blob: 3277a094ca428299cbadc0a106e8c1ac472a073b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/core_account_id.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/oauth2_access_token_consumer.h"
// TODO( Remove this once OAuth2AccessTokenManager's
// separated from OAuth2TokenService.
#include "google_apis/gaia/oauth2_token_service.h"
class OAuth2AccessTokenFetcher;
class OAuth2TokenServiceDelegate;
// Class that manages requests for OAuth2 access tokens.
class OAuth2AccessTokenManager {
// The parameters used to fetch an OAuth2 access token.
struct RequestParameters {
RequestParameters(const std::string& client_id,
const CoreAccountId& account_id,
const OAuth2TokenService::ScopeSet& scopes);
RequestParameters(const RequestParameters& other);
bool operator<(const RequestParameters& params) const;
// OAuth2 client id.
std::string client_id;
// Account id for which the request is made.
CoreAccountId account_id;
// URL scopes for the requested access token.
OAuth2TokenService::ScopeSet scopes;
typedef std::map<RequestParameters, OAuth2AccessTokenConsumer::TokenResponse>
// TODO( Remove |token_service| parameter once
// OAuth2AccessTokenManager fully manages access tokens independently of
// OAuth2TokenService and replace |delegate| with
// OAuth2AccessTokenManagerDelegate.
explicit OAuth2AccessTokenManager(OAuth2TokenService* token_service,
OAuth2TokenServiceDelegate* delegate);
virtual ~OAuth2AccessTokenManager();
OAuth2TokenServiceDelegate* GetDelegate();
const OAuth2TokenServiceDelegate* GetDelegate() const;
// Add or remove observers of this token manager.
void AddDiagnosticsObserver(AccessTokenDiagnosticsObserver* observer);
void RemoveDiagnosticsObserver(AccessTokenDiagnosticsObserver* observer);
// Checks in the cache for a valid access token for a specified |account_id|
// and |scopes|, and if not found starts a request for an OAuth2 access token
// using the OAuth2 refresh token maintained by this instance for that
// |account_id|. The caller owns the returned Request.
// |scopes| is the set of scopes to get an access token for, |consumer| is
// the object that will be called back with results if the returned request
// is not deleted.
std::unique_ptr<OAuth2TokenService::Request> StartRequest(
const CoreAccountId& account_id,
const OAuth2TokenService::ScopeSet& scopes,
OAuth2TokenService::Consumer* consumer);
// This method does the same as |StartRequest| except it uses |client_id| and
// |client_secret| to identify OAuth client app instead of using
// Chrome's default values.
std::unique_ptr<OAuth2TokenService::Request> StartRequestForClient(
const CoreAccountId& account_id,
const std::string& client_id,
const std::string& client_secret,
const OAuth2TokenService::ScopeSet& scopes,
OAuth2TokenService::Consumer* consumer);
// This method does the same as |StartRequest| except it uses the
// URLLoaderfactory given by |url_loader_factory| instead of using the one
// returned by |GetURLLoaderFactory| implemented by the delegate.
std::unique_ptr<OAuth2TokenService::Request> StartRequestWithContext(
const CoreAccountId& account_id,
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory,
const OAuth2TokenService::ScopeSet& scopes,
OAuth2TokenService::Consumer* consumer);
// Fetches an OAuth token for the specified client/scopes.
void FetchOAuth2Token(
OAuth2TokenService::RequestImpl* request,
const CoreAccountId& account_id,
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory,
const std::string& client_id,
const std::string& client_secret,
const OAuth2TokenService::ScopeSet& scopes);
// Add a new entry to the cache.
void RegisterTokenResponse(
const std::string& client_id,
const CoreAccountId& account_id,
const OAuth2TokenService::ScopeSet& scopes,
const OAuth2AccessTokenConsumer::TokenResponse& token_response);
// Returns a currently valid OAuth2 access token for the given set of scopes,
// or NULL if none have been cached. Note the user of this method should
// ensure no entry with the same |client_scopes| is added before the usage of
// the returned entry is done.
