnguessableToken& appcache_host_id() const {
return appcache_host_id_;
AppCacheNavigationHandleCore* core() const { return core_.get(); }
// Called by NavigationHandleImpl::ReadyToCommitNavigation, because this is
// the earliest time when the process id is known. NavigationHandleImpl needs
// to construct AppCacheNavigationHandle at the start of a navigation (when
// the final process might not be known yet) and therefore temporarily
// constructs AppCacheNavigationHandle with an invalid process id.
// SetProcessId may only be called once, and only if kInvalidUniqueID was
// passed to the AppCacheNavigationHandle's constructor.
void SetProcessId(int process_id);
const base::UnguessableToken appcache_host_id_;
std::unique_ptr<AppCacheNavigationHandleCore> core_;
} // namespace content