const OAuth2AccessTokenConsumer::TokenResponse* GetCachedTokenResponse(
const RequestParameters& client_scopes);
// Clears the internal token cache.
void ClearCache();
// Clears all of the tokens belonging to |account_id| from the internal token
// cache. It does not matter what other parameters, like |client_id| were
// used to request the tokens.
void ClearCacheForAccount(const CoreAccountId& account_id);
// Cancels all requests that are currently in progress.
void CancelAllRequests();
// Cancels all requests related to a given |account_id|.
void CancelRequestsForAccount(const CoreAccountId& account_id);
// Mark an OAuth2 |access_token| issued for |account_id| and |scopes| as
// invalid. This should be done if the token was received from this class,
// but was not accepted by the server (e.g., the server returned
// 401 Unauthorized). The token will be removed from the cache for the given
// scopes.
void InvalidateAccessToken(const CoreAccountId& account_id,
const OAuth2TokenService::ScopeSet& scopes,
const std::string& access_token);
// Invalidates the |access_token| issued for |account_id|, |client_id| and
// |scopes|.
void InvalidateAccessTokenImpl(const CoreAccountId& account_id,
const std::string& client_id,
const OAuth2TokenService::ScopeSet& scopes,
const std::string& access_token);
void set_max_authorization_token_fetch_retries_for_testing(int max_retries);
// Returns the current number of pending fetchers matching given params.
size_t GetNumPendingRequestsForTesting(
const std::string& client_id,
const CoreAccountId& account_id,
const OAuth2TokenService::ScopeSet& scopes) const;
// TODO( Remove this once |token_cache_| management
// is moved to OAuth2AccessTokenManager.
friend class OAuth2TokenService;
class Fetcher;
friend class Fetcher;
TokenCache& token_cache() { return token_cache_; }
// Create an access token fetcher for the given account id.
std::unique_ptr<OAuth2AccessTokenFetcher> CreateAccessTokenFetcher(
const CoreAccountId& account_id,
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory,
OAuth2AccessTokenConsumer* consumer);
// This method does the same as |StartRequestWithContext| except it
// uses |client_id| and |client_secret| to identify OAuth
// client app instead of using Chrome's default values.
std::unique_ptr<OAuth2TokenService::Request> StartRequestForClientWithContext(
const CoreAccountId& account_id,
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory,
const std::string& client_id,
const std::string& client_secret,
const OAuth2TokenService::ScopeSet& scopes,
OAuth2TokenService::Consumer* consumer);
// Posts a task to fire the Consumer callback with the cached token response.
void InformConsumerWithCachedTokenResponse(
const OAuth2AccessTokenConsumer::TokenResponse* token_response,
OAuth2TokenService::RequestImpl* request,
const RequestParameters& client_scopes);
// Removes an access token for the given set of scopes from the cache.
// Returns true if the entry was removed, otherwise false.
bool RemoveCachedTokenResponse(const RequestParameters& client_scopes,
const std::string& token_to_remove);
// Called when |fetcher| finishes fetching.
void OnFetchComplete(Fetcher* fetcher);
// Called when a number of fetchers need to be canceled.
void CancelFetchers(std::vector<Fetcher*> fetchers_to_cancel);
// The cache of currently valid tokens.
TokenCache token_cache_;
// List of observers to notify when access token status changes.
base::ObserverList<AccessTokenDiagnosticsObserver, true>::Unchecked
// TODO( Remove this once OAuth2AccessTokenManager
// fully manages access tokens independently of OAuth2TokenService.
OAuth2TokenService* token_service_;
// TODO( Replace it with
// OAuth2AccessTokenManagerDelegate.
OAuth2TokenServiceDelegate* delegate_;
// A map from fetch parameters to a fetcher that is fetching an OAuth2 access
// token using these parameters.
std::map<RequestParameters, std::unique_ptr<Fetcher>> pending_fetchers_;
// Maximum number of retries in fetching an OAuth2 access token.
static int max_fetch_retry_num_;